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Trench Talk with Xander and James (when his laptop aint broke) featuring whomever else is willing to join

Xabde Xabde

    • 코미디

Trench Talk with Xander and James (when his laptop aint broke) featuring whomever else is willing to join

    Trench Talk Series II, Episode I, We Dont Do Dinosaurs

    Trench Talk Series II, Episode I, We Dont Do Dinosaurs

    Xander and Jon read a list of silly sounding lizards.

    intro music: https://www.bensound.com

    edited by Xander

    edited on Audacity

    mullet Dino: https://fthmb.tqn.com/X797UPhGXjdMMsKgVhWD9O2phkE=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/raptorex-58b9a9e23df78c353c1d9196.jpg

    god dino: https://fthmb.tqn.com/KCvw_jzoWmFZkA-GAjQl6_3AeYY=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/stygimolochWC-58b9a8955f9b58af5c89880b.png

    • 21분

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