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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K747: 空服員:確保乘客安全的關鍵角色 The Crucial Role of Flight Attendants in Ensuring Passenger Safety 通勤學英語 15Mins Today

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安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅



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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)

國際時事跟讀 Ep.K747: The Crucial Role of Flight Attendants in Ensuring Passenger Safety

Highlights 主題摘要:
Crucial Role of Flight Attendants: Recent incidents highlight flight attendants' vital role in ensuring passenger safety, emphasizing meticulous training and dedication.Safety Training and Preparation: Flight attendants undergo rigorous training for diverse emergencies, with a focus on quick thinking during critical stages like take-off and landing.Effective Communication for Safety: Clear and calm communication is key in ensuring successful evacuations. Passengers' perception of cabin crew as safety professionals is crucial for cooperation.
Flying at a staggering speed of 500 miles per hour may provide a sense of exhilaration, but recent incidents in the aviation world emphasize the critical role of flight attendants in ensuring passenger safety. A collision at Tokyo's Haneda Airport involving a Japan Airlines aircraft ignited an inferno, sparking discussions worldwide. Former flight attendant Mizuki Urano, reflecting on the incident, asserts that the survival of all 379 passengers was not a miracle but a result of meticulous training and the dedication of the cabin crew.
以每小時500英里的驚人速度飛行可能帶來一種振奮感,但最近航空界的事故凸顯了空服員在確保乘客安全方面的關鍵角色。在東京羽田機場一次涉及日本航空的飛機碰撞事故中,一場大火爆發,引起全球的討論。前日本航空公司的空服員Mizuki Urano在回顧事故時表示,379名乘客全部倖存並非奇蹟,而是精心培訓和機艙人員奉獻的結果。

Flight attendants, often perceived as individuals solely responsible for serving food and drinks, are, in reality, primarily focused on passenger safety. The Japan Airlines crash served as a vivid reminder of the potential dangers in aviation. Kris Major, a British flight attendant, commended the JAL crew for their expert execution of training, emphasizing the importance of doing the right thing during emergencies. Cabin crews worldwide hope that such incidents prompt a broader conversation on crew-passenger relations, airline safety briefings, and the challenges of working at 30,000 feet.
空服員通常被當作只負責提供食物和飲料,但實際上,他們主要工作是專注於乘客的安全。這次日本航空的事故鮮明地提出了航空業潛在的危險。英國空服員Kris Major讚揚了日航機組人員對培訓的專業執行,強調在緊急情況下做出正確行動的重要性。全球的機艙人員希望這樣的事件能引發更廣泛的討論,涉及機組人員與乘客的關係、航空公司的安全簡報以及在30,000英尺高空工作的挑戰。

Flight attendants undergo rigorous training to handle a spec

安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅



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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)

國際時事跟讀 Ep.K747: The Crucial Role of Flight Attendants in Ensuring Passenger Safety

Highlights 主題摘要:
Crucial Role of Flight Attendants: Recent incidents highlight flight attendants' vital role in ensuring passenger safety, emphasizing meticulous training and dedication.Safety Training and Preparation: Flight attendants undergo rigorous training for diverse emergencies, with a focus on quick thinking during critical stages like take-off and landing.Effective Communication for Safety: Clear and calm communication is key in ensuring successful evacuations. Passengers' perception of cabin crew as safety professionals is crucial for cooperation.
Flying at a staggering speed of 500 miles per hour may provide a sense of exhilaration, but recent incidents in the aviation world emphasize the critical role of flight attendants in ensuring passenger safety. A collision at Tokyo's Haneda Airport involving a Japan Airlines aircraft ignited an inferno, sparking discussions worldwide. Former flight attendant Mizuki Urano, reflecting on the incident, asserts that the survival of all 379 passengers was not a miracle but a result of meticulous training and the dedication of the cabin crew.
以每小時500英里的驚人速度飛行可能帶來一種振奮感,但最近航空界的事故凸顯了空服員在確保乘客安全方面的關鍵角色。在東京羽田機場一次涉及日本航空的飛機碰撞事故中,一場大火爆發,引起全球的討論。前日本航空公司的空服員Mizuki Urano在回顧事故時表示,379名乘客全部倖存並非奇蹟,而是精心培訓和機艙人員奉獻的結果。

Flight attendants, often perceived as individuals solely responsible for serving food and drinks, are, in reality, primarily focused on passenger safety. The Japan Airlines crash served as a vivid reminder of the potential dangers in aviation. Kris Major, a British flight attendant, commended the JAL crew for their expert execution of training, emphasizing the importance of doing the right thing during emergencies. Cabin crews worldwide hope that such incidents prompt a broader conversation on crew-passenger relations, airline safety briefings, and the challenges of working at 30,000 feet.
空服員通常被當作只負責提供食物和飲料,但實際上,他們主要工作是專注於乘客的安全。這次日本航空的事故鮮明地提出了航空業潛在的危險。英國空服員Kris Major讚揚了日航機組人員對培訓的專業執行,強調在緊急情況下做出正確行動的重要性。全球的機艙人員希望這樣的事件能引發更廣泛的討論,涉及機組人員與乘客的關係、航空公司的安全簡報以及在30,000英尺高空工作的挑戰。

Flight attendants undergo rigorous training to handle a spec

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