
Biblical Centered Teaching from a local pastor

Reddicks Grove Baptist David Pierce

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

Biblical Centered Teaching from a local pastor

    God is Calling You

    God is Calling You

    Will God call me to something I hate, to someplace I hate, to a group of people I can't stand, or to a job that brings me no joy? Do you know the purpose for which God saved you? Do you know where you fit in God's strategy for your church? Questions that Christians don't ask because they don't think there is a knowable answer.

    • 32分
    How Certain Are You Really? 1 John 5:13-15

    How Certain Are You Really? 1 John 5:13-15

    Ben Franklin is credited with saying, "The only two things certain in life, death and taxes." Was he right? When you ask people if they are saved and going to heaven, some are honest enough to say, "I hope so." Christianity is not a hope so religion. It is not an end-of-life wager, a crutch for the weak-minded, or a non-intellectual explanation for the unknowable.

    • 30分
    Rising from the Pit of Betrayal / Genesis 37

    Rising from the Pit of Betrayal / Genesis 37

    Unless you have lived a very charmed and protected existence, you have experienced betrayal. Inflicted by somebody you were supposed to be able to trust. Oh, the deep hurt that emerges from these incidents. Particularly when that person is a family member or a church member who stabs you in the back. Hopefully, when this occurred, you found depth in your faith and obedience in your heart. These experiences make or break you.
    From the Bible, we learn that Joseph was from a dysfunctional family. Yes, this family had Jacob as its father, and it was a home full of contempt and jealousy.

    • 28分
    True Love Serves & Forgives / John 13:1-17

    True Love Serves & Forgives / John 13:1-17

    It is considerate to serve those who serve you. It is admirable to forgive someone for an unintentional offense. But it takes authentic love to serve those who don't serve but look to be served. It takes Christ-like love to forgive those you know will betray and abandon you when you need them most. Join us Sunday morning when Jesus' ministry to His disciples gets personal...

    • 32分
    Why Is Preaching Necessary? / Romans 1

    Why Is Preaching Necessary? / Romans 1

    How comfortable are you with the language that God is wrathful about the matter of sin? Modern preaching errs when it presents only a God of miracles, blessings, and deliverance. Most Sunday morning sermons do not qualify as warnings. The fear of God takes a lot of explanation for the modern congregation. Pastors wanting to remain popular and relevant, edit the need for repentance right out of their content. This Sunday morning, the full dynamic of the revelation of God's wrath that must be satisified. Hallejuah, there is opportunity to be covered by grace but that requires repentance.

    • 35分
    Reasonable Expectations/ Romans 12:1-2

    Reasonable Expectations/ Romans 12:1-2

    Barna Research a few years ago reported from their research that 1 in 3 church attenders state that they have never experienced the presence of God in a worship service. Get this, of those saying they had experienced an encounter with God, one-half of those say it is rare... once in the last year. If ever revival in the church was needed, now is the time.

    • 33分


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