286 episodes

Financial advisors, does this sound familiar?

You’re barraged with people and companies who promise to help you get six thousand new clients in thirty seconds or less as long as you follow their magic tip, trick, or tactic.

If so, take a deep breath and relax because that is NOT what this show is about. Lol.

Hi, I’m James Pollard. I’m the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com and host of the “Financial Advisor Marketing” podcast.

This podcast is rooted in timeless principles designed to help financial advisors attract their ideal audiences, forge authentic relationships, and build deep roots with prospective clients.

If you listen to this podcast, I think you’ll find three things to be true:

First, the information shared in this podcast is deceptively simple. This means you don’t have to be a genius or marketing expert to get results. I take immense pride in keeping things simple. Let everyone else chase complexity.

Second, the episodes are chock-full of data, research, and studies. This means advisors can do their due diligence on marketing strategies and make informed decisions about how they’d like to build their businesses.

And third, I don’t take myself too seriously. I joke around, laugh, and have fun.

If any of this appeals to you, I encourage you to listen.

~James Pollard

Financial Advisor Marketing Podcast James Pollard

    • Business

Financial advisors, does this sound familiar?

You’re barraged with people and companies who promise to help you get six thousand new clients in thirty seconds or less as long as you follow their magic tip, trick, or tactic.

If so, take a deep breath and relax because that is NOT what this show is about. Lol.

Hi, I’m James Pollard. I’m the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com and host of the “Financial Advisor Marketing” podcast.

This podcast is rooted in timeless principles designed to help financial advisors attract their ideal audiences, forge authentic relationships, and build deep roots with prospective clients.

If you listen to this podcast, I think you’ll find three things to be true:

First, the information shared in this podcast is deceptively simple. This means you don’t have to be a genius or marketing expert to get results. I take immense pride in keeping things simple. Let everyone else chase complexity.

Second, the episodes are chock-full of data, research, and studies. This means advisors can do their due diligence on marketing strategies and make informed decisions about how they’d like to build their businesses.

And third, I don’t take myself too seriously. I joke around, laugh, and have fun.

If any of this appeals to you, I encourage you to listen.

~James Pollard

    5 Marketing Mistakes Experienced Financial Advisors Make

    5 Marketing Mistakes Experienced Financial Advisors Make

    Even as an experienced advisor with a successful business, I’m willing to bet you’re making at least one of these five marketing mistakes. 
    Because here’s the thing… 
    While none of these mistakes are powerful enough to bankrupt your business today, the longer you keep making these mistakes, the more likely bankrupting your business becomes. No matter how long you’ve been in the business or how many clients you currently have. 
    Best part? 
    While these mistakes can bubble underneath the surface, they’re also easy to fix. 
    In today’s show, I reveal the 5 most common mistakes experienced financial advisors make, so you can avoid them. 
    Not only does this alleviate your worries, but it can also grow your business. 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    How seeking comfort in your financial advice business will slowly, but surely, bankrupt your business (2:06) Why seasoned financial advisors feel the “sting” of this marketing mistake more than brand new ones (3:13)  The “new client” trap successful financial advisors fall into which jacks up their churn rate to record highs (7:01)  How to increase your bottom line without adding any new clients (or even offering new services to existing ones) (8:08)  Why outsourcing your website or email copy can make your dream clients run away from you (12:29)  How to “borrow” credibility, trust, and even clients from other professionals (13:49)  Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift: 
    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.
    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

    • 21 min
    7 Marketing Mistakes New Financial Advisors Make

    7 Marketing Mistakes New Financial Advisors Make

    When you’re a brand-new financial advisor trying to learn marketing to keep your business afloat when you don’t have any clients, there’s a lot of mistakes you can make that increase your likelihood of giving up. 
    For example, listening to general marketing “experts” on YouTube who have never worked in the financial industry sets you up to work hard and generate no returns. 
    In fact, after having thousands of discussions with new financial advisors, I’ve found that there are 7 specific mistakes new advisors make that sabotage their marketing results. 
    In this episode, I reveal each of these 7 mistakes—and give you a solution for each and every one of them. 
    If you’re a new advisor, you can’t afford to skip this episode. But even if you’re a seasoned advisor, there’s still a chance you’re making one of these 7 mistakes. 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    Why relying on Gary Vaynerchuk, Russell Brunson, and Grant Cardone for your marketing education is a recipe for failure (0:53) How seeking out a mentor for your financial advising business can actually be dangerous to your business, bottom line, and mental health (2:53)  Why aligning your marketing strategy to your unique personality is the single most effective way to ratchet up the return of every marketing asset you use (6:46)  How your friends and family limit your growth potential (even if they don’t intend to) (10:22)  Failing to understand THIS makes it nearly impossible for you to succeed (11:15)  Nobody cares about your investment strategies or financial planning methods… But doing this instead fills your calendar with hungry prospects (12:27)  The “Stretch You” secret to goal setting that all but guarantees you become a top 5% advisor at worst (and a top 1% advisor at best) (14:31)  The insidious “Do More” trap new financial advisors fall into that keeps them broke and unstuck (17:10)  Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.
    Want to see the exact lead magnet (and landing page) that I consider to be my best one ever? It’s called “Financial Advisor Marketing Wisdom from the Bible.” You can check it out yourself here: https://theadvisorcoach.com/bible.

    • 21 min
    5 Elements Of Winning Online Marketing Campaigns For Financial Advisors

    5 Elements Of Winning Online Marketing Campaigns For Financial Advisors

    After helping thousands of financial advisors improve their marketing, I’ve realized that there are 5 key elements that successful financial advisors leverage in their marketing. 
    Missing any one of these five elements could be a reason that your marketing campaign lights your budget on fire without you seeing any benefit to your bottom line. 
    But most financial advisors aren’t even aware of these five elements. 
    In today’s show, you’ll discover the 5 elements of winning online marketing campaigns for financial advisors, so you become one of the few financial advisors who can use your marketing to land clients whenever you want. 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    Why studying landing pages and websites from the best marketers can actually make yours worse (1:44)  How to make every piece of marketing collateral in your financial advice business better by simply watching The Godfather (2:25)  The “Try Enough” marketing strategy that every winning online marketing campaign leverages (and it also explains why your marketing campaigns fail) (4:08)  The insidious “Three Feet From Gold” trap financial advisors’ marketing campaigns fall into that devours your ROI (4:47)  Why targeting a broad pool in your online ads is like throwing money away (even if an advertising guru told you that going broad works better) (8:05)  3 simple steps from management legend Peter Drucker to turn a sea of data into actionable insights that ratchet up the effectiveness of your marketing (10:51)  The exact amount of time you should let your winning ads run for (12:30)  How to slice and dice one winning ad into ten (or more) winning ads (without fully redoing your ad each time) (13:00)  Why diversifying your marketing assets helps you generate returns in the short-term while also preventing your entire business from sinking over the long-term (17:24)  Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90-minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.
    Want to see the exact lead magnet (and landing page) that I consider to be my best one ever? It’s called “Financial Advisor Marketing Wisdom from the Bible.” You can check it out yourself here: https://theadvisorcoach.com/bible.

    • 21 min
    What I Learned From My Best Lead Generator Ever

    What I Learned From My Best Lead Generator Ever

    I made a new lead magnet, which, based on its early performance, is the best lead generator I’ve ever created. 
    How did I do it? 
    Well, I did the exact opposite of what most financial advisors do when building their own lead magnets. 
    For example, I talk about Christianity in it (usually a big no-no in the financial advice industry). I purposely made it exclusive instead of inclusive. And I even charge for it instead of giving it away for free. 
    In today’s show, I reveal why I made these “against the grain” decisions, how it resulted in the best lead generator I’ve ever created, and how you can duplicate this strategy in your business. 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    How paying more for your leads (instead of less) generates more revenue for your business (0:49)  Think you should be trying to find the most profitable clients for your business? Here’s one reason why this can backfire (1:48)  The insidious “Generalist Tax” that devours your free time without seeing returns to your bottom line (3:14)  How making yourself less available makes you more attractive to your best prospective clients (4:30)  Why “borrowing” this belief from two different religions can ease your frustrations and headaches in your business (6:20)  The $1 secret for turning your current lead magnets into actual client-getting machines (8:51)  How applying the Golden Rule to other businesses who want you as their client actually helps you find better clients (10:15)  Asking yourself these 3 questions can help you build the best lead magnet for your business (17:20)  The “Exclusive Lead Magnet” trick for repelling headache-inducing leads and only attracting high-quality leads (18:31)  Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.
    Want to see the exact lead magnet (and landing page) that I consider to be my best one ever? It’s called “Financial Advisor Marketing Wisdom from the Bible.” You can check it out yourself here: https://theadvisorcoach.com/bible.

    • 21 min
    7 Pieces Of Productivity Advice That Changed My Life

    7 Pieces Of Productivity Advice That Changed My Life

    Most financial advisors—and truthfully, most business owners—let their entire day get controlled by someone else. 
    False urgencies, random meetings, and pointless tasks can easily consume your day when you don’t control them. And most people don’t even try to control them because they mistake being busy with being productive. 
    But nothing will sink your business faster than being busy all day. 
    Busy is not productive. And productivity is not busy.
    They are completely opposed to each other in every single way.
    That's why I’m peeling back the curtain for you today and revealing the 7 pieces of productivity advice that changed my life. 
    You might not like hearing everything in this episode, but if you implement the advice I share, your business will thank you. Your bank account will thank you. And you know what? Even your spouse will thank you. 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    Why winging it day to day keeps you busy everyday without having any wealth or clients to show for it (1:05)  How to instantly gain clarity and control over your hectic schedule—in only 30 minutes (1:58)  The “Time Boxing” method for accomplishing double the work in half of the time you’d normally take (5:59)  Why failing to schedule breaks into your schedule drains your productivity (even if you think the opposite would happen) (8:22)  2 types of breaks that skyrocket your productivity levels throughout the day (10:06)  The weird “Sparkling Trash Can” secret that can improve your marketing, reduce randomness on your schedule, and even grow your business (19:15)  Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.
    Now, you might have a few questions like how do I identify the right niche for me that is viable long term, I actually have an entire video training about this called deep dive into niche marketing, which you can find over theadvisorcoach.com/niche that digs in a lot deeper than I can in a single podcast episode. There is no perfect science for selecting a viable niche.

    • 21 min
    The Big Fat Problem With Niche Marketing

    The Big Fat Problem With Niche Marketing

    While niche marketing is one of the most powerful marketing strategies available for financial advisors looking to differentiate and scale… 
    There’s a big, fat problem with niche marketing: 
    It is not an overnight cure for your lack-of-clients or lack-of-cash-flow problems, despite what you hear marketing gurus peddling.  
    In fact, it’s the exact opposite: Choosing a niche, then earning the trust of that niche, can take years of grueling effort with little return. Especially because the financial advice industry is one of the least trusted professional industries. 
    That’s why, in this episode, I’m revealing a secret, more methodical way to become a trusted source in your niche (without starving for clients and cash flow for years). 
    Listen now. 
    Show highlights include:
    How to actually build trust with potential clients (even if the financial advice industry is one of the least trusted professional industries) (0:31)  Why typical sales and marketing books don’t work for financial advisors (even though they work in other industries) (1:42)  Where the “riches are in the niches” advice marketing zealots pump into you falls flat and can even hurt your business (3:03)   How to become the trusted figure in your niche—and why it will takes years, not months or weeks (3:21)  Why appearing as a generalist instead of being a specialist is a better strategy for growing your business (even though it’s harder) (5:38)   How to build an entire financial advice business around the “Generalist-Specialist” method that gets you clients today and years down the road (6:34)  The slower, more methodical, and more effective “Behind-the-scenes” secret for building a wildly profitable niche (9:15)  Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.
    Now, you might have a few questions like how do I identify the right niche for me that is viable long term, I actually have an entire video training about this called deep dive into niche marketing, which you can find over theadvisorcoach.com/niche that digs in a lot deeper than I can in a single podcast episode. There is no perfect science for selecting a viable niche.

    • 18 min

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