
What Is The Most Important Job to Humanity? Part 2 Now Speaking

    • 비즈니스

On this week's pod, we continue the debate of what is the most important job to humanity? Everyone’s made their picks, and now it’s time for titans to duel. Listen to this epic showdown. Who has a more meaningful contribution to society? Who provides the most benefit? Who will win? Who will be salty? Let us know by connecting with us, we'd love to hear your thoughts! Stay tuned for new episodes every Wednesday. Connect and interact with us on IG: @NowSpeakingPod

On this week's pod, we continue the debate of what is the most important job to humanity? Everyone’s made their picks, and now it’s time for titans to duel. Listen to this epic showdown. Who has a more meaningful contribution to society? Who provides the most benefit? Who will win? Who will be salty? Let us know by connecting with us, we'd love to hear your thoughts! Stay tuned for new episodes every Wednesday. Connect and interact with us on IG: @NowSpeakingPod


인기 비즈니스 팟캐스트

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