31 episodes


英語の人~語学で世界と繋がろう‪~‬ 英語の人~語学で世界と繋がろう~

    • Education


    第031回 3か月の編集の末に帰ってきました☆

    第031回 3か月の編集の末に帰ってきました☆





    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー改め、英会話のコツ




    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ




    R: and I can ask about: How did you find us?
    C: Well I used to, you kind of already know, I really like American podcasts, and especially this yeah, my kind of new year resolution was to study Japanese more, and specially try to improve my listening comprehension so I was looking for some Japanese podcasts, and Sekazatsu was recommended, so I listened to it and I really liked it and after that I listened to Tatamino-me, which is a lot of fun, different, and after that, I started listening to Eigono-hito.
    R: But can you stand it?!
    C: You know, sometimes I spore a little bit, but yeah, most of it.
    But you know, even though when e.g. Youssou is explaining English grammar, you know he’s explaining it in Japanese, so there’s a lot of hints about, you know, how he thinks about it as a Japanese native speaker, so it’s very useful for me also.
    R: Interesting.
    Y: Interesting.
    R: How do you like us?
    C: Very fun, well, I keep listening, so.
    R: Have you got to contact to all the listeners? On Twitters?
    C: Yeah, just a little bit.
    R: You are also very good at writing in Japanese.
    C: Thank you. I have to do it for my job a lot, so I get practice.
    R: Do you like to translate or do you like interpreting better, or?
    C: I think I like translating more.
    R: Okay.
    C: Because I can really think about how to say it in the best English or the most interesting English. With interpreting there’s no time.
    R: No time, that's what I like.
    C: It’s really hard.
    R: It’s two quite different ways to work. Right, It’s not only about being able to speak or read or something it’s really more. It’s an interesting process you work with.
    C: Right, very different skill.
    Y: What’s the difference between translate and interpret?
    C: Shall I explain? Translating is writing, so in my case for example, I read Japanese and write English, that’s my translating job. Interpreting is speaking. So listen to one language and speak another.
    Y: Very clear. Thank you!
    R: Very useful for all these listeners.
    Y: In Japanese there is 翻訳 it’s the same.
    R: No 通訳 desho. So two different things in Japanese as well.
    C: But in casual English we often call both of them translating.





















    第030回 【音質すいません】英語のことはコリンさんに訊こう☆彡

    第030回 【音質すいません】英語のことはコリンさんに訊こう☆彡






    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー改め、英会話のコツ




    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ




    R: Hi, thank you for participating.

    C: It’s my pleasure.

    R: I think maybe we can do like a short interview? And we can just talk, you know, afterwards.
    C: Sure.
    R: But I don't know (neither) what to ask about…but.. Hi!
    C: Having me, I’m so excited.
    R: Would you like to introduce yourself?
    C: Yeah, so, my name is Colin, Im from the US, and currently living in Japan and…
    R: Same city as my family does
    C: Yeah, I work as a translator, I used to work as an English teacher, in elementary school and jounior high, but now full time translating.
    R: Ya, cool. And today marks five years after you came to Japan.
    C: Your English is so good, yeah, exactly
    Y, R: Congrats!
    C: Thank you! Rights after I graduated from collage I came, it was in june.
    R: When do you finish your collage in the US?
    C: It depents on the shool, but mine was May.
    R: OK. It’s pretty the same as what I did, I also finished university and came to Denmark. So many coincidences.
    C: We have a lot in common surprisingly.
    Y: What kind of common do you guys have?
    C: As Lisa(Risa) said, we, well, I live near her family’s house is, now.

    C: Well, she said it a little bit, yeah, so it’s quite amusing/amazing.
    R: Well, how do you like living in Tokyo?
    C: Um, It’s quite good of most part. I think Tokyo is extremely convenient and safe, which I really appreciate, for me, coming from the US, it feels like extremely crowded. There’s a lot of people and I’ve also lived in some other areas in Japan, and compare to other areas, I think police officers here are not as nice.
    R: OK?
    So you’ve got to asked to show your ID and things?
    C: Right, all the time ya. But only in Tokyo.
    Y: Only in Tokyo? That’s interesting.
    There is no Omotenshi! In Tokyo.
    C: They’re still polite. You know, they’re always bothering me.
    Y: I see.
    R: Ohhh noo. One of my best friends’ husband. Her husband is from Sweden (det kan man ikke sige), and he’s also kind of struggling with the same thing. Not that easy to live in Japan, right?
    C: In some ways.
    R: In some ways ya. People are maybe very kind, but you feel like you are foreigner all the time, maybe?
    C: Yeah certainly, ya.




















    • 1 hr 7 min
    第029回 【新TOEIC特集】6月配信のつもりで話す二人。

    第029回 【新TOEIC特集】6月配信のつもりで話す二人。





    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー




    ETFやだ~と言ってますが、ETS(English Testing Service) のことです(^^;


    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ










    ・Colin(虎麟)さんから、I can't evenの正しい理解の仕方☆彡

















    • 1 hr 4 min
    第028回 【アメリカ大統領選特集】約8割の人が望んでしまった40分☆

    第028回 【アメリカ大統領選特集】約8割の人が望んでしまった40分☆






    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー




    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ

    『Other Story』



    Elias is from Syria. He is 24 years old.
    We met him six hours after he arrived in Kos in a plastic boat.

    We asked him what he brought with him from Syria.

    One T-shirt, one trousers, and four (pairs of) boxers and two socks.
    And my papers, my phone. Just that.

    - Is there something you left behind, you would have liked to bring with you?

    I can (could) put all my family on (in a) bag.
    And take it with me.
    It would be very…
    It´s hard, because I cannot see my family for maybe five years.
    I cannot go back. Five years.
    It´s half a generation.

    And my father (is) old, and my mother (is) old, too.

    Four days before we met Elias on Kos, he was in Syria.
    He shared with us, what his father told him, just before Elias left home.

    He said to me, it´s your future.
    I want you to be a man in your (own) way.
    And that you will make good decisions.
    Take care of yourself.
    And he kissed me here.

    I go, I ran, because I was crying.
    Yes, It´s good memories.

    This kiss give you a lot of power. Of love, relax (calm).
    I feel that my father, my mother, and my family are in my back (behind me).
    Pushing me forward.
    And every time my father told me again and again.

    Be kind for people.
    Help everyone. Everyone you can help.

    That´s what he told me before I go from (left) Syria.

    Thousands of Syrians flee their country every day.
    The risks involved in leaving are only equal to those of staying in Syria.
    We spoke to Elias about his dreams.
    I just want my family and all the people in Syria, just to have peace.
    Just to know this: the humanity is the solution.
    Just the humanity.

    When Elias arrived to Kos at night, he was greeted by a local volunteer.
    This experience made a big impression on him.

    What the Grecian did for us yesterday.
    It was… I don't know how to describe it.
    He hugged us. Why?
    That is humanity. That is what we are looking for.
    A country for me doesn't simply mean some stones, some dust, and some sea and some mountains.
    For me it is the place, which respects me.
    That gives me a good life.
    Give me peace, gives me (fair) justice.
    That is my country. And I will love that place, as I loved my last place. Which was Syria.

    I just want to be with the human.
    That. Human, it´s enough for me.
    We love Syria.
    But living in Syria, it is more than impossible.


























    • 1 hr 33 min
    第027回 【世界と繋がると、世界が広がる!】ガンジーゲームとミソスープ

    第027回 【世界と繋がると、世界が広がる!】ガンジーゲームとミソスープ





    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー




    Word of the Year for 2015について

    by the American Dialect Society



    Most useful(最も役に立つ言葉)
    deal with or reconcile difficult situations or emotions (from “I can’t even”).
    難しい状況や感情を取り扱ったり、鎮めたりすること(I can’t evenに由来)。

    Word of the yearの候補

    a sweetheart or romantic partner.
    Most unnecessary(最も不用な言葉)

    without a romantic partner (lacking a bae).

    Most unnecessaryの候補

    narcissistick (or narcisstick)
    pejorative term for a selfie stick.

    2015 Word of the Year is singular “they”  Plural

    they: gender-neutral singular pronoun for a known person, particularly as a nonbinary identifier.
    ammosexual: someone who loves firearms in a fetishistic manner.


    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ

    『Other Story』



    Kate Madeleine McGowanさんの続き!

    On my journeys to meet people that are refugees in Europe right now, I have met so many beautiful and wonderful people.

    I have met a young man, who dreams about building robots. I have met a young lady, who just wants to sing.

    I have met a young man, who was once a scout in Syria. This young man is called Elias, and when he was going to Europe on the boat from Turkey to Greece,

    he sang all the way on the boat, to calm down the other people on the boat.

    He told me, that his message to everyone and to the people of Syria right now is:

    “The only thing that matters is humanity. Only this.”

    He says. Only humanity.




    The Equalizer

    Denzel Washington as Robert "Bob" McCall

    Chloë Grace Moretz as Alina/"Teri"


    R: Why doesn’t the old man just let the fish go?

    Y: “Old man’s gotta be the old man, fish has gotta be the fish.

    You gotta be who you are in this world, no matter what,”


    Y: "Don't doubt yourself, son. Doubt kills."






    ミネさん:細マッチョへの道、four-letter wordの話


















    • 1 hr 29 min
    第026回 「Other story」に見るHumanity

    第026回 「Other story」に見るHumanity







    ・Grammar for Communication byユッスー




    The Intern 2015 マイ・インターン

    Jules Austen: Anne Hathaway

    Benjamin(Ben): Robert De Niro



    R: Okay Benjamin

    I'm going to ask you one of our more telling questions for all of our interns

    This is the one to really think about, ok?


    Where you see yourself in ten years?


    Y: When I'm 80?



    Y: Remember a few weeks ago we talked about the senior intern program?

    R: Seniors in high school or college?

    Y: No, no, no...

    Seniors in LIFE.

    R: Hold on… what?!



    R: So you're on Facebook, huh?

    Y: I only joined about ten minutes ago.

    R: Well better late than never.

    Alright, so there are all these questions for your profile you can answer if you want to.

    Like...people who inspire you...

    Y: Jules Austen.

    You do inspire, Jules.


    Y: You started this business all by yourself a year and half ago.

    And now you have a staff of 220 people.

    I never had anything like this in my life.

    This big, beautiful exciting thing that you created.


    Remember who did that.

    R: Who?



    R: The truth is something about you makes me feel calm, more centered or something.

    It's moments like this when you need someone you know you can count on...

    Because you're my -

    Y. Intern!

    R: Well, I was gonna say intern / best friend.



    ・世界と繋がるInterview by リサ

    『Other Story』



    Kate Madeleine McGowan


    Hi my name is Kate Madeleine McGowan, and I live in Denmark.

    I’m educated as a visual artist, and performance designer.


    Right now, because of the refugee crisis in Europe I have started a film project.

    The film project is called ”other story”.


    Other story is a series of films, short films, where we show one short portrait of a refugee, one story at a time, one human being at a time.


    Through my work with other story, I want to show Europe, I want to show the world, that these people, who are now refugees, are human beings, just like you, just like me.


    I talk to them about their dreams, when they were children. I talk to these people about their dreams now. I ask them when they have been in love, I ask them what they brought on their journey.

    I ask them what is the favorite music. When I ask them what their dream is today, many of them say: “I just want to be seen as a human being. I just want to be met as a human being.”



















    • 1 hr 12 min

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