에피소드 1개

Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial advice to become your best-self and inspire a lasting change.

Spark Trait Podcast Armin Trepic

    • 비즈니스

Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial advice to become your best-self and inspire a lasting change.

    S1E1: Kyle Combs on No Bueno, Never Settling & Owning Goals

    S1E1: Kyle Combs on No Bueno, Never Settling & Owning Goals

    Kyle Combs has been maintaining a business mindset since he was young from his start of mowing lawns to now working on fashion label named No Bueno. Kyle believes that setting consistent goals is important because without them you won't be able to visualize where you want to end up. Just about anyone can do it. You can't just get to be a millionaire without starting from the bottom. Kyle goes on to explain No Bueno, 'it's a way to showcase art and encapture future artists by displaying their art on high-quality streetwear'. He plans on spreading No Bueno to other mediums like music. Plot twist: However, life presents its setbacks. Kyle didn't let these things influence his daily grind and found more business passions because of it. Kyle plans to keep developing as a business person and envisions himself owning or co-owning businesses in the future. Kyle leaves us with his final wisdom: set consistent goals, have an end goal, create a game-plan, layout your life how you want and DO IT.

    • 21분

인기 비즈니스 팟캐스트

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