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Unlocked is a daily teen devotional, centered on God’s Word. Each day’s devotion—whether fiction, poetry, or essay—asks the question: How does Jesus and what He did affect today’s topic? With daily devotions read by our hosts, Natalie and Dylan, and questions designed to encourage discussion and a deeper walk with Christ, Unlocked invites teens to both engage with the Bible and to write and submit their own devotional pieces.

Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens Keys for Kids Ministries

    • Religie en spiritualiteit
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Unlocked is a daily teen devotional, centered on God’s Word. Each day’s devotion—whether fiction, poetry, or essay—asks the question: How does Jesus and what He did affect today’s topic? With daily devotions read by our hosts, Natalie and Dylan, and questions designed to encourage discussion and a deeper walk with Christ, Unlocked invites teens to both engage with the Bible and to write and submit their own devotional pieces.

    Friends of God

    Friends of God

    READ: JOHN 15:12-17; ROMANS 5:10-11

    When you look around at school or at church, how can you tell which people are friends with each other? It’s pretty easy, right? They hang out together. They choose to sit near each other, they talk and laugh and update each other on their lives. They might do things together like play games or sports or work on projects. After a while, they probably start acting like each other too.

    Friendship really is a great gift from God. He designed us for community with other people…and with Himself. And even though humanity turned away from God, rejecting Him and becoming His enemies, the Bible tells us Jesus has made us friends with God through His death and resurrection. In Jesus, God made the way to forgive our sins and draw us close.

    So, how can you tell if someone is friends with God? If they spend time with Him. After all, that’s how friendships grow—by spending time together. We became God’s friends when we put our trust in Jesus. Now we can grow in that relationship by hanging out with Him. And Jesus showed us what kind of friendship He wants to have with us when He came and lived among us. The God of the Universe did life with people. Jesus ate, traveled, sailed, fished, went to parties, went to synagogue, and sang hymns with His followers. He taught them, healed them, and He also listened to them. Being friends with Jesus is pretty amazing when you think about it.

    Today, even though we’re waiting for Jesus to return to earth the same way He ascended into heaven, we can still do life with Him because His Holy Spirit lives inside Christians. We can talk to Him, and listen to Him talk to us, as we pray and read and study His Word—the Bible—both by ourselves and with other Christians. And the more we get to know Jesus, the easier it will be to discern His voice, kind of like how you can recognize your friends’ voices even in a crowded room. No matter what we’re doing or where we are, we can choose to interact with Jesus. He is always eager to listen to us, help us, and share our joys and sorrows with us.

    Friendship with God is the most wonderful friendship we’ll ever experience. And as our relationship with Him grows, we’ll treat other people in a more loving way because we’ve experienced God’s love for us. More and more, our decisions will reflect His love. • A. W. Smith

    • In what ways do you want to grow in your friendship with Jesus? Has spending time with Him already affected the things you value and the ways you treat others? How so? (1 John 4:19)

    So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5:11 (NLT) 

    • 4 min.
    Calming the Waves

    Calming the Waves

    READ: PSALM 107:1, 23-32; MATTHEW 8:23-27

    My life lately has been more like a ship tossed around on a stormy sea than a little canoe making its way across a peaceful pond. Relationship issues have come up and I have dealt with loss. As much as I want peace, it is hard to find. Nothing has come easy for me.

    I identify with the merchants mentioned in Psalm 107. Out on the sea, they experienced waves and scary conditions. The waves took them up high and then dropped them down low. They moved around without knowing what to do, trying to figure out a way through the storm, trying to make it on their own. They could not figure out a way to travel safely. Then, they did something that I have been doing a lot of lately. They cried out to God.

    The noisy storm was stilled. Everything calmed down. God was right there with the merchants, with all who were on the ship and afraid. Can God do the same for us?

    When I have reached out to Him in the storms of life that I have faced, I have definitely felt His presence. I have found Him waiting to move into action. I have found that I am never alone. We are never alone. • Emily Acker

    • What kinds of storms have you been facing lately? When we are afraid and life is chaotic, God is right there with us. He doesn’t expect us to figure things out by ourselves. He alone has the power to calm the storms. And He loves us so much that Jesus, God in flesh, died and rose again to make the way to be with us. Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that He is always at our side. By defeating sin, death, and the devil, He has already saved us from the storm of being lost forever. So now the storms of life, as bad as they are, pale in comparison. As Christians, we can be sure that Jesus is always moving into action on our behalf, whether it be in the storms of our unbelief and sin, or the storms of other areas of our lives. And one day, He will return to calm every storm and get rid of all fear and chaos for good.

    • Jesus is always with us through His Holy Spirit, His Word (the Bible), and His people (the church), giving us peace even in the midst of the storm. Can you think of a time you’ve felt God’s presence and peace in the midst of a storm? If so, what was it like? Consider taking a moment to ask God to help you know His peace and presence. He delights in answering these prayers.

    He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:29 (NIV) 

    • 4 min.


    READ: ISAIAH 61:1-3; LAMENTATIONS 3:22-26; LUKE 4:14-21

    Picture this. You’re standing barefoot on the shores of a beautiful ocean. As you walk along the water’s edge, breathing in the salty air and feeling the cool spray of the sea, you stop. You’ve seen something that catches your eye: a little orange starfish just offshore. You get closer, and your heart sinks when you see that two of its arms are broken off.

    But then you notice…two of its feet are moving. It’s alive. And that means it will live, because starfish can regenerate, growing new arms to replace the old ones. That’s how God created them. He made it so that a wounded starfish can begin a new life.

    Did you know that God also makes the way for us to begin again? When we go through times of transition in our lives, it can feel like part of us has been broken off, kind of like that starfish. Life changes can come in many forms, whether it be moving to a new place, changing schools or churches, losing a friendship, going through family upheaval like divorce, receiving a diagnosis that will change your life or the life of someone you care about, or experiencing the death of a loved one.

    But even when we’re hurting, there is hope. God sees all our hurts, and He hasn’t left us alone in our pain. Because of His great love for us, Jesus died and rose again for us so that our lives can be regenerated. As Christians, we began a new life when we trusted Jesus as our Savior, and He promises to be with us in every new beginning. It can be scary to begin again, but with Jesus’s help, we can start a new chapter of our life even in the ashes of disappointment and grief.

    We may have doubts that things could ever be as good as they were before. But in every change we go through, Jesus goes with us. In times of uncertainty, when things feel unsettling and frightening and frustrating, we can trust Him to help us adjust and find new ways to live and heal and grow. If a starfish can begin again, we can too. • A. W. Smith

    • Have you gone through a major life change recently? How might God be inviting you to begin again? Who are trusted people in your life you can talk with about this change—such as parents, counselors, friends, teachers, etc.?

    • When you have faced disappointment in the past, were there any ways you noticed God’s presence with you? How did His love help you begin again?

    Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV) 

    • 4 min.
    Believing and Loving

    Believing and Loving

    READ: MATTHEW 22:35-40; JOHN 6:27-29; 1 JOHN 4:7-19

    There’s so much pressure on me…I can’t do everything my parents want me to do. I can’t please all of my teachers. I can’t be someone others look up to. I can’t do it all. What does God require of me? How am I going to do that—how am I going to please Him, on top of everything else?

    Have you ever had thoughts like these? You’re not alone. Life gets busy, and it gets hard. In these times—and everyday—what is it that God requires of us? His command for us is a simple one: believe and love. The apostle John writes, “Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commanded us” (1 John 3:23).

    First, we are to believe that God has saved us. We are to believe in the cross, the sacrifice, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are to rely on what He has done—not on anything we do or don’t do. Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that He is always there for us and that we will have everlasting life with Him (Romans 10:9-13). Isn’t that wonderful news?

    Second, we are to love. Because God first loved us, we are able to love Him and others (1 John 4:19). Once we know Jesus, we have His Holy Spirit living in us, so we are able to love like Jesus does. Love our families. Love our friends. Love our enemies. See the world with His loving eyes, looking for those who are hurting and showing them His love.

    So, when we start to feel overwhelmed by the expectations others have put on us—or maybe the expectations we’ve put on ourselves—we can remember that Jesus has freed us from all this condemnation and fear (Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 8:1; 1 John 4:18). God has kept things simple for us. He simply calls us to abide in Jesus (John 15:1-17), to live a life of believing in Him and loving Him and those around us. • Emily Acker

    • Do you ever feel like there is so much required of you that you are overwhelmed and you just want to give up? Who are trusted Christians in your life who can remind you of how much God loves you, what He truly expects of you, and how eager He is to help you?

    Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commanded us. 1 John 3:23 (CSB) 

    • 4 min.
    Gospel Sprouts

    Gospel Sprouts

    READ: MARK 13:11; 1 CORINTHIANS 3:5-9; 1 PETER 2:12; 3:13-18

    Have you ever eaten sprouts—like bean sprouts with rice noodles or broccoli sprouts with salad? They’re crunchy, delicious, and nutrient-dense. And they’re pretty easy to grow! Recently, I started growing my own sprouts. I took a seed mix, sprinkled it onto a sprouting tray, put water in the tray, and drained and rinsed the seeds three times a day for about five days.

    The first time I grew sprouts was a pretty messy process! After I rinsed and refilled the tray each time, little seeds and sprouts fell out of the tray, littering my sink and counter. Rogue seedlings escaped every time. And when I harvested the sprouts—pulling them out of the tray by handfuls, drying them in a kitchen towel, and laying them on a drying rack on the dining room table—sprouts were EVERYWHERE. My kitchen towels and dining room table were covered in escaped sprouts. I scooped them up to feed to the chickens, who were very appreciative.

    This whole experience reminded me of sharing the gospel. Often, we have a set idea of what it looks like to share the gospel with someone. We think, “I have to approach this person in this way and use these exact words, and then they’ll come to know Jesus!” But the truth is, the seeds of the gospel are not so easily contained. When we put our trust in Jesus, believing in His death and resurrection, His Holy Spirit lives in us, creating new growth in us and carefully tending to the seedlings of our faith. And, much like my first time growing sprouts, those seedlings and sprouts that grow in us spill out even when we don’t plan on it.

    The gospel permeates every aspect of our lives, so spreading the gospel isn’t a single, containable part of following Jesus. It’s wild and unrestrained, tumbling out of us in ways we may not have expected.

    Whenever we follow God’s good ways, we are showing others what the gospel looks like. How amazing is that? God uses every part of our lives to show His goodness. Only He knows all the seedlings you’ve unintentionally planted. And He will faithfully tend them. • Taylor Eising

    • God may put us in unique situations to show someone who He is—or use a small interaction with someone to spread the gospel in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Have you ever seen God use an unexpected situation or interaction to show people who He is? What was that like?

    “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 (NLT) 

    • 4 min.
    My First Bible Verse

    My First Bible Verse

    READ: PSALM 23; ISAIAH 49:16; 2 TIMOTHY 3:16

    As far as I can remember, the first Bible verse I learned was Psalm 23:6, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” I was probably about ten years old. At that time, my parents were not Christian, so we didn’t have any Bibles at home.

    So where did I learn the verse Psalm 23:6? It was from an obituary!

    I grew up in Singapore, and obituaries in newspapers could cover the entire page, and they usually included a Bible verse if the deceased person was a Christian. Psalm 23:6 hits a chord in me. It is a beautiful promise and assurance from God!

    I was young at that time and thought the word Psalm was printed wrongly and was supposed to be Palm. I also thought the number 23:6 was probably a house number. I still find it funny when I think about it now. Later in my life, my parents and I became Christians. I found out that the word psalm is, in fact, spelled correctly. But still, I hoped it had something to do with “palm.” When I first read Isaiah 49:16, “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands,” I was delighted to see the word palm. But more importantly, I got to know that God loves me very much!

    Since first reading Psalm 23:6, I’ve observed that Psalm 23 is often used in funerals. When my grandma passed away, the pastor preached on this passage, reminding us that God is with us during our bad times, good times, and even boring times. For someone like Grandma, who stayed at home most of the time, life can be boring. It reminds me of the pandemic time when we were stuck at home. It was a challenging time. But Psalm 23 encourages us to trust in Jesus as He is our shepherd (John 10:11). He died and rose again so we could always be with Him, and He speaks to us through His Word, revealing how much He loves us. • Kelly Choy

    • Do you remember the first Bible verse you ever learned? Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

    • Although Psalm 23:6 isn’t referring to a house number, we can have the assurance of living in God’s house forever by putting our trust in Jesus! Find out more about this good news on our "Know Jesus" page.

    Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6 (NIV)

    • 4 min.


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