12 episodios

Have You Ever Asked Yourself: How can I get more patients? What are the systems I need to streamline operations? How can I be more effective with marketing? How can I align marketing and operations? How can I measure marketing results to see what’s working? If this is you, you’re in the right place. We’ve spent a lot of time talking with orthodontists, dentists, practice managers, office staff, and consultants, and we’ve actually built a framework to connect your office to patients & develop a relationship. Our Patient Acquisition & Retention Framework™ enables you to manage the patient experience from the first call through their procedure of interest. The GrowOrtho podcast is for orthodontists and dentists who want to run their practice like a business and discover how to take their practice to the next level.

The GrowOrtho Podcast HIP Creative

    • Economía y empresa

Have You Ever Asked Yourself: How can I get more patients? What are the systems I need to streamline operations? How can I be more effective with marketing? How can I align marketing and operations? How can I measure marketing results to see what’s working? If this is you, you’re in the right place. We’ve spent a lot of time talking with orthodontists, dentists, practice managers, office staff, and consultants, and we’ve actually built a framework to connect your office to patients & develop a relationship. Our Patient Acquisition & Retention Framework™ enables you to manage the patient experience from the first call through their procedure of interest. The GrowOrtho podcast is for orthodontists and dentists who want to run their practice like a business and discover how to take their practice to the next level.

    Conceptualizing the Entrepreneurial Myth – Chapter 8 of Master Your Mindset

    Conceptualizing the Entrepreneurial Myth – Chapter 8 of Master Your Mindset

    In the ever-evolving landscape of small businesses, the entrepreneurial mindset emerges as a critical catalyst for success. It is the driving force that propels visionaries like Ray Kroc of McDonald’s to transform their ideas into thriving empires. This mindset transcends industries, unleashing the potential for growth and innovation in every sector, including the dynamic world of orthodontic practices.

    Distinguishing The Roles — Entrepreneur, Manager, And Technician

    To truly embrace the entrepreneurial mindset, it is essential to understand the three distinct roles that shape a successful small business: the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. The entrepreneur is the visionary, constantly seeking opportunities and developing innovative ideas to keep the business fresh and cutting-edge. The manager is the integrator, responsible for translating the entrepreneur’s vision into actionable strategies while maintaining profitability and excellent customer service. The technician is the talent, providing the unique skills that create the product or service the business is known for.

    The Entrepreneurial Seizure — Avoiding The Pitfall

    Many small business owners fall into the trap of what Michael Gerber, author of “The E-Myth Revisited,” calls the “entrepreneurial seizure.” They are skilled technicians who decide to start their own business but lack the necessary business acumen to thrive. Consequently, they find themselves “working in the business, not on the business,” trapped in the technician role while neglecting the crucial roles of the entrepreneur and the manager.

    Embracing The Entrepreneurial Mindset

    To unlock the full potential of a small business, the entrepreneurial mindset must be embraced. This mindset recognizes that a successful business is not merely a practice that happens to be a business but rather a business that happens to be a practice. It involves understanding that the orthodontist’s primary role is that of a technician, excelling in providing exceptional patient care, while entrusting the management responsibilities to a qualified and dedicated professional.

    The Power Of Delegation And Systemization

    Successful orthodontists like Dr. Ben Fishbein and Dr. Ernie McDowell have mastered the art of delegation and systemization. They have created comprehensive practice models that operate like well-oiled machines, with clearly defined processes and protocols. By delegating the management of their practices to a Chief Operations Officer (COO) or an equivalent role, they have been able to focus on their core strengths as orthodontists, delivering exceptional patient care while allowing their businesses to flourish.

    Mindset Transformation — From Technician To Entrepreneur

    The journey to embracing the entrepreneurial mindset often begins with a mindset transformation. It involves recognizing that being an orthodontist does not necessarily equate to being a skilled business manager. Just as orthodontists dedicate years to mastering their clinical skills, they must acknowledge the importance of entrusting the management of their practice to individuals with the necessary expertise and qualifications.

    By relinquishing the manager role and embracing the roles of the entrepreneur and the technician, orthodontists can unlock a world of growth and success. They can focus on their passion for transforming lives through exceptional orthodontic care while simultaneously fostering a thriving business that positively impacts their community.

    In the ever-competitive landscape of small businesses, the entrepreneurial mindset emerges as a game-changer. It is a mindset that recognizes the importance of delegation, systemization, and embracing one’s strengths as a technician while entrusting the management responsibilities to qualified professionals. By adopting this mindset,

    • 25 min
    Investing In Yourself: Chapter 7 of Master Your Mindset

    Investing In Yourself: Chapter 7 of Master Your Mindset

    In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the daily grind and neglect one of the most important investments of all – investing in yourself. Many successful people, including Warren Buffett, understand the value of this concept and encourage others to prioritize self-improvement and personal growth. By investing in yourself, you pave the way for a more fulfilling and meaningful life, both personally and professionally.

    The Importance Of Self-Care

    Self-care is the foundation of investing in yourself. It’s about taking care of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When you neglect any of these areas, it can have a ripple effect on other aspects of your life. Burnout, lack of focus, and decreased productivity are just a few of the potential consequences.


    Embracing A Holistic Approach

    True self-care requires a holistic approach that addresses all four dimensions:

    * Physical Health — Prioritize proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques.

    * Emotional Well-being — Practice self-compassion, nurture positive relationships, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

    * Mental Stimulation — Seek opportunities for continuous learning, engage in intellectual pursuits, and challenge yourself with new experiences.

    * Spiritual Growth — Explore practices such as meditation, prayer, or journaling to cultivate a sense of purpose and connect with something greater than yourself.

    Redefining Energy

    Often, when we feel drained or overwhelmed, we turn to destructive coping mechanisms like overindulging in unhealthy habits or working ourselves into oblivion. However, these temporary fixes only provide short-term relief and can ultimately leave us feeling worse. The key is to replace these destructive energies with constructive ones.

    Constructive Energy Sources

    * Regular exercise and healthy eating

    * Prioritizing quality sleep

    * Practicing mindfulness and positive self-talk

    * Setting and reviewing goals regularly

    * Engaging in activities outside your comfort zone

    * Nurturing your spiritual side

    By incorporating these positive practices into your routine, you’ll cultivate a sustainable source of energy that will fuel your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

    Lifelong Learning

    Learning is a powerful tool for personal growth and should never be confined to formal education. Successful individuals embrace the concept of lifelong learning, recognizing its value in staying engaged, adapting to change, and remaining competitive in a rapidly evolving world.

    Explore Various Learning Avenues:

    Incorporating learning into your daily routine can open up new perspectives, enhance your skills, and provide a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

    * Books and audiobooks

    * Podcasts and online courses

    * Mastermind groups and professional associations

    * Mentorship and coaching opportunities


    Habits, Practices, And Rituals

    To truly invest in yourself, it’s important to understand the distinction between habits, practices, and rituals:

    * Habits are automatic behaviors that occur regularly without much conscious thought.

    * Practices are intentional activities that require effort and planning, often related to personal or professional development.

    * Rituals are meaningful acts performed in a prescribed way, often with spiritual or symbolic significance.

    Analyze Your Habits — Take an honest look at your current habits and assess which ones are serving you and which ones may be holding you back.

    Develop Intentional Practices — Identify specific goals, choose activities that align with those goals, and create a consistent schedule to turn them ...

    • 18 min
    Why Understanding Failure Can Be Your Key to Success

    Why Understanding Failure Can Be Your Key to Success

    The medical profession is demanding, and burnout is a real concern for many doctors and dentists. Long hours, high-stress levels, and the constant pressure to deliver exceptional care can take a toll on even the most dedicated professionals. While burnout is a serious issue, it’s important to recognize that it’s not an inevitable consequence of the job. With the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome burnout and reclaim a sense of balance and fulfillment in your career.

    Understanding Burnout

    Before we dive into practical steps to overcome burnout, it’s essential to understand what it truly means. Contrary to popular belief, burnout is not just feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed. It’s a state of complete exhaustion, both physical and emotional, often accompanied by a profound sense of detachment and a lack of motivation.

    When you’re experiencing burnout, even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming, and the idea of going to work can fill you with dread. It’s a condition that can have serious consequences for your well-being, relationships, and career if left unchecked.

    The Importance Of Balance

    One of the key themes that emerged from the interview is the importance of achieving balance in life. Success is not just about achieving your professional goals, but also ensuring that you’re not sacrificing your health, happiness, or personal life in the process.

    Recognizing The Signs Of Imbalance

    It’s not always easy to recognize when you’ve lost balance in your life, but there are some telltale signs to watch out for:

    1. Working excessive hours

    2. Difficulty relaxing or disconnecting from work

    3. Neglecting self-care and personal relationships

    4. Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope with daily demands

    5. Experiencing physical symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, or health issues

    If you’re experiencing these signs, it’s time to take action and make some changes.

    Practical Steps To Overcome Burnout

    While the path to overcoming burnout is not always straightforward, there are some practical steps you can take to regain a sense of balance and control in your life.

    Prioritize Self-Care

    Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, whether it’s exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and focus on your well-being.

    Seek Support

    Don’t try to go it alone. Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, or a professional counselor or coach. Having a supportive network can make a world of difference when you’re feeling burnout. Sometimes, an outside perspective can help you see things more clearly and develop strategies to address the root causes of your burnout.

    Set Boundaries

    One of the biggest contributors to burnout is the inability to set boundaries and say “no” to additional responsibilities or demands.Learning how to prioritize your time and energy is crucial for maintaining balance. Don’t be afraid to communicate your limitations and expectations to your colleagues, staff, and even patients.

    Delegate And Empower Your Team

    As a doctor or dentist, you may feel the need to control every aspect of your practice, but this can quickly lead to burnout. Instead, focus on building a strong, reliable team and empowering them to take on more responsibilities. Trust their abilities and resist the urge to micromanage.

    Embrace Failure And Learn From Mistakes

    Perfectionism can be a significant obstacle to overcoming burnout. Recognize that failure is a natural part of the learning process, both in your medical practice and in your personal growth.

    • 42 min
    Stewarding Your Opportunities: Chapter 6 Of Master Your Mindset

    Stewarding Your Opportunities: Chapter 6 Of Master Your Mindset

    Have you ever felt like the grass is greener on the other side? Perhaps you’ve been tempted to chase after greener pastures, believing that success lies elsewhere. However, the truth is that your practice holds immense potential — it is your very own “acres of diamonds,” waiting to be discovered and cultivated. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of stewardship and how embracing it can unlock the opportunities that already exist within your practice.

    Acres Of Diamonds

    The story of the farmer who spent his life searching for diamonds, only to discover that they were right under his feet all along, serves as a powerful metaphor for recognizing and appreciating the opportunities within our grasp. It’s a poignant reminder that often, the key to success lies in nurturing and cultivating what we already have, rather than seeking it elsewhere.

    No Such Thing As Bad Leads

    One of the crucial aspects of stewardship is recognizing the value in every lead that comes your way. There is no such thing as a “bad” lead — each inquiry represents a potential opportunity to serve someone and make a positive impact on their life. Instead of dismissing or neglecting certain leads, embrace a mindset of nurturing and caring for every person who expresses interest in your services.

    Nurturing Your Pending List

    Not everyone will be ready to commit to treatment immediately, and that’s perfectly okay. Rather than viewing this as a setback, treat it as an opportunity to build a lasting relationship. Implement a system that keeps your team engaged with those on your pending list, regularly following up and maintaining open communication. This simple act of stewardship can pay dividends in the long run, as those individuals may eventually become patients when the timing is right.

    Recognizing Your Team

    Your team is an invaluable asset, and recognizing their efforts is a crucial aspect of stewardship. Whether it’s through gestures of appreciation, promotions, or simply acknowledging their hard work, investing in your team’s growth and well-being will foster a positive and productive environment. Remember, your team’s success is your success.

    Aligning With Your Vision, Mission, And Core Values

    Your practice’s vision, mission, and core values should be the guiding principles that drive every aspect of your business. Regularly review and reinforce these foundational elements with your team, ensuring that your actions and processes are aligned with your core beliefs and aspirations. This stewardship will create a cohesive and purposeful environment that resonates with your patients and community.

    Reviewing Your Goals

    Like diamonds in the rough, your goals and aspirations hold immense potential, but only if you take the time to nurture and cultivate them. Make it a habit to review your short- and long-term goals regularly, incorporating them into your daily routine. By keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind, you’ll find that achieving them becomes a natural extension of your daily actions.

    The opportunities for growth and success within your practice are vast, but it takes a mindset of stewardship to truly unlock their potential. By embracing the principles of nurturing your leads, recognizing your team, aligning with your vision and values, and consistently reviewing your goals, you’ll uncover the “acres of diamonds” that have been right in front of you all along. Steward your opportunities with care and dedication, and watch as your practice blossoms into something truly remarkable.

    • 19 min
    Financial Insecurity Is The #1 THREAT To Doctors?

    Financial Insecurity Is The #1 THREAT To Doctors?

    In the fast-paced world of modern healthcare, physicians often find themselves grappling with a unique set of challenges that extend far beyond their medical expertise. Despite earning substantial incomes, many doctors struggle to achieve financial stability and build lasting wealth. This paradox highlights the critical need for comprehensive financial education tailored specifically for the medical profession.

    The Physician’s Dilemma

    Physicians dedicate years of rigorous training to master the intricacies of medicine, but their formal education rarely covers the essential aspects of personal finance and wealth management. This knowledge gap can lead to a disconnect between their high earning potential and their ability to effectively manage and grow their assets.

    High Incomes, Low Net Worth

    Statistics reveal a startling reality: while physicians are among the top 1% of wage earners globally, only 7% have a net worth exceeding $5 million. Furthermore, a staggering 50% of doctors work beyond the age of 65 due to financial necessity, not choice. These figures underscore the urgent need for financial literacy and strategic wealth-building strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of medical professionals.

    The Impact Of Burnout And Depression

    Financial stress is often cited as a significant contributor to burnout and depression among physicians. According to recent studies, the number one factor contributing to physician depression is burnout, and the most commonly cited solution is increased compensation. However, the reality is that physicians do not necessarily have an income problem but rather an outflow problem – a lack of financial efficiency and strategic wealth management.

    The Path To Financial Wellness

    Bridging The Gap — Financial Education For Physicians

    To address this pressing issue, a comprehensive financial education platform specifically designed for physicians is crucial. By providing tailored guidance on topics such as tax strategies, asset protection, life insurance, disability insurance, and wealth management, these platforms can empower doctors to take control of their financial futures.

    Tailored Approach For Different Career Stages

    Financial needs and priorities evolve throughout a physician’s career journey. A well-designed financial education program should cater to diverse career stages, from medical students and residents just starting out to experienced practitioners nearing retirement. This personalized approach ensures that doctors receive relevant and actionable advice at every step of their professional and financial journeys.

    Fostering Financial Literacy

    Financial literacy is a fundamental pillar of wealth creation. By demystifying complex financial concepts and empowering physicians with knowledge, these educational platforms can cultivate a mindset shift. Instead of relying solely on income, doctors can learn to leverage strategic financial tools and strategies to build sustainable wealth and achieve long-term financial security.

    Wealth Creation Strategies For Physicians

    Tax Efficiency And Asset Protection

    One of the key areas of focus in financial education for physicians should be tax efficiency and asset protection. By understanding the intricacies of tax strategies, deductions, and depreciations, doctors can optimize their financial outcomes and safeguard their hard-earned assets. Additionally, implementing robust asset protection plans can provide peace of mind and mitigate potential risks.

    Life And Disability Insurance

    As high-income earners, physicians often have unique insurance needs. Comprehensive financial education should cover the different types of life insurance and disability insurance products available, enabling doctors to make informed decisions that align with their personal and professional circumstances.

    • 38 min
    Managing Your Shiny Object Syndrome: Chapter 5 Of Master Your Mindset

    Managing Your Shiny Object Syndrome: Chapter 5 Of Master Your Mindset

    As an orthodontist, you’ve likely experienced the allure of “shiny objects” — those enticing new opportunities, products, or services that promise to revolutionize your practice and skyrocket your production. The thrill of novelty can be intoxicating, and the prospect of effortless growth can be hard to resist. However, as the old adage goes, “All that glitters is not gold,” and succumbing to shiny object syndrome can often lead to costly distractions and wasted resources.

    Understanding Shiny Object Syndrome

    Shiny object syndrome is the tendency to become easily distracted by new, sparkly things, often at the expense of your current goals and priorities. It’s a common affliction among entrepreneurs, including orthodontists, who may perceive their practices as sources of income to fund their desires. This mindset can make them susceptible to promises of increased production, leading them to invest in supposed “practice builders” that frequently fail to deliver tangible results.

    The Pitfalls Of Shiny Objects

    AI Software — One shiny object to beware of is AI software that claims to handle everything from lead generation to scheduling consultations without human intervention. While AI can be a useful tool, it cannot replicate the human connection and exceptional customer service essential for a thriving orthodontic practice.

    Virtual Scheduling And Treatment Coordinators — Another alluring offering is virtual scheduling and treatment coordinators, marketed as cost-effective alternatives to in-house staff. However, these services often fail to provide prompt, personalized attention, leading to valuable leads slipping through the cracks.

    Virtual Consultation Software — While virtual consultation software can be valuable when implemented correctly, many orthodontists neglect to train their teams to respond promptly, rendering the investment ineffective.

    Focusing On What Matters

    Instead of chasing every fleeting distraction, successful orthodontists cultivate the enduring brilliance within their grasp. They embrace the role of responsible stewards, nurturing and growing what they have built, making investments that benefit their practice, team, and patients alike.

    Strategies For Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome

    Awareness and Focus — The first step in overcoming shiny object syndrome is recognizing the problem and committing to proven processes for growing your practice. Create affirmations that reinforce your dedication to sustainable growth and surround yourself with accountability partners who will keep you on track.

    Wise Investment Choices — Before making a purchase, ask yourself critical questions: Will it add value? Save time or money? Create unnecessary work? Is the effort worth the benefit? Are you prepared to follow through? Will it contribute to your growth and evolution? How will you extract maximum value?

    Embrace Stewardship — Ultimately, approach your practice with a mindset of stewardship. Nurture and care for what you have built, making investments that benefit your practice, team, and patients alike. True success lies not in chasing every fleeting distraction but in cultivating the enduring brilliance within your grasp.

    The Path To Sustainable Growth

    While the allure of shiny objects can be strong, resisting their siren call is crucial for sustainable growth in your orthodontic practice. By cultivating awareness, focus, and a commitment to wise investments, you can avoid costly distractions and concentrate your efforts on proven strategies that deliver tangible results.

    Remember, true success is not found in chasing every new trend or promise but in nurturing the enduring brilliance of your practice, your team, and your vision. Embrace the role of a responsible steward, and watch your practice flourish on a foundation of sustainable growth and unwavering dedication.

    • 22 min

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