35 afleveringen

Conversa Brasileira is a series of lessons built from video recordings of Brazilians who interact in daily activities. The lessons are geared for intermediate-level students of Portuguese. Dr. Orlando Kelm's videos focus on how Brazilians actually talk to one another in natural settings. Conversa Brasileira is part of the Brazilpod project and is produced by the Texas Language Technology Center within the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. Website URL: http://coerll.utexas.edu/brazilpod/cob/

Conversa Brasileira: Portuguese videocast (mp4‪)‬ COERLL, University of Texas at Austin, Project Director: Orlando Kelm

    • Onderwijs

Conversa Brasileira is a series of lessons built from video recordings of Brazilians who interact in daily activities. The lessons are geared for intermediate-level students of Portuguese. Dr. Orlando Kelm's videos focus on how Brazilians actually talk to one another in natural settings. Conversa Brasileira is part of the Brazilpod project and is produced by the Texas Language Technology Center within the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. Website URL: http://coerll.utexas.edu/brazilpod/cob/

    • video
    Studio 2: Behind The Scenes – Eu também acho

    Studio 2: Behind The Scenes – Eu também acho

    • video
    Studio 1: Behind The Scenes, Ói que safado!

    Studio 1: Behind The Scenes, Ói que safado!

    • video
    Jam Session 2: Tem que agradar todo mundo, né?

    Jam Session 2: Tem que agradar todo mundo, né?

    • video
    Jam Session 1: Acabou batendo aqui na cabeça

    Jam Session 1: Acabou batendo aqui na cabeça

    • video
    Soccer 2: Ninguém tira o título da gente

    Soccer 2: Ninguém tira o título da gente

    • video
    Soccer 1: Você foi muito fominha hoje!

    Soccer 1: Você foi muito fominha hoje!

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