460 episodes

The Personal Training Fitness Professional's source for marketing, sales, programming and more profitable business with more successful clients.

She Means Fitness Business Debra Atkinson

    • Business

The Personal Training Fitness Professional's source for marketing, sales, programming and more profitable business with more successful clients.

    Rising from Unknown to Online Success: Building Your Brand Presence

    Rising from Unknown to Online Success: Building Your Brand Presence

    Building your brand presence is a series of things that make YOU not another trainer or coach but THE recognizable one that attracts your ideal client.
    For many of the trainers and coaches I’ve seen just starting out, this is the missing piece in designing a life and business you love. 
    But there are 3 ways you might get stuck building your brand presence: . 
    It feels illusive, building your brand presence, you might think is as easy as consistently using bright pink in clothing and your logo. 
    You aren’t sure yet what you want that to be.
    You’re spending so much time thinking about this you’re not taking real action to make offers and close deals. 
    Today’s guest is rebuilding her own. She’s pivoted at 50 as many women do to something more soul-satisfying and that had the prerequisite of gaining the life and professional experience you have now.
    If this sounds familiar, and your midlife flipping your focus or really digging in, I think you’ll love this.  
    My Guest:
    Jenna Capozzi brings over 30 years of C-level executive experience, having led innovative projects for global brands such as Samsung, Target, and BMW, and produced notable films and TV shows. Transitioning from Hollywood to empowering the next generation of leaders, she leverages her extensive background to guide individuals towards impactful leadership with Forte Femme. Jenna dedicates herself to mentoring individuals, emphasizing the importance of community support and personal growth. Her mission is to nurture leaders ready to make a significant difference, utilizing her vast achievements in entertainment and advertising, coupled with her passion for helping others achieve their goals with confidence and clarity. Committed to the idea that leadership and purpose are crucial for lasting change, Jenna aims to support emerging leaders in making a meaningful impact, by building an audience and assisting others on their journey.
    Questions We Answer in This Episode:
    Can you share the moment you realized something significant was missing in your life? Was there ever a moment with a big name brand or client where you had to convince someone to see the vision you had?  How did your experiences in the high-pressure environment of marketing in Hollywood shape your approach to founding your own business? What inspired you to specifically target this demographic? What advice do you have for women who fear it's too late to chase their dreams or start anew? You host retreats you describe as “work-cations.” Can you describe that kind of experience and your vision for those? How do you incorporate your personal interests, like curating memorable travel experiences, into the retreats and programs within your business? Connect with Jenna:
    Social Media:
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jennacapozzirutgersson
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennacapozzi_forte
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    Business Scorecard: https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/scorecard
    Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist: https://www.flippnigfifty.com/specialist

    • 38 min
    Hiring Interns for Your Health Business & Personal Growth

    Hiring Interns for Your Health Business & Personal Growth

    Have you ever thought about hiring an intern or getting free labor? Through an intern from a community college or university? If you've never thought about it, but now you're wondering should I think about it or if you Yes, I've thought about it but wondered, are you in the right position? Are you ready to hire an intern? This is your episode tune in.
    Ready to Grow Your Expertise as a Menopause Fitness Specialist? We’re open for enrollment. Learn more about it in this free webinar replay you can watch: 
    The Exercise Mistakes Keeping Women Fat, Sick and Aging Faster. Just click here. 
    This episode is all about interns! We reverse engineer from hiring interns, attracting them, writing a description and how you know if you really are ready and what ideal mindset you'll have before hiring your internship. So we do this twofold and we do this very informally. My intern for the summer of 2024 started yesterday as we recorded this podcast episode. And so I asked her, let's do this. Let's just be transparent. What did you want? How does it work when you're picking an internship? What about the description appealed to you? And then I talked about what I was looking for in an intern. What I wanted, what I was hoping, what I hope at the end of this happens and I hope most of all that it will help you.
    Health Coaching Scorecard: https://www.flippingfifty.com/scorecard 
    Marketing to Women  Copywriting Course: https://www.flippingfifty.com/copywriting-course 
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    Hiring Wrong? The First Person to Hire: https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/important-position-fitness-business-youre-hiring-wrong/

    • 37 min
    3 Quick Ways to Boost Engagement for Health Coaches

    3 Quick Ways to Boost Engagement for Health Coaches

    Hold your hat, here come 3 quick ways to boost engagement! 
    If it feels like you’re posting all the time but crickets all the time in response, this is for you. 
    These are quick and dirty ways to get more engagement, therefore grow your reach on social media and that potentially means grow your email list.
    When you grow your email list, you have a better chance of launching more successful programs every time. 
    If you’re not already growing your list every single day, with a juicy lead magnet - you know - the opt in they’ll trade their best email for then grab my Ultimate Freebie Guide. 
    Yes, how meta is that? The freebie guide to freebie guides. But it’s easier now than ever with Chat gpt. If you know how to prompt and ask questions! 
    Let’s dive into this short but effective list of 3 ways to boost engagement now.
    Use stories. 
    If you continue to post reels and carousel posts and live videos or image posts and you know the post is good and helpful and hits on a topic your audience cares about and is looking for a solution to (and if not see my ultimate freebie!), then stories could be all you need. 
    Post about a life experience related to health, wellness or fitness that you’re going through. 
    It could be mine- last week I had a tooth extracted. I chose a holistic dentist. So I talked about why and the difference. I talked about the trek to LA to have it done. I talked about the worry I did ahead of time and the outcome of the whole thing, from hours in the chair, the pain, what I was able to do after, how I prepared for healing and inactivity so I wouldn’t lose muscle. 
    Honor celebrated days, weeks and months or events
    Make them personal. Last women’s history month, we’ve been blessed to see Caitlin Clark from the University of Iowa excel in basketball and change the game forever. She’s become a celebrated athlete, not just a women's basketball athlete, and all-time athlete. Because of that we’ve seen more female athletes and coaches highlighted that in the past take a backseat to men’s events. 
    Fitness Business Scorecard: https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/scorecard 
    Menopause Fitness Framework: https://www.flippingfifty.com/specialist 
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    • 29 min
    7 Revenue Streams for Menopause Fitness Coaches

    7 Revenue Streams for Menopause Fitness Coaches

    Diversify with 7 revenue streams for stability and growth in the fitness coaching industry, particularly for those focusing on midlife women.
    1 Online Courses and Workshops 
    - Description: Creating and selling online courses that address specific aspects of fitness and wellness for midlife women, such as bone health, hormone balance, and managing menopause symptoms through exercise and nutrition.
    - Actionable Tip: Use platforms like Teachable or Thinkific to host your courses; start with a pilot course to gauge interest.
    One event or one series of events.
    Biggest mistake here is underpricing. 
    If you start with a problem, and you believe someone will pay for the solution you have, underpricing is usually the biggest risk. It sets a precedent. You aren’t going to be excited about it. 
    Second biggest mistake is not having a goal for enrollment. What’s the minimum profitable number of registrations? If you don’t want to profit or set that as a goal, you won’t. You may have a hobby. Consider your time. Time delivering, time preparing, time commuting, what it removes you from doing that could earn more. The biggest cost to a low price offer though is the mental connection with you and your services. Cheap is not well-perceived as “worth it.” 
    2 Virtual Fitness Coaching 
    - Description: Offering personalized coaching sessions via video calls, catering to clients who prefer the convenience of working out at home.
    - Actionable Tip: Leverage tools like Zoom or Skype for personal training sessions; consider group sessions for a more community-centric approach.
    Private or Group
    3 Wellness Retreats 
    - Description: Organizing retreats focused on fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness for midlife women, offering a holistic health experience.
    - Actionable Tip: Partner with a retreat center and start small—a weekend getaway focused on a specific theme like "Reset and Renew."
    Live or Virtual- where would you love to go? These are the most fun revenue streams for coaches because you’ve figured out a way to do what you love and get paid for it! 
    I’m hosting retreats in Colorado and in the Grand Canyon this year. I am taking the cohort on trails I love and know, getting to teach life-changing content to attendees while they’re there, bringing together a community of women interested in the same things. But you can also and I have done this virtually in a 3-day retreat. At $97 for the event and with over 40 in attendance. It was a blast! For a few hours on Saturday and Sunday each. 
    Workshop style - partner with someone 
    Grassroots - Register and pay either coach, enrolling coach takes 5-10% more which is a sales commission essentially, and then coaches settle up after. (Don’t make an attendee register two places)! 
    4 More Revenue Streams for Fitness Coaches
    4 Membership Programs 
    - Description: Creating a membership platform providing exclusive content, community support, and regular live Q&A sessions. Often includes discount rates for additional services, a regular content exclusive to the membership, access to you that no one else has or only VIP clients have, but members get at a fraction of the price of private coaching. 
    - Actionable Tip: Utilize platforms like Patreon or MemberPress to build and manage your membership community, Memberium
    5 Affiliate Marketing
    - Description:Earning commissions by recommending fitness and wellness products that align with the needs of midlife women.
    - Actionable Tip:Choose products you genuinely endorse; transparency builds trust with your audience.
    Coach partnerships
    Program partnerships
    Equipment: desk bikes, weights, Power Plate, skin care, supplements
    6 Corporate Wellness Programs
     Description: Designing and implementing fitness and wellness programs for employees at corporations, focusing on midlife health.
    - Actionable Tip: Start by offering free lunchtime talks or workshops to introduce your services to local businesses.
    Create pro

    • 43 min
    Former Journalist Tips to Create Content to Reach Over 50 Clients

    Former Journalist Tips to Create Content to Reach Over 50 Clients

    “I wasn’t marketed to anymore.” 
    My guest today points out a glaring still-existing dilemma in our fitness industry. Even in this age where menopause and longevity being buzzwords of the year, images and marketing terms are centered around young, youthfulness, and anti-aging. Images of young, fit individuals in bra tops still prevail.
    If you want to reach over 50 clients, you have to know what to say and what not to say. Jay Croft creates original content for trainers, gyms and studios. Everywhere you write, speak, or create video, you are a copywriter. I rounded up a professional writer to help you with content to reach over 50 clients.
    Be sure you stay til the end for some help on how you can use AI to generate content to reach over 50 clients better, faster and create a relationship. 
    My Guest:
    Jay Croft created Prime Fit Content to help gym owners reach more people over 50 after 30 years in mass media and corporate communications. A veteran writer, editor, and content creator, Jay creates premium, original material best used in email newsletters, social media, and blogs. He also consults with businesses about this vast, underserved segment and how best to communicate with them effectively.

    Questions We Answer in This Episode:
    What is your background and how & why you got into this? 
    What are some of the challenges trainers online or off  have in communicating with the over-50 market?
    What are a few key pieces of advice in improving your game on this?
    Why isn't the fitness industry doing more to help people over 50?
    What role can content and communications play?
    What works and what doesn't?

    Connect with Jay:
    On Social:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaycroft
    Threads: https://twitter.com/JayCroft
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/primefitcontent/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/croftjay/
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    • 50 min
    How to Develop Relationships with Medical Professionals

    How to Develop Relationships with Medical Professionals

    Developing relationships with medical professionals was going to be easy once Exercise is Medicine™ was announced! Trainers and gyms thought it was going to be great. Imagine it raining clients told by their physicians to exercise and start working with a trainer. 
    No one came. 
    "Exercise is Medicine was established in 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine to inform and educate physicians and other health care providers about exercise as well as bridge the widening gap between health care and health fitness."(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7444006)
    It's Up To YOU. 
    You want an endorsement from a physician. They want to know their patients get a safe referral and their credibility is supported.
    Make it clear what’s in it for them.  Make it easy for them.  Make the relationship with you public by inviting them to over.  Host events and invite them(let them see you in action)
    Host events and feature them(live or your podcasts or virtual video show)
    Offer to do a lunch & learn for their office (if local or possibly virtually)
    Contact them with a professional letter/email
    Follow up - emails and letters get lost
    Call the office 
    Follow up - messages get lost 
    Offer to train them
    Mistakes when Trying to Develop Relationships with Medical Professionals 
    No follow up
    Confidentiality breach
    Lack of specific CTA 
    Lack of specific way they win 
    Are you a specialist? In what? Does that serve a lot of their patients? 
    Because very few are doing this well right now, you have a huge opportunity. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’ve witnessed physicians actually become part-time fitness instructors. Chiropractors and physical therapists were gymnasts and fitness instructors before they were practicing. Learn more about physicians. Try taking an interest in them and begin creating a relationship the same way you’d create a friendship. The more you’re interested in them and how you can help them the more likely you are to get attention. 
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    • 33 min

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