348 afleveringen

The Daron Earlewine podcast is designed to awaken you to become who you were born to be. Daron is a passionate, catalytic, influential, captivating, dreamer. He serves as a pastor, speaker, podcast host, and entrepreneur. Daron’s mission is to help people find peace, purpose, and passion. This podcast will cover Daron’s online course and live workshop, Spiritual DNA, inspiring interviews with people who are taking steps to become who they were born to be, and everything in between.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daron.earlewine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daronearlewine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DEarlewine/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/daronearlewine
Website: http://daronearlewine.com/
Email: info@blackbirdmission.com

The Daron Earlewine Podcast Daron Earlewine

    • Religie en spiritualiteit

The Daron Earlewine podcast is designed to awaken you to become who you were born to be. Daron is a passionate, catalytic, influential, captivating, dreamer. He serves as a pastor, speaker, podcast host, and entrepreneur. Daron’s mission is to help people find peace, purpose, and passion. This podcast will cover Daron’s online course and live workshop, Spiritual DNA, inspiring interviews with people who are taking steps to become who they were born to be, and everything in between.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daron.earlewine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daronearlewine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DEarlewine/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/daronearlewine
Website: http://daronearlewine.com/
Email: info@blackbirdmission.com

    Dream It Up Again: Embracing Risk and Growth in Pursuit of Purpose | Episode 160

    Dream It Up Again: Embracing Risk and Growth in Pursuit of Purpose | Episode 160

    In this episode of the Daron Earlewine podcast, Daron encourages listeners to take a risk and "dream it up again." Drawing inspiration from U2's Bono, he shares his own story of stepping away from a successful church to pursue a new calling. Daron announces a break from the podcast to dream up the next iteration, focusing on creating a collective of rogue leaders who will pioneer the future of the marketplace. He invites listeners to join him on this journey of innovation and obedience to God's calling.
    Key Takeaways:
    Assessing the roles of necessity and innovation in personal growth and reinvention. The story of Bono and U2's pivotal moment to reinvent themselves. The significant life decision Daron made in 2008 to resign from his church. Introduction of the Rogue Collective and the vision to empower apostolic and evangelistic roles. Announcement of a summer sabbatical taken by Daron to refocus and gain clarity on his next steps. Quotes:
    "I want to encourage you, friend. It's worth the risk. Create on purpose and for purpose." "Is there anything that I'm still doing that I maybe shouldn't still be doing because I'm afraid to dream it up again?" "When we find something that becomes necessary in our life, imagination and innovation is the next thing." "I have to go away for a while and dream it up again. Dream it all up again." "I want to find those leaders. I want to pull them into a collective, a community of them, and then raise them up to create the future that's on God's heart." "I believe there are rogue leaders, rogues, pioneers, entrepreneurs that are rogue bees. They're not rebels. And God has equipped them and uniquely created them to create the future." "I want to figure out how to start planting, like, micro churches in the marketplace." "God is for you. He's not against you. God is near you. He is not far away. And he has created you on purpose and for purpose." For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 25 min.
    The Necessity of Innovation in Fulfilling the Mission of Jesus | Episode 159

    The Necessity of Innovation in Fulfilling the Mission of Jesus | Episode 159

    In this episode of the Daron Earlewine podcast, Daron explores the necessity and essential nature of fulfilling the mission of Jesus. He discusses the lack of imagination and innovation in the church and the marketplace when it comes to developing and discipling others. Daron challenges listeners to consider how necessary they believe this mission to be in their own lives and encourages them to tap into their imagination and creativity to find innovative ways to share the good news of Jesus. Join Daron as he inspires listeners to become imaginative and innovative missionaries in their own spheres of influence.
    Key Takeaways:
    Necessity is the mother of innovation, and our perception of what is essential directly influences our motivation and creativity. There is a significant gap in innovatively engaging adults in faith-based conversations and discipleship beyond youth programs. Reaching people in the marketplace is still viable; it requires leaders to view holistic development as essential and to act on it creatively. Earlewine introduces the concept of 'rogue leaders', individuals passionate about developing others to embrace their purpose within the marketplace. Leaders are encouraged to seek God's guidance in leveraging their imagination to become effective witnesses and developers in their communities. Quotes:
    "Jesus has been at the bar waiting for some Christians to show up and tell people the good news for a long time." "We have a mission to fulfill…to actually go and make disciples of all nations." "Imagination is more important than knowledge." "Necessity is the mother of innovation." "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." "Creativity is the natural result of spirituality." For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 33 min.
    Redefining The Call To Ministry In The Marketplace With PJ Towle - Part 2

    Redefining The Call To Ministry In The Marketplace With PJ Towle - Part 2

    In this episode, Daron and PJ discuss the importance of discipleship and the need for a paradigm shift in how we view the mission of making disciples. PJ shares his vision for creating an Acts 2 community in business, specifically for creatives, where collaboration and support are prioritized. They emphasize the need for a deficit of imagination and the importance of listening to God's voice and obeying His calling. The episode concludes with a reminder that God is patient and desires for all to hear and know Him.
    Key Takeaways:
    The necessity for believers to evaluate their personal involvement in disciple-making and the Great Commission.
    PJ's new initiative, an Acts 2 based creative community, seeks to blend business with a collaborative and supportive faith-led approach.
    The idea that the church is not confined to a building but is represented within communities of believers engaged in various spheres of influence.
    Discipleship can be modeled in the marketplace as much as in traditional church settings.
    The challenge for believers to creatively leverage their skills and passions in alignment with Jesus's mission for transformative societal impact.
    "If you're a follower of Jesus and currently looking around your life, you don't have tangible evidence that you're actually making any disciples. You're not involved in the great commission." "I've not seen people's lives come, like, really transformed and changed based off of some inspiration, right?" "I want to figure out how to do business without it being a competition." "I want this to be a group of people that are coming together, that are helping each other grow." "We can also just live in the community, running after the Holy Spirit at the same time." "We need to ask God to continue to bring more people on this mission for the harvest." "The Lord is not being slow, but he's being patient so that all can hear and all can know." For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 27 min.
    Understanding The Call To Ministry In The Marketplace with PJ Towle - Part 1

    Understanding The Call To Ministry In The Marketplace with PJ Towle - Part 1

    In this episode, Daron Earlewine and PJ Towle discuss their personal journeys of answering God's call and stepping into ministry in the marketplace. They share their experiences of wrestling with the idea of leaving full-time vocational ministry and the fear of stepping away from God's call. They emphasize the importance of following the Holy Spirit's leading and being open to new adventures. Ultimately, they encourage listeners to be captivated by the caller (God) rather than feeling captive to a specific call.
    Key Takeaways:
    Understanding one's calling involves an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit, internal nudges, external affirmations, and unexpected opportunities. Transitioning from ministry to marketplace can evoke an identity crisis and doubts but can ultimately lead to a deeper alignment with God's purpose. Stepping into new opportunities or staying the course are both valid responses to God's leading; the key is to be receptive to the caller, not just captive to the initial call. Both ministry and secular work can be profound fields ripe for harvest and impact for those willing to pursue them with a relationship-first mindset. Long-standing friendships provide unique insights and support as both Daron and PJ encourage one another in their mutual journeys. Quotes:
    "Am I walking away from God's call on my life?... In no way was I walking away from it, but I was actually stepping deeper into it." "I'm going to spend a lot of my life doing my best to help develop and awaken people in the marketplace." "We've been in and out of each other's orbits for a long time... I think there's just a lot of potential for spiritual awakening in work." "No, everyone is called into the mission of Christ now.”  "I think the harvest is ripe... I think there's a lot there." "The Holy Spirit will never ask us to do something that is not in line with God's character." For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 50 min.
    Creating Unique Spaces For Spiritual Growth with Alec Wolf

    Creating Unique Spaces For Spiritual Growth with Alec Wolf

    Alec Wolf, from the Wolfpack Restaurant Group, joins the Daron Earlewine podcast to discuss the intersection of faith and work. Alec shares his journey of finding his place in the family business and how his passion for creativity and problem-solving has been integrated into the restaurant industry. Alec also introduces his own initiative, the Five F's, which focuses on faith, family, finances, fitness, and freedom as key principles for personal development.
    Key Takeaways:
    The Wolfpack Restaurant Group's success is attributed to balancing growth aspirations with a strong emphasis on faith and family values. Alec Wolf shares a personal reflection on the significance of embracing one's path and the patience required to see God's plan unfold within the business sphere. The Wolf family's decision to close their restaurants on Sundays, deemed as a day of rest, showcases their commitment to their faith, employees' well-being, and family values. Alec introduces the "Five F" principle, a personal development tool that encompasses faith, family, finances, fitness, and freedom, which has the potential to transform lives beyond the restaurant walls. The episode communicates the message that businesses thrive when leaders prioritize holistic development and well-being of their people over mere profit. Quotes:
    "If I could look back and just take the pressure off myself, I mean, I was someone that just felt like I had to prove it and that I had to fight for it." "You are where you're supposed to be. Enjoy the ride. Be intentional in your work. Work hard. Created on purpose and for purpose." "God has you exactly where he wants you to be. Take it as it is. Look at the things that you bring great into this world and just pour into it." "God has a plan, and everything that I learned along the journey, it's interesting how God has a plan." "God has you here. He's got you where you are. Take it as it is. Look at the things that you bring great into this world and just pour into it." "God has opened doors for us, and we're just trying to repay that favor and open doors for him." "We want to show them the why behind our business, why we do what we do and why we make these decisions. For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 48 min.
    The Great Omission: Why 80% of Christians Never Share Their Faith | Episode 155

    The Great Omission: Why 80% of Christians Never Share Their Faith | Episode 155

    DEP Podcast
    In this episode, Daron and Eric discuss the concept of the "great omission" in the church and how Christians can reconnect with the true purpose of the Great Commission. They explore the idea of making the gospel good news again by focusing on the story of God and His faithfulness, rather than making it all about ourselves. They also share practical steps for building influential relationships with non-believers and serving the community. Don't miss this insightful conversation on living out the Great Commission in a meaningful way.
    Key Takeaways:
    The 'Great Omission' is prevalent when Christians fail to share faith, rejecting the mandate of the Great Commission. Authentic evangelism necessitates immersion into others' lives and honoring their stories, recognizing God is already at work there. Revisiting the Gospel starts with understanding one's value as part of God's purpose rather than at the center of it. Building influential relationships with non-believers starts with serving and taking genuine interest in their lives without ulterior motives. Taking practical steps to re-engage with the Great Commission may require serving in new capacities or stepping out into leadership roles. Quotes:
    "If we actually go back to the first page of the Bible, there's some really good news, right? God made you in his image, and he made you on purpose and for a purpose." "Jesus is who he is and he is what he's been to me, but that's never been compelling enough for me to go, hey, you know what Jesus has done for me?" "It's very fear-based. We have more belief in the devil's ability to deceive us and corrupt our children than we do in Holy Spirit's ability to reconcile us to each other and to God." "It's all about going, going to them." For speaking inquiries, please go to: https://rb.gy/almn79
    Daron Earlewine is on a mission to help others understand their unique design and to inspire them to make a significant impact in this world.
    Here are ways to work with Daron:
    ⚡️FREE: Jumpstart to Purpose HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/4qpsgb
    ⚡️BOOK: The Death of a Dream HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/a9ifwi
    ⚡️COACHING: Register HERE ➡️ https://rb.gy/0is05k 
    Connect with Daron on Social Media:

    • 27 min.

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