에피소드 60개

Mondays can be dreadful. They don't have to be.

Whether the literal start to a traditional work week or, more figuratively, any unfulfilling rut you find yourself in, Mondays can be the worst. But change is possible.

In the Stop Hating Mondays podcast, we provide unvarnished insights and realistic tips for how to build a more rewarding career and a more fulfilling life.

Say goodbye to Workism and the #SundayScaries.

Stop Hating Mondays Podcast The Change Laboratory

    • 비즈니스

Mondays can be dreadful. They don't have to be.

Whether the literal start to a traditional work week or, more figuratively, any unfulfilling rut you find yourself in, Mondays can be the worst. But change is possible.

In the Stop Hating Mondays podcast, we provide unvarnished insights and realistic tips for how to build a more rewarding career and a more fulfilling life.

Say goodbye to Workism and the #SundayScaries.

    How Do I Find My Passion?

    How Do I Find My Passion?

     Today's question is about passion. Simply Eric asks, "how do I find my passion?"

    • 2분
    What Tips Do You Have For Video Interviewing?

    What Tips Do You Have For Video Interviewing?

    Tips for how to make your next video job interview more effective, including advice to use the S.T.A.R. behavioral interview format when answering questions.

    • 3분
    Why Does My Boss Keep Calling My Team A Family?

    Why Does My Boss Keep Calling My Team A Family?

    Q. I don't have a question as much as a very short rant. My boss keeps calling our team a family, and I hate it!

    • 2분
    What Are Some Tips For Completing My Self Review

    What Are Some Tips For Completing My Self Review

    Q. My annual performance review and raise is coming up and I've just been asked to do my self review. I am horrible at every part of this process. What tips do you have?

    • 4분
    Does My Employer Want Me To Be Less Productive?

    Does My Employer Want Me To Be Less Productive?

    Q. I get so much more done at home, but my employer acts like not putting in enough hours is like stealing from company. Would they prefer I work more but be less productive?

    • 2분
    What If I Can't Return To The Office?

    What If I Can't Return To The Office?

    Q. My company went fully remote during the pandemic. I love the flexibility, the pay is solid, and was able to move closer to family. Now my employer is demanding that everyone return to the office 3 days a week and I’m screwed. I live 1,000 miles away now. Plus, I’m way happier and more productive than when I was in the office. What’s your advice for people who are being forced back into the office?

    • 3분

인기 비즈니스 팟캐스트

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