15 min.

Unveiling the Secrets of the Forbidden City: A Daylong Expedition Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

    • Taalonderwijs

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unveiling the Secrets of the Forbidden City: A Daylong Expedition
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 光辉的天安门前,有一个富丽堂皇的地方,叫做故宫。
En: In front of the magnificent Tiananmen, there is a splendid place called the Forbidden City.

Zh: 一天,阳光灿烂,鸟儿在空中飞舞。小明、莉莉和建国决定去故宫游览。
En: One sunny day, with birds flying in the sky, Xiaoming, Lili, and Jianguo decided to tour the Forbidden City.

Zh: 他们是最好的朋友,从小学就开始一起上学。
En: They were the best of friends, having been classmates since elementary school.

Zh: 他们对历史很感兴趣,今天他们终于有机会来探索这个神秘的地方。
En: They all had a keen interest in history, and today, they finally had the chance to explore this mysterious place.

Zh: 故宫的大门高大雄伟,
En: The grand gates of the Forbidden City stood tall and majestic.

Zh: 小明兴奋地指着大门说:“我们进去吧!这里一定有很多有趣的东西!”
En: Excitedly pointing at the gates, Xiaoming said, "Let's go inside! There must be many interesting things here!

Zh: 莉莉点点头,微笑着回答:“是的,我听说这里有好多皇帝住过的宫殿。”
En: Lili nodded and responded with a smile, "Yes, I heard many emperors lived in these palaces.

Zh: 建国也很高兴,他说:“我想看那些珍贵的文物!”
En: Jianguo also felt delighted and said, "I want to see the precious relics!

Zh: 他们排队买了票,看到了许多游客也在排队进入。
En: They queued up to buy tickets, seeing many other tourists lining up to enter as well.

Zh: 进入故宫后,他们第一时间看到了太和殿。
En: Upon entering the Forbidden City, the first thing they saw was the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zh: 太和殿的金色屋顶在阳光下闪闪发光,小明惊叹道:“多么壮观的建筑啊!”
En: Its golden roof gleamed under the sunlight, prompting Xiaoming to exclaim, "What a magnificent building!

Zh: 莉莉拿出相机拍照,她想把这些美丽的景象记录下来。
En: Lili took out her camera to capture the beautiful sights.

Zh: 他们跟着导游进入了各个宫殿。
En: They followed a tour guide as they entered various palaces.

Zh: 导游告诉他们,这里曾经住着许多皇帝和皇后。
En: The guide told them that many emperors and empresses had lived there.

Zh: 小明看着那些古老的家具和装饰,想象着以前的生活。
En: Xiaoming, gazing at the ancient furniture and decorations, imagined life in the past.

Zh: 他问导游:“他们是不是每天都穿得像电视上的皇帝一样?”
En: He asked the guide, "Did they dress like emperors on TV every day?

Zh: 导游笑着说:“没错,这里就是他们的家。”
En: The guide laughed and said, "That's right, this was their home.

Zh: 中午,他们在故宫的一个小花园里吃了午饭。
En: At noon, they had lunch in a small garden within the Forbidden City.

Zh: 花园里有美丽的花朵和翠绿的树木。
En: The garden was filled with beautiful flowers and lush green trees.

Zh: 莉莉说:“这里真的是个好地方,
En: Lili commented, "This is such a nice place.

Zh: 我们可以休息一会儿。”
En: We can rest here for a while.

Zh: 建国则继续研究着手中的导游图,他说:“下午我们去看看珍宝馆,好吗?”
En: Jianguo continued studying the guide map he had and suggested, "Shall we visit the Treasure Gallery this afternoon?

Zh: 朋友们都同意了。
En: His friends agreed.

Zh: 下午,三个人终于来到了珍宝馆。
En: In the afternoon, the trio finally reached the Treasure Gallery.

Zh: 这里展示着各种稀世珍宝,有玉器、金器和瓷器。

Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unveiling the Secrets of the Forbidden City: A Daylong Expedition
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 光辉的天安门前,有一个富丽堂皇的地方,叫做故宫。
En: In front of the magnificent Tiananmen, there is a splendid place called the Forbidden City.

Zh: 一天,阳光灿烂,鸟儿在空中飞舞。小明、莉莉和建国决定去故宫游览。
En: One sunny day, with birds flying in the sky, Xiaoming, Lili, and Jianguo decided to tour the Forbidden City.

Zh: 他们是最好的朋友,从小学就开始一起上学。
En: They were the best of friends, having been classmates since elementary school.

Zh: 他们对历史很感兴趣,今天他们终于有机会来探索这个神秘的地方。
En: They all had a keen interest in history, and today, they finally had the chance to explore this mysterious place.

Zh: 故宫的大门高大雄伟,
En: The grand gates of the Forbidden City stood tall and majestic.

Zh: 小明兴奋地指着大门说:“我们进去吧!这里一定有很多有趣的东西!”
En: Excitedly pointing at the gates, Xiaoming said, "Let's go inside! There must be many interesting things here!

Zh: 莉莉点点头,微笑着回答:“是的,我听说这里有好多皇帝住过的宫殿。”
En: Lili nodded and responded with a smile, "Yes, I heard many emperors lived in these palaces.

Zh: 建国也很高兴,他说:“我想看那些珍贵的文物!”
En: Jianguo also felt delighted and said, "I want to see the precious relics!

Zh: 他们排队买了票,看到了许多游客也在排队进入。
En: They queued up to buy tickets, seeing many other tourists lining up to enter as well.

Zh: 进入故宫后,他们第一时间看到了太和殿。
En: Upon entering the Forbidden City, the first thing they saw was the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zh: 太和殿的金色屋顶在阳光下闪闪发光,小明惊叹道:“多么壮观的建筑啊!”
En: Its golden roof gleamed under the sunlight, prompting Xiaoming to exclaim, "What a magnificent building!

Zh: 莉莉拿出相机拍照,她想把这些美丽的景象记录下来。
En: Lili took out her camera to capture the beautiful sights.

Zh: 他们跟着导游进入了各个宫殿。
En: They followed a tour guide as they entered various palaces.

Zh: 导游告诉他们,这里曾经住着许多皇帝和皇后。
En: The guide told them that many emperors and empresses had lived there.

Zh: 小明看着那些古老的家具和装饰,想象着以前的生活。
En: Xiaoming, gazing at the ancient furniture and decorations, imagined life in the past.

Zh: 他问导游:“他们是不是每天都穿得像电视上的皇帝一样?”
En: He asked the guide, "Did they dress like emperors on TV every day?

Zh: 导游笑着说:“没错,这里就是他们的家。”
En: The guide laughed and said, "That's right, this was their home.

Zh: 中午,他们在故宫的一个小花园里吃了午饭。
En: At noon, they had lunch in a small garden within the Forbidden City.

Zh: 花园里有美丽的花朵和翠绿的树木。
En: The garden was filled with beautiful flowers and lush green trees.

Zh: 莉莉说:“这里真的是个好地方,
En: Lili commented, "This is such a nice place.

Zh: 我们可以休息一会儿。”
En: We can rest here for a while.

Zh: 建国则继续研究着手中的导游图,他说:“下午我们去看看珍宝馆,好吗?”
En: Jianguo continued studying the guide map he had and suggested, "Shall we visit the Treasure Gallery this afternoon?

Zh: 朋友们都同意了。
En: His friends agreed.

Zh: 下午,三个人终于来到了珍宝馆。
En: In the afternoon, the trio finally reached the Treasure Gallery.

Zh: 这里展示着各种稀世珍宝,有玉器、金器和瓷器。

15 min.