5 afleveringen

Talks and reminders from the Qur’an and Sunnah that offer self-improvement and draw you closer to Allah (s.w.t). Learn and understand the beauty of Islam and how science is catching up with the Qur’an. By Dr Musharraf Hussain Al-Azhari, OBE, DL, Translator of The Majestic Qur’an.

Muslim Podcast Fur’qan

    • Religie en spiritualiteit

Talks and reminders from the Qur’an and Sunnah that offer self-improvement and draw you closer to Allah (s.w.t). Learn and understand the beauty of Islam and how science is catching up with the Qur’an. By Dr Musharraf Hussain Al-Azhari, OBE, DL, Translator of The Majestic Qur’an.

    S1 E5 - Mentioning the Name of Muhammad (s.a.w). 2011

    S1 E5 - Mentioning the Name of Muhammad (s.a.w). 2011

    Blessed is the one who eulogises the beautiful name of the Our master, seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (s.a.w) and the one who’s heart encompasses the essential ingredients of love and respect for him, to the point of annihilation of oneself. The Prophet (s.a.w) name has such power behind it, so recite it in abundance by sending salutations upon him. In doing so, your not only praising him, but in turn praising your Creator, Allah (s.w.t). This episode was recorded in 2011.

    • 18 min.
    S1 E4 - How to become Wise. Follow the Wisest Man

    S1 E4 - How to become Wise. Follow the Wisest Man

    Allah says to the Prophet (s.a.w), “Oh Beloved, you have the most beautiful, you have the most exalted, you have the best character out all of my creation.” Therefore, as we are the Ummah of the Beloved of Allah we too should try to follow the actions of our Prophet (s.a.w) and follow in his Pure and Perfect footsteps to become Wise like him. This episode was recorded in 2009.

    • 19 min.
    S1 E3 - How to Praise the Prophet (s.a.w)

    S1 E3 - How to Praise the Prophet (s.a.w)

    The Prophet (s.a.w) said to Umar (r.a) “Umar, Angel Jibreel came to me and he informed me that anyone who sends blessings on me, Allah sends 10 blessings on them and Allah raises their status 10 steps higher”. So we the Ummah of the Beloved of Allah should strive to send as much salutations upon Our Master daily to get closer to both Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w). This episode was recorded in 2008.

    • 16 min.
    S1 E2 - High-Life Through the Sunnah

    S1 E2 - High-Life Through the Sunnah

    The Prophet (s.a.w) said “I see dark days (end times) approaching and the only thing that will save you from these difficult times is my sunnah, the sunnah of the Khulaafa Rashideen and all the sahaba and hold it tightly to be saved.” Oh Ummah, these dark days are near so prepare and hold the sunnah tightly and never let go. This episode was recorded in 2009.

    • 13 min.
    S1 E1 - Do You Want To Become Wise, Follow The Messenger (s.a.w)

    S1 E1 - Do You Want To Become Wise, Follow The Messenger (s.a.w)

    Everything the messenger did was full of wisdom. By walking in his foot steps you too can become wise. Listen and learn about the remarkable specimen of creation that inspires the entire Muslim Ummah.
    This episode was recorded in 2009.

    • 17 min.

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