288 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Danish Fluent Fiction Network

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

    Freja's Fright: A Scenic Boat Ride's Unexpected Turn

    Freja's Fright: A Scenic Boat Ride's Unexpected Turn

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Freja's Fright: A Scenic Boat Ride's Unexpected Turn
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Nyhavn var fuld af farver og mennesker.
    En: Nyhavn was full of colors and people.

    Da: Solen skinnede, og duften af frisk fisk fyldte luften.
    En: The sun was shining, and the scent of fresh fish filled the air.

    Da: Freja stod ved kanalen og ventede på båden.
    En: Freja stood by the canal, waiting for the boat.

    Da: Hun glædede sig til turen.
    En: She was looking forward to the trip.

    Da: Båden kom, og Freja steg om bord.
    En: The boat arrived, and Freja boarded.

    Da: Hun fandt en plads foran.
    En: She found a seat at the front.

    Da: Kaptajnen begyndte at fortælle om de gamle bygninger.
    En: The captain began to talk about the old buildings.

    Da: Freja lyttede og tog billeder.
    En: Freja listened and took pictures.

    Da: Pludselig begyndte hun at føle sig underlig.
    En: Suddenly, she started to feel strange.

    Da: Hun trak vejret tungt.
    En: She was breathing heavily.

    Da: Hendes bryst snørede sig sammen.
    En: Her chest tightened.

    Da: "Astma," tænkte Freja.
    En: "Asthma," Freja thought.

    Da: Hun begyndte at lede efter sin inhalator.
    En: She began to search for her inhaler.

    Da: Tasken var stor, og hendes hænder rystede.
    En: The bag was large, and her hands were shaking.

    Da: En venlig mand ved siden af spurgte: "Er du okay?"
    En: A kind man next to her asked, "Are you okay?"

    Da: Freja rystede på hovedet.
    En: Freja shook her head.

    Da: Manden råbte til kaptajnen.
    En: The man shouted to the captain.

    Da: "Vi har brug for hjælp!"
    En: "We need help!"

    Da: Båden vendte hurtigt tilbage til kajen.
    En: The boat quickly returned to the dock.

    Da: En kvinde i nærheden så, hvad der skete.
    En: A woman nearby saw what was happening.

    Da: "Jeg er sygeplejerske," sagde hun og gik hen til Freja.
    En: "I'm a nurse," she said and went over to Freja.

    Da: Freja fik sin inhalator og tog et par dybe indåndinger.
    En: Freja got her inhaler and took a few deep breaths.

    Da: Hendes åndedræt blev det langsommere.
    En: Her breathing slowed down.

    Da: Kaptajnen tog en dyb indånding af lettelse.
    En: The captain took a deep breath of relief.

    Da: "Vi skal nok sikre os, at du er okay," sagde han.
    En: "We'll make sure you're okay," he said.

    Da: Freja nikkede og smilede svagt.
    En: Freja nodded and smiled faintly.

    Da: De kørte tilbage til land.
    En: They headed back to land.

    Da: Ambulancen var allerede der.
    En: The ambulance was already there.

    Da: Freja takkede de hjælpsomme mennesker.
    En: Freja thanked the helpful people.

    Da: "Næste gang tager jeg min medicin med mig," tænkte hun og grinede lidt.
    En: "Next time, I'll bring my medicine with me," she thought and laughed a little.

    Da: Hun stod på kajen og så båden sejle væk.
    En: She stood on the dock and watched the boat sail away.

    Da: Hun tænkte: “Nyhavn er smuk, men jeg må være forsigtig."
    En: She thought, "Nyhavn is beautiful, but I have to be careful."

    Da: Solen gik ned, og Freja følte sig tryg igen.
    En: The sun set, and Freja felt safe again.

    Da: Hun vendte hjemad med nye minder og en vigtig lektion lært.
    En: She headed home with new memories and an important lesson learned.


    • 11 min
    A Magical Day at Tivoli: The Perfect Family Birthday Adventure

    A Magical Day at Tivoli: The Perfect Family Birthday Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Magical Day at Tivoli: The Perfect Family Birthday Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Der var en særligt lys og varm sommerdag.
    En: It was a particularly bright and warm summer day.

    Da: Tivoli Gardens lyste op som en magisk eventyrverden.
    En: Tivoli Gardens lit up like a magical fairytale world.

    Da: Freja og Mikkel stod ved indgangen med deres to børn, Anna og Lasse.
    En: Freja and Mikkel stood at the entrance with their two children, Anna and Lasse.

    Da: Det var Annas fødselsdag, og de skulle fejre dagen med sjov og glæde.
    En: It was Anna's birthday, and they were going to celebrate the day with fun and joy.

    Da: Familien gik gennem parken, og Anna pegede på en stor rutsjebane.
    En: The family walked through the park, and Anna pointed to a big roller coaster.

    Da: "Den vil jeg prøve!"
    En: "I want to try that!"

    Da: råbte hun.
    En: she shouted.

    Da: Mikkel smilede og nikkede.
    En: Mikkel smiled and nodded.

    Da: "Selvfølgelig, skat," sagde han.
    En: "Of course, darling," he said.

    Da: De stod i køen, og Anna var spændt.
    En: They stood in line, and Anna was excited.

    Da: Da de endelig sad i vognen, begyndte rutsjebanen at bevæge sig.
    En: When they finally sat in the car, the roller coaster started to move.

    Da: Anna skreg af glæde, og Lasse grinede højt.
    En: Anna screamed with joy, and Lasse laughed out loud.

    Da: Freja holdt sin datters hånd tæt.
    En: Freja held her daughter's hand tightly.

    Da: Efter rutsjebaneturen gik de til et andet område.
    En: After the roller coaster ride, they went to another area.

    Da: Der var farverige balloner og et hjul med præmier.
    En: There were colorful balloons and a prize wheel.

    Da: Dygtige jonglører og sjove klovne optrådte.
    En: Skilled jugglers and funny clowns performed.

    Da: Lasse så på dem med store øjne.
    En: Lasse watched them with wide eyes.

    Da: Freja sagde: "Lad os tage hen til den store karussel."
    En: Freja said, "Let's go to the big carousel."

    Da: Anna klappede af begejstring.
    En: Anna clapped with excitement.

    Da: De gik hen til karussellen, der var dækket af smukke lys.
    En: They went to the carousel, which was covered in beautiful lights.

    Da: Anna valgte en hvid hest, og Lasse sad på en rød drage.
    En: Anna chose a white horse, and Lasse sat on a red dragon.

    Da: Karussellen drejede rundt og rundt.
    En: The carousel spun around and around.

    Da: Musikken spillede, og det føltes magisk.
    En: The music played, and it felt magical.

    Da: Efter karusselturen sagde Mikkel: "Det er tid til is!"
    En: After the carousel ride, Mikkel said, "It's time for ice cream!"

    Da: Familien købte store isvafler, og Annas ansigt lyste op.
    En: The family bought big ice cream cones, and Anna's face lit up.

    Da: Hun valgte jordbær og chokolade.
    En: She chose strawberry and chocolate.

    Da: Lasse havde blå bær og vanilje.
    En: Lasse had blueberry and vanilla.

    Da: Mens de spiste, sagde Freja: "Husk, vi skal have lagkage senere."
    En: While they ate, Freja said, "Remember, we have to have birthday cake later."

    Da: Anna nikkede ivrigt.
    En: Anna nodded eagerly.

    Da: Sidst på dagen gik de ned til Tivolis sø.
    En: Towards the end of the day, they walked down to Tivoli's lake.

    Da: Der var et fyrværkeri-show.

    • 14 min
    Sunshine and Close Calls: A Picnic Adventure at Nyhavn

    Sunshine and Close Calls: A Picnic Adventure at Nyhavn

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Sunshine and Close Calls: A Picnic Adventure at Nyhavn
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Solen skinnede lyst over Nyhavn.
    En: The sun shone brightly over Nyhavn.

    Da: Mikkel, Freja og Lars havde pakket en kurv med mad.
    En: Mikkel, Freja, and Lars had packed a basket with food.

    Da: De ville have en picnic.
    En: They wanted to have a picnic.

    Da: De fandt et sted nær vandet.
    En: They found a spot near the water.

    Da: Mikkel satte tæppet på jorden.
    En: Mikkel laid the blanket on the ground.

    Da: Freja åbnede kurven.
    En: Freja opened the basket.

    Da: Lars smilede og sagde: "Lad os spise!"
    En: Lars smiled and said, "Let's eat!"

    Da: De nød deres mad.
    En: They enjoyed their food.

    Da: Mikkel spiste en sandwich.
    En: Mikkel ate a sandwich.

    Da: Freja tog en salat.
    En: Freja took a salad.

    Da: Lars fandt nogle nødder.
    En: Lars found some nuts.

    Da: Pludselig begyndte Freja at hoste.
    En: Suddenly, Freja started coughing.

    Da: "Freja, er du okay?"
    En: "Freja, are you okay?"

    Da: spurgte Mikkel bekymret.
    En: asked Mikkel worriedly.

    Da: Freja rystede på hovedet.
    En: Freja shook her head.

    Da: Hendes ansigt blev rødt.
    En: Her face turned red.

    Da: Lars råbte: "Hun har en allergisk reaktion!"
    En: Lars shouted, "She’s having an allergic reaction!"

    Da: Mikkel huskede, Freja var allergisk over for nødder.
    En: Mikkel remembered that Freja was allergic to nuts.

    Da: Hun havde spist uden at vide det.
    En: She had eaten without knowing.

    Da: Lars løb hurtigt hen til Freja's taske.
    En: Lars quickly ran to Freja's bag.

    Da: Han fandt hendes medicin.
    En: He found her medication.

    Da: Mikkel hjalp Freja med at tage medicinen.
    En: Mikkel helped Freja take the medication.

    Da: Lars holdt hendes hånd.
    En: Lars held her hand.

    Da: Efter få minutter begyndte Freja at trække vejret normalt.
    En: After a few minutes, Freja began to breathe normally.

    Da: "Tak," hviskede Freja svagt.
    En: "Thank you," Freja whispered weakly.

    Da: Mikkel og Lars sukkede lettede.
    En: Mikkel and Lars sighed in relief.

    Da: De pakkede hurtigt sammen.
    En: They quickly packed up.

    Da: De gik hen til en café.
    En: They went to a café.

    Da: De ville ikke risikere noget mere.
    En: They didn’t want to risk anything further.

    Da: På caféen drak de kaffe og snakkede.
    En: At the café, they drank coffee and talked.

    Da: De var glade for, at Freja var okay.
    En: They were happy that Freja was okay.

    Da: De besluttede, at fremover ville de være mere forsigtige.
    En: They decided that from now on, they would be more careful.

    Da: Solen gik langsomt ned over Nyhavn.
    En: The sun slowly set over Nyhavn.

    Da: De gik langs vandet og nød aftenen.
    En: They walked along the water and enjoyed the evening.

    Da: Situationen var skræmmende, men nu var alt godt igen.
    En: The situation was scary, but now everything was fine again.

    Da: Slutningen på en spændende dag.
    En: The end of an exciting day.

    Da: En dag, de aldrig vil glemme.
    En: A day they will never forget.

    Vocabulary Words:
    shone: skinnedebrightly: lystpacked: pakketbasket: kurvblanket: tæppetground:...

    • 11 min
    Mikkel's Unforgettable Day at Tivoli: Adventures and Lost Hats

    Mikkel's Unforgettable Day at Tivoli: Adventures and Lost Hats

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Mikkel's Unforgettable Day at Tivoli: Adventures and Lost Hats
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Mikkel elskede Tivoli.
    En: Mikkel loved Tivoli.

    Da: Han elskede de farverige lys og de sjove forlystelser.
    En: He loved the colorful lights and the fun rides.

    Da: En solrig dag besluttede han at tage til Tivoli Gardens.
    En: One sunny day, he decided to go to Tivoli Gardens.

    Da: Han havde på sin yndlingshat, en rød kasket med en blå kant.
    En: He wore his favorite hat, a red cap with a blue brim.

    Da: Mikkel gik rundt og så på forlystelserne.
    En: Mikkel walked around and looked at the rides.

    Da: Han kom til den store rutsjebane, Rutsjebanen, en af de ældste i verden.
    En: He came to the big roller coaster, Rutsjebanen, one of the oldest in the world.

    Da: Han smilede og tænkte, "Dette bliver sjovt!"
    En: He smiled and thought, "This is going to be fun!"

    Da: Han satte sig i vognen og spændte sikkerhedsbæltet.
    En: He sat in the cart and fastened the seatbelt.

    Da: Rutsjebanen begyndte at stige opad.
    En: The roller coaster began to ascend.

    Da: Mikkel kunne mærke spændingen i maven.
    En: Mikkel could feel the excitement in his stomach.

    Da: Pludselig, mens de kørte i høj fart, mærkede han vinden rive i hans hat.
    En: Suddenly, while they were speeding along, he felt the wind tug at his hat.

    Da: "Nej!"
    En: "No!"

    Da: råbte han, da han så sin hat flyve væk.
    En: he shouted as he saw his hat fly away.

    Da: Rutsjebanen sluttede, og Mikkel kørte hurtigt hen til personalet.
    En: The roller coaster ride ended, and Mikkel quickly went to the staff.

    Da: "Jeg mistede min hat på rutsjebanen," sagde han.
    En: "I lost my hat on the roller coaster," he said.

    Da: Personalet kiggede på hinanden og nikkede.
    En: The staff looked at each other and nodded.

    Da: "Du må vente, indtil vi finder den," sagde en af dem.
    En: "You will have to wait until we find it," one of them said.

    Da: Mikkel ventede, men tålmodighed var ikke hans stærke side.
    En: Mikkel waited, but patience was not his strong suit.

    Da: Han gik tilbage til vognen og satte sig igen.
    En: He went back to the cart and sat again.

    Da: Han var bestemt på at finde sin hat.
    En: He was determined to find his hat.

    Da: "Jeg bliver nødt til at prøve igen," tænkte han.
    En: "I have to try again," he thought.

    Da: Rutsjebanen steg op, og Mikkel spejdede efter sin hat.
    En: The roller coaster ascended, and Mikkel kept an eye out for his hat.

    Da: Igen susede de nedad, og Mikkel kiggede overalt.
    En: Again, they raced down, and Mikkel looked everywhere.

    Da: Men han så den ikke.
    En: But he didn't see it.

    Da: Da turen sluttede, følte Mikkel sig trist og opgivende.
    En: When the ride ended, Mikkel felt sad and dejected.

    Da: Men så!
    En: But then!

    Da: I et hjørne tæt ved rutsjebanen så han noget rødt og blåt.
    En: In a corner close to the roller coaster, he saw something red and blue.

    Da: "Der er den!"
    En: "There it is!"

    Da: råbte han.
    En: he shouted.

    Da: Han løb hen og samlede sin kære hat op.
    En: He ran over and picked up his dear hat.

    Da: Han var så glad.
    En: He was so happy.

    Da: Han takkede personalet og gik videre.
    En: He thanked the staff and moved on.

    Da: Mikkel satte sin hat godt...

    • 12 min
    Rekindling Friendship: A Magical Evening at Tivoli Gardens

    Rekindling Friendship: A Magical Evening at Tivoli Gardens

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Rekindling Friendship: A Magical Evening at Tivoli Gardens
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Lysene blinkede i alle farver.
    En: The lights blinked in all colors.

    Da: Tivoli Gardens var fyldt med liv.
    En: Tivoli Gardens was filled with life.

    Da: Børn grinede, og par holdt hinanden i hånden.
    En: Children laughed, and couples held hands.

    Da: Det var en festlig aften.
    En: It was a festive evening.

    Da: Freja gik rundt med sin candyfloss.
    En: Freja walked around with her cotton candy.

    Da: Hun nød den søde smag.
    En: She enjoyed the sweet taste.

    Da: Pludselig stødte hun på en fyr.
    En: Suddenly, she bumped into a guy.

    Da: "Jens!"
    En: "Jens!"

    Da: udbrød hun.
    En: she exclaimed.

    Da: "Freja, er det dig?"
    En: "Freja, is that you?"

    Da: spurgte Jens med forbløffelse.
    En: Jens asked in amazement.

    Da: Han kunne knap tro sine egne øjne.
    En: He could hardly believe his own eyes.

    Da: Freja og Jens havde ikke set hinanden i årevis.
    En: Freja and Jens had not seen each other in years.

    Da: De havde været venner i skolen.
    En: They had been friends in school.

    Da: Livet havde ført dem hver sin vej.
    En: Life had led them in different directions.

    Da: Men nu stod de der, midt i Tivoli Gardens, og så på hinanden med store smil.
    En: But now they stood there, in the middle of Tivoli Gardens, looking at each other with big smiles.

    Da: "Skal vi prøve Radiobilerne?"
    En: "Shall we try the Bumper Cars?"

    Da: spurgte Jens.
    En: Jens asked.

    Da: "Ja, klart!"
    En: "Yes, definitely!"

    Da: svarede Freja.
    En: Freja replied.

    Da: De gik til Radiobilerne.
    En: They headed to the Bumper Cars.

    Da: Køen var kort.
    En: The line was short.

    Da: De kom hurtigt ind.
    En: They got in quickly.

    Da: Freja valgte en rød bil.
    En: Freja chose a red car.

    Da: Jens valgte en blå bil.
    En: Jens chose a blue car.

    Da: De kørte, grinede og bumpede ind i hinanden.
    En: They drove, laughed, and bumped into each other.

    Da: De følte sig som børn igen.
    En: They felt like kids again.

    Da: Efter Radiobilerne gik de videre.
    En: After the Bumper Cars, they continued on.

    Da: De prøvede forlystelser og spiste lækre snacks.
    En: They tried rides and ate delicious snacks.

    Da: De købte også ballondyr.
    En: They also bought balloon animals.

    Da: Freja fik en lyserød hund, Jens fik en blå elefant.
    En: Freja got a pink dog, and Jens got a blue elephant.

    Da: "Jeg har savnet dig," sagde Freja pludselig.
    En: "I've missed you," Freja said suddenly.

    Da: "Jeg har også savnet dig," svarede Jens.
    En: "I've missed you too," Jens replied.

    Da: "Hvad med at holde kontakten igen?"
    En: "How about we keep in touch again?"

    Da: Freja nikkede ivrigt.
    En: Freja nodded eagerly.

    Da: "Ja, lad os aftale at mødes mere."
    En: "Yes, let's agree to meet more often."

    Da: Aftenens lys blev svagere.
    En: The evening lights grew dimmer.

    Da: Men deres venskab blev stærkere.
    En: But their friendship grew stronger.

    Da: Sammen gik de ud af Tivoli Gardens, hånd i hånd.
    En: Together they walked out of Tivoli Gardens, hand in hand.

    Da: Og således sluttede deres aften med en ny begyndelse.
    En: And so their...

    • 12 min
    School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli

    School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I Tivoli Gardens er der lys og musik.
    En: In Tivoli Gardens, there are lights and music.

    Da: Emilie og Magnus står ved indgangen.
    En: Emilie and Magnus stand at the entrance.

    Da: Det er første dag i skolen efter sommerferien.
    En: It's the first day of school after summer vacation.

    Da: De er spændte og nervøse.
    En: They are excited and nervous.

    Da: Tivoli er et vidunderligt sted at starte skoleåret.
    En: Tivoli is a wonderful place to start the school year.

    Da: Emilie elsker karusseller.
    En: Emilie loves carousels.

    Da: "Magnus, lad os prøve den!"
    En: "Magnus, let's try that one!"

    Da: siger hun og peger på den store karussel.
    En: she says, pointing to the large carousel.

    Da: Magnus nikker og smiler.
    En: Magnus nods and smiles.

    Da: De køber billetter og går hen til karussellen.
    En: They buy tickets and go to the carousel.

    Da: Vindene blæser i deres ansigter, mens de kører rundt, og begge griner højt.
    En: The winds blow in their faces as they ride around, and both laugh loudly.

    Da: Efter karussellen går de hen til et isbod.
    En: After the carousel, they go to an ice cream stand.

    Da: "Hvilken smag vil du have?"
    En: "What flavor do you want?"

    Da: spørger Emilie.
    En: Emilie asks.

    Da: "Jordbær," svarer Magnus.
    En: "Strawberry," Magnus replies.

    Da: De nyder isene og ser på de andre børn legende rundt.
    En: They enjoy their ice creams and watch the other children playing around.

    Da: Da de har spist deres is, ser de et stort pariserhjul.
    En: After eating their ice creams, they see a large Ferris wheel.

    Da: "Skal vi tage en tur?"
    En: "Shall we take a ride?"

    Da: spørger Magnus forsigtigt.
    En: asks Magnus cautiously.

    Da: Emilie nikker ivrigt.
    En: Emilie eagerly nods.

    Da: De går op i en kabine og ser ud over hele Tivoli.
    En: They climb into a cabin and look out over the entire Tivoli.

    Da: Fra toppen kan de se farverige lys og mennesker overalt.
    En: From the top, they can see colorful lights and people everywhere.

    Da: "Jeg er lidt bange," siger Magnus.
    En: "I'm a bit scared," says Magnus.

    Da: "Bare rolig, jeg er her," siger Emilie og holder hans hånd.
    En: "Don't worry, I'm here," says Emilie, holding his hand.

    Da: Det hjælper Magnus til at slappe af, og snart nyder de udsigten sammen.
    En: This helps Magnus relax, and soon they enjoy the view together.

    Da: Da det begynder at blive mørkt, beslutter de at tage et sidste rutsjebane.
    En: As it starts to get dark, they decide to take one last roller coaster ride.

    Da: "Det bliver sjovt," siger Emilie.
    En: "It will be fun," says Emilie.

    Da: De går ind i vognen og føler sommerfugle i maven, mens de rutsjer ned.
    En: They get into the carriage and feel butterflies in their stomachs as they zoom down.

    Da: Det er vildt og hurtigt, men de elsker det begge to.
    En: It's wild and fast, but they both love it.

    Da: Efter rutsjebanen siger Magnus, "Det har været den bedste første skoledag nogensinde."
    En: After the roller coaster, Magnus says, "This has been the best first day of school ever."

    Da: Emilie nikker enig.
    En: Emilie nods in agreement.

    Da: De går langsomt mod udgangen,...

    • 13 min

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