
On a bi-weekly basis, we explore Mindfulness Experience (ME) concepts and how they apply in our life. We look at mindful experiences and how they apply to neurology, physiology, biology, psychology, philosophy, psychedelics and mythology. Mindfulness impacts the body, mind, spirit, food, sleep, environment, and relationships to create a better and more balanced life (aspirations).


    • 健康/フィットネス

On a bi-weekly basis, we explore Mindfulness Experience (ME) concepts and how they apply in our life. We look at mindful experiences and how they apply to neurology, physiology, biology, psychology, philosophy, psychedelics and mythology. Mindfulness impacts the body, mind, spirit, food, sleep, environment, and relationships to create a better and more balanced life (aspirations).

    S04E112 - Dr. Alyza Brevard-Rodriguez - Joy - On The Other Side

    S04E112 - Dr. Alyza Brevard-Rodriguez - Joy - On The Other Side

    From Survival to Thriving: Dr. Alyza Beast Brevard Rodriguez’s Journey
    Main Theme: The episode explores the transformative journey of minority communities striving to move beyond survival to thriving and experiencing joy. It delves into their challenges and the importance of holistic wellness, education, and community support.
    Key Topics:

    Dr. Alyza Beast Brevard Rodriguez’s Journey:
    Transition from military service to entrepreneurship.
    Founding wellness facilities such as Sweat Wellness and The Other Side Dispensary.
    Focus on holistic healing through cannabis.

    Family, Entrepreneurship, and Spirituality:
    Balancing personal and professional life.
    Role of spirituality in grounding and guiding individuals.

    Cannabis Education and Normalization:
    Importance of educating the public about the endocannabinoid system.
    Advocating for the benefits of psychedelics over alcohol.

    Personal Growth and Leadership:
    Reflection on Dr. Rodriguez’s nickname “beast” and her path of personal development.
    Inspiring others to close the wealth gap for black and brown communities.

    Authenticity and Community Involvement:
    Creating spaces where people feel celebrated and supported.
    Importance of being authentic and engaged in community efforts.

    Connection to Jersey City and Cannabis Industry Education:
    Peter’s advocacy for education in the cannabis industry.
    Invitation to engage with wellness facilities and online resources.

    Gratitude and Empowerment:
    Appreciation for Dr. Rodriguez’s efforts in fostering empowerment and resilience.

    Mindfulness Meditation:
    Benefits of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction, mental health, physical health, and cognitive function.
    Simple techniques for daily mindfulness practice.

    Conclusion: The episode concludes with gratitude for Dr. Rodriguez’s contributions to wellness and community empowerment, emphasizing the importance of holistic healing, education, and creating supportive spaces for minority communities.
    SW3AT Wellness Center https://sw3at.com/
    The Other Side Dispensary: https://tosdispensary.com/

    • 28分
    S04E111 - Shari B. Kaplan - Eliminating Looped Thinking

    S04E111 - Shari B. Kaplan - Eliminating Looped Thinking

    In this enlightening episode of the Mindfulness Experience Podcast, we delve deep into the heart of mental health innovation with Shari B. Kaplan, an esteemed integrative mental health clinician and a vanguard in herbal medicine. Join us as Kaplan unveils her groundbreaking strategies for transcending traditional mental health treatment boundaries, advocating for a holistic healing journey that intertwines the mind, body, and soul.
    Main Themes Explored:

    The Mind-Body Nexus: Kaplan underscores the importance of acknowledging and nurturing the connection between our mental and physical selves. She brings to light how visualization techniques, therapeutic interventions, and natural remedies can collaboratively fend off persistent looped thinking patterns, paving the way for comprehensive healing.

    Personal Triumphs Over Trauma: Drawing from her rich tapestry of personal challenges, including her journey with trauma and her son’s central nervous system disorder, Kaplan shares invaluable insights into the transformative power of self-awareness, neuroanatomy, and the therapeutic echoes of music and meditation.

    The Whole Life Plan: Kaplan introduces listeners to her holistic blueprint for wellness, emphasizing a balanced amalgamation of mindfulness, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. This plan champions the pursuit of mental and physical well-being through a meticulously curated, individualized approach.

    Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Venturing into the avant-garde, Kaplan discusses the revolutionary impact of psychedelics like cannabis, ketamine, MDMA, and more in mental health treatment. She stresses the necessity of thorough support and meticulous preparation in harnessing the full potential of these therapies for healing and transformation.

    From Victim to Victor: Kaplan passionately speaks on the shift in mindset from being a victim of circumstances to becoming a victor of one’s own life. She delves into how trauma affects the brain and highlights non-verbal healing methods, particularly for addressing early-life traumas.

    The Power of Nature and Non-Traditional Healing: Kaplan and the host explore the detrimental effects of societal beliefs, cognitive distortions, and negative past experiences on our mental health. They discuss the rejuvenating power of exercise, meditation, and connecting with nature as vital components of personal growth.

    Collaborative Healing Efforts: Highlighting her work with Dr. Michelle Wiener, Kaplan reveals the significance of setting intentions in achieving remarkable therapeutic outcomes through ketamine-assisted therapy and herbal medicine.

    Innovative Research and Anecdotal Successes: The conversation takes a dive into ongoing research on low doses of psychedelics and non-intoxicating compounds for treating conditions like anxiety and seizures. Kaplan shares heartwarming anecdotes of individuals who have found solace and healing through these integrated health approaches.

    Empowerment in Healing: Kaplan concludes with a powerful message on empowering individuals in their healing journeys. She advocates for a holistic and inclusive approach to mental health that recognizes the value of complementary therapies in treating chronic conditions like pain and depression.

    Join us on this journey with Sherry B. Kaplan as we explore the frontiers of mental health treatment and the incredible potential of embracing a holistic path to healing.
    Whether you’re grappling with mental health issues, interested in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, or simply in search of a more integrated approach to well-being, this episode promises insights and inspiration for a transformative healing experience.

    • 59分
    S04E110 - Dimitri Moraitis - Journey to Spiritual Awakening

    S04E110 - Dimitri Moraitis - Journey to Spiritual Awakening

    Welcome to another insightful episode of the Mindfulness Experience podcast! Today, we delve into the world of metaphysics with Dimitri Moraitis, co-founder of the Spiritual Arts Institute. Join us as we explore the profound journey to spiritual awakening and the transformative experiences that lead us beyond the physical realm.
    Key Points Discussed:

    Dimitri’s Path: How Dimitri transitioned from a skeptic to a spiritual teacher despite his unfamiliarity with metaphysical concepts.

    Understanding Metaphysics: The essence of metaphysics and its goal to broaden our perception of existence, revealing the intricate ties between our spiritual and physical lives.

    Breathwork and Intention: These practices play crucial roles in connecting with the spiritual realm and how they can be integrated into our daily routines.

    Mental and Emotional Training: The importance of cultivating mindfulness, addressing deep-seated traumas, and the role of biblical and personal narratives in illustrating the healing power of spiritual work.

    Embracing Spiritual Growth: Insight into the Spiritual Arts Institute’s mission to nurture spiritual development and the resources available for facing spiritual challenges.

    Religion vs. Metaphysics: An exploration of their interplay, common ground, and the distinct elements that define each, promoting a religious life that honors personal faith while engaging with metaphysical principles.

    The Power of Color and Light: An intriguing look at how different colors and light vibrations affect us, and how the use of a purple ray in meditation can cultivate inner peace.

    Guidance for the Lost: Practical advice for individuals feeling lost or disconnected, emphasizing the need for a deeper spiritual connection.

    Noteworthy Quotes:
    “There’s more to life than what meets the eye; metaphysics helps us see beyond the veil.”
    “Spiritual awakening is not just about personal enlightenment; it’s about transforming how we live our lives.”
    Dimitri Moraitis’s narrative is a powerful testament to the transformative nature of spiritual awakening. His experiences and insights encourage us to seek a deeper understanding of our existence and embrace mindfulness to establish a profound connection with the world around us.
    Remember to subscribe for more episodes and visit the Spiritual Arts Institute for workshops and classes that support your spiritual journey at https://spiritualarts.org/. Whether you are well-versed in metaphysics or just starting out, there’s a place for you in spiritual exploration.
    Stay mindful and connected until next time on the Mindfulness Experience podcast.

    • 53分
    S04E109 - Dr. Randall Hansen - Journey to Wholeness

    S04E109 - Dr. Randall Hansen - Journey to Wholeness

    In this profound episode of the Mindfulness Experience Podcast, we delve into the transformative realm of psychedelic therapy with Dr. Randall Hansen. As a fervent advocate for true healing and ethical application in the psychedelic sphere, Dr. Hansen shares his path toward recovery and the profound impact of integrating talk therapy with psychedelic experiences.
    Welcome, Dr. Randall Hansen, a leading voice in the field of psychedelic therapy.
    Dr. Hansen’s background and personal journey towards healing.

    Main Themes:
    The distinction between symptom management and achieving holistic well-being.
    The role of psychedelics in addressing deep-rooted trauma and enhancing talk therapy.
    Ethical considerations and the importance of responsible practices in the burgeoning field of psychedelic therapy.

    Community and Connection:
    Dr. Hansen discusses the importance of supportive communities in the healing process.
    Strategies for finding like-minded individuals, such as volunteering, joining groups, or utilizing digital platforms, with a nod to LinkedIn as an example.
    The impact of technology in fostering connections and building support networks.

    Psychedelics as Medicine:
    The evolving perspective on psychedelics as legitimate therapeutic agents.
    The potential of these substances to revolutionize mental health treatment.

    Resources and Further Exploration:
    Invitation to explore Dr. Hansen’s work and insights at his website: 
    Triumph Over Trauma: 

    Closing Thoughts:
    Dr. Hansen leaves listeners with wisdom on the importance of mindfulness in everyday life.
    He encourages listeners to continue exploring and understanding their paths to well-being

    Connect with Us:
    As always, we invite our listeners to engage with us online.
    Share your thoughts and experiences on today’s topic using #MindfulnessExperiencePodcast.
    For more enlightening discussions, subscribe to our podcast and make sure to never miss an episode!

    • 52分
    S04E108 - Dr. Anna Yusim - A Fulfilled, Soulful Journey

    S04E108 - Dr. Anna Yusim - A Fulfilled, Soulful Journey

    Welcome to today’s episode, where we dive deep into the intersection of spirituality and mental health with the esteemed Dr. Anna Yusim. Dr. Yusim is pioneering a new frontier in holistic healing with her unique blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual insight. Here are the key takeaways from our enlightening conversation:

    A Psychiatrist’s Spiritual Awakening: Hear about Dr. Yusim’s transformative journey from a strictly neurobiological perspective to one that fully embraces the spiritual dimensions of healing.

    Holistic Healthcare Revolution: Discover how Dr. Yusim is contributing to the future of mental health by establishing a center at Yale Medical School that focuses on integrating spirituality into patient care.

    Yale’s Research on Spirituality: Learn about groundbreaking studies from Yale that showcase spirituality's profound impact on individual well-being and recovery.

    The Power of Wholeness: Dr. Yusim explains why it’s critical to consider a patient’s spiritual beliefs as part of their overall healthcare plan and how this approach can lead to more effective treatments.

    Embracing the Pain: Find out why facing vulnerability and suffering head-on can be a transformative experience and how it’s an essential step in the healing process.

    Beyond Traditional Addiction: We delve into the concept of drama addiction and other behavioral patterns that can have roots in one’s early life experiences and how spirituality can help address these issues.

    Psychedelics in Therapy: Dr. Yusim touches on the therapeutic use of psychedelics and their potential to unlock new paths to personal transformation.

    Reshaping Narratives: Discover the power of changing your personal story and how it can lead to profound shifts in your mental and spiritual health.

    Science Meets Spirituality: Learn how Dr. Yusim marries the rigors of science with the freedom of spirituality in her practice and why she believes the two are not mutually exclusive.

    The Importance of Empathy: A discussion on why compassion and empathy are essential qualities in healthcare providers and individuals seeking personal growth.

    The Path to Self-Inquiry: Dr. Yusim shares why it’s important for everyone to engage in deep self-reflection and how this can lead to greater self-awareness and healing.

    “Fulfilled” and Mindfulness Workshops: Get a glimpse into Dr. Yusim’s book and the mindfulness workshops she offers for those looking to explore spiritual health as a component of their overall wellness journey.

    We hope this episode inspires you to consider spirituality's role in your own life and wellness. Be sure to check out Dr. Yusim’s book, “Fulfilled,” for more insights into blending the science of the mind with the wisdom of the heart.
    Relevant Links:
    Dr. Anna Yusim’s Official Website: https://annayusim.com/
    Yale Medical School’s New Center for Spirituality and Mental Health: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/anna-yusim/
    “Fulfilled” by Dr. Anna Yusim: https://www.amazon.com/Fulfilled-Science-Spirituality-Happier-Meaningful/dp/1455596795
    Thank you for tuning in, and don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes exploring the human experience through the lens of science and spirituality.

    • 45分
    S04E107 - Phoenix White - Psychedelics, Spirit & Healing

    S04E107 - Phoenix White - Psychedelics, Spirit & Healing

    Welcome to another episode of The Mindfulness Experience Podcast. In this enlightening conversation, hosts Keith Fiveson and Phoenix White sit down with the inspiring CEO of the Sacred Celestial Institute, White. Here are the key points from today’s profound discussion on mental health, self-exploration, and transformative healing.

    White’s Personal Journey: White opens up about their transition from experiencing trauma to becoming a vocal mental health advocate and psychedelic-assisted therapist.

    Creating Safe Spaces: The importance of providing healing environments for individuals, especially those hailing from trauma-impacted communities, is emphasized. White discusses the need for validation and understanding without falling into people-pleasing patterns.

    Combining Spirituality and Science: White shares insights on how their practice blends medical and pharmaceutical knowledge with the wisdom of indigenous spiritual traditions, appealing to a diverse clientele, including those with specific religious beliefs.

    Psychedelic Therapy Demystified: The hosts and White discuss the intersection of spiritual and scientific realms in the practice of psychedelic therapy. White elaborates on the importance of grounding the mystical aspects of psychedelics in a way that honors their sacred origins.

    The Multisensory Experience: Unpacking the unique elements of psychedelic experiences, the conversation turns to the role of touch, music, and setting in facilitating profound healing during ceremonies.

    Breathwork and Emotional Guidance: White highlights the use of breath control and eye contact as tools to establish calmness and connection during energy transfer sessions, illustrating the nuanced techniques employed in their therapeutic work.

    “Redefining Strong”: White’s book is mentioned as a resource to provide readers with the tools for self-healing and emotional clarity, drawing on their own transformative experiences.

    Inclusivity in Therapy: The episode concludes with White recounting the deeply personal journey that led to the founding of the Sacred Celestial Institute. Their commitment to making psychedelic therapy inclusive and the impact of their work on hundreds of individuals is celebrated.

    Invitation to Listeners: Listeners are encouraged to explore White’s book and the therapeutic services offered by the Sacred Celestial Institute to embark on their paths of introspection and growth within a nurturing space.

    Resources Mentioned:
    White’s book, “Redefining Strong”
    Sacred Celestial Institute
    Connect with White:
    Join us next week for another episode of The Mindfulness Experience Podcast, where we continue diving deep into mental well-being and holistic healing. Don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave us a review!

    • 49分


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