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    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~  Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来, 你们最喜欢的【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello again.So last time we talked about The Sound of Music, 【音乐之声】. And today can I also propose another also feel-good happy musical?That sounds good to me. Yeah.So you remember in The Sound of Music, we talked about the main character Maria was a governess是一个家庭教师, but you know you said governess is kind of like a tutor and a nanny. But if I say to you the quintessential English nanny, who do you think of?I think we might be talking about Mary Poppins.Yes. Mary Poppins.Yes.Now Mary Poppins, this character is so well known and so popular. I think sometimes it also is used almost as a synonym as something British, when Americans make jokes and is like “you're such a Mary Poppins.” It's like you're so English. I've never heard that one before, but definitely Mary Poppins is very well known for kind of the British nurse and the English nurse of the time. And in this, I think it's again, it is a musical, but it's also a musical film. And in this one, unlike The Sound of Music where the musical was first and then the musical film, Mary Poppins is actually musical film first. And then much much later they made a musical like on stage musical. Ah. Did they? I didn't know that. Yeah. The musical film, I think most people probably just remember the Disney version of the musical film made in 1964. But the West End production of the actual Mary Poppins musical was not until 2004. Wow, so much later. Yeah. It's again, based on a book, based on a series of books, and you know, these two, there's something in common between Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music.Is there?Think about the main character, the main star of the film. Oh yes. It's Julie Andrews. She plays Maria and Mary Poppins.Yes. Oh. Yeah.So basically she won an Oscar for one of them and she won Golden Globe for the other. She won all the awards. Haha.Yeah. For these two Julie Andrews is amazing, like amazing musical actress. This actress, in general, she sings, she has such a beautiful voice. She does definitely. I talked us through The Sound of Music last time. Would you like to talk us through Mary Poppins now? Sure. And actually, before we get into the storyline, which is not complex at all, do you know that Mary Poppins, the translation, the translated name in Chinese, it has nothing to do with Mary Poppins. It's actually called欢乐满人间, which is a direct translation of like the world is filled with joy and laughter. I like that name. That's a very good title, hahaha. What a great translation. It's got joy and laughter in the title.Yeah.Ok. So the reason why in a lot of the American film or movie reference, this is seen as quintessentially English is because this film the story is set in London in 1910. So there's this family, Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Banks. So Mr. Banks actually works in a bank in finance a bit on the nose. Yeah, very much. Yeah. And like this Sound of Music, von Trapp, Mr. Banks is also very much, I would say, without any joy, very much hapless, very much focused on discipline, and it's basically a workaholic. And so Mr. And Mrs. Banks they come home to discover that their children's nanny has quit once again after the children Michael and Jane run away to find their missing kite. They have two kids, not seven. But these two kids, they're also not really unruly, but they just didn't really like the fact that they didn't really like these old timey, traditional nannies who are just all about discipline and no fun. So basically now Mr. Banks needed to find another nanny. While Mr. Banks wants a strict, no nonsense nanny, who can just basically teaches the kids discipline controls the kid. The children ask for like a kind sympathetic nice nan

    • 10 min


    Buzzmix-Ep146-Tradwife欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Tradwife. Trad, t-r-a-d, which stands for traditional. 我会把它翻译成 “传统娇妻”. 如果你关注海外的社交媒体, 可能会在比如像TikTok这样的社媒上面看到了这样的一个越来越火的话题标签 #tradwife, the shares and videos with this #tradwife often show a curated look at women embracing domesticity. 与社媒上很多大女主独立女性的标签正好相反, 这些tradwife的标签通常展现的都是一些女性, 特别是年轻女性去embrace domesticity, domestic life, 展现出来这些女性自愿地回归到家庭, 去拥抱家庭生活; 不管是在她们的穿着打扮, 她们的理念以及她们传达的信息, 都在显示她们自愿, 并且非常享受这种traditional wife或traditional housewife的生活方式. So a tradwife in recent western culture typically depicts a woman who believes in and practices traditional sex roles and marriages. 所以在现在的西方社会里面, 一个tradwife是被定义成拥护并且践行比较传统父权制度之下的这样的性别角色以及婚姻形态. To put it in simpler terms, tradwife lifestyle is usually married in a straight relationship. 通常这样的tradwife, 他们的生活方式都是在一个异性恋的婚姻里面已婚的状态. The man works, the wife does not, 男人在外面挣钱, 女人在家里照顾家庭没有工作. The man is the head of the household and the final word on all things, financial, lifestyle and professional for the family. 男人是绝对的一家之主, 并且对于像家庭经济生活方式等等方面都有绝对的话语权. Kids are a part of the plan if not already in the family. 绝对不会是丁克, 即使现在没孩子, 在将来也一定会有要孩子的计划. So basically being a tradwife, you assume the traditional housewife or stay-at-home mother role and you do all of the household chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, so on and so forth. Additionally, special attention is paid to the importance of raising children. 其实就是传统居家的这种家庭主妇, 全职太太, 甚至在英文里, 即使不是stay-at-home mom, 全职太太, 全职妈妈, 还有一个词叫做stay-at-home girlfriend, 全职女友, 也经常会跟tradwife一起被提及.

    • 10 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.And also, the NHS workers they don't really get paid that well. I get the sense that, you know, even Adam does not really get paid that well let alone the more junior doctor like Shruti.No. this is the whole ridiculous thing is that junior doctors sometimes they are actually paid more if they worked in a fast-food restaurant than as a doctor, but now I wouldn't say it's getting better.But in recent years there have been so many strikes, even consultants have gone on strike. I read in the news today that I think they've made a pay deal now, but ultimately, this is the one strike that people generally support, because I would say in the UK among the vast majority of the population, we have a lot of respect for NHS workers. We may complain about the system. We may complain about the politicians. But we don't really complain that much about the doctors or nurses.我从跟英国人的交谈里面, 我也感受得很明显, 大家只要谈到 NHS他们公立医疗体系里面的医护人员, 大家都会觉得非常尊重.During Covid times, there was like clapping for NHS workers, right?Yeah.就是说为他们鼓掌, 还有给他们带什么吃的放的什么他们的车上这种,觉得他们都是这个英雄白衣天使, but they generally have a lot of things to complain about the system.Yeah.Although probably you guys all know that currently there's no better alternative.No one would ever say, let's get rid of the NHS, nobody would actually turn out and say “okay, we need to go back to medical care that you have to pay money for.”Well, exactly. Because to be honest to get rid of your NHS is getting rid of the concept of welfare state essentially.Yeah.就是整个福利国家的,你就全部都会要取消掉.Yeah.I don't know if you guys remember that what we talked about. So in the UK this is what happens. There's basically dual track. So you have the NHS which is for everyone which is free for everyone, even for people who, for example, even when I lived in the UK although I did not have permanent residency, I was not a citizen, a national. However, because I lived there for long enough period, I also had access to NHS.Yeah.So that is one.The other one is the private health care, is the private hospitals who charges you £200 for 115 minutes consultation.Quite a few people have private medical care in the UK, you can get private medical insurance and some NHS doctors they do also work in the private sphere so that they can basically get more money.This is completely normal, right? And it's allowed?It’s allowed and it is completely normal. So some people they do go for private medical care, but private medical care can only go so far.So for example, for very complex procedures, you still more likely go to the NHS.

    • 14 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to 酒馆. Hi安澜.Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.You noticed that I didn't say welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope?Yeah. I did notice that, it was a bit strange.Because today we are actually going to do TV picks.Oh. Goody.Yeah. Just wait for it. It's not a fun TV.Oh.Yeah, in fact, it's a really, really, really depressing TV show.What is it about you and choosing really depressing TV shows for us to talk about?Well. It is a British TV show.Okay.Most of your TV shows can get really depressing.所以今天是一个特别的【荐剧板块】, 我相信, 这个英剧安澜也看过, 因为我原来跟他讨论过。And the name of this TV show this TV series is “This is Going to Hurt”.Yes, I have seen that before. So it is a comedy, but it's also a tragedy, and it's also a drama as well.嗯嗯, 这个中文译名叫做《疼痛难免》。其实我在星期四星期五直播间,就是【看剧解梗】这个环节分享过一集, although it's a really depressing TV show, but I think it's a really good one and the stories behind it and then the issues that it talks about, I thought it's worth a couple of episodes for us to talk about.Yeah, absolutely. So in our previous episodes, we have talked a bit about the NHS, but we haven't really talked about the NHS now, like some of the pressures that doctors go through. And this is essentially the main theme of this TV show.So previously we gave you guys an introduction like a brief introduction of the British medical system, health care system called NHS.英国的一个医疗体系叫National Health Services or Service?Service.Service.就是大家都听过英国的公费医疗就是全民免费医疗,对吧?It sounds like dream come true, sounds great on paper. It sounds great in theory.But in fact, there are so many problems. There are so many challenges as you can imagine.Yes. So I won't go too much into the NHS, because we have discussed it before, but it's important to note that the NHS was founded on the principle that healthcare is free. And you can see a doctor, you can get medical treatment quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, completely free of charge.Just remind me again, it is completely free.In the UK, it is more or less completely free, prescriptions you need to pay, I think it's around £7, but it could have been increased.Like a nominal charge.

    • 16 min


    酒馆4/29号有一场试听体验课,可以添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ It's very difficult for me to imagine even though that I’ve lived in the UK and talked to many British people but still, because for me I come from a completely different background, I would have to say, sometimes in China you hear these debate, we're not like an immigration country or immigrant country, but still with when there are more people pouring in from other countries, but I know it's a sensitive topic, but you do hear people say like voicing their concerns about what this will do to, for example, your own belief system, your values, your culture, I know in China they are really nominal number, minimal realistic numbers, but there's still that concern. I'm just wondering if British people are ever concerned about not losing something that's intrinsically British or English. I would say, yes, there is that concern, particularly if some people feel that the value system or the beliefs of immigrants clashes with what we consider as British values. But the problem is that we can't really define what so called British values actually are. If you ask me as a British person what would be considered British, I wouldn't be able to tell you. So it's not based on race or ethnicity. It's not based on race or ethnicity. I would say to a certain extent it's based more on belief and values. This might be the major difference between China and the UK because for us it’s a lot about blood about ethnicity. Yeah, in the UK I would say it's a lot less about that, for some people it is, and even though I don't quite understand because what it means to be British is such a fluid concept. It's always changing. I do not think anyone could really define what it is to be British. Yeah, but you are perhaps very liberal minded in this. Probably I am. The other thing that I think of many people even if we put the whole cultural identity, 把这个文化圈认同先放一边, just realistically or pragmatically, I think many voters in the UK they were worried about over stretching or over stretched public services, like health services, housing, etc. Yeah. Exactly. That was the main concern that immigrants had to overstretch public services and housing. Now to be honest for me, I don't quite agree with that, because housing is a problem in the UK no matter what, it's always been a problem in the UK; and public services, most of our public services rely on immigrants. That is true, because you just have to take one look at NHS workers, a lot of immigrants. Yeah. And the thing it's only around 15% of the UK population who are foreign born. I love the fact that you say only around 15% because for us this is an unthinkable number. There are some cities in the world where it goes up to about 60%. Wow. 60%. Then who are the locals, who are the immigrants?And that's the whole thing. I don't think it really matters because most immigrants work hard, they pay their taxes. So why can't they live in the UK, why can't they just live their lives? They don't break the law, they just live their lives as honest citizens. Yeah. I mean I have to admit although I consider myself quite liberal minded, but when it comes to immigration I do have my own Like concerns about, for example, if you think in the future, the whole trend is going to be we're all blended together, but then we will have to rethink about our cultural identity. What defines us? Would there still be the idea of cultural identity?To be honest that I don't quite agree with that because ultimately, humans will always try to seek some form of cultural identity. It's just the cultural identity, the values, the belief, what is considered the culture changes. All right. So far we've actually had a lot of talks, debates, but now let's look at the pragmatics. So now how easy it is to immigrate to the UK just out of curiosity .From this Spring, the government have

    • 11 min


    可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Pink Tax. The phrase itself is very easy to understand. Pink is a color and tax is, well t-a-x. But there is a lot to be said about this concept. So let's dive into it. First of all, let's look at the definition. What is Pink Tax? 首先我们来看看什么是所谓的粉红税. Pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women and for which men pay less for similar products and services. 所谓的粉红税指的就是goods and services marketed to women. 营销给女性消费者的这些货品和服务上面的一个markup, a pricing markup or a markup in pricing, simply means higher price. 在讲到价钱的时候, markup就是一个价格加成也就是加价. For instance, if you buy a cola in a restaurant, it's probably going to be a lot more expensive than in a supermarket. That is because restaurants have a markup on the drinks they serve. 比如说在餐厅里点酒水肯定比在超市买要贵不少, 这就是一个price markup. So pink tax is a markup on goods and services marketed to women. 所以粉红税它指的就是针对女性营销的产品和服务, 与卖给男性的类似的产品和服务相比较, 会有一个明显的markup, 加价. This phenomenon is often attributed to gender-based price discrimination.Gender-based price discrimination也就是基于性别的价格歧视. The reason why we call it pink tax is not really about stereotyping women. It simply is from the observation that many of the affected products are pink.而为什么叫它粉红税? 不知道大家有没有注意到, 比如说同样一个品牌同样都是卖洗发水, 卖给男士的, 通常是蓝色的瓶子; 卖给女士的, 通常都是粉红色的瓶子. This is the word pink tax comes from. Now in 2015, the issue got a lot of attention when New York City's department of consumer affairs found many instances of gendered pricing when it examined 794 products sold in the city for consumers of all ages. 粉红税这个事情并不是一个特别新的概念, 在2015年纽约的消费者事务部门就通过对市面上794种产品的观察, 发现了有这样的一个概念叫做gendered pricing, 也就是男女有别的定价. However, researchers have been noticing and analyzing this phenomenon since at least the 1990s. 这个事情再往前倒, 在上世纪90年代末期就已经有人提出来并且观察到了. Although we call it pink tax, it's not really a tax, it's just a price markup. So when a company sells a pink product, the female version for more than a blue product, the male version, the additional revenue from the pink product does not go to the government as tax. 为什么说它其实不是税, 就是它多收了女性产品跟粉红色产品的这些钱, 并不会作为税收上交. The only part that benefits from the pink tax are the companies that charge women more than men. These gender based price disparities are prevalent in several sectors and can be seen in many day to day products. But one of the most visible is personal care products. 这种gender-based price disparities基于性别的价格差异, 在很多的日常产品里都能见到, 但是最明显的是在 personal care products, 也就是个护产品. These include, for example, soaps, lotions, razor blades, shampoos, and deodorants.In the United States, one government study analyzed 800 gender specific products from nearly 100 brands. The report found that on average, personal care products marketed to women were 13% more expensive than similar men's products. Accessories and adult clothing were 7% and 8% more expensive respectively.

    • 9 min

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