
Transform your business to run without you - now! feat. Michele Hecken Nimdzi LIVE!

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Want to Transform Your Business to Run Without You and Scale Faster in 2024?
Are you tired of feeling like a prisoner in your business, drowning in tasks, and struggling to achieve the ever-elusive work-life balance?
Imagine a life where you can call the shots, focus on what truly matters, and watch your business thrive without you. Michèle Hecken is an ex-CEO, Public Speaker, Author, and Advisor to high-performing leaders. An entrepreneur for over 25 years, Michèle has founded, built, and scaled a global, multi-million-dollar translation company, culminating in a high-7-figure exit in 2019, all while working less than 10 hours a week!
Through The Art of Offboarding, her proprietary methodology, Michèle shifts the paradigms of a high-performing leader's “expected” work and life. As a result, Michèle helps create profitable, productive, powerful change that results in exceptional operations and life leaders could hardly dream of.
A sought-after certified Global Speaker and member of the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), Michèle delivers keynotes, workshops, and talks to exceptional organizations worldwide. She has been featured in media outlets, including Inc. Magazine, the Financial Post, and numerous podcasts, including Built to Sell Radio. Her first book, the co-authored “Lead Like a Woman: Audacity,” was a #1 best-selling book on Amazon within seven days of its release in 2023. Today, Michèle helps high-performing leaders design an organization where each person works on things they love and that create the most value.

Want to Transform Your Business to Run Without You and Scale Faster in 2024?
Are you tired of feeling like a prisoner in your business, drowning in tasks, and struggling to achieve the ever-elusive work-life balance?
Imagine a life where you can call the shots, focus on what truly matters, and watch your business thrive without you. Michèle Hecken is an ex-CEO, Public Speaker, Author, and Advisor to high-performing leaders. An entrepreneur for over 25 years, Michèle has founded, built, and scaled a global, multi-million-dollar translation company, culminating in a high-7-figure exit in 2019, all while working less than 10 hours a week!
Through The Art of Offboarding, her proprietary methodology, Michèle shifts the paradigms of a high-performing leader's “expected” work and life. As a result, Michèle helps create profitable, productive, powerful change that results in exceptional operations and life leaders could hardly dream of.
A sought-after certified Global Speaker and member of the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), Michèle delivers keynotes, workshops, and talks to exceptional organizations worldwide. She has been featured in media outlets, including Inc. Magazine, the Financial Post, and numerous podcasts, including Built to Sell Radio. Her first book, the co-authored “Lead Like a Woman: Audacity,” was a #1 best-selling book on Amazon within seven days of its release in 2023. Today, Michèle helps high-performing leaders design an organization where each person works on things they love and that create the most value.



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