1 hr 17 min

Welcome to Witchy Wellness Weekly 3 Wild Folk

    • Alternative Health

Episode Transcript:

Stirling 0:11
Welcome to witchy wellness weekly. If you love learning and interweaving healthy self growth and making magic, this is the show for you. And when we come together This is where we share how to breathe magic into your daily practice with creative self care inspiration to empower your unique journey to easeful health through witchy wellness, so that you can remember that your health choice is always your own. We are here to empower your freewill to decide for yourself. I'm Sterling, your magical methods mentor, nature based medicine maker farm life purveyor and nerd for all things esoteric, you can find my alchemical experiments at WWW dot wild folk which muse.com We are joined by our co host. Hilary is a certified clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner with the eye of a fine artist specializing in customizing herbs, nutrition and habits that support your body's unique cyclical rhythms at WWW dot Wilde veda.com. To support this show, and we the creators or for behind the scenes content, early access, a member only experiences come join the tribe@www.patreon.com slash witchy wellness, our private community is a safe place to explore your inner magic, where you are the hero of your own story on a planet that is thriving. It's Prime Time to climb out of the broom closet, my friends, because our Earth needs your wild magic right now.
And I am so excited to be here with you having this conversation that we can share with basically anyone in the entire world that's ready to listen. And everyone is a little bit obsessed with releasing all the collective trauma that has been sustained and experienced over the past year, or generation or century or millennia. I mean, who's counting? I know that you wrote a blog post on the necessary steps and your recommendations when approaching how to clear out and prepare to set intention. And I would really love to hear you talk about it.
Hillary 3:18
Awesome. I would love to talk with you about it. Yeah, clearing out. I think there's such a big focus on food and nutrition like in mainstream, especially on social media, like cleansing and exercising. And it seems to be like that's where we just think that we need to cleanse but I think it's really layered. And I think we also need to cleanse our space and cleanse our mind and cleanse our emotions like it's like a bigger, deeper, broader topic than just food and exercise.
Stirling 3:56
So true. Yes, I agree. I noticed the knock on effect as well for myself. Personally, I noticed how much it helps me if I clear the clutter off my desk or I'm a I'm a Pilar I create Kyle's of you know, I lived in your house, I create a pile of strange things that I magnetize into weird little sculptures of life. And when I even just if I move the piles around when I consciously clear a space physically, I am way more able to approach a new topic or get my head around a thought form I personally had on a really intense journey with diet, and orthorexia, really, and being obsessed with eating.
Hillary 4:52
And they say that last part again because it cut out you said orthorexia and being obsessed with eating and obsessed with eating too healthy
Stirling 4:59
I'm really understanding that I actually damaged my organs by not being in balance. And I know that that's your specialty is the mind body balance and how important diet is to that. So it's interesting to hear you talk about how you think there's actually too much focus on diet when it comes to actually being able to fully cleanse. So I am super intrigued to hear your take on that.
Hillary 5:24
Yeah, I, I had the same issue too, with like being so obsessed with being so pure and so clean and so healthy. That it, it caused a ton of food allergies for me, and like a really reduced diet, which then, over time depleted, like you said, my organs and it messed up my hormones, and all of that. And so, definitely on the journey of recovery, from many years of almost being, like

Episode Transcript:

Stirling 0:11
Welcome to witchy wellness weekly. If you love learning and interweaving healthy self growth and making magic, this is the show for you. And when we come together This is where we share how to breathe magic into your daily practice with creative self care inspiration to empower your unique journey to easeful health through witchy wellness, so that you can remember that your health choice is always your own. We are here to empower your freewill to decide for yourself. I'm Sterling, your magical methods mentor, nature based medicine maker farm life purveyor and nerd for all things esoteric, you can find my alchemical experiments at WWW dot wild folk which muse.com We are joined by our co host. Hilary is a certified clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner with the eye of a fine artist specializing in customizing herbs, nutrition and habits that support your body's unique cyclical rhythms at WWW dot Wilde veda.com. To support this show, and we the creators or for behind the scenes content, early access, a member only experiences come join the tribe@www.patreon.com slash witchy wellness, our private community is a safe place to explore your inner magic, where you are the hero of your own story on a planet that is thriving. It's Prime Time to climb out of the broom closet, my friends, because our Earth needs your wild magic right now.
And I am so excited to be here with you having this conversation that we can share with basically anyone in the entire world that's ready to listen. And everyone is a little bit obsessed with releasing all the collective trauma that has been sustained and experienced over the past year, or generation or century or millennia. I mean, who's counting? I know that you wrote a blog post on the necessary steps and your recommendations when approaching how to clear out and prepare to set intention. And I would really love to hear you talk about it.
Hillary 3:18
Awesome. I would love to talk with you about it. Yeah, clearing out. I think there's such a big focus on food and nutrition like in mainstream, especially on social media, like cleansing and exercising. And it seems to be like that's where we just think that we need to cleanse but I think it's really layered. And I think we also need to cleanse our space and cleanse our mind and cleanse our emotions like it's like a bigger, deeper, broader topic than just food and exercise.
Stirling 3:56
So true. Yes, I agree. I noticed the knock on effect as well for myself. Personally, I noticed how much it helps me if I clear the clutter off my desk or I'm a I'm a Pilar I create Kyle's of you know, I lived in your house, I create a pile of strange things that I magnetize into weird little sculptures of life. And when I even just if I move the piles around when I consciously clear a space physically, I am way more able to approach a new topic or get my head around a thought form I personally had on a really intense journey with diet, and orthorexia, really, and being obsessed with eating.
Hillary 4:52
And they say that last part again because it cut out you said orthorexia and being obsessed with eating and obsessed with eating too healthy
Stirling 4:59
I'm really understanding that I actually damaged my organs by not being in balance. And I know that that's your specialty is the mind body balance and how important diet is to that. So it's interesting to hear you talk about how you think there's actually too much focus on diet when it comes to actually being able to fully cleanse. So I am super intrigued to hear your take on that.
Hillary 5:24
Yeah, I, I had the same issue too, with like being so obsessed with being so pure and so clean and so healthy. That it, it caused a ton of food allergies for me, and like a really reduced diet, which then, over time depleted, like you said, my organs and it messed up my hormones, and all of that. And so, definitely on the journey of recovery, from many years of almost being, like

1 hr 17 min