에피소드 116개

I invite you inside my mind to view the universe through the eyes of a madman. I am a bipolar autistic psychopath with ADHD and PTSD—a retired military officer, an engineer, a lawyer, a husband, and a father; I am an objectivist observing the universe. I didn't create this podcast to advance an agenda, sell an ideology, or challenge your beliefs, I like you just the way you are. And, if you surrender your consciousness to my Sonic Gravity and spend one episode in my orbit—what you see will change you and your perception of the universe for the rest of your life.

Sonic Gravity Seeing the Universe Through the Eyes of a Madman

    • 사회 및 문화

I invite you inside my mind to view the universe through the eyes of a madman. I am a bipolar autistic psychopath with ADHD and PTSD—a retired military officer, an engineer, a lawyer, a husband, and a father; I am an objectivist observing the universe. I didn't create this podcast to advance an agenda, sell an ideology, or challenge your beliefs, I like you just the way you are. And, if you surrender your consciousness to my Sonic Gravity and spend one episode in my orbit—what you see will change you and your perception of the universe for the rest of your life.

    Alien Logic Part 2

    Alien Logic Part 2

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and view the universe through the eyes of a madman and you'll finally see that what we took for granted and thought we knew and understood to be pillars of human civilization, like the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China, are really the unmistakable footprints of our interstellar human benefactors and that they put us here as the human colonists of Exoplanet Earth . . . and that is a fact.

    • 26분
    Alien Logic Part 1

    Alien Logic Part 1

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and view the universe through the eyes of a madman and you will see that the existence of alien life is self-evident; to wit: interstellar humans with billions of years of experience and evolution beyond what we can comprehend. And when you stare into madness and madness stares back into you, you will realize that you must decide between only one of two origins regarding the human race's arrival here on Exoplanet: Earth. You must decide whether you bel...

    • 1시간 3분
    Who Watches The Watchmen?

    Who Watches The Watchmen?

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and view the universe through the eyes of a madman and you will understand that the legal and operational circumstances of the UFO Whistleblower, David Grusch, demonstrate with certitude that Aliens Exist, and that is a fact. During your orbit in Sonic Gravity, you will stare into madness and madness will stare back into you and you will never, ever look at the Pentagon or the United States Military the same. As you contemplate the question, you will only be...

    • 2시간 29분
    21st Century NAZIs

    21st Century NAZIs

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and you will view the universe through the eyes of a madman. When you realize that blindly supporting either "side" of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that the piper has offered you, only invites you to dance like a rat in the symphony of destruction, you will see that truth, salvation, and peace lie only in the application of your values and your decision that choosing either "side" perpetuates eternal destruction. Only when you are guided by your personal value...

    • 1시간 3분
    Aliens Exist

    Aliens Exist

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and see the universe through the eyes of a madman, and you will realize that as Senator Marco Rubio, Representative Mike Gallagher, and the world attempt to rationalize the revelation that alien life is present on Exoplanet Earth, and has been time immemorial, in the last 2.5 years, we predicted everything that the whistleblowers answering Congress' call have disclosed in the last 6 months. Everything is unfolding as foretold in Sonic Gravity Episodes like: The Re...

    • 1시간 7분
    Unknown Knowns Part 1

    Unknown Knowns Part 1

    Orbit in Sonic Gravity and you will discover the Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, that the Hard Problem of Consciousness is really the Wrong Question of Consciousness, the geometry of dark matter, and the nature of holographic and matter, before we answer Dr. Lawrence Krauss' Known Unknowns because the Sonic Gravity Theory of Everything is the Theory of Everything and that is a fact.

    • 1시간 2분

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