726 episodes

Learn to think biblically about everything! Teaching theology, apologetics, and verse-by-verse Bible studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics, and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This podcast will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.

BibleThinker Mike Winger

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.9 • 30 Ratings

Learn to think biblically about everything! Teaching theology, apologetics, and verse-by-verse Bible studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics, and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This podcast will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.

    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 23)

    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 23)

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:23 {Delivering Someone Over to Satan?} What does the Bible mean when it says to "deliver such a one over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh"?2. 17:30 {Prophecy = Preaching the Word?} I hear many Bible teachers say that the New Testament gift of prophecy is merely proclaiming/preaching the Word; it is never predictive or revelatory. That doesn’t seem right to me. Could you give us your take?3. 25:37 {Are Insulting Names Sometimes Appropriate?} Does Jesus calling the Pharisees fools, vipers, and whitewashed tombs give Christians a license to call our enemies insulting names?4. 31:36 {Can a Vow to God be Cancelled?} At age 19, I made a lifetime vow to God (not marital) that 31 years later seems counterproductive in light of new insight & circumstances. Is there a biblical case to cancel a vow despite Ecclesiastes 5:4-6?5. 38:06 {Dangerous Recreational Activities} What does the Bible say about participating in dangerous activities, particularly those that are recreational, such as riding motorcycles, mountain climbing, big wave surfing, etc.?6. 46:30 {Chuck Missler & the Hologram Theory} Have you heard of Pastor Chuck Missler and his endorsement of the Hologram Theory (the idea that there is no gravity beyond our solar system, a holographic representation of God’s Creation)?7. 50:20 {Temptations from the Flesh vs. the Enemy} Is it possible to discern between temptations that come from Satan and those that come from within due to the sinful desires of flesh?8. 55:42 {Meaning of “To Live Is Christ”} What does it mean when Paul says "For me to live is Christ”? I've never heard someone use a phrase where an action or state of being IS a person.9. 1:04:28 {The Sonship of Jesus} A local church believes Jesus was literally the Son of God before the incarnation who "proceeded out of the Father" just like Eve from Adam. Can you help me understand the Sonship of Jesus?10. 1:07:51 {Idolatry Today} What does idol worship look like in a more modern sense?Bonus: 1:14:44 {Prayer Request} Will you pray for my mom, Kelly? She was diagnosed with breast cancer and has started chemo, but they found a mass on her liver. Not sure if it's cancer but it has grown in the last month. Through this she has been saved! We pray God's will is for her to be healed, but most importantly, for her testimony to live!
    I take YOUR questions from the live chat on anything related to Christianity and thinking biblically about everything.
    The new and dangerous Trump prophet, Brandon Biggs: Click Here
    My website: https://BibleThinker.org

    • 1 hr 17 min
    The NEW and Dangerous False Prophet

    The NEW and Dangerous False Prophet

    He rose to popularity because of the Trump assassination attempt prophecy, but his followers are going to suffer greatly if they don't abandon this false prophet. Here's the evidence that Brandon Biggs is more dangerous than you think.
    Time Stamp Map
    0:00 - Intro1. 2:25 The Trump Prophecy2. 25:00 The Many, Many Prophecies of Brandon Biggs3. 42:26 Examples of Brandon’s Past Prophecies he Claims have Been Fulfilled4. 49:50 Brandon’s Failures/False Prophecies5. 1:19:22 Brandon’s Prophecies for 2024 and Into Next Year6. 1:42:28 “When Brandon is Wrong, He’s Still Right.”7. 1:54:10 Brandon’s Prophecies for Our Future8. 2:08:30 Doomsday Prophecies9. 2:11:41 2024 Politics – What’s In Store According to Brandon?10. 2:20:59 A Correction for Christian YouTubers & My Favorite Message from Brandon
    My website: https://BibleThinker.org

    • 2 hrs 30 min
    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 22)

    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 22)

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:40 {The Bible Doesn’t Exist?} Can you please respond to Abraham Piper’s claim that the Bible doesn’t even exist? 2. 12:03 {Jesus’ Deity in Scripture} In Luke 4:9-12, Satan uses the term "Son of God" yet Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6:16. Is this a possible claim that Christ is God, similarly to how He takes God's names for Himself?3. 20:52 {Lack of Works = No Heaven?} Why do we only talk about what will get you into Heaven (faith or works or both)? The Bible seems to teach that only faith can get you in, but lack of works can keep you out. Any thoughts?4. 24:01 {Are Sinful Desires Sinful?} James 1:15 speaks about your desire giving birth to sin, but if you have an evil desire, isn’t that already sin?5. 37:48 {Are Natural Disasters from God?} We recently had a tornado touch down here in upstate New York. How does one explain to a non-believer that the tornado was not from God? Was it man-made?6. 45:40 {Does Hebrews 1 Prove Cessationism?} Is Hebrews 1:1 supportive of the idea that there are no prophets since the 1st century as God only speaks from Jesus Christ? 7. 54:14 {Does Blas. of the Spirit Debunk Calvinism?} Is the fact that we can commit Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit proof that Calvinism is false?8. 58:58 {Jesus & the Samaritan Woman} Was Jesus pointing out the sin of the Samaritan woman, or was He letting her know He understood her circumstances, considering women had little control over their marital status?9. 1:09:34 {Modalism & Oneness – Truly Saved?} Are people who believe in Modalism or Oneness doctrines truly saved? Should I allow my kids to participate in events at churches that believe in Modalism?10. 1:15:44 {Receiving the Holy Spirit} When does a Christian receive the Holy Spirit? The apostles, it seems, received the Holy Spirit twice (John 20:22, Acts 2:1-4). Others had different experiences (Acts 8:14-17, 11:15, 19:1-6).BONUS Q! 1:24:01 What language do you think we will speak in Heaven?LINKS:

    Atheist scholar, Bart Ehrman misleads people about the Bible (not low-hanging fruit): Click Here
    The dating of the book of Daniel (also not low hanging fruit): Click Here
    How Jesus was tempted: Click Here
    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit explained and analyzed: Click Here
    Why God hardens hearts: Click Here
    Why I think the phrase "Baptism of the Spirit" should be used to refer to salvation, not a later event: Click Here

    I take YOUR questions from the live chat on anything related to Christianity and thinking biblically about everything.

    • 1 hr 33 min
    10 Questions with Mike Winger SKEPTICS EDITION (Episode 21)

    10 Questions with Mike Winger SKEPTICS EDITION (Episode 21)

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:40 {Discussing Biblical “Contradictions”!} Can you please discuss some different Bible passages that appear to be contradictory?2. 41:10 {Unnecessary Body Parts = Evolution?} I have a coworker that is an atheist. He said that there are parts of our bodies that are not necessary and that might prove evolution rather than a Creator. Any thoughts?3. 48:11 {Is Salvation Sometimes Unfair?} One of my biggest issues is that you NEED to believe in Jesus to be saved. If someone is born in a Muslim country, they would have to sacrifice way more than the average westerner. How is that fair?4. 53:53 {Historical Jesus & Manuscripts} How can we believe in a historical Jesus if the oldest manuscripts we have are from the second or third century?5. 1:00:40 {Is Christianity the True Religion?} How do I know Christianity is right/true compared to other world religions?6. 1:09:20 {Does God Make Mistakes?} I often hear the argument, “If God doesn't make mistakes when it comes to gender, then what about people with disabilities?" How would you respond?7. 1:15:08 {Applying PSA on Earth?} If the doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is just, would it be just for an earthly judge to impute the guilt of a murderer to an innocent volunteer and sentence the volunteer to death instead of the murderer? If not, why?8. 1:18:30 {Joseph in Jesus’ Lineage?} Any idea why Matthew and Luke list Joseph’s genealogy when he’s not Jesus’ birth father? Does that mean Jesus’ lineage isn’t what it needs to be to fulfill prophecy?9. 1:20:27 {Is there Really an Afterlife?} Why do Christians think there is an afterlife? Why not just look at death as a return to the quantum state, like before we were born?10. 1:24:26 {Did God Create Cancer?} If God created everything, why did He create cancer? As a Christian mother, I still struggle with these sorts of questions.11. 1:27:54 {The Best Argument for God} What do you think is the best evidence/argument there is for God?12. 1:30:21 {Does Trusting First Invalidate our Faith?} If you have to believe first in order to experience the reality of Christianity, if the "proof" only comes alive when one chooses to trust it, isn't that "truth" make-believe?13. 1:33:54 {Would a Good God make a Terrible Hell?} When Jesus said that for the person who would betray Him it would be better not to be born, I assume Hell is worse than non-existence. How does this match with a good God?14. 1:35:58 {Unrepentant Heart – Still Saved by Faith?} If I believe in my heart that Jesus rose from the dead and trust in Him alone for salvation, why would God then send me to Hell for being actively gay? Am I not saved by my faith instead of my works?15. 1:42:16 {Salvation in the OT} How were people saved in the Old Testament before Jesus? And if they were saved without believing in Jesus, then why did it change?16. 1:46:11 {Why do Christians Ask for Forgiveness?} My question from a skeptic is, if you are already saved, why do you still ask for forgiveness for your sins?17. 1:47:26 {Hypostatic Union – Contradictory?} Is Jesus being God and Man a contradiction? The Bible says that the Son doesn’t know the day or the hour of His coming. Can Jesus know (as God) and not know (as Man) at the same time?18. 1:49:32 {Bible = Pure Fiction?} As a Christian, what is an appropriate answer to an atheist claiming that the Bible is pure fiction? 19. 1:55:48 {Mixed Messages in Scripture?} I lost my faith due to all the mixed messages in the Bible. For example, is salvation by faith alone like John 5:24, or faith plus works like James 2? Why doesn’t this cause you to doubt?20. 1:58:39 {Does the Concept of Sin Apply to God?} Is God holy and sinless? Can God do things which, if we did them, would be considered sin? One exa

    • 2 hrs 7 min
    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 20)

    10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 20)

    Today's Time Stamps:
    1. 0:54 {Taking On an Atheist’s Challenge} Can you please respond to Holy Koolaid’s video alleging various Bible contradictions and problems with Christianity? Did Jesus Himself undermine Christianity? 2. 30:34 {Preston Sprinkle & “Side B” Christianity} What's your take on Preston Sprinkle? Some Christians like him, but others call him a heretic or "side B Christian.” The issue seems to be about him not thinking same-sex attraction is a sin when not meditated/acted on.3. 38:08 {Is Family Planning Sinful?} My church teaches that a couple must continuously have as many children as they're able, and it's seen as selfish and a sin resulting in church discipline if they use any form of family planning to stop. Many have 12-18 children as a result. Leadership says God wouldn't give more children than a couple can handle. Is this biblical? We already have 5 children.4. 47:49 {The Pinnacle of Wickedness} Mike, are we there yet? The Bible says it will be as in the days of Noah in the last days. Have we arrived at the pinnacle of wickedness yet?5. 53:41 {Can we still Glean from Reckless Charismatism?} I learned that Bethel's prophecy teachings and those of Storms, Wimber, Deere, Randolph, etc. trace back to scandalous Kansas City prophets. Should all be ignored, or can the chaff be separated?6. 1:04:11 {Trusting God with Deep Fears} I’m a mom of three young children. I struggle with a lot of fear over their safety. How can I give this to God, knowing that it doesn’t mean something bad won’t still happen?7. 1:11:44 {Healing = the Children’s Bread?} "Healing is the children's bread" is taught by a pastor friend when he prays for the sick. He uses Mark 7:24-30 as the proof text. What is the “bread” in v. 27?8. 1:18:05 {Household Responsibilities in Marriage} Does God care who does the dishes and cooks the food? Is the wife called to manage the household? What if both the husband and wife work similar full-time jobs (Proverbs 31:15,21,27; Titus 2:5)?9. 1:26:13 {Questioning Salvation = Not Saved?} I asked the youth how confident they are of salvation on a 1-10 scale. One replied with a ”7” citing that they still sin and don’t read their Bible often. Can one be saved if they associate salvation with works like Bible reading? Are the warnings in Galatians fitting here?10. 1:33:31 {Are All of Paul’s Writings Inspired?} What should we make of Paul saying "I, not the Lord" as if he's just giving his own opinion, while also believing that all Scripture (which includes that statement) is Holy Spirit inspired (1 Corinthians 7)?
    LINKS and cool stuff:

    Original video from Holy Koolaid on how to undermine all of Christianity with one verse: Click Here
    My series of videos defending the VERY important doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement: Click Here
    The Clear Truth Media website that just launched. Here's my first article, on Andy Stanley: Click Here
    Can the guy stay home while the woman works? Click Here
    Why did Jesus call a woman "dog"? Click Here
    The MASSIVE series on Women in Ministry. All the

    • 1 hr 41 min
    Benny Hinn's New Doomsday Scam?

    Benny Hinn's New Doomsday Scam?

    Keep in mind that Benny Hinn recently told the world he didn't think he would need to do very much fundraising in the future. To me, this seems like a scam that uses Benny Hinn's supposed prophetic knowledge, coupled with unbiblical understandings of giving, as a way of manipulating his followers to give money to him.
    Original video HERE.
    My website: https://BibleThinker.org

    • 1 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
30 Ratings

30 Ratings

N Badger ,

One of the best out there

Mike, I love your podcast! I have been listening for over a year and have thoroughly enjoyed your insightful teaching through Mark, as well as your regular 20 Questions podcasts. I always learn so much and I’ve been a Christian practically my whole life. Your gentle and respectful manner is especially valued, as you truly do ‘speak the truth in love’ without shaving off any hard edges. I literally tell all my Christian (and sometimes non-Christian) friends and family to listen to you. Thank you, thank you for the work you’re doing to make disciples.

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