
Sustainable Coaching Podcast is for new and aspiring coaches ready to start their coaching business. Are you stuck in stagnation and your coaching business is still a thought? Do you feel like everyone values your advice, and you find yourself the go-to person for others’ problems to solve? Have you ever wondered if you could attract clients while working your 9-5 without being overwhelmed?

What if I told you, you could start a successful coaching business without paid advertisement and posting 3-5 times a day on social media?


Hey, I’m Marilyn West. A wife, a girl-mom, and an Army Veteran. I believe in impact before income! The more significant impact you make, the more income you will too. This podcast will teach you how to start your coaching business with sustainable strategies.

I aim to help aspiring and new coaches step into their passion and start their online coaching business, knowing your experiences and skills are enough. I help coaches create their signature offers and show them how to use their unique experiences to create a successful coaching business. I provide guidance and resources to build a profitable coaching business without sacrificing family time. In Sustainable Coaching Society, you will gain insight into the strategies needed to create a successful online coaching business and access to a community of like-minded individuals. So if you’re ready to pursue your passion and transform lives, I look forward to helping you turn your dreams into reality.

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Say Hello -> https://www.instagram.com/sustainablecoachingco/
Connect -> https://sustainablecoaching.com
Join the Society ->https://sustainablecoaching.com/coaching-program

Sustainable Coaching Podcast | How To Start A Coaching Business Marilyn West | Christian Business Coach, Coaches Coach, Christian Coach, Business Coach, Christian Entrepreneur

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Sustainable Coaching Podcast is for new and aspiring coaches ready to start their coaching business. Are you stuck in stagnation and your coaching business is still a thought? Do you feel like everyone values your advice, and you find yourself the go-to person for others’ problems to solve? Have you ever wondered if you could attract clients while working your 9-5 without being overwhelmed?

What if I told you, you could start a successful coaching business without paid advertisement and posting 3-5 times a day on social media?


Hey, I’m Marilyn West. A wife, a girl-mom, and an Army Veteran. I believe in impact before income! The more significant impact you make, the more income you will too. This podcast will teach you how to start your coaching business with sustainable strategies.

I aim to help aspiring and new coaches step into their passion and start their online coaching business, knowing your experiences and skills are enough. I help coaches create their signature offers and show them how to use their unique experiences to create a successful coaching business. I provide guidance and resources to build a profitable coaching business without sacrificing family time. In Sustainable Coaching Society, you will gain insight into the strategies needed to create a successful online coaching business and access to a community of like-minded individuals. So if you’re ready to pursue your passion and transform lives, I look forward to helping you turn your dreams into reality.

Enjoyed the podcast? Show the love by leaving a review.

Let’s Connect

Say Hello -> https://www.instagram.com/sustainablecoachingco/
Connect -> https://sustainablecoaching.com
Join the Society ->https://sustainablecoaching.com/coaching-program

    From Confusion to Clarity: A Six-Figure Lead Generation Strategy

    From Confusion to Clarity: A Six-Figure Lead Generation Strategy

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, Marilyn delves into the crucial elements of a six-figure lead generation strategy for coaches, emphasizing clarity, confidence, and consistency as key pillars for success. She highlights the importance of understanding one's niche, target audience, and unique value proposition, alongside the significance of building confidence through skill mastery and consistent action. 
    Marilyn also explores the role of SEO in maintaining visibility and relevance in the marketplace, offering practical insights for optimizing content and building credible links. 
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    How can clarity and confidence impact the quality of leads in a coaching business?
    What are actionable steps for integrating targeted keywords naturally into content?
    Why is consistency essential for sustaining momentum and achieving long-term success in lead generation?
    Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn

    • 8分
    Confidence: Mastering Your Mindset for Success

    Confidence: Mastering Your Mindset for Success

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, Marilyn delves into the pivotal role of confidence in the journey of building a successful coaching business. Explore how mastering your mindset can be the game-changer you've been seeking. Listeners take a look into the heart of building a thriving coaching business.
    Marilyn passionately explores the often-overlooked yet essential ingredient of confidence in entrepreneurial success, emphasizing its profound impact on personal and professional growth. Throughout the episode, Marilyn eloquently articulates the significance of mastering one's mindset, highlighting how self-belief and resilience are the cornerstones of a successful coaching business.
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    How does confidence impact your ability to attract clients and drive business growth?
    What are the common manifestations of self-doubt and how can you overcome them?
    Why is it essential to cultivate strong communication skills and expand your comfort zone as a coach?
    Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn 

    • 8分
    Podcasting for Profit: Strategies for Business Growth

    Podcasting for Profit: Strategies for Business Growth

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, Marilyn discusses the importance of leveraging podcasts for business growth, specifically tailored to coaches, consultants, and therapists. She emphasizes how podcasts can help manage time effectively, position expertise, and reach a global audience. 
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    How can marketing efforts be balanced with daily responsibilities, especially for those with limited time?
    The advantages of podcasting over solely relying on social media algorithms to maintain visibility and client acquisition.
    The significance of positioning oneself as an expert through podcasting, implementing sustainable marketing strategies, and investing in quality content production.
    Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn 

    • 11分
    SEO Secrets for Coaches: The Power to Attract Aligned Leads

    SEO Secrets for Coaches: The Power to Attract Aligned Leads

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, we dive into the critical role of SEO in starting and scaling your coaching business. Discover why SEO strategies are essential for attracting aligned leads and maximizing visibility on platforms like Google, YouTube, and social media. 
    Join us as we uncover the secrets behind SEO success and learn practical tips for positioning your expertise effectively. Plus, find out how to set realistic expectations and see results in as little as 30 days. 
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    How can SEO help you attract the right clients for your coaching business?
    What are the key strategies for optimizing your presence on Google, YouTube, and social media?
    Why is understanding the timeline and expectations crucial when implementing SEO for your coaching business?
    Join Open House | Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn 

    • 8分
    Mastering Your Messaging: Building a Profitable Coaching Business Around Your Offer

    Mastering Your Messaging: Building a Profitable Coaching Business Around Your Offer

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, Marilyn delves into the critical topic of building a profitable coaching business centered around your unique offer, emphasizing the importance of mastering messaging and marketing alignment. 
    Listeners will learn valuable insights on understanding their offer, creating a demand, and building a comprehensive strategy to attract their ideal clients. 
    Through engaging discussions and practical advice, Marilyn shares strategies to elevate your coaching business's success.
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    What steps can you take to understand and define your unique coaching offer?
    How can you effectively create urgency and demand for your coaching services?
    What strategies should you implement to build a comprehensive marketing strategy around your offer and attract your ideal clients?
    Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn 

    • 11分
    Lead Generation: Strategies for Six-Figure Growth

    Lead Generation: Strategies for Six-Figure Growth

    In this episode of the Sustainable Coaching Podcast, host Marilyn West dives deep into effective lead-generation strategies for new coaches aiming to achieve a six-figure income without overthinking or overspending. Marilyn demystifies common myths surrounding successful coaching businesses and offers tangible advice on gaining clarity in your niche, understanding your target audience, and defining your unique value proposition. 
    She emphasizes the importance of mastering a specific skill set for lead generation, such as SEO, and shares insights on the significance of having meaningful conversations with potential clients. Additionally, Marilyn highlights the value of quality over quantity in building a coaching business and introduces her SEO-focused cohort for coaches looking to scale their businesses sustainably.
    In this episode, you'll learn:
    What is the key factor to consider when developing a lead generation strategy as a coach?
    How can gaining clarity on your niche, target audience, and unique value proposition impact your coaching business success?
    Why do coaches need to focus on quality rather than quantity when attracting clients? 
    Join Coaching with Confidence | Instagram | LinkedIn 

    • 12分


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