
James Altucher interviews the world’s leading peak performers in every area of life. But instead of giving you the typical success story, James digs deeper to find the “Choose Yourself” story—these are the moments we relate to… when someone rises up from personal struggle to reinvent themselves. The James Altucher Show brings you into the lives of peak-performers: billionaires, best-selling authors, rappers, astronauts, athletes, comedians, actors, and the world champions in every field, all who forged their own paths, found financial freedom and harnessed the power to create more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The James Altucher Show James Altucher, Jay Yow

    • ビジネス
    • 4.6 • 17件の評価

James Altucher interviews the world’s leading peak performers in every area of life. But instead of giving you the typical success story, James digs deeper to find the “Choose Yourself” story—these are the moments we relate to… when someone rises up from personal struggle to reinvent themselves. The James Altucher Show brings you into the lives of peak-performers: billionaires, best-selling authors, rappers, astronauts, athletes, comedians, actors, and the world champions in every field, all who forged their own paths, found financial freedom and harnessed the power to create more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

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    Tim Ferriss: 10 Years Later...

    Tim Ferriss has a life-changing surprise for you, and it will change our lives. Yes, both of us.
    It was expensive. I mean, it was expensive for him. It cost him a couple hundred thousand dollars to get. It also wasn't easy. He fought for a year and a half to get it.

    • 1 時間2分
    Scott Galloway's Ultimate Guide to Financial Well-Being: The Algebra of Wealth

    Scott Galloway's Ultimate Guide to Financial Well-Being: The Algebra of Wealth

    "The Algebra of Wealth" is a very good book by Scott Galloway and I had a very good conversation with him about how to create wealth, along with all the mistakes he's ever made. He's started nine companies: two were super successful, and several were pretty successful. He's talked about entrepreneurship so much. He's a really smart guy and these lessons are about building wealth. I wish I had known them when I was younger. I wish my kids would know them and I want your kids to know them. So pay attention to this conversation I'm about to have with Scott Galloway, Professor G.

    • 1 時間7分
    The Secret to Longevity: David Sinclair's Revolutionary Anti-Aging Insights

    The Secret to Longevity: David Sinclair's Revolutionary Anti-Aging Insights

    James explores personal and scientific perspectives on reversing brain aging, discussing cultural insights and detailed research from Arthur Brooks and David Sinclair, including Sinclair's advancements in anti-aging treatments, epigenetics, and the potential of Yamanaka factors.

    • 56分
    James and Tim Solve the Student Loan Debt Crisis and Make a Billion Dollars

    James and Tim Solve the Student Loan Debt Crisis and Make a Billion Dollars

    In this episode, Tim Collins and I explore a groundbreaking business idea that could tackle global issues like student loan debt and inflation, and we invite your participation to discuss this potentially world-altering concept.

    • 30分
    How to Use AI to Make a Graphic Novel and a Porn Business

    How to Use AI to Make a Graphic Novel and a Porn Business

    In this episode, Tim Collins and I dive into how AI is revolutionizing the porn industry and discuss our journey into creating a horror graphic novel using AI, unveiling an ultimate business model along the way.

    • 10分
    The Next Billion-Dollar Bitcoin Idea: Inscriptions and Ordinals

    The Next Billion-Dollar Bitcoin Idea: Inscriptions and Ordinals

    Today's episode features part one of a 3-part detailed discussion on the emerging trends of inscriptions and ordinals in the Bitcoin blockchain, positioning them as exciting new forms of collectibles with real historical significance and potential for value appreciation.

    • 58分






I consider James Altucher to be the best interviewer around.
He clarifies and asks questions others would be too embarrassed to ask.
James is super funny, super curious and super intelligent.
And maybe crazy.
He has a wide range of guests so there will be something for everyone.
Again, he’s the most insightful interviewer.


Some gems here

It took me a few episodes to get into James Altucher's style but now I'm addicted. Occasionally there are few interviews that don't interest me so much.. cough.. rap stars. But the majority of the interviews are great especially when the interviewee is familiar with James' works.

I hope the Altucher family can make it to Tokyo one day, I'd be happy to show them around.


Good information

James looks for the logic behind things and shares this info via his interviews. Monologues also great!
Possible future interviews are Sadghuru, Charlie Monger, solar power engineers, and naturalists or monks (not into e-games / virtual living)
Update: love the latest topic and guest re: Life w/out email and James’s experiment about doing without email and SNS. Keep these coming!

PS - I’m a tough grader, I only listen to two podcasts so that should say he’s naturally a five, but I think you can tighten up a bit on production values and themes. Nonetheless, Good
show, mate.


TABI SHIRO ~足を運んで、見て、聴いて〜
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元証券マン 投資アドバイザー しんさん
経営中毒 〜だれにも言えない社長の孤独〜
Egg FORWARD × Chronicle
PitPa, Inc.


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