22 afleveringen

A collection of classes to prepare us for the new year -Rosh Hashana. Rav Shlomo takes on a journey to connect deeper with the avodah of Rosh Hashana through various texts from Rav Kook, the Aish Kodesh, Rav Tzadok HaKohen, Rebbe Nachman, and more.

Rosh Hashana Rav Shlomo Katz

    • Religie en spiritualiteit

A collection of classes to prepare us for the new year -Rosh Hashana. Rav Shlomo takes on a journey to connect deeper with the avodah of Rosh Hashana through various texts from Rav Kook, the Aish Kodesh, Rav Tzadok HaKohen, Rebbe Nachman, and more.

    Rosh Hashana with Rav Kluger (2)

    Rosh Hashana with Rav Kluger (2)

    Stay Calm, Be Normal, You Have the Title Again
    Based on the teachings of Rav Avraham Tzvi Kluger, on Rosh Hashana

    • 45 min.
    Rosh Hashana - Why Aren't We Freaking Out

    Rosh Hashana - Why Aren't We Freaking Out

    Based on the teachings of Rav Asher Weiss, we understand why there is a tremble on Rosh Hashana, but not a tremble that paralyzes us.

    • 35 min.
    Intense Rosh Hashana Prep with the Piasetnzer Rebbe

    Intense Rosh Hashana Prep with the Piasetnzer Rebbe

    Based on two sentences from the Piasetzner Rebbe, we learn of three essential layers of root work when it comes to getting to the core of Tshuvah.

    • 42 min.
    A Shana Tova Ends Up Being Metuka

    A Shana Tova Ends Up Being Metuka

    Based on the teachings of R' Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin, wishing someone a shana tova umetuka means much much more than we generally think. Join us as Reb Tzadok brings a whole new world to this beautiful blessing.
    To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here

    • 54 min.
    Rosh Hashana - That Moment When My Neshama Thanks Me

    Rosh Hashana - That Moment When My Neshama Thanks Me

    The Shofar of Rosh Hashana is very different from the Shofar of Elul. When acknowledging this difference, a brand new world opens for us, setting the stage for the most epic moment of our year to take place.
    To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here

    • 53 min.
    R Tzadok Hakohen - Not Limiting G-d on Rosh Hashana

    R Tzadok Hakohen - Not Limiting G-d on Rosh Hashana

    The attribute of Gevura/Pachad is generally associated with Yitzchak Avinu. However, in the shmone esre of the Yamim Nora'im, Pachad/Fear/Gevura falls under the bracha of Ya'akov Avinu. Reb Tzadok brings this all to light.
    To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here

    • 50 min.

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