221 episodes

The Full Weight of Joy: A podcast empowering faith-led women to find joy, purpose, and fulfillment amidst life’s challenges. Join us for inspiring stories, practical tips, and spiritual guidance on your transformative journey.
Hey Friend! I am so excited you are here! Welcome to the Full Weight of Joy Podcast. The community for women who are done stressing about the weight of the world, expectations, and settling for status quo and ready to step into the FULL weight of joy. Joy in the journey whether the up or down. Joy in parenting and through life’s challenges. Joy in loving your life right where you are (and not looking to chuck it all and move to Bali). It’s for women who are ready to step into who God called them to be. I’m your host, Tami, and I understand the struggles you face. The relentless busyness that leaves you feeling drained, the nagging sense that there’s a deeper purpose you’re yet to discover. I see you. I feel your pain. But most importantly, I believe in your potential to grow and make an impact despite these challenges. You were chosen to be in this world. Friend, You were created for a specific purpose. God called us to be Light on a Hill and by embracing WHO you are and WHOSE you are you can stand on that hill and shine. The best part…when you are standing next to another woman who is also on the journey, the world gets brighter. I’m not just your host; I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and a trained therapist. I’ve dedicated my life to helping women like you navigate the tumultuous journey of self-discovery. And with over a decade of experience I come to you with a wealth of wisdom, practical tools, strategies, and advice, all designed to help you break the chains of limiting beliefs and redefine what life can be.
This podcast, ’The Full Weight of Joy’, is a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of faith. It’s about letting go, shedding old habits, discarding stories that no longer serve you, and making room for happiness, fulfillment, and of course, joy.
So, whether you’re on your commute, taking a quiet moment for yourself, or seeking inspiration as you go about your day, tune in. Let’s embark on this journey together, hand in hand, heart to heart. Because you are not alone. And together, we’ll uncover the full weight of your joy, your unique gifts and talents, and your purpose.We will discover what makes you- YOU and how you can make an deeper impact.
Remember, it’s not about adding more to your already full plate. It’s about redefining what’s on that plate. So, are you ready to redefine your life? Are you ready to discover ’The Full Weight of Joy’? Let’s Do THIS!

Are you ready to discover what is possible and want to be coached by me? Send me an email at tami@tamimariecoaching.com or you can find me on Facebook at @tamimariecoaching or Instagram @tamimariecoaching. I can’t wait to hear your story and help you discover the hope and opportunity available to you.

The Full Weight of Joy: Empowering Professional Christian Women to Create, Design, and Launch a Purpose-Aligned Business and Tami Marie Imlay- Purpose Coach, International Speaker, Joy- Cultivator, Change Maker

    • Business

The Full Weight of Joy: A podcast empowering faith-led women to find joy, purpose, and fulfillment amidst life’s challenges. Join us for inspiring stories, practical tips, and spiritual guidance on your transformative journey.
Hey Friend! I am so excited you are here! Welcome to the Full Weight of Joy Podcast. The community for women who are done stressing about the weight of the world, expectations, and settling for status quo and ready to step into the FULL weight of joy. Joy in the journey whether the up or down. Joy in parenting and through life’s challenges. Joy in loving your life right where you are (and not looking to chuck it all and move to Bali). It’s for women who are ready to step into who God called them to be. I’m your host, Tami, and I understand the struggles you face. The relentless busyness that leaves you feeling drained, the nagging sense that there’s a deeper purpose you’re yet to discover. I see you. I feel your pain. But most importantly, I believe in your potential to grow and make an impact despite these challenges. You were chosen to be in this world. Friend, You were created for a specific purpose. God called us to be Light on a Hill and by embracing WHO you are and WHOSE you are you can stand on that hill and shine. The best part…when you are standing next to another woman who is also on the journey, the world gets brighter. I’m not just your host; I’m a Master Certified Life Coach and a trained therapist. I’ve dedicated my life to helping women like you navigate the tumultuous journey of self-discovery. And with over a decade of experience I come to you with a wealth of wisdom, practical tools, strategies, and advice, all designed to help you break the chains of limiting beliefs and redefine what life can be.
This podcast, ’The Full Weight of Joy’, is a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of faith. It’s about letting go, shedding old habits, discarding stories that no longer serve you, and making room for happiness, fulfillment, and of course, joy.
So, whether you’re on your commute, taking a quiet moment for yourself, or seeking inspiration as you go about your day, tune in. Let’s embark on this journey together, hand in hand, heart to heart. Because you are not alone. And together, we’ll uncover the full weight of your joy, your unique gifts and talents, and your purpose.We will discover what makes you- YOU and how you can make an deeper impact.
Remember, it’s not about adding more to your already full plate. It’s about redefining what’s on that plate. So, are you ready to redefine your life? Are you ready to discover ’The Full Weight of Joy’? Let’s Do THIS!

Are you ready to discover what is possible and want to be coached by me? Send me an email at tami@tamimariecoaching.com or you can find me on Facebook at @tamimariecoaching or Instagram @tamimariecoaching. I can’t wait to hear your story and help you discover the hope and opportunity available to you.

    #223: Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: Aligning Purpose and Faith for Christian Moms

    #223: Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: Aligning Purpose and Faith for Christian Moms

    Trust in God's guidance and take action on your dreams, even amidst doubts and fears, to align your entrepreneurial aspirations with your divine purpose.
    Want the ease of taking things one step at a time? Me too! And I am SO glad that it’s been my journey over the last 4+ years (actually my whole life). In today’s episode, we talk about how you don’t know the journey you are on, and it’s easier to look back for clarity than to look forward. We still get to keep going. You get to keep going... are you ready to step into the life you were called to live? It's closer than you think! 
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    In this inspiring episode, our speaker delves into her transformative journey of becoming an entrepreneur, guided by faith and divine purpose. She shares heartfelt experiences and valuable insights on how Christian moms can align their entrepreneurial aspirations with their calling.
    Key Takeaways:
    1. Divine Guidance: Discover how God guides our paths, even when we may not realize it, and the importance of trusting in His plan.
    2. Overcoming Doubts and Fears: Learn how to take one step at a time, allowing God to lead, despite initial doubts and fears.
    3. Listening to Inner Voice: Understand the significance of listening to the small voice within us and taking action on our dreams, even without having all the details figured out.
    4. Encouragement for Christian Moms: Special encouragement for Christian women, especially moms, to explore their entrepreneurial aspirations and align them with their divine calling.
    5. Investing in Oneself: The necessity of investing in oneself, seeking support from coaches and mentors, and trusting in God's plan.
    6. Community and Support: The importance of joining a supportive group focused on creating purpose-aligned businesses and lives.
    7. Clarity and Self-Discovery: Emphasizing the power of clarity and self-discovery in living out one's true calling.
    8. Inspiration and Value: A reminder of our value in God's eyes and the importance of shining our light to inspire others.
    Journal Question:
    Take a moment and listen to the inner voice, the small “knowing,” and the Holy Spirit. What is being said? It doesn’t have to make sense (it typically doesn’t right away). Be brave and write it down, say it out loud, and share it with a trusted friend. 
    Join the Community:
    We should NOT be doing life alone. We should not carry our dreams, purpose, or calling alone. We are meant for the community! Join Divine Destiny: Living A Purpose-Aligned Life Facebook group. It's a space where you will find encouragement, clarity, self-discovery, and a little push to take the action that is needed to live the life you desire. Join Here
    Final Thoughts:
    This episode is a heartfelt call to action for Christian moms to embrace their entrepreneurial dreams, invest in themselves, and trust in God's plan. By doing so, they can live out their true calling and inspire others with their journey.
    Christian moms, entrepreneurship, divine guidance, purpose-aligned life, overcoming doubts, inner voice, investing in oneself, community support, clarity, self-discovery, inspiration, faith-driven business, God's plan, entrepreneurial aspirations, mentors and coaches.
    Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!
    Personalized Clarity Insight Call (Formerly Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA) 😆)
    Ready to start your year off on an intentional foot? Want to experience the power of coaching without having to go all in? This Introductory Strategic Assessment is for you!!! Click this link to find out more and get started! 
    Personalized Next Step Call
    READY TO figure out YOUR next step? Ready to stop trying to go it alone and realize that we really aren't meant to

    • 31 min
    #222: Embrace Your True Self: From Reacting to Responding

    #222: Embrace Your True Self: From Reacting to Responding

    Ever walk away from a conversation (or argument 🫣) and feel guilt or shame about how it went down?
    YEAAAAA , me neither…. Ok! So, I have way more often than I would like to admit. I think about how the conversation did not reflect my intentions, my character, or how I wanted the other person to feel. I do not want to disrespect or cause harm to people—even in the heat of the moment. 
    When we live in our reactions, this is the outcome- disrespect, emotionally charged…misunderstandings….
    We can be intentional, empathetic, and compassionate when we live in our responses. We can take the moment to reflect on our values, our hearts, and our intentions. 
    We don’t have to live in our reactions—our words have power, and we can harness and control them. We can intentionally choose our words to give life and not destroy it. 
    In today’s podcast, we talk about reactions vs responses. Let’s do this! 
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    Key Takeaways:
    Emotional Control: Reacting is driven by immediate emotions, while responding involves thoughtful consideration and choice.
    Time Factor: Reacting is impulsive and quick, whereas responding requires processing information and emotions before acting.
    Intentionality: Reacting is automatic and unintentional, while responding is conscious and aligns with core values.
    Outcome Orientation: Reacting often leads to negative consequences and misunderstandings while responding can result in positive outcomes and effective communication.
    Impact on Relationships: Reacting can hinder authentic communication and connection, while responding can strengthen relationships, foster respect, and deepen understanding.
    Purpose-Aligned Living: Cultivating emotional control, taking time to respond, acting intentionally, focusing on positive outcomes, and prioritizing relationships are essential for living a life aligned with purpose.
    Journal Question: 
    Reflect on a recent situation where you reacted impulsively. How might the outcome have differed if you had taken the time to respond thoughtfully? What steps can you take to cultivate emotional control and align your actions with your core values in the future?"
    Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!
    Personalized Clarity Insight Call (Formerly Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA) 😆)
    Ready to start your year off on an intentional foot? Want to experience the power of coaching without having to go all in? This Introductory Strategic Assessment is for you!!! Click this link to find out more and get started! 
    Personalized Next Step Call
    READY TO figure out YOUR next step? Ready to stop trying to go it alone and realize that we really aren't meant to do it by ourselves?  Click here and get on my calendar! Let's talk about what is possible for YOU!   Let's discover YOUR PERSONALIZED NEXT STEP! 
    I challenge you to look at this new year with new eyes and take power in your words, your decisions, AND your actions! 
    Here is to an amazing 2024 🥂 let's rock this year! Who's with me??
    Ready to join us over on Facebook? Get in the NEW Facebook Divine Destiny: Living A Purpose-Aligned LIfe community group! Click here 
    "Hey Tami" Questions
    Have a question- any question! Let's have fun with this! Submit your question here! 
    Want to know what center your decisions are primarily made in? Want to know what your default center is? Check out this quiz! 5 questions (and a bonus) and you'll have a starting point! Plus I give you a resource I use to help me understand my reactions/decisions better!  Click here! 
    BIG Changes are happening at Tami Marie Coaching!!! 
    Please be patient with me as I roll out these changes. If there are any broken links- I am so sorry- know that I am working on them

    • 1 min
    #221: Finding Joy in the Slow Days: Embracing God's Plan

    #221: Finding Joy in the Slow Days: Embracing God's Plan

    "Take one step forward each day and embrace the journey of discovering your unique highlights and purpose." ~Tami Imlay
    “The action and obedient step is your responsibility; the outcome and result belong to God.” ~Tami Imlay
    Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't seem to get going? You know, the kind where your brain feels like it's moving in slow motion and you can't even decide what to wear? Well, today was one of those days for me. But as I was recording this episode, I had some insights that I hope will inspire you. Remember, good is good enough because God is great enough.
    First, I want to remind you to connect with me on Instagram and Facebook at @tamimariecoaching. I'd love to see you there and hear about your journey!
    Now, let's talk about those slow days. Sometimes, we wake up with a full to-do list and a head full of guilt about all the things we need to get done. But here's the thing: it's okay to slow down. There's always a to-do list, and there's always more to do. What's important is that we don't let the weight of our responsibilities hold us back from embracing our purpose and calling.
    As I was praying and doing my quiet time today, I was reminded that our work is important for the kingdom. But God doesn't call us to do great work—He calls us to do good work. It's our obedience and action that matter, not the results. The outcomes and ripple effects are His responsibility.
    So, let's take a moment to breathe and focus on the next step. Whether you're fixing things on your website, reaching out to people, or just trying to get through your day, remember that God created our good work before we even existed. He gets to do the great work.
    And hey, let's not forget to have some fun along the way! Embrace the unique abilities and perspectives God has given you. Look for the highlights and themes in your life that point to your calling. It's these details that make your journey so special.
    Finally, I want to leave you with a journal question: What's one thing that God's been calling you to do that you haven't done yet? Take a moment to think about it and take that step today.
    If you're feeling called to explore your purpose and want to see how it can lead to freedom in various areas of your life, reach out to me. I'm putting together a small, powerful group in July to help you turn your calling into a business and live a life of freedom. Let's connect and talk about what's possible!
    Thanks for joining me today. Remember, you don't have to do everything perfectly. Take one step at a time, and trust that God will guide your path.
    Until next time, friend. Let's do this together!
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    Key Takeaways:
    Embrace Slow Progress: The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking one step forward each day and embracing the journey, rather than focusing solely on achieving great work.
    Focus on Good Work: It's more important to concentrate on doing good work consistently, as the outcomes are ultimately in God's hands.
    Overcome Struggles: Both external and internal struggles are part of stepping into one's purpose and calling, and these can be overcome through slow, steady action.
    Discover Your Purpose: The journey involves discovering one's unique highlights and purpose, which can lead to a more fulfilling life.
    Journal Question: 
    Reflect on a recent day when you felt unproductive. What internal and external struggles did you face, and how can you take one small step forward each day to overcome these challenges and move closer to discovering your unique purpose?" 
    Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!
    Personalized Clarity Insight Call (Formerly Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA) 😆)
    Ready to start your year off on an intentiona

    • 30 min
    #220: Renewing Your Mind: Path to Embrace Joy and Fulfillment

    #220: Renewing Your Mind: Path to Embrace Joy and Fulfillment

    Hey, I am so glad that you're here. Welcome to the podcast, and I've got a great episode for you. Today, we're talking about renewing your mind and deciding in advance to preemptively choose what you're going to think about and think about those lovely things, whether it's travel or flowers or anything. There's so many lovely things that we can focus our mind on. And if we give ourselves some time to do that, how much easier it is to renew our mind, renew our spirit, and stay focused on the positive instead of all the negative that's around us? 
    So here we go again- talking about something we ALL know we need to do and yet God sends us little reminders that it's time to revisit the conversation. Well that's what happened to me. 
     I love how he knows us so intimately, how He's created us. And then He has an answer for some of the things. And it's like, okay, well, I'm going to wire you to focus more on the negative, to see the negative, to have a negative bias- to keep you safe. The negative bias to where we are more likely to see, to notice, to take in the negative instead of taking in the positive. And the reason why is for survival. It's for safety. It's to keep us in a protected state. But then He's like, that's not good enough for you. He's like, I get it. You need to have some of that. You need to take in and understand and feel when there's danger around. And you need to be able to discern your environment. However, with your mind, it's vital that you don't keep going to the negative and that you don't focus and dwell on the negative.
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    Key Takeaways:
    Our natural negative bias can hinder our ability to focus on the positive aspects of life.
    Intentionally renewing our minds by filling them with good, true, noble, and lovely things is important.
    Our beliefs shape our reality, so it's crucial to choose thoughts, music, and media that uplift the spirit and align with God's teachings.
    Daily practices such as prayer, meditation, and gratitude can help in renewing the mind.
    Establishing a strong foundation of positivity and faith prepares our minds for challenges.
    Choosing joy in all circumstances and maintaining a positive mindset can have transformative effects.
    Renewing the mind is a deliberate and ongoing process that can lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually aligned life.
    Journal Question: 
    Reflect on your daily thoughts, beliefs, and media consumption. How do they align with your desire for a more fulfilling and spiritually aligned life? What intentional steps can you take to renew your mind and choose joy in all circumstances?
    Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!
    Personalized Clarity Insight Call (Formerly Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA) 😆)
    Ready to start your year off on an intentional foot? Want to experience the power of coaching without having to go all in? This Introductory Strategic Assessment is for you!!! Click this link to find out more and get started! 
    Personalized Next Step Call
    READY TO figure out YOUR next step? Ready to stop trying to go it alone and realize that we really aren't meant to do it by ourselves?  Click here and get on my calendar! Let's talk about what is possible for YOU!   Let's discover YOUR PERSONALIZED NEXT STEP! 
    I challenge you to look at this new year with new eyes and take power in your words, your decisions, AND your actions! 
    Here is to an amazing 2024 🥂 let's rock this year! Who's with me??
    Ready to join us over on Facebook? Get in the NEW Facebook Divine Destiny: Embracing Your Impact as a Christian Mom community group! Click here 
    "Hey Tami" Questions
    Have a question- any question! Let's have fun with this! Submit your question here! 
    Want to know what center your deci

    • 18 min
    #219: Embrace Your Inner Light: Finding Balance Amidst Life's Chaos

    #219: Embrace Your Inner Light: Finding Balance Amidst Life's Chaos

    "You can't depend on external solutions to fix internal challenges! "
    Hey there, welcome to the Full Weight of Joy podcast! This is the go-to space for women who are ready to ditch the stress and unrealistic expectations and instead step into a life filled with joy. Whether you're navigating life's ups and downs, facing challenges, or just trying to find joy right where you are, even when it feels like moving to Bali is the only solution, you're in the right place. This podcast is for women who want to embrace who God called them to be and shine as the light on a hill. And guess what? When we stand together, our light becomes even brighter!
    I'm Tami, your host. With over a decade of experience as a master-certified life coach and trained therapist, I've been helping women like you step into their true calling and shine. Are you ready to start your journey? Let's do this together.
    Welcome back to the podcast!  I help determined, faith-led women design and launch purpose-centered lives and businesses. Today’s episode is a game-changer. But first, I have a little favor to ask. If you haven't already, please leave a rating and review for the podcast. It helps the podcast algorithm suggest this show to others, and I love reading your feedback—it keeps me motivated!
    Now, let's dive in. Have you ever woken up feeling out of whack, misaligned, or just plain discontent? Maybe you feel guilty about it because you have a good life, great kids, and you're doing your best. But that internal struggle of balancing work, personal life, self-care, and all the hats we wear can be overwhelming. It's not just about quick fixes like a spa day or a walk; it's about true, whole self-care in every area of your life.
    Often, we look for external solutions to fix these internal struggles, but they only provide temporary relief. Real, lasting change comes from within. Here are three reasons why:
    1. Mismatch Focus: Our challenges often stem from personal beliefs, emotions, thoughts, self-awareness, core values, and priorities. Looking for external fixes can temporarily mask the issue but won't solve the root cause.
    2. Temporary Relief: External solutions are like band-aids—they might help for a moment but need to be changed or removed eventually. We need permanent transformations that come from addressing the source of our struggles.
    3. Dependency on External Solutions: Relying on external fixes undermines your personal power and the gifts God has given you. It disconnects you from your core values and priorities.
    So, how do we look within to fix our internal struggles?
    1. Identify Core Motivations: Understanding what's causing the imbalance helps you address the root cause rather than just the symptoms. Tools like the Enneagram can help you dive deep into your core motivations.
    2. Personal Growth and Empowerment: Honest introspection leads to true transformation. It might be challenging, but facing your thoughts and beliefs can empower you and bring lasting change.
    3. Authentic and Sustainable Change: By looking within, you create a foundation for positive change that impacts all areas of your life. You'll feel more fulfilled and at peace, and this transformation will ripple out to those around you.
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    Key Takeaways:
    Self-care and balance are essential across all aspects of life.
    Seeking external solutions for internal issues only provides temporary relief and fosters dependency.
    Introspection and self-reflection are crucial for addressing core motivations and achieving personal growth.
    Prioritizing self-awareness, empowerment, and alignment with core values leads to lasting transformation and fulfillment.
    By acknowledging and tackling internal struggles, individuals can attain a greater sense of peac

    • 20 min
    #218: Embrace Action: Discovering Your Purpose and Living with Joy

    #218: Embrace Action: Discovering Your Purpose and Living with Joy

    So often, we sit and wait for the right time. We wait for more information or to see our next steps clearly. Friend, I know I wasted too much time doing it…and I have a feeling you do, too. In today’s episode, I encourage you to take action RIGHT NOW. Stop waiting for things to be “right,” “perfect,” or “feel ready” before you start taking action. It’s time to BREAK free of our comfort zone, take a step in faith, and go for your God-dream. Listen in to find out more! 
    Let's Dive In
    Today’s episode is a little kick in the pants – the push we all need sometimes. It's about taking action, even when we feel like we don't have enough information. We often wait, gather data and procrastinate, thinking we need to know everything before we start. But life is short, and time is our most precious resource.
    I've been there, too. I love learning and growing, but I've realized that being intentional about taking action is key. I want my kids to see what's possible, to see me take steps, make mistakes, and keep going. It's not about having all the answers; it's about moving forward and trusting that God will direct our path.
    Why Action Matters
    Safety keeps us stuck. It keeps us overwhelmed and anxious. If you have dreams and goals, staying in a place of safety won't get you there. Success comes from taking action, from being a doer of the word. As James 2:14-17 says, faith without works is dead. We need to put our faith into action, to love in deed and in truth.
    It's not about doing the perfect thing; it's about doing something. God will direct our steps, but we need to take that first step. Information by itself is dead. What good is it if we know how to solve a problem but don't take action?
    Discover Your Purpose
    So, what's your next step? What is God calling you to do? Have you asked yourself what your purpose is? He has given each of us a purpose and a future full of hope and joy. It's time to step out of the safety zone and into the joy of action.
    If you're ready to explore your purpose and take action, DM me on Instagram. In July, I'm starting a small group for women to shed the weight of the world and discover their purpose, gifts, and strengths. We'll work together to figure out your next steps and how you can walk in obedience to God.
    Let's Connect
    If you're interested, let's chat. Get on a call with me for 20 minutes, and let's see what's possible for you. When you start shedding what others say and listening to God, everything becomes clearer. You don't need all the answers; God will provide the way.
    Ready to explore this journey? DM me on Instagram at @tamimariecoaching. Let's discover your purpose and step into the full weight of joy together.
    Until next time, keep shining!
    Ready to take action? 
    Book a Call with Me! 
    Set a time on your calendar right before our call to take a moment and breathe.  This is the only preparation you'll need. It's that easy!
     Join the call and allow your heart to be heard and seen. 
    Key Takeaways:
    Taking action and not waiting for more information is important.
    Safety and comfort can often hold us back.
    Define success for yourself.
    Emphasize the significance of faith and works.
    Actually, follow through with taking action, not just talking about it.
    Tami offers a small group program specifically designed for women to uncover their strengths and next steps in life.
    Everything in life can be used for good.
    Reach out to Tami for a conversation about potential and possibilities.
    Choose joy and take steps towards living a fulfilling and impactful life
    Journal Question: 
    Reflect on a time when you took action despite feeling uncertain or afraid. How did that experience shape your life and help you discover your purpose?
    Want to make a change? Want to pivot? Connect with Tami today!
    Personalized Clarity Call (Formerly Introductory Strategic Assessment (ISA) 😆)
    Ready to start your year off on an intentional foot? Want to experience the power of coaching without

    • 17 min

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