17 episodes

Let’s get serious about your corporate career! I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a Fortune 100 leadership coach, and President of Your Leadership Lab. I’ve helped over 10,000 leaders and high performers get promoted, hired, or switch career tracks.

Working inside a Fortune 100 high tech company for 20 years (including 8 years as a dedicated leadership coach to VP’s, Directors and high performers), I deeply understand the fear of potentially being laid off, the exhaustion of having to build and re-build credibility and influence with the revolving door of new leadership, and the frustration of hitting stretch goals and exceeding expectations... only to be completely crushed and let down during the performance review.

Somewhere in the 2nd year working inside a Fortune 100 high tech company, after being internally laid off due to a re-org, I made it my mission to get re-hired AND to learn everything I could about HOW and WHY some professionals thrive in their corporate environment, while others stay stuck. I’m grateful to getting re-hired and working a total of 20 years inside that Fortune 100 global high-tech company, surviving 19 managers, countless re-orgs, and climbing the career ladder to become the designated leadership and personal branding coach to help our VP’s, Directors and high performers gain more control and opportunities in their career.

Through it all, I’ve learned WHY and HOW some leaders and high performers thrive, and others don’t.

Every episode of my podcast is dedicated to helping leaders and high performers build (and re-build) their reputation, influence and executive presence with company leaders for more control and more career opportunities inside the corporate world. If you want to get promoted, get re-hired, or switch career tracks, then follow me! Read my full bio and learn about my private coaching and leadership workshops at Your Leadership Lab at: https://yourleadershiplab.com/

Level-Up Your Career Sherri Thomas, Your Leadership Lab

    • Business

Let’s get serious about your corporate career! I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a Fortune 100 leadership coach, and President of Your Leadership Lab. I’ve helped over 10,000 leaders and high performers get promoted, hired, or switch career tracks.

Working inside a Fortune 100 high tech company for 20 years (including 8 years as a dedicated leadership coach to VP’s, Directors and high performers), I deeply understand the fear of potentially being laid off, the exhaustion of having to build and re-build credibility and influence with the revolving door of new leadership, and the frustration of hitting stretch goals and exceeding expectations... only to be completely crushed and let down during the performance review.

Somewhere in the 2nd year working inside a Fortune 100 high tech company, after being internally laid off due to a re-org, I made it my mission to get re-hired AND to learn everything I could about HOW and WHY some professionals thrive in their corporate environment, while others stay stuck. I’m grateful to getting re-hired and working a total of 20 years inside that Fortune 100 global high-tech company, surviving 19 managers, countless re-orgs, and climbing the career ladder to become the designated leadership and personal branding coach to help our VP’s, Directors and high performers gain more control and opportunities in their career.

Through it all, I’ve learned WHY and HOW some leaders and high performers thrive, and others don’t.

Every episode of my podcast is dedicated to helping leaders and high performers build (and re-build) their reputation, influence and executive presence with company leaders for more control and more career opportunities inside the corporate world. If you want to get promoted, get re-hired, or switch career tracks, then follow me! Read my full bio and learn about my private coaching and leadership workshops at Your Leadership Lab at: https://yourleadershiplab.com/

    Build your leadership reputation with these 3 power moves

    Build your leadership reputation with these 3 power moves

    I’ve been a Fortune 100 leadership and career strategist for the past 15 years, and one of the biggest mistakes I’m seeing professionals making right now…  is leaving it up to their boss to promote their successes up the leadership chain. Why would put 100% of your professional reputation in the hands of someone else - like your manager? You need to own your reputation inside the corporate world.
    YES, you need BIG results to land a BIGGER leadership role, but these days you also need something else… and that is you need to have a strong reputation with company leaders - that’s the real edge. You need a strong reputation and a strong leadership presence with company leaders who can hire you, promote you, or influence others to hire or promote you.
    Recently I did a podcast about 3 INTERNAL moves you can use to build your reputation INSIDE a company. And today… I’m giving you 3 EXTERNAL moves you can use to build your reputation OUTSIDE a company.
    Did you know that when you have a powerful, public image - it can HIGHLY influence your reputation and career path inside a company?  
    I’m going to give you 3 strategies to help you BUILD a leadership reputation outside the company, and these are just a handful of strategies that I give to my clients who are professionals moving UP in their career...

    • 14 min
    3 Internal Power Moves to Build your Corporate Career

    3 Internal Power Moves to Build your Corporate Career

    Hi there!  I’m glad you’re here with me.  I’m Sherri Thomas. There’s a lot of churn going on right now inside so many companies… re-orgs, layoffs, this revolving door of changing leaders, changing bosses - where you get a new boss every few months… all of this can really take a toll on your emotions and the exhaustion of having to build, and re-build your credibility all the time with company leaders and new managers.
    What I teach are things you can do right now to help you uplevel your reputation, your influence, your self-confidence - so that you be more of a decision maker in your own career and YOU get to decide who you want to work for and the type of job role and work you WANT to be doing. I want to help you get more promotions and leadership opportunities in your corporate career.
    Working the last 15 years with Fortune 100 leaders (including 8 years in HR at a Fortune 100 company as the lead branding strategist and leadership coach for VP’s, leaders, and high performers), has given me expertise into why so many professionals are able to move up the corporate career ladder so easily, while others stay stuck.
    And what I’m seeing through my own career and those of my clients - is that it doesn’t matter if you’re an individual contributor, manager, or leader – it doesn’t even matter what your job title you have -  I’m seeing that the ability to build a powerful executive presence in front company leaders can significantly EXPAND or LIMIT your career growth, especially in changing environments.
    So yes, getting BIG results is KING when you’re going after a promotion or big salary increase.  You HAVE to make a BIG IMPACT in your department, and that means get BIG RESULTS… but many times, that’s not enough.  Many times, you achieve these big goals and stretch goals, and then nothing really happens. The big PAY DAY doesn’t come.  So if this is YOU, and you’re feeling invisible in your corporate career, or a little bit under-valued, or under-appreciated…
    I’m going to give you 3 strategies to help you rise up from your peers, and build a bigger reputation with company leaders. And these are just a handful of strategies that I give to my clients who are professionals in the corporate world.
    So in this podcast I'm giving you 3 strategies you can start doing immediately to help you build a stronger reputation and get more influence and control in your corporate career...
    I’ve successfully reinvented my own career four (4) times and I fully believe that life is way too short to stay stuck in a role you’ve outgrown, or in a job where you feel unappreciated and under-valued. It’s your career, so own it.  Learning how to strengthen and role model your executive presence can help you rise above your peers for more opportunities, faster promotions and a bigger, more meaningful career.
    f you want to become a client of mine and get PERSONALIZED strategies to help you break through a career challenge and take your career to the next level - then check out my website and personal coaching packages at
    And this week when you come to my website - I’m giving away for free one of my most popular leadership tools that I use with all of my clients… which is my “Leadership Career Scorecard.” You can download it immediately, and in just 5 minutes you’ll know how company leaders measure you for a potential promotion… and you’ll see your “pattern of growth” and your “pattern of influence” and see what your HOT SPOTS are and what you need to jump on!
    But I’m only giving it away this week, so if you want it - you’ll need to grab it now.
    That’s YourLeadershipLab.com 
    Thanks for listening. I’m Sherri Thomas, and I’m here to help you LEVEL UP your corporate career.

    • 18 min
    3 Steps to a less stressful, more meaningful career

    3 Steps to a less stressful, more meaningful career

    If you're tired of the fear of being potentially laid off, or if you're exhausted with the churn of new leadership and having to build and re-build your credibility and influence with company leaders, or if you're drained from the stress you're feeling from your job, then this podcast is for you!
    In 15-minutes, I'll give you the exact same 3-point framework that I give to my clients to help them identify a more energizing, fulfilling, and meaningful career.
    Hi there!  I’m glad you’re here with me.  I’m glad you found me.  I’m Sherri Thomas, and what I teach are things you can do right now to help you uplevel your reputation, and your influence, and your executive presence so that you have stronger connections, easier relationships, and more control and opportunities in your career. You can be more of the decision maker in your career.
    One of the questions I get asked the most is, “How do I find a job that’s less stressful?” Or, “How do I find a job that’s more meaningful?”  So in this episode I’m going to chunk it down, and share with you 3 strategies that I give my clients… and these are 3 areas you want to examine if you want a less stressful, or more meaningful job.
    All jobs have days of stress and frustration, but when you have this natural positive energy and excitement in your career, you’re better able to manage through tough days.
    So those 3 areas I’m going to walk you through in this podcast are -
    Are you working in the industry that best aligns with your personal values?
    Does the organization you’re working in fill you with pride?
    Does your job role inspire you.
    I’m about to walk you through each of those 3 areas.
    I’m Sherri Thomas. I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a Fortune 100 leadership coach, and President of Your Leadership Lab, and when I say leadership I’m not talking about a job title like a VP or Director. You can be an individual contributor, you can be a project manager, you can be any level in engineering, or sales, or marketing. It doesn’t matter where you are inside an organization. When I say “leadership” I’m talking about your personal leadership skills. Those qualities that help you rise up inside an organization and be heard and get noticed, and be valued and recognized for your special gifts and talents… so that you can get the promotion you want, the job title and salary that you want.
    Earlier in my career, when I was a communications manager I abruptly was laid off due to a re-org, and I was devastated. I couldn’t understand how I could do every, single thing my manager asked me do, exceed expectations, get a great annual performance review, and then get laid off. It didn’t make sense to me.
    And in that emotional tornado I was thrust in, I made it my personal mission that I would be re-hired into that Fortune 100 company, AND I would do everything I could to learn why some professionals get promoted and these great opportunities and climb the career ladder - while others stay stuck. That became my personal mission. I wanted to look behind the curtain, and learn, what those secret strategies are.
    And so that’s what I’ve been doing… I’m happy to say that I was re-hired and stayed with that Fortune 100 company 20 years… in fact, I learned so much about cracking that code of how to get hired and re-hired, and how to get promoted, and how to re-brand yourself inside (and outside) a company, and how to have easier relationships with company leaders and executives, how to get noticed, and be recognized and valued and appreciated… that I became the designated leadership coach for our company’s VP’s and leaders - teaching them how to brand themselves, and how to build a powerful executive presence, so that they could climb the career ladder.
    And today, I’m President of Your Leadership Lab and have helped over 10,000 professionals move their career forward. And I’m here today, because there are so many people coming

    • 15 min
    Going after your dream career.

    Going after your dream career.

    Do you dream of doing something different in your career? Something energizing, fun and creative that actually fills you with energy and passion? I fully believe that life is way too short to stay in a meaningless job where you feel unfulfilled, unchallenged and under-valued. I’ve had a few of those jobs and I remember waking up every single morning and dreading going into work. The highlight of my day was stopping at Starbucks every morning to get my daily dose of lattes. If you’re in that same position and now you’re ready to reinvent your career, then I’m here to help you! First, I’m going to tell you why it’s hard to do. I know that’s probably not what you expected me to say (or want to hear), but I’m going to tell you why it’s difficult to reinvent your career, and then I’m going to help you overcome those challenges so that you can get into your new career and get on with loving your life! The reason that most people stay in an unmotivating and unfulfilling job is because it’s easy to do. It’s familiar, it takes minimal effort, it’s easy to blank out and be a zombie for 8 hours a day, and there’s comfort in knowing you’re getting the bills paid. It’s easy because there’s minimal risk and minimal effort. But there’s also minimal reward. I recently attended a leadership training in Oregon and the instructor said, “Those who take on more risk, get more opportunities.” Do you think that’s true? Do you think that when you step into a new organization that allows you to stretch and grow, that you might actually be inspired to go into work every day? Do you think that if you’re energized about doing work that excites you, that you’ll be making more significant contributions, and therefore, have more opportunities for promotions and career advancement? Stepping onto a new career path is not easy, but it can absolutely be done! I’ve jumped onto a new career path four times, and it was well worth the risk! So, how can YOU make a successful career change? 1. Define your passion. In which industry would you like to work? Advertising? Finance? Health Care? In which job role would you like to work? Software Engineer? Financial Analyst? Management? If you’re not sure, then read trade magazines, business publications, and talk to your friends, neighbors and colleagues about their job. The key to being in a career that excites and inspires you is to find out where your passion is. 2. Lead with your transferable skills. Once you’ve determined where you want to go in your career, lead with your transferable skills. Those are skills that transition from industry to industry, or from job role to job role. Examples include: managing people, managing projects, managing budgets, as well as negotiating contracts, and proposing new ideas that helped an organization generate revenue, save costs or increase market share. These are excellent skills that can help you get your foot in the door at a new company. You’ll want to highlight these on your resume, and talk about them in your interviews and networking opportunities. 3. Attitude is king. I’ve found that reinventing your career mostly depends on two things: passion and confidence. Don’t worry if you don’t match all the job requirements. I got my TV gig even though I missed the two (2) biggest requirements – I didn’t have at least 2 years of TV experience and I didn’t have an audition tape. To compensate, I focused my resume on my transferable skills which were being highly creative and a solid copywriter. Then, in the interview, the hiring manager told me I got the job because I was passionate about the company and the job! Reinventing your career takes some perseverance, determination and a bit of risk taking. But the rewards are HUGE! Your next career is out there waiting for you &ndash

    • 5 min
    Don’t let your environment stop you from getting your dream career.

    Don’t let your environment stop you from getting your dream career.

    Many times when we’re looking for a new job, we’re doing so because we need a fresh start in our career. Whether it’s a sudden change such as being laid off, or a gradual shift such as realizing you’ve been in an unchallenging or unfulfilling job for too long - you’ve made the decision to make a career change and start fresh.
    One of the key factors that will impact your career change will be your attitude. Yes, you’ll need the right kind of skills and experience, but also just as important will be your ability to remain positive and upbeat in the job interview, as well as throughout your entire job search.
    I know that attitude was a key factor in my own personal four (4) successful career changes. Specifically, it was a mix of resilience, confidence and passion. I found that more doors opened for me, and I had more career choices and opportunities than ever before when I had the attitude that I’m excited about the skills and talents that I provide, and that I will be making significant contributions to the next organization where I’ll be working.
    I know how hard it is right now to remain positive in your job search. It would be super easy to let yourself get down and think that you can’t get a new job because it’s a tough economy, or that nobody is hiring during the Christmas season, or the notion that because you’ve had been laid off then you’re unemployable.
    But the reality is that none of those are true roadblocks to transitioning into a new career. Companies are hiring professionals and executives every day – so why shouldn’t one of those jobs go to YOU?! Plus, many companies hire mid-level managers and professionals during 4th quarter so that they can hit the ground running in January. Twice in my own career I was hired during the month of December.
    Also, there’s no shame in having been laid off. In fact, never having been laid off is now the exception (not the rule!) and there are many, many professionals who have been laid off and gone on to get hired and enjoy fabulous careers!
    People, including those who could hire you or introduce you to others who could hire you, are naturally drawn to professionals who have confidence and a positive attitude. I’m not saying that you need to be Little Miss Sunshine every second of the day. Everyone gets frustrated in their job search (it’s like a crazy roller coaster ride!) and it’s okay to get cranky – but save Mr. Grumpypants for when you can lock yourself in a room by yourself at home.
    Many of my clients get stressed out at some point during their job search (everyone does!), yet they’re able to get job offers because they have the confidence and optimism in knowing that something better is waiting for them ahead. They know that they want more in their career and truly believe that a better job is out there that will allow them the ability to do more meaningful and purposeful work.
    Having the right attitude includes having the confidence that you can do the job and be an asset to any organization. Even if you’re reinventing yourself into a new job role or industry. Once I was working for a high tech company and hiring for a communications position. It came down to two extremely qualified job candidates. Both had significant talent and the same type of great experience, so I made my decision based on their response to one question, “Can you do the job?” The man shrugged and said, “Yeah, I think I can.” The woman said, “Absolutely!” (Guess which one I hired? J)
    I’m not talking about arrogance, but instead a quite confidence down deep inside that you’re a valuable employee who can do the job, and that any organization would be lucky to have you (of course I never recommend actually saying this out loud J) This kind of quiet confidence will help you remain positive and upbeat throughout your career c

    • 5 min
    5 Great Resources to Help You Make an Easier Career Change

    5 Great Resources to Help You Make an Easier Career Change

    Hi this is Sherri Thomas and I’m passionate about helping professionals and executives reinvent themselves into a career that’s motivating and inspiring.
    Today’s podcast is on: 5 Great Resources to Help You Make an Easier Career Change
    Change is scary. Change can be intimidating. The fear of change, fear of failure, even the fear of the unknown. EVERYONE has trepidation about change. EVERYONE. But when the time comes that you cannot stay in the same situation any longer - it’s time to make your move.
    If you’re ready to take action and make a career change, here are five (5) resources to help you make the change and transition into your dream career.

    Work your network – Talk to people who have successfully made a change in their career and learn their personal story of challenges, lessons learned, and the result of their efforts. These success stories can inspire you and pave the way to help you make a quick and easy career change.
    Professional Organizations – These are organizations like the American Marketing Association, or the Professional Management Institute, or Society of Women Engineers. If you’re thinking about changing job roles, or changing industries, these associations can help you learn more about these industries and careers to help you figure out whether or not that’s really where you want to go. Google “professional organizations” and the name of your city to see a list of industry associations and business organizations and start attending their luncheons and networking events.Also, these organizations offer excellent volunteer opportunities where you can learn a new skill – such as leadership, marketing, sales, event planning, project management and all kinds of others skills. Plus, it’s a great way to network and meet other professionals and executives in that industry who could potentially hire you, or introduce you to others who could potentially hire you.

    Company Websites – Not all companies will promote their job openings on external job boards, but they will promote them on their own company website!Make a list of companies where you’d like to work, then spend time perusing their website. Read their “career” web page to learn about hot jobs and the skills that are in high demand. Also, read their blog, their press page and investor relations section to learn about their company culture, and to get an idea whether or not you really want to work there.
    Professional Networking Sites – Add your professional profile to LinkedIn.com (you can look for me and join my network!) I’m not a big fan of MySpace.com or Facebook.com for professional networking. Those sites were created for social networking.Start sending updates to your contacts saying that you’re looking for your next opportunity and ask them for leads. Also ask them for a virtual introduction to others in their network who work in the company or industry where you want to work.
    A Personal Career Coach – Look for a career coach who offers experience, confidence, and results. This is someone who can partner with you and give you the career strategies, motivation, and a proven roadmap so you can get into your new career quicker and easier.

    There you have it – 5 great resources to help you make an EASIER career change.

    I’m Sherri Thomas and I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Podcast: 5 Great Resources to Help You Make an Easier Career Change

    Thanks for listening! I’m Sherri Thomas at YourLeadershipLab.com

    Have a great day!

    • 4 min

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