37 afleveringen

Massage Matters is the podcast that expertly consolidates traditional manual therapies with contemporary evidence based practice.
Presented by The Massage Collective for manual therapists of all backgrounds, this educational show combines hands-on clinical experience, current research and specialist interviews. Our goal is to provide listeners with relevant and up to date knowledge that can be applied in clinic immediately; for better client outcomes and greater Therapist collaboration.
So join Anna Maria, Becky and Matt fortnightly as they dive into the detail around why Massage Matters.

The Massage Matters Podcast Massage Matters

    • Onderwijs

Massage Matters is the podcast that expertly consolidates traditional manual therapies with contemporary evidence based practice.
Presented by The Massage Collective for manual therapists of all backgrounds, this educational show combines hands-on clinical experience, current research and specialist interviews. Our goal is to provide listeners with relevant and up to date knowledge that can be applied in clinic immediately; for better client outcomes and greater Therapist collaboration.
So join Anna Maria, Becky and Matt fortnightly as they dive into the detail around why Massage Matters.

    Session 36 Debating On Social Media

    Session 36 Debating On Social Media

    Does a day go by when you don't either see a "debate" occurring on socials, or even find yourself preparing to wade in on one side or another?  Especially in the world of massage and manual therapy, this seems to have become the norm and we at The Massage Collective certainly like to participate too!  But on reflection, what does this achieve?  What do we even think we're setting out to achieve?  And, like some recent papers in Science have questioned, is social media really the best way to be furthering scientific debate when limitations on characters exist and the algorithms involved intentionally limit your audience to those who already have skin in the game?  It certainly makes for an interesting discussion...

    • 31 min.
    Social Media for Therapy Business with Katie Warburton

    Social Media for Therapy Business with Katie Warburton

    Social Media - now there's a mine field.  As massage therapists we're generally brilliant at what we do - massage!  We never trained in social media.  We've all got profiles on various platforms, but how do you ensure personal and business play nicely and convey the right messaging to potential clients?  Over to Katie Warburton, the ISRM's resident social media guru, soft tissue therapist, owner of Hands On Health (http://www.handsonhealthsheffield.com/) and all round super woman!

    Katie takes us through her approach to social media, what she's learnt about what works and what doesn't, and how to avoid being "vanilla" whilst also retaining a professional feel to your content.  

    If you're interested in finding out more about Katies course, drop her an email at: hello@handsonhealthsheffield.com

    • 40 min.
    Social Media - a tool for Education?

    Social Media - a tool for Education?

    Yes, we're back!  After a bit of a break we're back in the "studio" with a new format.  We're now producing 3 pods a month, two short 15 minute sound-bites, ideal for lunch breaks, and one longer form because we just have too much to say! 

    This month we're diving into Social Media for Massage Therapists, perhaps a bit of a departure from the norm for us but, as we explore in this first short episode, it plays a huge part in how we as therapists learn, grow and interact with both our clients and our colleagues.  Let us know what you think of the new format and we'll see you for the next one!

    • 19 min.
    Session 33 - Making Sh*t Up with Greg Lehman

    Session 33 - Making Sh*t Up with Greg Lehman

    Greg quite literally wrote the course on reconciling biomechanics with modern pain science, and brings to MSK an unique blend of professional qualifications and scientific literacy that makes him an absolute gem!  So of course we jumped at the chance to have him on the podcast for a totally free flowing conversation.  So join us as Greg weaves through topics such as reconceptualising flare-ups of pain, the lack of consistency in sham testing in MSK research, how to discuss adaptability and being confident in the presence of pain.

    Find more of Greg's content and blogs here, and in particular we highly recommend downloading and reading Greg's Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook - a great front of house booklet for your clients!

    • 57 min.
    Session 32 - San Diego Pain Summit Preview, with Rajam Roose

    Session 32 - San Diego Pain Summit Preview, with Rajam Roose

    A 3-day conference in San Diego, during a wet and miserable February back home in England?  Where do we sign up?!

    Yes, Matt has managed to finagle his way to attending the 2022 San Diego Pain Summit - but what is it, and why is it such an important conference?  Rajam Roose, former massage therapist and founder and CEO of The San Diego Pain Summit, joins The Massage Collective to fill us in on the history of the summit - how it grew from the need for an event where participants could learn clinically relevant applications of pain research, how getting the first years Keynote speaker (Lorimer Moseley!) was a game changer, how the evening hot tubs and fire-pits result in amazing connections (we're looking at you Adam Meakins & Ben Cormack's Better Clinician Project!), plus how this years summit is shaping up to be the most interactive yet - whether you are there in person or joining online from the comfort of your sofa.

    The back catalogue of talks hosted on the SDPS website is worth its weight in gold, but the aspect that makes this summit so unique is the opportunity for attendees and speakers to network and learn from each other in a relaxed atmosphere like no other.  We highly recommend joining the virtual conference!

    You can contact Rajam and find out more here;



    • 1 u. 1 min.
    Session 31 - Communication in Clinic, with The LD Physio

    Session 31 - Communication in Clinic, with The LD Physio

    Communication skills.  One of those "soft skills" that we often give no more than a fleeting thought to - until we realise we lack them in a given context.  And an aspect of clinical practice that is given almost no consideration or air-time in a large proportion of massage related courses.  So after such a strong response to Session 30's CPD focus, where communication skills were discussed as a valuable place to spend some development time, we reached out to one of the experts.  Alistair Beverley is known as The LD Physio because he specialises with working with populations with Learning Disabilities - be that in clinic, through his numerous voluntary roles, or as Head Physio for Team Special Olympics GB.  Passionate about improving the access to quality healthcare for this population, Alistair is on a mission to up-skill the communication skills of all health professionals using what he has learnt over the years.  This podcast episode dives into Ali's background, where he sees the challenges and his top tips for immediately improving the way therapists communicate with clients in clinic.  

    As mentioned in the podcast, Alistair is hosting a webinar on the 27th of January at 1930 - A Broadbrush Overview 90 minutes covering the essentials of working with those who have a learning disability and how the skills transfer to mainstream practice.  For tickets and further information, use this LINK HERE

    To find Alistair on social media: https://theldphysio.com/ 



    • 52 min.

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