
*第五季*【EP. 234】#626 經濟學人導讀 feat. 國際時事 feat. 新聞評論【馬克宏的困獸之鬥?;大到不能倒的中國恒大集團;粥多僧少的英國勞動力市場;珊瑚礁也能 3D 列印?‪】‬ 每日一經濟學人 LEON x The Economist

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👍Andre 老師 - 英文檢定考班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/dGMrDV
👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Danny 老師 - 國際時事評論分析班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Q6dQ7O
👍Leon 老師 - 英文閱讀與會話班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Lbk1A4

🔴Wednesday October 13th 2021

🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況

1️⃣Emanuel Macron’s investment plan: do or die?

Emanuel Macron, France’s president, unveiled a €30bn ($35bn) investment plan to help decarbonise the country’s economy, and boost innovation and research in key areas…

法國總統馬克宏 (Emanuel Macron) 公佈了一項 300億歐元 (350億美元) 的投資計畫以幫助該國經濟去碳 (逐步減少碳排放),並促進關鍵領域的創新和研究…

2️⃣Evergrande: too big to fail?

Evergrande, a dizzyingly indebted Chinese property developer, blew past three new deadlines for interest payments. The company had missed its first such payment at the end of September, starting the clock on a 30-day grace period till default…

負債累累的中國房地產開發商恒大集團逾期了三個新的利息支付期限。還款寬限期為三十天,但該公司在 (今年) 九月底錯過了第一筆此類還款,因此違約…

3️⃣Britain’s labour market: more openings than unemployed

Job vacancies in Britain reached a 20-year high, at 1.1m, between July and September, the Office for National Statistics said. There are now more openings than unemployed people; retail saw the largest increase and hospitality has the most vacancies…

英國國家統計局表示於 (今年) 七至九月期間,英國的職位空缺達到 110萬個,創下 20年來的新高。如今的待補職缺比失業人數還多;零售業的增幅最大,而飯店業的空缺率最高…

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

💧🐠🐠🐠💧Down under: 3D-printed coral reefs
你/妳沒看錯:珊瑚礁也能 3D 列印

Coral reefs make for pretty pictures, but their value is not just aesthetic. They host around one-quarter of the Earth’s marine species. But they are vanishing fast. Between 2009 and 2018 14% of the world’s coral disappeared, mainly because of climate change, according to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, a research group. However, in the right conditions some corals can regenerate. A new exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, explores this potential. “Sampling the Future” includes pioneering artificial reef designs: a 3D-printed lattice by Alex Goad can be assembled underwater, where it sustains farmed coral and other marine life…

珊瑚礁可以拍出漂亮的照片,但它們的價值不僅僅是美學。它們為地球上大約四分之一的海洋物種提供棲息地,但它們正在迅速消失中。根據全球珊瑚礁監測網絡 (一研究單位) 的數據,在 2009-2018年間,世界上 14%的珊瑚消失了,而主要因為氣候變遷。然而,在適當的條件下,一些珊瑚可以再生。澳洲墨爾本 (Melbourne) 維多利亞國家美術館 (National Gallery of Victoria) 的一個新展覽探索了這種可能。“Sampling the Future” 包括開創性的人工珊瑚礁設計:Alex Goad 的 3D 列印格子可以在水下組裝,並在那裡維持養殖珊瑚以及其他海洋生物…

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❗⁠您的一杯咖啡錢 = 我們遠大的目標!捐款支持我們:https://pse.is/3jknpx

👍Andre 老師 - 英文檢定考班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/dGMrDV
👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Danny 老師 - 國際時事評論分析班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Q6dQ7O
👍Leon 老師 - 英文閱讀與會話班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Lbk1A4

🔴Wednesday October 13th 2021

🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況

1️⃣Emanuel Macron’s investment plan: do or die?

Emanuel Macron, France’s president, unveiled a €30bn ($35bn) investment plan to help decarbonise the country’s economy, and boost innovation and research in key areas…

法國總統馬克宏 (Emanuel Macron) 公佈了一項 300億歐元 (350億美元) 的投資計畫以幫助該國經濟去碳 (逐步減少碳排放),並促進關鍵領域的創新和研究…

2️⃣Evergrande: too big to fail?

Evergrande, a dizzyingly indebted Chinese property developer, blew past three new deadlines for interest payments. The company had missed its first such payment at the end of September, starting the clock on a 30-day grace period till default…

負債累累的中國房地產開發商恒大集團逾期了三個新的利息支付期限。還款寬限期為三十天,但該公司在 (今年) 九月底錯過了第一筆此類還款,因此違約…

3️⃣Britain’s labour market: more openings than unemployed

Job vacancies in Britain reached a 20-year high, at 1.1m, between July and September, the Office for National Statistics said. There are now more openings than unemployed people; retail saw the largest increase and hospitality has the most vacancies…

英國國家統計局表示於 (今年) 七至九月期間,英國的職位空缺達到 110萬個,創下 20年來的新高。如今的待補職缺比失業人數還多;零售業的增幅最大,而飯店業的空缺率最高…

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

💧🐠🐠🐠💧Down under: 3D-printed coral reefs
你/妳沒看錯:珊瑚礁也能 3D 列印

Coral reefs make for pretty pictures, but their value is not just aesthetic. They host around one-quarter of the Earth’s marine species. But they are vanishing fast. Between 2009 and 2018 14% of the world’s coral disappeared, mainly because of climate change, according to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, a research group. However, in the right conditions some corals can regenerate. A new exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, explores this potential. “Sampling the Future” includes pioneering artificial reef designs: a 3D-printed lattice by Alex Goad can be assembled underwater, where it sustains farmed coral and other marine life…

珊瑚礁可以拍出漂亮的照片,但它們的價值不僅僅是美學。它們為地球上大約四分之一的海洋物種提供棲息地,但它們正在迅速消失中。根據全球珊瑚礁監測網絡 (一研究單位) 的數據,在 2009-2018年間,世界上 14%的珊瑚消失了,而主要因為氣候變遷。然而,在適當的條件下,一些珊瑚可以再生。澳洲墨爾本 (Melbourne) 維多利亞國家美術館 (National Gallery of Victoria) 的一個新展覽探索了這種可能。“Sampling the Future” 包括開創性的人工珊瑚礁設計:Alex Goad 的 3D 列印格子可以在水下組裝,並在那裡維持養殖珊瑚以及其他海洋生物…

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