에피소드 39개

Can I get real for a minute? If I told you I could help you TAKE CHARGE of your money right now, how would you feel?

When it comes down to money, do you feel like maybe you missed something along the way? Do you ever think financial prosperity just isn’t in the cards for you?

The financial world can be daunting. Trust me, I know it’s not a subject that’s always user-friendly, accessible, or directed particularly to women.

There is nothing more empowering than understanding how money works, and more specifically, how it can work FOR YOU.

Southern Fried Business Connor Morganti

    • 비즈니스

Can I get real for a minute? If I told you I could help you TAKE CHARGE of your money right now, how would you feel?

When it comes down to money, do you feel like maybe you missed something along the way? Do you ever think financial prosperity just isn’t in the cards for you?

The financial world can be daunting. Trust me, I know it’s not a subject that’s always user-friendly, accessible, or directed particularly to women.

There is nothing more empowering than understanding how money works, and more specifically, how it can work FOR YOU.

    I managed my family's restaurant for a month. Here's what I learned...

    I managed my family's restaurant for a month. Here's what I learned...

    I've been in the business world for over 30 years, specifically the financial industry.  But no matter the industry, I've worked with all types of people.  Some weird, some wonderful, some horrible.  Listen in to hear about the top things I've learned so far that might help you...

    • 18분
    Which Came First? The Chicken or The Egg? 🐔🥚

    Which Came First? The Chicken or The Egg? 🐔🥚

    What came first?  The chicken or the egg?

    The lifelong debate still rages on today.

    If you didn't already know, I love animals.  Since moving to Colorado 12 or so years ago, I've wanted a chicken coop.  There's something about fostering the circle of life.  And bonus!  EGGS!!!  My friend, Kerrie calls them my little dinosaurs.  They are so funny and such a joy.

    However, Brett and I have argued about the cost benefit (or detriment) to having chickens and if its worth it.  Can you guess?  Is it?

    • 14분
    How to Recession Proof Your Money

    How to Recession Proof Your Money

    At this moment in time, we are in a huge flux - and not in a good way.  Interest rates are up, gas prices are the highest they've ever been, food is expensive, and so on.  I'm hoping that you haven't felt the squeeze, and won't, but just in case I've assembled 10 tips on how to recession proof your money.  BTW, they're also great tips for any old time you're ready for a financial refresh.  Take a listen...

    • 29분
    All Hail The Queen

    All Hail The Queen

    You've heard the term Cash is king.

    If cash is king, then leverage is the Queen.

    Leverage can be your best friend.  Or it can be "Mean Girls" on steroids.  Remember The Great Recession of 2008?  I sure do.  If you're younger than me, you might have lived through it by watching your parents struggle.  That is a perfect example of leverage gone wrong.

    I know how frustrating money can be.  Making it, learning about it, managing your hang ups over it.

    Sometimes it takes a trusted advisor to bring a fresh perspective to your world, to get clarity & grow with confidence.

    Over the past 15 years…

    *My strategies have positioned my family with a 7-figure savings account

    *+Ownership of several 7-figure businesses & their corresponding real estate

    *Retired my husband at 46, from a very successful commercial real estate business

    *Teaching clients the same strategies are bringing them their own versions of financial & money mindset success

    *Despite COVID-19, 2020 &2021 were our best performing years ~ ever

    *Created physical & digital products

    *Created multiple streams of passive income

    *I’m a wealth & business authority, with 30+ years of industry experience, 15 in my own practice


    • 26분
    You Suck At Money (yes, you!)

    You Suck At Money (yes, you!)

    No really, I’m totally looking at you.

    Now, before you get up in my grill and tell me what a horrible person I am, let me explain...

    Have you ever tried to play tennis?  Golf?  Soccer?  If you’ve ever played any of these sports before, you know how hard it is to just start.  Hand-Eye (or feet) coordination is super hard until you start practicing.  And usually you have some sort of coach that will guide you on knowledge and technique.  And eventually it begins to get easier and easier.  Hopefully, after a while, you might actually get pretty good.

    Heck, I just enrolled my daughter in tennis camp and I’m using it as an excuse to get back into the game too.  I haven’t played since college, so guess what?  I’m going to suck.  Again.  Just like “The Water Boy” - we suck again!  But I used to love it, so its worth me trying again. And again.

    Odds are, you never received any sort of money education.  Either at home or at school.  I know I didn’t.  When it comes to money, I went to the School of Hard Knocks.  I learned on the fly, and I usually did it wrong.  What better way to learn than trial by fire.  Am I right?

    An older, silly sketch from SNL was Stuart Smalley, and he would gaze into the mirror and tell himself that, “you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and gosh darn it - people like me.”  Girl, you have to do that too!  We females are way too hard on ourselves for everything under the sun, and money is no exception.

    Are you ready to not suck at money?  I’ve got your back girl!

    Like the sound of DIY money moves, but don't have the time?  Totally  cool, sis!  Book a FREE 30 minute call with me and let's chat.  https://calendly.com/connorcmorganti/30-minute-consult

    Or send me a note:  connor@connorcmorganti.com

    • 13분
    Money In Your 50s

    Money In Your 50s

    Just like The Dave Chappell Show, its time to Wrap It Up...

    Even if you’re just dipping your toe into your 50’s, the thought of retirement is on your mind.  You now have less than 15 years or so to get your S#&T together.

    So, what should you be doing at this point?  Well, first of all, you should be going back on my last 3 episodes to revisit all the items in your 20’s through 40’s and checking off all those first.  

    Today, I'm chatting about:

    Retirement Benefits Analysis, Long Term Care Insurance, and Estate Tax Strategies.  Also known as, running out of money, living too long and paying too much in taxes.

    Like the sound of DIY money moves, but don't have the time?  Totally cool, sis!  Book a FREE 30 minute call with me and let's chat.  https://calendly.com/connorcmorganti/30-minute-consult

    Or send me a note:  connor@connorcmorganti.com

    • 16분

인기 비즈니스 팟캐스트

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