
CTMcast - 14 June 2019 JACKLARGE'S Cash & Treasury Management File

    • 비즈니스

TREASURYcast - 14 June 2019
Jack and Graham were joined by Steve Evans - Finance Director, Vesper Technologies. They discussed:
- How Trump tariffs are create working capital strains for US firms
- The new paradigm in EB delivery created by DNB Bank partnering with TreasuryXpress
- African Development Bank stepping up their digital financial inclusion drive
- How FX Trading platforms, such as 360T are developing and extending
- The new focus of TMS supplier Kyriba
- The QR code technology alternative to contactless technology.

TREASURYcast - 14 June 2019
Jack and Graham were joined by Steve Evans - Finance Director, Vesper Technologies. They discussed:
- How Trump tariffs are create working capital strains for US firms
- The new paradigm in EB delivery created by DNB Bank partnering with TreasuryXpress
- African Development Bank stepping up their digital financial inclusion drive
- How FX Trading platforms, such as 360T are developing and extending
- The new focus of TMS supplier Kyriba
- The QR code technology alternative to contactless technology.


인기 비즈니스 팟캐스트

손에 잡히는 경제
김동환 이진우 정영진의 신과함께
월급쟁이부자들 [직장인 재테크 학교]
출근길 마케팅 트렌드
직장인의 책읽기, 직책