543 episodes

Welcome to the weekly message from Grace Chapel in Wilsonville Oregon.

Our Concern: What bothers and drives us?
We believe that humanity is broken and fragmented.

Our Cause: How do we address this concern?
To experience and express the essence of Jesus Christ.

For more information visit www.gracechapelonline.org

Grace Chapel Wilsonville Grace Chapel

    • Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to the weekly message from Grace Chapel in Wilsonville Oregon.

Our Concern: What bothers and drives us?
We believe that humanity is broken and fragmented.

Our Cause: How do we address this concern?
To experience and express the essence of Jesus Christ.

For more information visit www.gracechapelonline.org

    The Sower

    The Sower

    As we continue our deep dive into the Parables, Jesus explains in the Parable of the Sower that the Word of God is like seeds sown in different types of hearts, representing varying responses to the message. God desires all His children to receive His Word and bear fruit, regardless of how fertile our spiritual background is. Pure and open hearts, free from distractions and the weeds of sin, are ripe to nurture a relationship with God and truly understand His Word. By emulating the faithful Sower, we can cultivate spiritual maturity and sow seeds of faith in others with the life-giving message of God's kingdom.

    • 47 min
    Already/Not Yet

    Already/Not Yet

    In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jen examines the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25. In the story, five of the ten virgins ran out of oil while waiting for the bridegroom’s appearance. They weren’t prepared. As they went to buy more oil, the five wise virgins went into the banquet hall and the door was locked. The days we live in are uncertain, yet we have eternal hope in Jesus. As we live in the end times, how are you waiting? In expectant preparation? Are you using the time wisely, preparing for Jesus’ return? Or are you hoping you’ll have time to clean yourself up before Jesus gets here? What about in relation to others—are you spending the days sharing the Good News so that others can be prepared as well? Equip your hearts and minds with this encouraging message.

    • 51 min


    In the "Forgiveness" sermon from the Parables series, Pastor Mike emphasizes the central theme of the importance of liberating oneself via forgiveness.

    Marking the commencement of the summer series on Jesus's parables, Mike delves into the parable showcasing the struggle between the power of forgiveness over bitterness and its practical implications in our lives. He motivates us to examine our own hearts and responses to personal instances of betrayal and offense in our lives and determine whether we are genuinely leading a life dominated by forgiveness or resentment.

    Unfolding the essence of His teaching, Jesus used parables to convey Kingdom principles and apply their relevance to our day-to-day lives. Focusing on the parable of the unforgiving servant portrayed in Matthew 18:23-35, we hear Jesus tell a parable about a servant pardoned by his master for an enormous debt who, in return, is harsh and unforgiving towards someone who owed him a small debt by comparison. Contrasting the master and servant’s behaviors, the story highlights the importance of forgiveness, which is a choice made consciously—not driven by emotion.

    Forgiveness means releasing the transgressor’s control over the heart of the victim and breaking the strongholds of unforgiveness—far different than approving of the offender's actions or reinstating trust in them. The benefits of forgiveness include healthier relationships, better mental health, and boosted self-esteem. Living your best life means finding forgiveness for those who have wronged us and for ourselves. Each of us is encouraged to examine our motivations and adopt a posture of forgiveness in our hearts.

    Though forgiveness may not seem fair, it esteems individuals and their needs over what they deserve. Communion is an opportunity to commemorate Jesus's forgiveness in our own lives as we extend the same to others around us.

    • 56 min
    Worship Seasons

    Worship Seasons

    In her sermon "Worship Seasons," Pastor Jen navigates the concept of contrasting seasons believers may encounter on their spiritual path. She underlines that worship extends beyond singing in the church, involving a profound bond with God that manifests in diverse forms. Drawing from her personal journey, Pastor Jen demonstrates that one's unique expressions of worship can thrive outside conventional religious settings. Expounding on the idea of worship seasons, Pastor Jen deciphers it using the life of King David in the book of Samuel. Each season, marked by distinct emotions and circumstances, provides both hurdles and opportunities to fortify faith. In the desert season, where hardships are prevalent, believers are urged to remain steadfast in their faith, undeterred by obstacles such as feelings of failure. When in the season of delight, generosity, humility, and dependency toward God are paramount. However, the season of distance, characterized by a seeming disconnection with God despite blessings, calls for a steady faith. Here, believers must trust in God's presence even when it's not immediately perceptible. Confronting despair and loss in the season of darkness, Pastor Jen encourages believers to retain a raw faith that embraces sorrow while remaining grounded in the essence of God. In practical aspect of the sermon, the congregation gets an opportunity to pen their psalms, reflecting on their worship experiences in each season. This segment culminates in a communal worship session, encompassing various personal modes of worship. Significantly, Pastor Jen ends the sermon reminding believers that the ultimate goal of worship, regardless of the season or circumstance, is to glorify God and express gratitude for His unfailing presence and unwavering faithfulness.

    • 46 min
    The Intentional Response of Worship

    The Intentional Response of Worship

    Pastor Jake Schwein's sermon emphasizes the importance of worship as the intentional response of every believer, not limited to church gatherings. He highlights that worship involves giving our whole selves to God, recognizing His worthiness and our dependence on Him. Pastor Jake points out the key postures of humility, sincerity, gratitude, awe, and love in worship, urging believers to align their affections and heart postures with God's desires. Ultimately, the sermon challenges believers to worship with their whole being, being undignified in passion, relentless in pursuit, and sacrificial in offering — recognizing that worship is transformative and has the power to change lives.

    Discussion Questions:
    What does it mean to give our whole selves to God in worship?
    Why is Jesus described as the center of our affection and the focal point of our faith and adoration?
    What are some ways we can display the key postures of worship in our lives?
    How can we extend our worship to every area of our lives?
    Why is being intentional in our response to God important in our worship?

    • 47 min
    Does God Have All Of You?

    Does God Have All Of You?

    Pastor Mike Tatlock's sermon on worshipping God with our bodies and sexuality explores the depths of true worship in all aspects of life. Framed within the context of recent baptisms and a sermon series on discipleship, he challenges the congregation to surrender all to God and live in rhythm with Jesus' teachings. By discussing the biblical foundation for viewing our bodies as instruments of worship, Pastor Mike addresses the uncomfortable topic of sexuality with compassion and clarity. He navigates the cultural influences on sexuality while urging the church to uphold biblical principles and extend love and grace to those struggling with brokenness. The sermon concludes by calling believers to honor God with their bodies, flee from sexual immorality, and embrace the redemption and guidance offered by surrendering to God in all areas of life.

    • 1 hr 3 min

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