에피소드 6개

Spark Shifts is podcast, which dives deep into the small insights businesses can rely on, in order to spark big changes for their brands. Listeners can subscribe for free to the Spark Shifts podcast on iTunes, and can also listen on soundcloud.com/spark-shifts. This series is a production of Michael Ash, Digital Strategist who’s helped countless startups and Fortune 500 companies thrive in a saturated global market.

Spark Shifts Michael Ash

    • 비즈니스

Spark Shifts is podcast, which dives deep into the small insights businesses can rely on, in order to spark big changes for their brands. Listeners can subscribe for free to the Spark Shifts podcast on iTunes, and can also listen on soundcloud.com/spark-shifts. This series is a production of Michael Ash, Digital Strategist who’s helped countless startups and Fortune 500 companies thrive in a saturated global market.

    Digital Marketing Trends For 2018 - Michael Ash - Spark Shifts - EP - 06

    Digital Marketing Trends For 2018 - Michael Ash - Spark Shifts - EP - 06

    In this episode, we are going to talk about 8 digital marketing trends that are going to shape 2018 and how you can use them to your advantage in 2017. Our topics will revolve around time, mixed reality, C2B, voice-assisted search, local awareness, dark social, walled gardens, and chatbots.

    Show Notes

    • Uber is not in the business of transportation, it's in the business of time [0:37]
    • With mixed reality you can imagine a world where your IKEA catalog for instance can interact with your existing furniture, without looking like it's hovering on top of it [1:41]
    • In the future world the business is C2B not B2C. C2B is consumer to business [2:25]
    • The biggest obstacle course for advertiser in 2018 won't be about delivering accurate data. It will be about summarizing the customer journey in a meaningful way [3:47]
    • There is no doubt we are moving towards a zero interface world [5:08]
    • "Near me" type of searches will continue to rise because smartphone users are always on-the-go [5:58]
    • According to RadiumOne 84% of social sharing is dark [6:45]
    • There are over 1 billion active users on Facebook Messenger and most of them expect brands to service 24/7 [7:48]

    • 8분
    Are Canadian Retailers Ready For Chinese Tourists? | Michael Ash | Spark Shifts EP 05

    Are Canadian Retailers Ready For Chinese Tourists? | Michael Ash | Spark Shifts EP 05

    Walk the streets of Toronto or Vancouver and you may hear more Cantonese or Mandarin than ever before. According to the Canadian Tourism Commission, arrivals from China increased by 57.8% this past February compared to last year, and the trend doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. On the surface, luxury brands and the tourism industry seem to reap the biggest rewards, but who is to say other businesses cannot benefit from this phenomenon? It all boils down to understanding the consumer journey a bit more.

    • 3분
    Apple Watch Marketing Insights - Spark Shifts Episode 04

    Apple Watch Marketing Insights - Spark Shifts Episode 04

    In this episode Marco Moiso, (internationally recognised advertising planner) talks about the launch of the Apple Watch, who its influencers are, and why the gold watch is a brilliant marketing move for the company.

    • 4분
    Spark Shifts - New York City Times Square Consumer Insights Interview - EP 03

    Spark Shifts - New York City Times Square Consumer Insights Interview - EP 03

    We asked people "what catches your attention?" while recording at Times Square in New York City. This archived interview offers deep human insights that go beyond the ages and online data. These range from perceptions regarding UFC to MCDONDLADS. So listen carefully and enjoy.

    • 9분
    Spark Shifts - Marketing Insights from Google's Valentine's Day Infographic EP02

    Spark Shifts - Marketing Insights from Google's Valentine's Day Infographic EP02

    Did you know there were three times as many search queries for “gifts for boyfriend” as opposed to “gifts for girlfriend” in the U.S. during 2014? Is it a sign of the times? Google's "searching for love" infographic sheds light on what people are looking for when they're trying to start a relationship or taking it to the next level. In this episode of Spark Shifts we uncover which insights you can bank on and how to capitalise on relationship marketing.

    • 4분
    Digital Marketing Insights To Improve Your Business In 2015 - EP01

    Digital Marketing Insights To Improve Your Business In 2015 - EP01

    A new podcast unraveling the quick, small and powerful insights people can rely on, in order to spark big changes for their brand equity and sales. In this episode, we focus on the future of Digital Marketing and some quick insights you can rely on for this year. From actionable videos to retargeting, we have some information you can put to use, starting from today.

    • 5분

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