13 episodes

Welcome to Write Conversations with Sha Nacino. Our goal is to inspire you to live a happy and meaningful life, make your dreams come true, and bless the world! We’ll also give you tips and strategies on how you can live your purpose and make your passion your profession. Sha is a bestselling author, a sought-after inspirational speaker, a toastmaster, and the founder of The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge. If you need more inspiration to pursue your dreams, visit SeminarPhilippines.com.

The vision for Write Conversations Podcast is for it to be the most inspirational, most informative, and most listened to educational talk show in the Philippines across all platforms.

Write Conversations with Sha Nacino Podcast Sha Nacino: Prolific Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Empowering Coach

    • Utdannelse

Welcome to Write Conversations with Sha Nacino. Our goal is to inspire you to live a happy and meaningful life, make your dreams come true, and bless the world! We’ll also give you tips and strategies on how you can live your purpose and make your passion your profession. Sha is a bestselling author, a sought-after inspirational speaker, a toastmaster, and the founder of The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge. If you need more inspiration to pursue your dreams, visit SeminarPhilippines.com.

The vision for Write Conversations Podcast is for it to be the most inspirational, most informative, and most listened to educational talk show in the Philippines across all platforms.

    9 Lessons 2017 Taught Me

    9 Lessons 2017 Taught Me

    Wow! Just like that, 2017 is almost over. As we are about to enter a new year, I would like to share with you the lessons I learned in 2017.    But before that, I have a gift for you! I wrote a guide on How to Set Goals for 2018. You can download it for free here.   So here we go.   Lesson 1: It’s okay to say no. I’m a people pleaser. When friends would ask me to meet them for lunch or snacks or movies, I’d always say yes even if I was already tired that day and all I wanted was to go home and recharge. I’d also say yes even if the venue would take me 2 hours to reach because of traffic. Result? I’d catch colds and I wouldn’t be able to function well on a given week. Lately, I realized it’s okay to say no sometimes so you can say yes to your health and to the more important things you have to do.    Lesson 2: Learn the art of “Dolce far niente” It’s an Italian phrase which mean “the sweetness of doing nothing.” I learned that from the movie Eat, Pray, Love.  One of the things I’m so grateful for is that I am doing what I love to do! My passion is my profession. For me, writing or speaking or teaching is as fun as traveling. I enjoy it so much, I don’t even consider it work. The downside was that, I was such a workaholic. After one project is done, I move on to the next project. I hustle.   One of the things I will consciously do in 2018 and in the years to come is to really stop and celebrate. To savour dolce far niente. This coming 2018, I will set a reward or a celebration for every goal I set and get. Why is this important? To savour the moment and to prevent burnout.     Lesson 3: Delegate and form a team. This was something new to me which I really loved and was very excited about. In 2017, I hired full-time staff to work with me in the business. I’ve always had a part-time virtual assistant (VA) but I never had a full-time staff. The act of hiring and delegating was so liberating. I was able to free up a lot of my time. I was able to breathe and work more on the business, not in the business. The act of hiring also gave me a different perspective. I wasn’t just working for myself. I had to make the business sustainable and profitable because I was now responsible for my team. I wanted to create more jobs. Thank God for my team!      Lesson 4: Support your friends and their advocacies.  As a seminar organizer, I’ve always wondered how it is like to get people and companies to sponsor my events. I haven’t figured out the answer yet.  So in the meantime, I found value in sponsoring other people’s events. My little company has been sponsoring Bo Sanchez’s Kerygma Conference (KCON) since 2015. It’s a privilege to be a part of an event that inspires thousands of people every year. In 2017, we levelled up as a sponsor — we went from a Minor Sponsor to a Silver Sponsor. It meant we doubled the amount of our support for KCON.  Then I also sponsored (Gold Sponsor) The Philippines HR Group Summit last Nov 23. In my experience as a speaker and trainer, I had the privilege of speaking with HR practitioners. I admire them for their dedication. They are the go-to guys and gals of the people in their organisation. So I wanted to do something special for them. Thus, the sponsorship. I was privileged to meet Darwin Rivers, the founder of The Philippines HR Group. He was so down-to-earth and he has a cheerful attitude. A few weeks after the conference, he met up with me and treated me to coffee (I had chocolate) just to express his thanks and appreciation for my support. Such a sweet gesture which I truly appreciated.  By the way, if you are an HR professional and you are reading this, I have a gift for you. I am launching The Philippines HR Newsletter on January 2018. The main idea behind this newsletter is to take care of the people who take care of their people. You may join for free here.    Lesson 5: Dreams do come true.  2017 was my banner year so far. Ac

    • 19 min
    WCP 012 : How do you define financial success?

    WCP 012 : How do you define financial success?

    How do you know when you are financially successful?   How do you define financial success anyway?   In this podcast, let’s talk about the two ways you can gauge if you’ve achieved a certain level of financial success.   Enjoy the podcast! If you have 30 seconds, please go to iTunes and rate this Podcast. Just search Write Conversations with Sha Nacino. Your rating will help us make this podcast visible to as many people as possible. Together, let us spread happiness, inspiration, and meaning.     I wish you success and happiness! Sha Nacino Founder, The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge   P.S. My birthday is coming up! Every October, I conduct the Money&Me Conference-for-a cause. This October, our theme is “How to Make More M.o.ney without Quitting Your Job…Yet!” Your registration also comes with a free M.o.ney&Me book which you can use for yourself or you can gift to a friend. The early bird rate ends on Sep 30. You may register here.   100% of the net proceeds (sales less expenses) will go to the medication of Baby Kier, my high school classmate’s baby who has a rare cancer of the eye.  

    • 14 min
    WCP 011 : Slow down

    WCP 011 : Slow down

    How was your week?    Last Sep 23, 2017, 12 new graduates of The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge (BWC) launched their books. You should have seen how happy and proud their families and friends were.    As of now, the registration to The 90-Day BWC is currently closed. If you have dreams to write your own book, you may join the wait list/notification list here.   This week, I’d like to remind you to slow down. Funny because last week we talked about commitment, right? Yes, it’s important to be committed to our dreams and goals. But it’s also very important to be committed to our rest.    I’m sharing this based from experience. Last Saturday, when I arrived at Meralco mini-theater for the book launch of the graduates of The 90-Day BWC, I felt so weak and exhausted, I cried. Walang masakit sakin. I was just so exhausted from my very hectic schedule the past few weeks that I had no energy to even stand up, walk up to people, and talk to them. I asked my friend Bryson to help me regain my energy through neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). My friend Faye (author Carlo’s wife) had to put an ointment on me so I’d feel better.  Imagine, it’s the graduation and the book launch of my 90-Day BWC students and I couldn’t enjoy it because my spirit was willing but my body was so tired. It made me rethink, really. Wait a minute, am I overworking myself? (The good news is, I felt better after NLP and the ointment and everything went smoothly that afternoon! It was such a happy occasion for everyone!)   If you were like me who is goal-oriented, I’d like to remind you to slow down. Be committed to your dreams and be committed to your rest as well. Do hustle, but do rest as well.   Here’s how you can slow down. Learn to say NO. As Filipinos, it’s hard for us to say no, right? Hehe! Same with me. If someone asks to meet up with me or asks me to speak or do something, I’d do it. I’d gladly serve. I can hardly say NO.   This week, I decided to say NO to some meetings and other engagements so I can say YES to my health and to the bigger roles God would ask me to do. I’m taking the entire week from Monday to Friday to rest, recharge, and regain my voice. I just hosted The Author’s Voice radio show this morning and it’s funny because I almost lost my voice.    So slow down. Take a rest. Learn to say NO.    I’d love to hear your thoughts. What will you say NO to this week so you can say YES to something more important? Please feel free to share in the comments https://www.facebook.com/groups/WriteUniversity/ If you have 30 seconds, please go to iTunes and rate this Podcast. Just search Write Conversations with Sha Nacino. Your rating will help us make this podcast visible to as many people as possible. Together, let us spread happiness, inspiration, and meaning. I wish you success and happiness! Sha Nacino Founder, The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge   P.P.S. My birthday is coming up! Every October, I conduct the Money&Me Conference-for-a cause. This October, our theme is “How to Make More M.o.ney without Quitting Your Job…Yet!” Your registration also comes with a free M.o.ney&Me book which you can use for yourself or you can gift to a friend. The early bird rate ends on Sep 30. You may register here. 100% of the net proceeds (sales less expenses) will go to the medication of Baby Kier, my high school classmate’s baby who has a rare cancer of the eye. 

    • 7 min
    WCP 010 : Are you committed?

    WCP 010 : Are you committed?

    ​ How was your week?:) . .   Mine was super busy but happy. I was in Cebu to launch my latest book “Is it Time to Quit Your Job?” This is my 11th book but this is the 1st book that is being published by a major publisher, my dream publisher.   . . Last Thursday night, my book launch and book signing in Cebu ended at 9:15pm. Then I went straight to the airport to catch my evening flight back to Manila. I landed in Manila at 1:00am the next day.  . . Friday, I woke up very early for my 8:00am-11:00am talk for DSWD retirees. Then I dropped by the Manila International Book Fair in SMX MOA. Afterwhich, I had a meeting with the CEO of a company who is responsible for bringing the big guys like Robert Kiyosaki, Andrew Matthews, etc. to the Philippines.   . . On Saturday, I wanted to sleep some more but I had to wake up early to attend our quarterly mastermind meeting with Bo Sanchez, his mentors, and the Platinum members of TrulyRichClub. At about 1:00pm, I met my team at Heritage Hotel and we shot some videos for our  video blogs. At night, we proceeded to SMX MOA for the 38th Manila International Book Fair wherein I shared the MIBF stage with Kerygma Books authors.    . . Sunday, ahhhh! I wanted to rest on Sunday. But, I had to guest at the Call Center Radio from 6:00am-8:00am, then host my radio show The Author’s Voice from 8:00am-9:00am. In the afternoon, I gave a 30-minute talk at the Kerygma Books booth and signed books right before Bro. Bo Sanchez’s turn to sign books.  . . It was such a busy week for me. Why am I sharing this? Because our message this week is commitment.   . . How committed are you?   . . How committed are you to your dreams? How committed are you to your promises? How committed are you to your personal development, to serving others, and to your relationships?  . . Last week, it was so easy for me to be late for my speaking engagement. I had an excuse. Little sleep.  . . It was so easy to miss the quarterly mastermind meeting. I was tired. I could sleep some more. It was so easy to say, “Sorry, I can’t make it to the 6am radio guesting. Puyat ako.” . . But I didn’t resort to any of those excuses. Because I value commitment. And I know the value of commitment.   . . What is commitment anyway?   . . Commitment is doing what you need to do whether you feel like doing it or not; whether you feel lazy or not; whether you are nervous or not.   . . What are your dreams? How committed are you to making those dreams come true? If you fail the first time, will you give up right away? If it looks like nothing is happening, will you quit?   . . If this may inspire you in any way… . .  It took me 3 long years to write and publish my first book. (Today, most of the graduates of the 90-Day Book Writing Challenge took more or less 90 days to write and publish their books. 3 years versus 3 months! Woah!) It took me 2 years to develop the modules for The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge. It took me almost 3 years to give talks pro bono before I finally made money from public speaking.  . . If you are doing something right now and you’re not seeing results, keep planting. Stay committed in your course. Someday, you will harvest and the harvest will be bountiful.​ . . Show up. Show up on time. Do the work. Roll up your sleeves and work. Yes, even if it’s hard. Even if it’s inconvenient.  . . Where should you stay committed?   . . Let me suggest 3 areas where our commitment is needed:  Service – if you said yes to do a particular task, deliver! Learning – read books. Attend seminars. Seek mentors. Apply what you are learning.  Relationships – prioritise your relationship with God, your family, and yourself. Spend time with the people you love.  . . Staying committed is not easy, but the rewards are worth it.  Stay committed!  . . If you have 30 seconds, please go to iTunes and rate this Podcast. Just search Write Conversations with Sha Nacino

    • 11 min
    WCP 009 : How to Accomplish Your Most Important Goals

    WCP 009 : How to Accomplish Your Most Important Goals

    A few days ago, someone asked me on Facebook,   “Sha, we all have the same 24 hours a day. How come you’re able to do so many things?”    I paused for awhile and understood where the question was coming from. Maybe he is referring to the fact that I’ve written 11 books so far. I have many events and seminars, some of them happen on the same month or with very close intervals. I run online courses and I also contribute articles to Bo Sanchez’s newsletters. Plus, I also regularly give talks to universities, companies, and organisations.    Let me share with you three things that contribute to why I’m able to do so many things.    1. Hardwork. I work really, really hard. For example, when I tried to study how to blog, it took me months to do my research — read articles, watch youtube videos, put the information together and apply it. After years of studying and blogging, I publish an article on how anyone can start a blog in 30 minutes or less!  It It took me 3 years to figure out how to write and publish my first book. Then it took me 2 years to put together the modules for my 90-Day Book Writing Challenge online course. Today, many of the graduates of my online course were able to write their books in less than 90 days! Today, people see the results but what they didn’t see were the “behind-the-scenes.” Hardwork is key. When I start a relevant project, I am hardworking and patient enough to see its completion. Even if it takes years to complete it. 😀 Because my passion to serve, to teach, and to give value is so deep.    2. Written Goals. ​My goals are very clear to me. At the start of the year, I write down my goals for the entire year. Every start of the month, I write down my monthly goals. Then I break my goals to weekly goals. My written goals keep on track. They keep me focused.  Everyday, I also write down the top 3 things I need to accomplish that day. Then I work on them using the Pomodoro technique. I shared about it in this video. (2:26)   3. The Power of Letting Go. ​I’m talking about delegation. It was only earlier this year when I hired two full-time employees to work with me in my business. For the past few years, I did almost everything myself. I had a part-time virtual assistant (VA) who’s been working with me for more than a year now and she’s a big help! I’m so blessed to have her.  I made two kinds of lists:   List 1: Something that I love to do, I’m good at, and a must do: E.g. Writing, speaking, creating courses, meeting people who want to meet me personally, strategising and planning List 2: Something that I don’t really like to do, others can do it better than me, and a must do.   E.g. Filing receipts, editing videos, creating posters, posting on social media, arranging files, going to the bank to make deposits, etc. I delegate everything that belongs to List 2 to my team members. The others, I outsource to my accountant and her team. My goal is to delegate more so I can work ​on​ ​the business and not in the business.    I also celebrate my little milestones on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. 🙂 Hope this email is helpful to you. If you have 30 seconds, please go to iTunes and rate this Podcast. Your rating will help us make this podcast visible to as many people as possible. Together, let us spread happiness, inspiration, and meaning. If you’re not yet subscribed, please subscribe to shanacino.com/podcast If you are using an iPhone, just go to your Podcast app, search Write Conversations with Sha Nacino, and click Subscribe. If you are using an Android phone, download the free app called Stitcher and subscribe to my podcast there.  . I wish you success and happiness! Sha Nacino P.S.  We have an exclusive FB group called Write University PH. It’s an intimate group where we can learn together and grow together. If you’re not yet in the group, join us http://facebook.com/groups/Write

    • 13 min
    WCP 008: Did I Make the Right Decision When I Quit My Job?

    WCP 008: Did I Make the Right Decision When I Quit My Job?

    Hi Everyone! 🙂 It’s been awhile since I last published a podcast episode. Episode 7 was published on Feb 20, 2017! Woah! That was 6 months ago! Today, I’d like to share with you Podcast Episode 008.  In this podcast session, I answered the question:   “Sha, did you regret your decision to quit your job and pursue your passion?”   Did I make the right decision when I quit my job 4 years ago?   In this podcast, I shared  10 milestones after I quit my job 2 upcoming books Some gifts for you   You can listen to the podcast here.   If you are using an iPhone, you can open the PODCAST APP, search for Write Conversations with Sha Nacino and click subscribe. If you’re on Android, you can download the STITCHER APP and search and subscribe to my podcast there.   I wish you success and happiness!  Sha Nacino

    • 16 min

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