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Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple Founder of “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness”

Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.
Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh

Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in Biography: kcnarayana.org

Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation‪,‬ Sir K C Narayana

    • Onderwijs

Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple Founder of “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness”

Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.
Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh

Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in Biography: kcnarayana.org

    KCN: Moulding is the Preceptors Business - 08 12 2002 Seminar

    KCN: Moulding is the Preceptors Business - 08 12 2002 Seminar

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
    1.1. The theme of this seminar as we all know is taken from the article Methods of Training of our Great Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur. This article was addressed to Preceptors/ prefects of Sri Ramchandra Mission in the year 1970 in a conference of Preceptors/Prefects at Tirupati. This talk forms part of the Audio CD of our Master which has 6 talks and a song sung by him released by ISRC. I may be permitted to use the term trainers, instead of using Preceptors/prefects every time hereafter in this paper.
    1.2 All of us are aware of the tendency to think that every thing in this system of sadhana is done by the Master and the trainer as well as the aspirant, has precious little to do. This tendency of thinking was present even by 1969 and many trainers tried to disown their responsibility in the spiritual training that is being imparted in the system. It was the usual practice by then to say that the aspirant has nothing to do except to take the introductory sittings and attend the satsanghs (meditation sittings in groups) and annual/ biannual/quarterly gatherings organized by the institution. The individual sittings were optional. No effort was made to evaluate the progress made by the aspirant and it was being said that everything is left to the Master. And a very specious argument was given that to try to know ones’ condition or stage of progress indirectly means that one has no faith in the Master. Thus a situation arose in the implementation of the system which promised through its books “Towards Infinity”, “Reality at Dawn” and “Efficacy of Rajayoga” a practical and verifiable system of sadhana, where no responsibility for guidance and no assistance in evaluation were forthcoming. Master was always proud of his system and was confident that he trained many to become masters. In his catholic approach he used the term master for

    the preceptors also in many of his writings, but these were conveniently made to be understood as referring the Great Master alone and the trainers slowly abdicated their responsibility for training and accountability to progress of the aspirants. The article, ‘Method of Training’ has to be read therefore keeping in view the main theme of the Master namely clarifying the points in training and the role of the aspirant, the trainer and the Master.
    1.3  If we ponder over the word ‘training’ it becomes clear that there can be no training without moulding. But it is also true that Master used to talk about transformation. While we use the word moulding usually with reference to material objects we use the term transformation in the case of living beings. However moulding or transformation implies first of all change from the existing position or status. Therefore it is incumbent on the part of aspirants that they should be prepared to accept change in their ways of living and behaving as also bring in changes in their attitudes and priorities. It has been our experience that while almost all aspirants want to get ‘Realized’ very few of them ever think of being prepared to change. This refusal to change and sticking to their familiar ways of living has been the main cause of lack of desired level of progress achieved by them in spite many sessions of offering of Pranahuti.
    1.4  Before we

    • 1 u. 11 min.
    Meditation is not Enough - 29 02 2004 Seminar

    Meditation is not Enough - 29 02 2004 Seminar

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
    Many abhyasis are of the opinion that it is enough if they practice meditation, cleaning and prayer methods as advised by our Master. Master himself has stated that it is not enough if we just do meditation and follow the methods as advised and we need to develop love and devotion to Master. However in the many mails I received and also during the course of discussions and talks many make me feel that they have done the routine practice as advised and they need to get results from such a practice. This is a very interesting and fairly common expectation.
    But there is much more than the routine meditational practices in the system advocated by our Master which we call satya pada marg. The truth is that there's a lot more in authentically liberating and transformative spirituality in satya pada marg than just meditating. The most important point to take into consideration is the way we spend the remaining period of time of the day when we do not actively do the meditational practices. Many of my friends and relatives even ask me as to why I meditate and even suggest that much time need not be wasted like that.
    I used to think why should I meditate at all and waste my time on this rather amusing exercise for the sake of enlightenment or realisation of what I really do


    not know and while clarifying escape into the word “ Nothingness”. I wonder what my motivation is. What am I looking for or even lacking, for that matter?
    To think that our system is all about meditation is to misunderstand it. Many of us think even as our Western country brethren attracted to Eastern thought and practice often make the mistake of seeing meditation in the narrowest sense of going into a quiet room and closing our eyes. In fact, there’s a lot more to these things, both externally, internally, and ultimately the process of spiritual development is an integral and holistic endeavour. The concept of constant remembrance in our system is more similar to the mindfulness of Buddhist thought rather than the concept of Bhajan that is popular in our Country and this is not the same as meditation. Constant remembrance can be practiced formally while sitting and while walking, or informally in whatever activity in which we may be engaged. Being present, wakeful and efficient in all aspects and walks of our life, beaming with the awareness of the presence of the Master in the core of our being, is more important than any particular posture or set of words of prayer in which we are engaged.
    Master asserts that finally we find the Ultimate is in us and adds further that it is ourselves. He wants us to understand that we are masters in essence and that it is only the coverings that need to be removed to bring to light the true nature of our self. In fact we


    are all masters by nature, and through sadhana we only have to recognize and awaken to that fact. In reality what we seek, we are; that realisation is not far away, in future time or in another place, but in fact is inseparable from samsara (the cycle of birth and death governed by karma) and found hidden in the here and now. The lives and teaching of our Masters Revered Lalaji Maharaj, Revered Babuji Maharaj, Ishwar Sahaiji, Saint Kasturiji, Revered K.C.V. Revered Kumara swamiji, Revered Parthasarathy and

    • 1 u.
    KCN: When out of Reality we become satan - 21 03 2004 Seminar

    KCN: When out of Reality we become satan - 21 03 2004 Seminar

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
    When out of Reality we become Satan. K.C.Narayana.
    1. Master in his message on the occasion of a seminar on Superstition and Spirituality way back in late sixties of the last century made a series of remarkable statements when he said “When we are out of light we fall in darkness. When we are out of wisdom we become fools. When we are out of reality we become Satan.” He was talking about the deterioration that happens in religions and makes another categorical statement that ‘...the religion is for the masses and spirituality is for the selected few.’ Differentiating between the grosser things and finer things in religion, he stated that ‘To the subtle minds the idea of the greatest is understood and to the grosser minds only the idea of grossness is evident. They connect the grosser things with the religion and if even a lie is spoken a hundred times it becomes the truth’. How religions degenerate over a period of time and how ritualistic practices replace the spiritual disciplines is all too evident for one who seeks reality and our Master makes this simple by saying it is LIE that is perpetuated with all gusto and commitment. In his inimitable style Dr. K.C.Varadachari stated “There is a fatality that when thought tries to expand and influence many it simply shrinks into nothingness. Quantity and quality refuse to go together. The doctrine of Reason of Buddha led strangely to the

    doctrine of licence, indifferentism and nihilism.; the doctrine of an integral dynamic consciousness (Advaita) led to a thorough going staticism and hypocrisy, the doctrine of individual existence continuous with the Universal Divine Life (Visistadvaita) to mere unworldiness; and the doctrine of Leela, creative harmony of the society (Dvaita) to a chaotic mass of superstition and social putrefaction parading as orthodoxy.”
    2. Master has stated that “In any religion which becomes old such things creep in and then saints come to remodulate.” It is obvious that the lies have been spoken consistently and continuously that over a period of time they have become the truth.
    3. After these statements I would like to bring the concept of Satan being the son of God and also that he is the first rebel against the sovereignty of God. He was taught every thing by God and is as competent in every respect as the Lord himself. The seeds of independence (individual souls) were sown for the first time by God and the Divine Drama in search of wisdom where one would choose God and not Satan started. If a plebiscite is held now putting up the claims of Satan and God I wonder whether God will not loose.
    4. Aspirants who seek to know the nature of reality and are students of spiritual training have always accepted some Master in the path to guide them though we cannot deny some persons tried to know the nature of Reality on their own. We in the Natural

    path of realisation adopt the practice of PAM to succeed in our enterprise. It is obvious that to realize ones nature one must abandon that which one is not. This includes all ideas about that nature, for ideas are not the Nature. The idea of love is not love, the idea of food will not feed you, the idea of beauty is not beautiful, the idea of a dog is not a dog, and the idea of freedom is not freedom. Many an intellectual who thinks he got an idea of the real

    • 39 min.
    KCN: Suffering is the root and results are flowers which every associate should strive hard to have - 20 6 2004 Seminar

    KCN: Suffering is the root and results are flowers which every associate should strive hard to have - 20 6 2004 Seminar

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
    Path of Pain.
    Paper presented during the seminar on
    Suffering is the root and results are flowers.
    1. One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word ‘saha’ is "to endure, to go patiently through hardships without rebelling." The process of enlightenment has always been held as an unquestionably painful process. This enlightenment comes only after disillusionment about the permanency of objects and relationships we have some how got involved with. Sahaja therefore would mean that which arises from enduring the suffering process accepting everything as a gift of God. The attitude of taking miseries as blessings for our good is cultivated only through assiduous practice and this obviously is not a gift which many seekers somehow feel they are entitled to. Genuine spiritual life and progress in the same has never been popular, and never will be, because most people are unwilling to open to and accept pain.
    2. I find Masters’ greatness from a very practical angle is the acknowledgment of pain or suffering or misery in life and sharing his agony and pain. This was the first noble truth of Lord Buddha. This acknowledgment of pain and suffering as true of life is fundamental to the spiritual growth. That these sufferings arise out of desires and wishes is the

    knowledge one gains in the process of spiritual development. Master says” There are miseries all around for the embodied one. Even then, we remain so much attached to the body that this thing does not forsake us up to the end, and we even wish to be born again. It matters little that the wish is for being born in a prosperous home or in a royal family, since, as soon as the Name (Individualized Existence) has arisen, my brethren, misery would start, in howsoever subtle mould, it might be cast.”
    3. For any sadhaka it is obvious that our pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses or covers as a veil our understanding. It is quite conceivable that not only is pain a necessary aspect of the spiritual process, but that to consciously enter into and experience suffering is the doorway to a more profound understanding of reality, something to even be sought after. This is what Master said: “It is good to be put to worries. The home is the training centre for submission and endurance. To put up patiently with the day-to-day events of life is the highest form of penance and sacrifice. So, instead of anger and resentment, one must cultivate in himself a meek temperament. Meekness refers to that feeling of mind in which, on being rebuked by others, one feels his own self to be at fault, and for which he has to yield to what is meted out to him. For others, aloofness, solitude and dissociation might be the means for cultivating contentment, endurance and freedom from the entanglements of life, whereas for us, to put up

    with the taunts and rebukes of the family, friends and society, is the greatest form of penance and sacrifice.”
    4. In fact in spirituality we understand through of course a very painful process that the things which we considered as pain and that which we considered as cruel and demonic is infact the very thing that is the very door of liberation. These are the thorns that lead us to the flowers of the garden as Master puts it. “When we feel ourselves to be doer, difficulty comes in the way. Of course

    • 23 min.
    This and that have gone now - 22 08 2004

    This and that have gone now - 22 08 2004

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
    This and that have gone now
    Sri. K.C. Narayana
    Master in his message on the Basanth Panchami in 1982 said “We are all brethren connected intellectually, morally and spiritually- the main goal of human life. This and that have gone now. There remains purity alone in all His work and environment which weaves the destiny of the persons with the Ultimate.” Later in August 1982 in Paris he made the statement that “Co- operation is the life of coming events also but if they are wavering they will be wasting power.” “We are united in the common cause keeping towards the proper order the good of man and humanity.” Earlier in 1981 he said “There is no question of separation. We are all coming closer and closer. This is a message to all.”
    In all these statements the call of the Master to work in unison and co-operation is stressed. ‘This’ or iham and ‘That’ param that is this world

    and the other world is one meaning we can read into this subject. Or we may take it to mean ‘me’ and ‘not me’ as the theme suggested, Or we may take the co-operation of the individual with the Divine may be considered as the purport. With all these aspects we can take the messages and try to live a life of co-operation.
    3.The feeling of separateness that makes the concept of ‘this’ and ‘that’ relevant itself is a matter of concern for a sadhaka in spiritual life. I feel I’m seeing the world during meditation and during the day from my angle of awareness. Day in and day out, the divinely human incarnation (me) process takes me to a place that sees all humanity dancing on top of the world. I also helplessly perceive so much of what we all in meditation are saying and doing as moments in transition to deeper levels of understanding the raw realities of our existence and relationships.

    This has been more so while working on others as a trainer.
    It has never been all that comfortable to work on the aspirants. I remember Master telling me that one of the primary signs that we are really doing our work is a part of us wants to quit this service. That is what happens when we live and move in other persons karmic effects. Many a trainer has been telling this and more so when they were also involved in matters of some interpersonal conflicts. There are occasions when the trainers said that they were having an uncomfortable experience of having to frequently wake up while giving sitting and they wanted to leave the work.
    In the work that we do as a trainer one of the signs of the genuineness is a part of us that frequently screams inwardly to get out of the situation. If this is considered as an evidence of lack of integration in our being we need to

    examine further. We know that we are all amalgams of so many sheaths or parts of being. And many of the Kosas never wanted anything like what we call ‘awakening’ or ‘realisation’ to begin with. I do not mean to say that we are all schizophrenics nor the aspirants belong to that category.
    6. During introduction we attend to the diversion of flow towards the true nature of ones’ being that is we make him born again this time into the higher nature of ones’ self. Whether or not he or she is awake in what we call the second birth, each person has a natural identity that is not only latently divine as well a

    • 28 min.
    2001 Pujya Babuji Maharaj Birthday Celebrations: Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

    2001 Pujya Babuji Maharaj Birthday Celebrations: Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

    Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages  (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” 
    *Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. 
    Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh  
    For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org
    Episode Notes:
       I invite your attention to the The solution to the Problem of Life, a message which was delivered in May 1970 (SDG - 98). He asserts, The soul is longing to feel its characteristic which has gone out of sight, and this insignificant being is seeking fellow pilgrims to march on the path of freedom. It is not a new thing that we are going to have that is our basic characteristic. But we tend to drift away from our natural state for various reasons and He says as a traveller in the path I would like to share with you and guide you. You can seen the catholicity of His approach because He calls us fellow pilgrims in the march of freedom. He asserts the soul is longing to feel its characterisitic which has gone out of sight, that is, every one of us is moving towards the Divine. This is one of the peculiar statements we are hearing from a Master because, our tradition has taught us that some people are in Nivritti Padha and some people are in Pravritti Padha, and those who take the Nivritti Padha are the people who take to Yoga and the Pravritti Padha are the people who get involved in manifiestation. Even in Bhagavat Gita you will find a similar note. But Babuji Maharaj here does not agree with that and He says that every one ofus is moving towards our original condition and He says, I am prepared to assist you in getting back to your Existence. If I can indulge further in understanding this, I can say the restlessness that we are feeling about which He was referring to in the earlier message (Spiritual Way of Life - SDG 15) which is mainly because we want to get back to our home and we are restless here. The restlessness is not due to anything else other that our desire to get back which we find several fetters are holding upon here. We want to get rid of it and here He says, Yes you are naturally seeking to get back to your home land and I am here to assist you. I would appreciate you people contemplate on this and the you get your own messages of the Master in your heart.
    My longing to get fellow travellers is only for the sake of rendering service to help their safe arrival at the Destination. The idea may look foreign to you at first sight. As I told you it is foreign to us because we have been told that there are two types of peole, two types of jives - one on the Pravritti Padha and one on Nivritti Padha. A recurrent theme even Rev. Dr. K.C. Varadachari would insist upon because of his traditional background but Babuji Maharaj is breaking the tradition here and then He states and points out that everyone of us is destined to get back and because of that desire only we are restless.
    The idea may look foreign to you at first sight, but if you pause a little to consider the problem (the destination) you will surely come to the conclusion that you are sailing towards your own home, wherefrom you have been snatched away by the irony of fate. When you use the phrase 'Irony of Fate' the idea of UNBALANCED character presents itself to our memory. This is one of the noblest of the thoughts that we should have, we had the balanced condition and we have become unbalanced by option. Some saints have even referred to this as sin. The first sin, not the western saints, I mean, the Indian saints. They said the only mistake I have d

    • 34 min.

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