103 episodes

Welcome to the 3D Parent Podcast! I’m Beaven Walters, your host.

As a certified parent coach, parent educator and mom of 4 children, I am passionate about helping parents navigate the tough stuff while maintaining dignity, direction and deep connection in your family relationships. Throughout this podcast, we will cover topics such as tantrums, sibling conflict, screen time overload and transitioning into the teenage years.

My goal is to provide you with tools that help inform, empower and boost your confidence as a parent so you can make the best decisions possible for you and your family. Parenting is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone.

I am here to guide you through the 3D Parent approach to parenting, so you can stop struggling and start celebrating all of the time you have with your children.

The 3D Parent Podcast Beaven Walters

    • Para toda la familia

Welcome to the 3D Parent Podcast! I’m Beaven Walters, your host.

As a certified parent coach, parent educator and mom of 4 children, I am passionate about helping parents navigate the tough stuff while maintaining dignity, direction and deep connection in your family relationships. Throughout this podcast, we will cover topics such as tantrums, sibling conflict, screen time overload and transitioning into the teenage years.

My goal is to provide you with tools that help inform, empower and boost your confidence as a parent so you can make the best decisions possible for you and your family. Parenting is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone.

I am here to guide you through the 3D Parent approach to parenting, so you can stop struggling and start celebrating all of the time you have with your children.

    #104 Nurturing Alpha: A New Paradigm in Parenting

    #104 Nurturing Alpha: A New Paradigm in Parenting

    DESCRIPTION:As a young parent, I was on a quest for answers, constantly seeking solutions to my child's behaviors. I believed that parenting was about applying techniques and strategies to mold my child's behavior. However, a pivotal moment came when I stumbled upon a quote by Dr. Gordon Neufeld: "Parenting is not about what you do with your child. It's about who you are to your child."

    This quote sparked a profound shift in my perspective. I realized that effective parenting goes beyond mere actions; it's about embodying a powerful  nurturing presence for our children. This realization led me to explore different parenting styles and to uncover the ideal dynamics in parent-child relationships.

    In today's episode, we'll delve into the four main types of parenting styles, examining their strengths and limitations, and lay the groundwork for our exploration of what I have coined the Nurturing Alpha role as parent.

    We will explore: 

    Characteristics of the Nurturing Alpha Role: Identifying the key traits that define this parenting approach.
    Skills of a Nurturing Alpha Parent: Discovering the essential skills needed to embody the Nurturing Alpha role.
    How to Become a Nurturing Alpha: Practical steps and insights to help you cultivate this empowering presence as a parent.

    Join me on this transformative journey towards becoming a Nurturing Alpha parent. Tune in to episode 104 of The 3D Parent Podcast and discover how you can embody the Nurturing Alpha role to cultivate deeper connections with your children and foster their emotional well-being.Do you have a highly sensitive child? Take the quiz to find out! https://www.the3dparent.com/quizREADY TO TAKE YOUR PARENTING TO THE NEXT LEVEL?:

    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. Let's work together to tailor the 3D Parent Approach to your unique parenting journey. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session to check in and see how implementing the coaching strategies is going for you and your family. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together. Your experience can inspire and support other parents facing similar struggles.


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    The 3D Parent on Facebook
    JOIN: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group


    Let's rewind a bit to my own journey as a parent. Like many of you, I found myself lost in a sea of conflicting advice, wondering if there was a magic formula to navigate the challenges of raising children. I voraciously consumed parenting books, hoping to uncover the secrets to managing my child's behavior, but soon realized, I was missing the mark.

    It wasn't about mastering the latest discipline technique or implementing rigid routines. Instead, it was about embodying a fundamental shift in perspective, one that Dr. Gordon Neufeld beautifully encapsulates: "Parenting is not about what you do with your child. It's about who you are to your child."

    This quote struck a chord with me, prompting a profound shift in my approach to parenting. Rather than fixating on external strategies, I began to explore the essence of my role as a parent. Who did I need to be for my child in order to effectively lead, guide, influence, and teach her? How could I cultivate a relationship built on trust, understanding, and genuine connection?This realization marked a turning point in my journey. It propelled me to delve deeper into the realm of parenting styles, seeking not just a label but a true understanding of what it means to nurture and guide a child. And that's when I stumbled upon the familiar territory of authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, an

    • 26 min
    #103 Parenting Outside the Lines with Guest, Meghan Leahy

    #103 Parenting Outside the Lines with Guest, Meghan Leahy

    In this week's episode of The 3D Parent Podcast, we welcome Meghan Leahy, noted parenting columnist for The Washington Post and author of the book, Parenting Outside the Lines. Meghan's columns resonate with readers through their insightful, practical advice on parenting. This episode offers a glimpse into her motivations for pursuing a career as a parent coach and columnist, along with key moments that shaped her approach to parental guidance.

    We will discuss the significant challenges that today’s parents encounter, particularly in fostering deeper connections with their children and managing expectations for acknowledgment and appreciation.

    Join us for a thoughtful conversation with Meghan Leahy, as we explore effective strategies for navigating the complexities of parenthood.

    Do you have a highly sensitive child? Click the link below to take the quiz to find out! https://www.the3dparent.com/quizREADY TO TAKE YOUR PARENTING TO THE NEXT LEVEL?:

    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. Let's work together to tailor the 3D Parent Approach to your unique parenting journey. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session to check in and see how implementing the coaching strategies is going for you and your family. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together. Your experience can inspire and support other parents facing similar struggles.


    The 3D Parent on Instagram
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    JOIN: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Connect with Meghan:

    Website: Meghan Leahy Parent Coach

    Facebook: Meghan Leahy Parent Coach

    Book: Meghan Leahy - Parenting Outside the Lines

    Podcast: Meghan’s Substack | Meghan Leahy | Substack


    SHOWNOTES: Today, we're stepping "outside the lines” with special guest, Meghan Leahy, a multifaceted individual juggling the roles of parent, writer, coach, and lover of reality TV. Meghan brings a wealth of experience to the table as a parent to three children, two dogs, and a devoted partner of 23 years. With a diverse background encompassing numerous degrees, certifications, and trainings, Meghan humbly acknowledges that the more she learns, the less she feels she knows. She wears many hats, including that of a parent coach, author of the insightful book "Parenting Outside the Lines," and a parenting columnist at The Washington Post. She's also deeply rooted in Zen Buddhism and is often found soaking up the sun on a beach. Meghan Leahy’s  journey into the world of parenting coaching and writing is a tale of transformation, fueled by a deep understanding of the struggles many families face. As she candidly shares, she wasn't the model child; in fact, she was the kid who challenged every behavioral norm in the book. For her parents, navigating her adolescence was akin to a high-wire act without a safety net.

    It's this firsthand experience of being the impossible kid to parent that fuels Meghan's passion for supporting parents today. She understands the frustration, the exhaustion, and the overwhelming love that accompanies raising a challenging child. And it's this empathy that forms the foundation of her coaching philosophy.

    But Meghan's journey wasn't a straight path from rebellious teenager to parenting expert. She stumbled into teaching after college, only to realize that her penchant for honesty and

    • 50 min
    #102 Motivating Unmotivated Children

    #102 Motivating Unmotivated Children


    Does your child drag their feet when it's time to hit the books or complete chores? Or do you ever find yourself scratching your head, wondering how to get them out of bed in the morning or to convince them to maintain basic hygiene habits? Whatever the case, motivation isn't always easy, even for adults. We all have moments when we struggle to find the drive to tackle certain tasks. So how can we make sense of this challenge when it arises in our children? That's precisely what we're going to uncover today! 

    In this episode, we'll explore the various factors that can contribute to a child's lack of motivation. From neurodivergent conditions like ADHD and autism to social challenges, learning disabilities, and even mental health issues like anxiety and depression.But more importantly, we'll discuss:

    The pitfalls of lecturing, shaming, minimizing the child's struggles, and engaging in power struggles.
    Understanding the concept of neuroplasticity and how positive thoughts and beliefs can wire the brain for positivity.
    The importance of deep connections between parents and children and how we can use this connection to foster a sense of purpose, and empower children to find their own solutions.
    Introducing the concept of a Motivation Menu as a tool to enhance motivation, energy, and focus by incorporating activities that stimulate the release of dopamine.

    Let's dive in and discover how we can help our children unlock their potential and embrace a more motivated approach to life. Tune in to learn how you can make a positive difference in your child's journey toward greater motivation and fulfillment.


    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. Let's work together to tailor the 3D Parent Approach to your unique parenting journey. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session to check in and see how implementing the coaching strategies is going for you and your family. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together. Your experience can inspire and support other parents facing similar struggles.


    The 3D Parent on Instagram
    The 3D Parent on Facebook
    JOIN: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group

    Episode Resources:


    Article: https://drsandygluckman.com/why-your-child-is-unmotivated-and-what-to-do-about-it/

    Jessica McCabe Video:  “How to Give Your Brain the Stimulation it Needs”.

    Article: https://www.parentingforbrain.com/how-to-get-kids-to-do-chores/

    Article: https://www.edutopia.org/article/reframing-rewire-student-brains/#:~:text=Neuroplasticity%20is%20how%20our%20nervous,well%2Dbeing%20in%20all%20moments.

    Article: https://www.edutopia.org/article/reframing-rewire-student-brains/# SHOWNOTES: In this episode of the 3D Parent podcast, we're going to delve into this common challenge, exploring the various reasons why children may struggle with motivation and, most importantly, what we can do to support them.Before we jump into solutions, let's remember that struggling with motivation is a common issue, and it doesn't mean that your child is destined for a lifetime of apathy. By understanding the root causes and implementing some practical tips, we can help ignite that spark of motivation within them.

    So, why might your child be lacking motivation? Well, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it could be something inherent to their individual makeup. Conditions like ADHD, autism, anxiety, or depression can all play a significant role in how motivated a child feels. These conditions can affe

    • 50 min
    #101 The Gifts of High Sensitivity with Sarah R. Moore

    #101 The Gifts of High Sensitivity with Sarah R. Moore

    DESCRIPTION:Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, And I'm thrilled to have Sarah Moore back with us, an expert in conscious parenting, founder of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting, and author of "Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior." If you're tuning in again, you might remember Sarah from a fantastic chat we had a while back about fostering healthy sleep habits for our kids. That was Episode 72, in case you're feeling nostalgic and want to give it another listen.

    Now, I'm super excited to bring Sarah back on board for another riveting discussion, this time diving into the gifts of highly sensitive children.

    Points we will discuss:• Why people tend to have a negative view of high sensitivity• The positive aspects of sensitivity• Some of the mistakes parents make when they have a sensitive child• How parents can nurture the gifts that come with high sensitivity

    If you're intrigued by our discussion and want to learn more about supporting highly sensitive children, be sure to tune in to the full episode with Sarah Moore. And don't forget to check out her book, "Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior," for valuable insights and strategies. Do you have a highly sensitive child? Take the quiz to find out! https://www.the3dparent.com/quizREADY TO TAKE YOUR PARENTING TO THE NEXT LEVEL?:

    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. Let's work together to tailor the 3D Parent Approach to your unique parenting journey. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session to check in and see how implementing the coaching strategies is going for you and your family. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together. Your experience can inspire and support other parents facing similar struggles.


    The 3D Parent on Instagram
    The 3D Parent on Facebook
    JOIN: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group

    Episode Resources: Sarah’s Book: Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior

    Get exclusive discounts to Sarah’s  programs: Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting - Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting Connect with Sarah:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/dandelionseedspositiveliving/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/DandelionSeedsPositiveParenting

    YT: Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting

    TikTok: DandelionSeedsPositiveParentin's Creator Profile

    Pinterest: Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting

    Threads: Sarah R. Moore 🌟 Author & Conscious Parenting Trainer...SHOWNOTES: Remember when Sarah and I delved into sustainable sleep habits for kids in episode 72? Well, this time around, Sarah and I are back to tackle another essential parenting topic: highly sensitive children and their incredible gifts.

    Now, as I relaunched the podcast, I knew I wanted Sarah back to explore another parenting topic. When I asked her what she was passionate about discussing, she suggested diving into the world of highly sensitive children and their parents. And guess what? I was all in! 

    Like many of us, Sarah's upbringing was shaped by a highly sensitive parent—her single mom. Growing up in that environment, Sarah not only inherited her mother's sensitivity but also witnessed firsthand the challenges and strengths it brought.

    Why do people tend to have a negative view of high sensitivity?In my recent conversation with Sarah, she shed some light on why people tend to have a negative view of high sensitivity. Sara’s perspective is that part of the problem lies in the misconception that all sensitivity is the same. She continued by sharing that there are two distinct ty

    • 51 min
    #100 The 100 Minute Connection Challenge: One Week to Stronger Family Bonds

    #100 The 100 Minute Connection Challenge: One Week to Stronger Family Bonds


    Hello, wonderful listeners, and welcome to a special milestone episode, the 100th edition of the 3D Parent Podcast! First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your support, your feedback, and your dedication to listening to this podcast have been the driving force behind its success. It's your enthusiasm that fuels my passion for sharing valuable insights and guidance on parenting through each episode.

    In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. But amidst the chaos, it's essential to recognize and address our children's innate need for connection. They crave our time, our attention, and most importantly, our presence. And that's where the 100 Minute Connection Challenge comes in.

    Now, for this momentous episode, I wanted to switch things up a bit and stay true to the theme of 100. So, I've devised an exciting challenge for you – the 100 Minute Connection Challenge. This challenge is designed to inspire you to deepen the bonds with your children over the course of a week. Because let's face it, one of the most vital aspects of parenting is nurturing a strong, secure, and heartfelt connection with our kids.

    Throughout this episode, I'll be sharing all the details of this challenge, including how it works and what you can expect. But wait, there's more! I've also created a downloadable PDF bingo board, with a link to download found in the show notes. This bingo board serves two purposes: to inject an element of fun into the challenge and to hold yourself accountable for completing the 100 minutes of connection activities with your child in the coming week.


    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. Let's work together to tailor the 3D Parent Approach to your unique parenting journey. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session to check in and see how implementing the coaching strategies is going for you and your family. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together. Your experience can inspire and support other parents facing similar struggles.


    The 3D Parent on Instagram
    The 3D Parent on Facebook
    JOIN: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group

    Episode Resources:

    CLICK HERE to Download The 100 Minute Connection Challenge Bingo Board PDF 

    Book: “Hold On to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufeld, Ph. D. and Gabor Maté, M.D.

    Blog: www.71toes.com

    CLICK HERE: Episode 87 of The 3D Parent Podcast: Parenting with Deep Connection


    Hello and welcome to Episode 100 of the 3D Parent Podcast! Can you believe it? We've hit the big 100! I'm genuinely thrilled to have reached this milestone, and I'm deeply grateful for your continued support and engagement. So, to mark this special occasion, I wanted to do something meaningful, something that reflects the essence of what this podcast is all about: nurturing strong connections between parents and their children.

    I've been pondering what to do for this significant episode, and I wanted to keep it aligned with our theme of 100. Hence, I present to you the 100 Minute Connection Challenge – a week-long challenge dedicated to strengthening the bond between you and your child.

    Why this challenge? By dedicating just 100 minutes of your week to intentionally connect with your child, their behavior will become more manageable, meltdowns will become less frequent, and the overall atmosphere at home will become more harmonious. Sounds pretty amazing, right?Connection is at the core of what I talk about on the 3D Parent

    • 31 min
    # 99 Parenting Modern Tweens: Sephora, Sass, and Self-discovery

    # 99 Parenting Modern Tweens: Sephora, Sass, and Self-discovery


    Hey there, wonderful parents, and welcome back to the 3D Parent Podcast! Joining me today is Natasha, a supermom raising two incredible girls, ages seven and eleven.

    Natasha kicks off our session by sharing her concerns about her tween daughters' growing fascination with trends, brands, and materialistic values. She's noticing shifts in her behavior, from sweetness to occasional sassiness, and she's feeling the strain on their once-close relationship. Natasha also wonders about finding the delicate balance between offering support and letting her daughters navigate their own paths as they grow up. These are common challenges many parents face as their children transition from childhood to adolescence.

    Here are the burning topics what we'll cover:

    Trend-Oriented Culture: We'll explore how to navigate the materialistic trends that seem to dominate tween culture and discuss ways to instill deeper values beyond brand names.

    Managing Sass and Sensitivity: Natasha's facing the challenge of balancing her daughter's sweet, sensitive side with those moments of unexpected rudeness. We'll share some practical tips for maintaining a strong, respectful relationship during this “rollercoaster” phase.

    How Much to Intervene vs. Empower Independent Problem Solving: We'll delve into the delicate art of knowing when to step in and when to step back, offering insights on providing support without smothering independence as our tweens navigate the ups and downs of life.

    The emotional rollercoaster of tweenhood can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, leaving us parents wondering how to handle those off-cuff rude moments without losing the precious bond we share with our child. Throughout this episode, we'll explore how to strike a delicate balance between setting boundaries and maintaining a strong, supportive relationship with our tweens.


    For 3D Parent Coaching Services:

    If you're looking for personalized guidance and support, consider exploring my parent coaching services. CLICK HERE to book a complimentary parent coach consultation call.
    Interested in Receiving 2 Free Parent Coaching Sessions? Become a Parent Coaching Guest on the podcast and receive 2 free parent coaching sessions, one to be recorded on my podcast and one private follow-up session. CLICK HERE to contact me about this opportunity and let's tackle your parenting concerns together.CONNECT WITH ME:
    Follow: The 3D Parent on Instagram
    Follow: The 3D Parent on Facebook
    Join: The 3D Parent Lounge Private Facebook Group
    Email: Contact Me


    Let me introduce you to our guest, Natasha. Natasha is a super mom, raising two incredible girls—one almost seven and the other newly 11. As a fellow mom and friend, Natasha and I often find ourselves deep in conversation about the joys and struggles of parenting tweens. And today, we're inviting you to join in on the conversation as we tackle some of the challenges Natasha is facing.

    Let's address Natasha's concerns, one by one. First up, the trend-oriented nature of today's youth. It's no secret that tweens are heavily influenced by trends, from fashion to technology to social media. But how do we navigate this trend-centric culture without losing sight of what truly matters?

    Next, we'll tackle the rollercoaster of emotions that come with tweenhood. Natasha's concern about her oldest daughter's sudden mood swings is one that many parents can relate to. We'll discuss ways to navigate these hormonal changes with empathy and understanding, maintaining a strong parent-child bond even in the face of off-cuff rude moments.

    And finally, the age-old question: when to step back and when to step in? As our tweens grow older, it can be challenging to find the balance between independence and support. We'll explore strategies for knowing when to give our tweens space to navigate challenges on their own and when to offer a helping hand, whether it's in navigating fr

    • 46 min

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