295 episodes

Want to love walking into your ELA classroom each day? Excited about innovative strategies like PBL, escape rooms, hexagonal thinking, sketchnotes, one-pagers, student podcasting, genius hour, and more? Want a thriving choice reading program and a shelf full of compelling diverse texts?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find interviews with top authors from the ELA field, workshops with strategies you can use in class immediately, and quick tips to ignite your English teacher creativity.

Love teaching poetry? Explore blackout poems, book spine poems, I am from poems, performance poetry, lessons for contemporary poets, and more.

Excited to get started with hexagonal thinking? Find out how to build your first deck of hexagons, guide your students through their first discussion, and even expand into hexagonal one-pagers.

Into visual learning? Me too! Learn about sketchnotes, one-pagers, and the writing makerspace.

Want to get your students podcasting? Get the top technology recs you need to make it happen, and find out what tips a podcaster would give to students starting out.

Wish your students would fall for choice reading? Explore top titles and how to fund them, learn to make your library more appealing, and find out how to be a top P.R. agent for books in your classroom.

In it for the interviews? Fabulous! Find out about project-based-learning, innovative school design, what really helps kids learn deeply, design thinking, how to choose diverse texts, when to scaffold sketchnotes lessons, building your first writing makerspace, cultivating writer's notebooks, getting started with genius hour, and so much more, from our wonderful guests.

Here at The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, discover you're not alone as a creative English teacher. You're part of a vast community welcoming students to their next escape room, rolling out contemporary poetry and reading aloud on First Chapter Fridays, engaging kids with social media projects and real-world ELA units.

As your host (hi, I'm Betsy), I'm here to help you ENJOY your days at school and feel inspired by all the creative ways to teach both contemporary works and the classics your school may be pushing. I taught ELA at the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade levels both in the United States and overseas for almost a decade, and I didn't always get support for my creativity. Now I'm here to make sure YOU get the creative support you deserve, and it brings me so much joy.

Welcome to The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, a podcast for English teachers in search of creative teaching strategies!

The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA Betsy Potash: ELA

    • Education

Want to love walking into your ELA classroom each day? Excited about innovative strategies like PBL, escape rooms, hexagonal thinking, sketchnotes, one-pagers, student podcasting, genius hour, and more? Want a thriving choice reading program and a shelf full of compelling diverse texts?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find interviews with top authors from the ELA field, workshops with strategies you can use in class immediately, and quick tips to ignite your English teacher creativity.

Love teaching poetry? Explore blackout poems, book spine poems, I am from poems, performance poetry, lessons for contemporary poets, and more.

Excited to get started with hexagonal thinking? Find out how to build your first deck of hexagons, guide your students through their first discussion, and even expand into hexagonal one-pagers.

Into visual learning? Me too! Learn about sketchnotes, one-pagers, and the writing makerspace.

Want to get your students podcasting? Get the top technology recs you need to make it happen, and find out what tips a podcaster would give to students starting out.

Wish your students would fall for choice reading? Explore top titles and how to fund them, learn to make your library more appealing, and find out how to be a top P.R. agent for books in your classroom.

In it for the interviews? Fabulous! Find out about project-based-learning, innovative school design, what really helps kids learn deeply, design thinking, how to choose diverse texts, when to scaffold sketchnotes lessons, building your first writing makerspace, cultivating writer's notebooks, getting started with genius hour, and so much more, from our wonderful guests.

Here at The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, discover you're not alone as a creative English teacher. You're part of a vast community welcoming students to their next escape room, rolling out contemporary poetry and reading aloud on First Chapter Fridays, engaging kids with social media projects and real-world ELA units.

As your host (hi, I'm Betsy), I'm here to help you ENJOY your days at school and feel inspired by all the creative ways to teach both contemporary works and the classics your school may be pushing. I taught ELA at the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade levels both in the United States and overseas for almost a decade, and I didn't always get support for my creativity. Now I'm here to make sure YOU get the creative support you deserve, and it brings me so much joy.

Welcome to The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, a podcast for English teachers in search of creative teaching strategies!

    Trailer: The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast

    Trailer: The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast

    Join me each week for innovative teaching strategies you can use immediately in your ELA classroom, from choice reading help to book clubs, project-based-learning to AI, student podcasting to genius hour, we cover the good stuff. Whether you're trying to figure out how to engage your eighth graders, trying to help your 11th graders through the college essay, or trying to shepherd you twelfth graders through to the end, you'll find help here! Follow along on Instagram @nowsparkcreativity or visit my website at nowsparkcreativity.com 

    • 1 min
    The Day my Students Questioned our Bleak Book Choices

    The Day my Students Questioned our Bleak Book Choices

    On this week’s mini-episode, I’m remembering the moment my 11th graders asked me to please, please, please add a book to our curriculum that wasn’t so depressing. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience? Let’s talk about what to do when the curriculum is full of death and despair.
    We were moving towards spring the year my juniors asked me why all of our books were so glum. My first instinct was to say they weren’t! Then I thought about it for a second. Adultery. Check. Death. Check. Despair. Check. We were reading The Scarlet Letter, As I Lay Dying, Death of a Salesman, and lots of other books that really don’t scream “the joy of being alive in a beautiful world full of possibilities.” As I thought back over my own English classes through college and high school, I realized the same was true. Authors were so often grappling with the difficult big human questions. Sure, there were moments of joy, of enlightenment. There was also a lot of pain. 
    It got me thinking about how we might showcase more balance in the curriculum, and why that might be important to helping our students thrive as readers and enjoy learning about life from authors. 
    Have you thought about this too? Have your students brought it up?
    These days I think it’s easier than ever to build more variety into the curriculum, with authors taking on issues that feel relevant to our students, but also with authors who are expressing something joyful or even allowing an ending full of hope. I think of a book like Long Way Down, that addresses painful truths but finishes with what feels like the breaking of a sad cycle and a reason to feel hopeful. I think of a graphic novel like The Dark Matter of Mona Starr, that addresses depression and isolation, but then shows a path back towards joy. I think of a poem like Gorman’s “The Things we Carry,” that explores painful American history while also paving the way for a better future.   
    As you choose your books for next year, I know there are so many things to think about. Genres, eras, key authors, key themes. But maybe, in the back of your mind, you could also keep in mind a little scale for hope and joy. For me, as a reader, those things really matter, and all those years ago my students taught me they matter to them too. I’m definitely not suggesting you scratch all your books that deal with serious themes, I just want to highly recommend that we make room for all kinds of stories, including those with happy endings.
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    • 4 min
    The End-of-Year Checklist for a Better August

    The End-of-Year Checklist for a Better August

    Last night I dreamed I was teaching in a new classroom, except it had layers of stuff on the walls from three other teachers across twenty years of teaching. I couldn't find anything, and I couldn't change the set-up because I didn't know what was important to my colleagues. It was awful.

    Am I the only one to ever have a classroom set-up nightmare? Maybe.

    But the thing is, where you teach and how it feels really does help shape your year. So what can you do right now, during this final push to summer, to leave yourself a beautiful, organized space to return to at back-to-school season?

    Today's episode will give you seven steps you can take right now to make your August exponentially lighter. If you can find time for these steps now, I believe you'll head into summer feeling lighter and more confident about your return later on.
    Links Mentioned:
    The Hurried Teacher's Guide to Digital Organization: https://nowsparkcreativity.com/2021/07/the-hurried-teachers-guide-to-digital-organization.html 
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    • 10 min
    Is this your Canva Summer?!

    Is this your Canva Summer?!

    On this week’s mini-episode, let’s talk about my favorite online teacher tool, Canva. If you haven’t signed up for their free educator program yet, this summer is the perfect time! You can explore all the design tools this wonderful website has to offer, and be ready in the fall to start using it in class. Plus, I’ve got a free mini course ready to help you do it. Today, let’s do a quick rundown on why I think you should. 
     Did you know Canva began as a program to help make yearbook advisers’ lives easier? Yep, I learned all about it listening to the founder on NPR’s podcast, How I Built This.  Canva basically provides easy versions of the complex designer tools available in programs like Photoshop. Instead of spending months learning Photoshop or paying a graphic designer, people in a huge variety of positions can now just click into Canva and design whatever they want quickly and easily.
    By the way, this episode is not sponsored by Canva, although I’m EXTREMELY open to a partnership, lol. 
    My husband just used Canva to design a t-shirt for our neighborhood triathlon at the cabin this summer. I just used it to create mood boards for our new house. My son just used it to make a restaurant menu for his English class. Even my eight year old loves to design her own bookmarks on Canva. 
    As an educator, you can use it to create hyperdocs, flashcards, posters, infographics, newsletters, certificates, club t-shirts, project models, project handouts, vocabulary quizzes, slide decks, and pretty much anything else you create for work. 
    You can also gift your students comfort with the program when you guide them through using it to create research carousels, podcast covers, slide decks, infographics, press releases, review posters, and pretty much anything else they create that requires visuals. 
    Canva’s tools are not so different from the ones you see on Slides, except they’re easier to use in designs once you get used to them. Will it take a few hours of practice? Sure. But it’s so worth it! My easy mini-course will set you up for success if you’d like a hand, and I’ll be sure to link it in the show notes. Canva has made a HUGE positive difference in my life as an educator, and this week, I want to highly recommend you let it do the same for you.

    Grab the Canva Confidence Free Mini-Course: https://sparkcreativity.kartra.com/page/getCanvaconfidence 
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    • 4 min
    The Easiest Last Day in ELA

    The Easiest Last Day in ELA

    You want the last day of ELA to be special, but what does that mean exactly? And who has the energy to think up this special plan when you're juggling allll the end-of-year things?

    If you'd like a fast, easy solution to the last day of your ELA classes, today I'm proposing (ha ha, I just accidentally typed PROMposing) stations. Stations are an easy way to get whatever dots have to be dotted and Ts have to be crossed at the same time as you build in a few fun things and keep everything lively so the time flies. The goodbye speech can only last so long. 

    Grab the Summer Reading Bookmarks: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12waoiIk0gdYMVYZPM8DnU17_RgJZhLlFKofqy2oFjM4/copy 
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    • 8 min
    Teaching Summer School? 2 Paths to a Happier July

    Teaching Summer School? 2 Paths to a Happier July

    On this week’s mini-episode, let’s talk summer school. Because I know that if you ARE teaching summer school, you’d like it to be engaging. Memorable. Creative. Superfantasticaliciousexpialadocious. But of course there’s the issue of you’re tired. And so are the students. And maybe they’re not that excited to be there.  So let’s run through two quick strategies for adding oomph and engagement to July.
    Here’s my top suggestion - change up your texts, and provide variety. Summer school is the perfect time to experiment with graphic novels, novels-in-verse, podcasts, performance poetry, graphic essays, and contemporary pieces. Get audiobook access whenever you can. Connect kids to electronic books through your local library on Libby so they can translate when needed. Run book clubs, choice reading, mini-units on compelling quick reads. 
    Next, I want to suggest you try to provide real-world contexts for practicing the skills you want students to develop. Develop units around blogging or podcasting, let them share research through infographics or Instagram-style carousels, dig into a Youtube unit and create video. Build your skill practice around the mediums you think are most likely to engage your students. You can teach argument through a video project in which kids recommend the best sneakers and hot chip brands. You can teach narrative through a suspense fiction podcast. You can practice rhetorical analysis by creating commercials for students’ favorite video games. 
    While summer school just doesn’t scream fun for most kids, this is your chance to kick that narrative in the teeth. Think of it as your innovative learning lab, in which you and your students will approach the learning goals in new ways that YOU are excited about. It’s your chance to finally run those podcast clubs, teach that Youtube unit, and bring in that graphic novel you love. Free from the restrictions of the regular year, summer school is your chance to teach with your full creative self, and this week, I just want to highly recommend that you do!
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    Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you! 

    • 4 min

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