7 episodes

I'm Gobinda, a WordPress enthusiast. Of my curiosity, I search for plugins and themes daily in the WordPress Repository. I have started asking questions on my Twitter (@Gtarafdarr) to learn more about WordPress Experts, and Experts are willingly participating in those threads to help each other. So I feel it would benefit everyone if I recorded everything I find daily and shared it with you regularly. Hoping you will enjoy the show... Feel free to comment and share your thoughts and questions so that I can continue the project.

What WordPress Experts Are Saying Gtarafdar

    • Nyheter

I'm Gobinda, a WordPress enthusiast. Of my curiosity, I search for plugins and themes daily in the WordPress Repository. I have started asking questions on my Twitter (@Gtarafdarr) to learn more about WordPress Experts, and Experts are willingly participating in those threads to help each other. So I feel it would benefit everyone if I recorded everything I find daily and shared it with you regularly. Hoping you will enjoy the show... Feel free to comment and share your thoughts and questions so that I can continue the project.

    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - What are the main checklist for creating a WordPress site?

    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - What are the main checklist for creating a WordPress site?

    Like everytime I asked to experts to know about their checklist for creating a WordPress Website, so I get a few replies.

    Here is the Tweet link: https://twitter.com/Gtarafdarr/status/1637862704487743488

    Building a WordPress site can be an exciting project, but it's important to have a plan in place before you get started. Here's a checklist of important tasks to consider when building a WordPress site:

    Most importantly, above all - discourage search engine to crawl your website before final launch - follow this navigation - Settings > Reading > Discourage search engines from indexing this site. Then...

    Choose a hosting provider: Select a reliable hosting provider that can handle your website traffic and offers good customer support.

    Install WordPress: Install WordPress on your hosting provider's server. Many hosting providers offer one-click installation for WordPress.

    Choose a theme: Choose a theme that fits your website's niche and design requirements. There are many free and paid themes available on the WordPress marketplace.

    Install necessary plugins: Install essential plugins such as security plugins, SEO plugins, caching plugins, and contact form plugins.

    Customize the site: Customize your site by adding your logo, changing colors, and creating menus and pages.

    Add content: Add high-quality content to your site, including text, images, and videos.

    Set up SEO: Optimize your site for search engines by installing an SEO plugin and using keywords in your content.

    Set up analytics: Set up website analytics to track your website's performance and visitor behavior.

    Test your site: Test your site thoroughly to ensure it's working properly, including testing forms, links, and mobile responsiveness.

    Launch your site: Launch your site and promote it through social media and other marketing channels.

    By following this checklist, you'll have a solid foundation for your WordPress site and a website that's optimized for performance and user experience.

    Tools I have mentioned -

    Mentioned my fav tools too -
    Page builder - @elemntor, @GreenshiftWP
    SEO - @yoast, @rankmathseo, @TheSEOFramework
    Optimizer - @_perfmatters, @WpOptimize
    Cache- @wp_rocket
    Security - @wordfence
    CDN + SSL - @Cloudflare, @Namecheap positive ssl
    Spam Protect - @antispambee

    My Previous Episodes - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/message

    • 27 min
    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Is it mandatory to add a cookie consent notice on every site?

    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Is it mandatory to add a cookie consent notice on every site?

    I asked for opinions from WordPress Experts on this topic - Is it mandatory to add a cookie consent notice on every site? If yes, then which plugin do you recommend?

    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/Gtarafdarr/status/1630228112033337345

    I got several replies. In this episode, I have explained every possible thing what I have learnt from them. This is episode no 004.

    In general, it is mandatory to add a cookie consent notice on every site that uses cookies or similar technologies to track user behavior or gather personal information. This is because many countries and regions, including the European Union and California, have laws and regulations that require websites to inform users about their use of cookies and obtain their consent before setting these cookies.

    The specific requirements for cookie consent notices may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the types of cookies used on the site. For example, in the EU, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that cookie consent be obtained through a clear affirmative action, such as clicking an "I accept" button, and that users be provided with clear and comprehensive information about the cookies being used.

    Even if a website is not subject to legal requirements for cookie consent notices, it is generally considered good practice to provide users with information about the types of cookies being used and to obtain their consent where appropriate. This helps to build trust with users and demonstrates a commitment to protecting their privacy.

    But Some other said it's not mandatory and it cannot be handled by a single tool. We should take support from law experts.

    To know the details you have to listen the eposiode.

    Here my previous episodes here - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/message

    • 28 min
    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Which tool you should choose to sell your WordPress Plugins and Themes - EDD/Freemius/Lemon Squeezy

    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Which tool you should choose to sell your WordPress Plugins and Themes - EDD/Freemius/Lemon Squeezy

    Looking to sell your digital items online? Wondering which platform to use? Look no further!

    I recently ran a Twitter thread asking fellow digital sellers what platform they use, and I received many responses. While Easy Digital Downloads (EDD- Easy Digital Downloads) a popular choice, as 50,000 business owners are running their businesses with EDD, 50k+ is not an undeniable number, but many also suggested the amazing alternative, Freemius.

    Twitter Thread: https://twitter.com/Gtarafdarr/status/1635669797768925185

    EDD: https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/


    Freemius: https://freemius.com/

    Lemon squeezy: https://www.lemonsqueezy.com/

    Appsero, Elite Licenser and more.

    I came to know WP business owners are now shifting their business from EDD to Freemius; here is the reason why they have moved on -

    Freemius not only covers all the features you need to sell your digital products online, such as licensing, affiliate and coupon systems, and refunding options, but it also provides an incredible support system. The Freemius team is dedicated to creating a strong community of sellers and providing top-notch support every step of the way.

    But that's not all! Freemius also offers staging URL support, grandfathering options, prorated upgrading, and even a revenue share concept that benefits both you and them. And let's not forget about the low (zero) cost of entry and easy integration. Plus, they handle all the tax and VAT headaches, making selling online a breeze.

    So if you're looking for a reliable, feature-packed platform to sell your digital items online, consider Freemius. Don't just take my word for it, take a look at all the reasons why fellow digital sellers are making the switch.

    My Previous Episodes: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying

    Please share your words.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/message

    • 30 min
    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Are you fond of coding and love to build sites from scratch? Or Prefer page builders to build your sites!

    What WordPress Experts Are Saying - Are you fond of coding and love to build sites from scratch? Or Prefer page builders to build your sites!

    Hello WordPress Buddies- on March 19, 2023, I have asked this question on my Twitter (@Gtarafdarr)
    Are you fond of coding and love to build sites from scratch?
    Prefer page builders to build your sites!

    Share your words on which one is better.

    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/Gtarafdarr/status/1637487629762711552

    In this episode, I have discussed my opinion on that and also shared experts' opinions too. Explain their points also.

    In details -

    the benefits of using page builders for web design and why they may be the preferred choice for many users.

    Ease of Use:
    Page builders enable users with little to no coding experience to create professional-looking websites. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, users can easily add, modify, and customize website elements such as headers, images, and text. This user-friendly approach allows for a more inclusive web design experience.
    Time Efficiency:
    Building a website from scratch can be time-consuming, especially for beginners. Page builders significantly reduce the time spent on web design, allowing users to focus on other aspects of their business or project. With pre-built templates and a library of design elements, users can quickly create a functional and visually appealing website.
    Hiring a professional web developer can be costly, and learning to code from scratch may require a substantial time investment. Page builders are an affordable alternative that enables users to create websites without breaking the bank. Many page builders offer free plans with basic features, while premium plans with additional tools and support are available at a fraction of the cost of hiring a developer.
    Easy Updates and Maintenance:
    With a page builder, updating and maintaining your website is a breeze. Users can easily make changes and see the results in real-time without having to delve into complex code. This also allows for efficient troubleshooting and addressing any issues that may arise.

    Page builders offer numerous advantages for users looking to create websites without coding expertise. They provide a user-friendly, time-efficient, and cost-effective solution for web design, while ensuring consistent design and easy maintenance. While coding from scratch may offer more flexibility and customization, page builders cater to a broader range of users and skill levels, making web design accessible to all.

    Popular WP Page Builders - Elementor, Divi, Beaver, Bricks, BlockEditor, and more

    Elementor Showoff Page - https://showoff.elementor.com/

    Here are some points to consider when building a website from scratch:

    1. Complete control and customization: Building a website from scratch provides full control over every aspect of the design and functionality. Developers can create a unique website that caters to specific needs and requirements. Customization options are limitless and not restricted by the pre-built templates and design elements offered by page builders.

    2. Better website performance: Custom coding allows for optimized website performance, including faster loading times and better search engine optimization (SEO). This is because the website is built with a focus on specific performance metrics and not limited by the constraints of pre-built templates and design elements.

    3. Better security: Custom-coded websites can provide better security compared to pre-built templates, which may have security vulnerabilities. Developers can implement security measures tailored to the website's specific needs, reducing the risk of security breaches.

    In short, building a website from scratch offers greater control, customization, flexibility, scalability, and security. However, it requires a higher learning curve and time investment and not suitable for nontechies.

    So choose wisely.

    Previous Episode -https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/episodes/What-WP-Experts-Are-Saying-001---WordPress-is-no-Code-Tool-or-Not-e20q65b


    • 29 min
    What WP Experts Are Saying 001 - WordPress is no Code Tool or Not!

    What WP Experts Are Saying 001 - WordPress is no Code Tool or Not!

    On March 18, 2023, I asked to get opinions from WordPress Experts on my Twitter.

    The question was - How many of you agree - WordPress is a no-code tool for the end user?

    Here is the tweet link - https://twitter.com/Gtarafdarr/status/1637151754419830784

    In this episode, I have shared the expert's opinion and thoughts and my thoughts based on my experiences. So at some point, if you disagree with me, please share it in the comments or participate on that thread.

    It's an interesting topic.

    Some experts say - WordPress is a platform that enables users to create and manage websites without needing to write code. Although it is not entirely a "no-code" solution, it can be seen as a "low-code" tool since it reduces the amount of coding required to develop a website.

    The WordPress interface is user-friendly and comes with a variety of templates and plugins that can be utilized to customize the design and functionality of a website. These plugins and templates are pre-built pieces of code that can be added to a website without requiring any coding knowledge.

    However, some coding knowledge may be required to fully customize a WordPress website or build custom functionality. But for the most part, WordPress can be used by individuals without a technical background to create and manage a website.

    But I have shared my thoughts on that topic in the episode. Also, looking forward to you hear from you.

    Follow me on Twitter (@Gtarafdarr) and share your thoughts and other questions so that I can continue the project...

    Thanks for listening.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/message

    • 24 min
    WP Weekly 101

    WP Weekly 101

    Hi, I'm Gobinda Tarafdar. Day by day, I'm becoming a WordPress Nurd. From my interest, I dive on to the WP org ocean for seeking new things, and every time I came up with exciting new tools. And I feel if I record my findings, then it might help others. From that feeling, I've started recording my works. 

    It's my first episode, which is full of errors. Please share your opinion to improve my works. 

    In this episode WP Weekly 101, I'm sharing some new things with you.

    👉 weDevs has launched a new product: WP Hive for free on ther 7th Birth Anniversary. It's a customized enhancement of WordPress Org Repository to find the best one for your need,

    This Product is also on Product Hunt. It needs your kind consideration. If you feel it will help in the future, then don't forget to give upvote.

    It's a contribution to the #StayAtHome program from Tareq Hasan, the CTO of weDevs.

    👉 Another significant contribution to that program is giving away the worth value of $799 of paid course by Tim Soule, CMO of Ahrefs. Take the course for free and stay at home. It will hold your seat for 4.5 hours.

    👉 What's, are waiting for you in the WordPress 5.4 shipment? I'm very much excited about the Full page editing facility with the Gutenberg Plugin. One interesting finding is that now you can add gif in as your Blog Banner/feature image directly from your Block Editor pannel. 

    👉 The Detective Wapuu by Rich tabor and Sorta Brillant

    👉WooCommerce 4.0 is here! There is possible chances to cut a profit through the WooCommerce Theme business. 

    Check out the video of the new admin area of WooCommerce 4.0

    Stay connected and share your opinions about my works. See you next week. 


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whats-wp-expert-r-saying/message

    • 26 min

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