43 episodes

Seeking healing can be challenging if you do not know what is out there and do not understand how it helps. Each episode, we will meet a professional in the healing community in Charlotte, North Carolina to learn what they offer and get to know them more personally. This is a place to chat about all things health and wellness.

Healing Charlotte Podcast Katie Overcash - Mental Health Therapist and Yoga Instructor

    • Health & Fitness

Seeking healing can be challenging if you do not know what is out there and do not understand how it helps. Each episode, we will meet a professional in the healing community in Charlotte, North Carolina to learn what they offer and get to know them more personally. This is a place to chat about all things health and wellness.

    Kate Willis, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner

    Kate Willis, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner

    Nurse Practitioner who focuses on women's health with virtual patients in North Carolina. She has been with Hormone Wellness MD since 2023, a practice that focuses on hormones and sexual wellness in women.

    "For those who are willing to meet in a virtual format, it often works better for their schedules and we can accomplish really everything we need to accomplish over the telehealth platform."

    Kate has always gravitated towards comforting others starting when she was a young child. She began her career in the medical field as an Oncology Nurse and found her way professionally to Functional Medicine by way of her personal journey after the birth of her second child. She didn't feel well but her labs were within normal limits. This took Kate on a journey of healing and professional awakening as she became certified in 2021 through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Typically Functional Medicine practitioners will come from a medical background as MDs, DOs, NPs, PAs, Chiropractors, or Naturopaths.

    In understanding where Functional Medicine fits into the medical model, Kate says that Functional Medicine does not take the place of or compete with Allopathic Medicine and that the basic standard of care is not overlooked. She describes Allopathic Medicine as disease focused or to find a diagnosis then recommending a course of treatment. Functional Medicine looks at all fo the systems and views them as interconnected. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, she is looking for balance and oftentimes starts in the gut. At Hormone Wellness MD, she has a focus on hormonal health but does not just focus on estrogen and progesterone but rather looks at the thyroid, adrenal system, and insulin. She focuses on finding the root cause and working on all of the systems in harmony.

    "What makes the difference is the mindset; so not the disease-focused orientation but looking at the body systems as interconnected, seeing them as working together, and so understanding that the gut impacts the brain, impacts the hormones."

    Kate mentions that typically her patients will come to Functional Medicine when they aren't getting answers with conventional medicine, want a different way to manage, or their symptoms from their diagnosis aren't fully managed. It may even be intense PMS symptoms or chronic constipation.

    Kate loves working with women and especially those in perimenopause or menopause because of the big shifts women go through during this time. The first session with Kate is an hour long and is focused on gathering not only information on past medical issues but looking at any history of trauma or stress. She starts with lifestyle as a foundation such as nutrition, movement and exercise, stress management, relationships, and sleep. Her next session is going over labs, developing a treatment plan, and recommending medication or supplements if needed. She is always fine-tuning the foundational areas.

    "Women in this stage of life are doing big things. They are running their families, they are running teams at work, they are volunteering, they are making an impact in their community. When these women are feeling better, the world runs better."

    Kate's own self-care is about creating margins for herself. She likes to engage in naps, reading, time outside, and many activities that are not goal-oriented. Kate would like to Heal Charlotte as it is a joy to be a part of seeing someone heal and reengaging in life. You can find more information on her website or Instagram.

    • 50 min
    Megan Gelabert-McGee, Pilates Instructor

    Megan Gelabert-McGee, Pilates Instructor

    On this episode of the podcast, we meet Megan Gelabert-McGee from Harmony Pilates. Megan comes from a professional dance background and heard about Pilates through her community while dancing for 2 professional companies in New York. She took a front desk job at a 2nd generation from Joseph Pilates studio. Many of the apprentices in the training program needed practice hours and this is where Megan started her introduction to Pilates. She began to notice not just the exercise component but an improved mental state and with her dance(i.e. balance). She completed her training from there about 20 years ago.

    "I like to see it as the body is an orchestra; you have all these different parts that hopefully will work in sync with each other, but if that violin player is a little out of tune, it throws the whole thing off."

    Pilates, originally named "Contrology" was created by a man named Joseph Pilates and is a sophisticated system of movement that can be done privately or in a group setting. It's made up of a series of movements on the machine(Reformer) or on the mat. Private sessions focus on the individual body and the instructor will create movement based on what they need taking into account injuries, medical issues, and lifestyle. It's made up of exercise, breath, and alignment catered to the person. Pilates use equipment like the Reformer to work on all of the areas of the body including the ranges of motion in the spine as well as the Cadillac and many different props. The spring resistance on the Reformer makes it safe for joints and bones by not forcing extra weigh on them that they aren't ready for.

    "The spring weight, for instance you are on your back, and you push into a bar, the spring causes tension when it opens but then it loses tension when it closes. So not only are you creating strength to press against the tension of the spring, you have to use so much control to contain the closing of the spring."

    Some of the benefits of Pilates in injury prevention, injury recovery, and to train safely with your body. It uses breath-work, intentional movement, strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance.

    Megan enjoys working with those who are curious about movement and their body. Sessions with her would start with a health and history form filled out ahead of time and possibly a no-charge consultation to acquaint yourself with the space and to meet in person. The first session will be a review of your health and history, Megan will take an assessment of your standing posture, and begin the movement practice. The first 3 sessions typically take trial and error to determine what feels right in your body. There are approximately 500 Pilates exercises so if one doesn't feel right, there are plenty others to try. Megan emphasizes that the body is always changing so there is always something to address and support.

    For her own self-care, Megan uses "Transcendental Meditation" where she works with a meditation instuctor and receives a mantra to practice 2x a day. She started this practice 14 years ago. She also utilizes EMDR(Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy.

    She wants to Heal Charlotte as she had a car accident in 2021 where she had multiple surgeries to reattach her hand and make it as functioning as possible. Her journey in regaining movement in her hand has helped deepen her passion for Pilates as well as acutely understanding medical trauma and having even more compassion for those who have gone through it.

    "My OTs and my Surgeon; they were over the moon, they couldn't believe the healing, they couldn't believe how far I'd come in terms of gaining all that movement back and I have nothing but Pilates, Yoga, and dance to credit that to."

    Her studio is located in Hart Witzen Gallery among local artists on the outskirts of the Noda area of town. You can get more information on her website, as well as her Facebook and Instagram pages.

    • 47 min
    Kristen Bunich, The Intuitive Dietician

    Kristen Bunich, The Intuitive Dietician

    On this episode of the podcast, we meet Kristen Bunich, a Registered Dietician and owner of “The Intuitive Dietician.”
    Intuitive eating was created by two dieticians in the 90s and by now has over 200 research studies on it. The adoption rate increased in the last 10 years. It’s based on 10 principles and fosters a positive relationship with food as we move away from restrictive diets. The principles work on hunger, fullness, satisfaction, and movement and is a more holistic approach looking at what other factors are influencing our bodies. The original researchers were frustrated that diets weren’t sustainable for people. For example, some research followed contestants from “The Biggest Loser” competition show. They found that the contestants lost weight and subsequently muscle mass, then their metabolism slowed down and then they gained more weight.
    “We ignore hunger, we ignore fullness, we stay on that schedule, we eat at 12, we eat at 5. If you feel any pangs of hunger, we ignore it. A lot of people have broken hunger meters.”
    Kristen’s work before starting her private practice was spending 16 years in a hospital setting working with those in critical care.  The work she did there was more problem-oriented. less flexible, and the relationships were short term.  She moved into private practice where she enjoys having a much more personal relationship and can introduce those she works with to approaches like intuitive eating.  She can still work with specific medical conditions with the intuitive eating approach.  She fell in love with this approach and quickly became credentialed.  
    Sessions with Kristen start off with a discovery call to see if the relationship is a good fit. Appointments can be in her office or virtual, and start off weekly. 
    “We usually start off with the framework of timing and then more of the nutrients and then we talk more about movement and stresses, and our sleep.”
    Kristen will also help with meal planning and prepping and all of her patients have access to meal software that includes recipes and meal prepping ideas.
    “Planning ahead with your food is a form of self-care. You are really taking care of yourself and taking a minute for yourself.”
    Kristen enjoys working with women in a similar stage of life including those who are raising children, having gastrointestinal issues, have dipped into disordered eating, and are perimenopausal/menopausal.
    “If there is anything I can do in nutrition counseling that changes how people feel about their bodies and about themselves. If there is anything I can do when I post things on my social that ripples out and improves how people feel or if there is anything I can do that helps my clients live happier lives and that ripples out to the people they live with, that’s the kind of work I want to do.”
    You can reach out and schedule a discovery call with her on website or check her out on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.




    • 40 min
    Kaley J. Taylor, Conscious Breath-work Facilitator

    Kaley J. Taylor, Conscious Breath-work Facilitator

    doctors to help us get out of our heads and into our bodies. This modality can benefit anyone who is breathing. Contraindications are for those with heart conditions, epilepsy, and newly pregnant. It can be approached from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual places. This is a deeper experience than coping skill type of breath-work.

    "Using our breath as a flashlight to shine within the parts of our bodies where we might be holding, suppressing, repressing, and using the breath, we are able to shine the light and dispel those shadows. In doing that we are able to live more fully, more connected, more authentically."

    A typical session with Kaley starts with getting to know you and learning about your intentions. Next you will move to either the massage table or the floor and start with a grounding meditation. From there, the active breath starts that moves like a wheel, no breath holds. This active breath continues for 25-40 minutes. It can take 7-10 minutes to get past the mind's resistance. During this time, you can drop into the subconscious. The active breath will end and integration happens for about 10-15 minutes. The session ends with tea and discussion if you want. Kaley recommends 6-10 sessions that can be conducted individually or with a small group either in-person or virtually.

    Some of her clients have said that it helps them release physical tension, create stronger connections with others, and releases bitterness or resentment. Kaley says the key is to accept whatever happens.

    "I am very sentient. I do love to talk about feelings and go deep with people. I care so much about the nitty gritty parts of people. I didn't know what to do with that and it was at this breath-work retreat where I had this knowing of 'this is for you, this is why I created you, this is your thing.'"

    Kaley was drawn to this work and she has a background in dancing, yoga, and as a fitness instructor. She has always been body oriented and in her feelings. At one point, being so connected to her feelings felt heavy for her but now she looks at it as a gift. She found this type of breath-work while on a retreat in Costa Rico.

    "I hold it very sacred and I recognize it's extremely vulnerable for people. So I feel very fortunate that I'm in this place to hold people and show up for people in this way."

    Kaley wants to heal Charlotte because she sees so much potential for goodness, love, and seeing people for who they really are. She wants to offer more compassion and connection to this community.

    Connect with Kaley through her website, Facebook, and Instagram.

    • 43 min
    Charlie Petrizzo, Project 2 Heal

    Charlie Petrizzo, Project 2 Heal

    his episode features Charlie Petrizzo the Founder and CEO of Project 2 Heal. His organization is the only non-profit in the United States that focuses on expert animal husbandry and rearing of outstanding pedigree Labrador Retrievers to serve the service dog industry. Charlie's path leading up to starting Project 2 Heal was marked by tragedy and triumph during his childhood. He suffered from two accidents in his childhood; one was when he was 4 years old and was struck by a car and suffered a traumatic brain injury and paralyzed on the left side of his body ~1 year, and electrocuted at age 16 that burned 70% of his body. Charlie understood the support dogs can provide as his childhood dog was by his side during his recovery as a teenager. As an adult, he moved to Charlotte for a job and shortly thereafter lost his father in law and mother. This gave him an opportunity to rethink his own life as he went through a depression, and came out on the other side with a call to serve others. Charlie and his wife Sandy started to narrow their focus on using dogs as healers. He read an article about service dog organizations that don't have a breeding program will use dogs from the shelter and only about 1/12 dogs will make it to service work. From there Charlie found his calling. In 2006, Charlie and his wife Sandy decided that they would run a breeding program for Labrador Retrievers to donate to service dog organizations where they would train the dogs to give to military vets in need of support.

    The most recent shift in the service dog industry is the decline in "puppy raisers." These are volunteers who keep puppies in their home that are in line for service work from 12 weeks to 1 year old. They are a vital piece of raising a service animal. Before the pandemic, a majority of puppy raisers were in the prison population and on college campuses. These sources dried up during the pandemic. Charlie has decided to start his own puppy raising at Project 2 Heal by keeping the puppies and providing all of the necessary tasks in the first year before turning them over for the professional service dog training. He knows this will reduce costs and shorten the length of time to getting the dog to the vet. K9s for Warriors has a 4-year wait for dogs to get to their vets. Purdue University which is the leading researcher of the canine-human bond, found that Vets with a service dog vs Vets without a service dog had decreased episodes of hyper-vigilance, night tremors, outbursts of anger, and irrational outbursts, and lower waking levels of cortisol. All of these symptoms are contributing factors that lead to death by suicide.

    "They{military vets} said yes to their country and they're coming back now and it's really hard for them to pay $30k for a service dog. So we have to find it in our non-profit work to get these dogs to these guys quicker so we don't lose as many."

    Labs are used in this work because they were originally breed to be working dogs. They started in Canada helping retrieve nets and fishing gear out of the water, then to England as hunting dogs, and in America were used historically for bird and duck hunting.

    "They{labrador retrievers} are as comfortable laying down at the feet of their owner as they are out working or retrieving in the field."

    Charlie and his team's work at Project 2 Heal is to breed dogs that have the right demeanor and desire to work. They do hip, elbow, heart, and eye tests as well as 8 genetic test to make sure they are donating top notch dogs free from as many health issues as possible. Before the puppies are 12-weeks old, Project 2 Heal engages them in as many activities to prepare them for this work. Early Neurological Stimulation starts at 48 hours which helps jump start further brain development and creates a stronger cardiovascular and adrenal gland system as well as makes them less reactive to novel stimulus. Puppy Prodigy works starts at 3 weeks where they learn to move

    • 1 hr 8 min
    Heather Siblik, Dish Course

    Heather Siblik, Dish Course

    Heather Siblik the founder of Dish Course is on this episode of the podcast. Her journey in creating Dish Course really began 5 years ago when she moved to Charlotte from Wisconsin for a relationship that ended shortly after. She remembers how much effort, courage, and time it took to meet people and make friends. This is what sparked the idea for Dish Course, a dinner party with strangers organized by categories. The categories have ranged from "Must Love Sushi" to "Starting Over" to "New in Town." Heather has found that even within the categories, there is still a lot of diversity in ages, stages of life, and situations.

    "Instead of getting too ahead of myself and diving in head first. I really took the time to think about it and grow it, and think about how I wanted it to look, what I wanted the process to look like to build these table of strangers for dinner parties."

    Heather believes it is harder to make friends as an adult due to lower confidence compared to childhood, fear from past experiences, and reduced amount of times around people to connect with. Heather wants to assume the burden of labor for getting people together, and help spark conversation between guests. Dinner parties are limited to 6 guests total including Heather. The connection doesn't stop after the dinner is over. Guests will join a group text and build their connections further. Previous guests are already planning a Dish Course Reunion for all dinner guests.

    "You would be surprised how quickly you open up to a group of strangers because you have nothing to lose and these people are just dumping their souls and it's just so beautiful because 30-minutes ago they didn't know each other and now they are talking about their divorce all of these super heavy emotionally driven moments in their lives and it's very beautiful."

    Heather wants to heal Charlotte as this has become her home, where she built her social world, and the place that healed her.

    "How can we make Charlotte happier healthier, more social, and more connected?"

    You can find more about Dish Course on their website, emailing Heather(hello@dish-course.com), Facebook, and Instagram.

    • 39 min

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