499 episodes

Welcome to Over 40 Fitness Hacks, the podcast for individuals looking to fight the aging process while still enjoying their social lives. I provide invaluable insights, tips, and tricks tailored explicitly for the over-40 crowd. I have been a personal trainer and gym owner with over 14 years of experience. This show brings together health and wellness experts from around the globe. My goal is to help you unlock your full potential, regain vitality, and make the most out of every stage of life. Fitness after 40 doesn't have to be this hard!


Over 40 Fitness Hacks Brad Williams

    • Health & Fitness

Welcome to Over 40 Fitness Hacks, the podcast for individuals looking to fight the aging process while still enjoying their social lives. I provide invaluable insights, tips, and tricks tailored explicitly for the over-40 crowd. I have been a personal trainer and gym owner with over 14 years of experience. This show brings together health and wellness experts from around the globe. My goal is to help you unlock your full potential, regain vitality, and make the most out of every stage of life. Fitness after 40 doesn't have to be this hard!


    498: Martin Pytela - Searching For Root Causes Using Metal Detox, Diet, and Microbiome Balance 

    498: Martin Pytela - Searching For Root Causes Using Metal Detox, Diet, and Microbiome Balance 

    Searching For Root Causes Using Metal Detox, Diet, and Microbiome Balance 

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    Martin Pytela - Metabolic Typing Coach

    Life Enthusiast Podcast


    In this episode of Over 40 Fitness, host Brad Williams interviews Martin Pytela from Life Enthusiast, focusing on the critical topic of gut health. Brad begins by sharing his personal struggles with food allergies and environmental sensitivities, emphasizing the confusion surrounding the microbiome and its impact on health. He notes the lack of new information in mainstream media and expresses frustration with Western medicine's skepticism towards conditions like leaky gut. Martin agrees, pointing out that heavy metals and industrial toxins are primary culprits in gut health decline, which he experienced firsthand during his health struggles.

    Martin uses a vivid analogy to describe the gut lining, comparing it to a worn-out tennis court where the protective grass (villi) has been eroded. This erosion leads to a compromised gut lining, or leaky gut, which allows undigested food particles and toxins to enter the bloodstream, triggering immune responses and allergies. He explains that modern wheat and dairy, especially those produced in North America, are more likely to cause such damage due to their higher protein content and modifications.

    The conversation then shifts to the interconnectedness of gut health with overall well-being. Martin highlights how a leaky gut can lead to a leaky brain and a compromised immune system, affecting cognitive functions and increasing vulnerability to various diseases. He stresses the importance of maintaining a balanced microbiome, which involves nurturing beneficial bacteria with prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. He underscores the necessity of eliminating toxins and properly nourishing the gut to support its healing and function.

    Brad and Martin also discuss detoxification, with Martin sharing his experience in using zeolite to remove heavy metals from his body. He explains that zeolite acts like a sponge, attracting and binding to positively charged toxins, which are then excreted from the body. This method, he notes, is less invasive and more accessible than intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Martin emphasizes that removing mercury fillings and avoiding ongoing exposure to heavy metals is crucial for recovery.

    Further elaborating on gut repair, Martin talks about the importance of butyrates, short-chain fatty acids produced by gut bacteria, essential for maintaining the integrity of the gut lining. He stresses that individuals must ensure their diets provide the necessary nutrients for these processes. Martin also touches on the significance of maintaining an optimal pH balance throughout the digestive system, which varies from acidic in the stomach to alkaline in the small intestine and back to acidic in the colon.

    The discussion concludes with a focus on environmental toxins, particularly glyphosate, a common herbicide in the food chain. Martin explains that glyphosate is water-soluble and acts as an antibiotic, killing beneficial gut bacteria. He stresses the importance of avoiding contaminated food and water, reducing exposure to harmful chemicals in everyday products, and being mindful of the indoor environment. Martin advocates for a holistic approach to health, emphasizing that addressing diet and environmental factors is essential for maintaining a healthy gut and overall well-being.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 18 min
    497: Martin Pytela - What Is Metabolic Typing and How Martin Overcame Mercury Toxicity

    497: Martin Pytela - What Is Metabolic Typing and How Martin Overcame Mercury Toxicity

    What Is Metabolic Typing and How Martin Overcame Mercury Toxicity

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    Martin Pytela - Metabolic Typing Coach

    Life Enthusiast Podcast


    In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness interviews Martin Pytela from Life Enthusiast about his journey into holistic health and his certification as a Metabolic Typing Coach. Martin shares his personal health struggles, which began after receiving 12 mercury amalgam fillings at the age of 25. This led to a decade of severe health issues, including back pain, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, weight gain, and allergies, all of which were traced back to mercury toxicity.

    Frustrated with conventional medicine's focus on symptom treatment rather than root causes, Martin embarked on a path of self-education in health and wellness. He discovered that many of his issues were linked to mercury poisoning and systemic imbalances caused by modern industrialization and environmental toxins.

    Martin explains metabolic typing, which identifies four main body types based on endocrine dominance: thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and gonadal. Each type has specific dietary needs and tendencies. For example, thyroid dominants do well on lighter proteins and fats but gain weight on starch, while adrenal dominants thrive on fruits and veggies but gain weight with fats.

    Martin also discusses the importance of balancing body pH levels, which affect mood and overall health. He highlights how an imbalance can lead to conditions ranging from procrastination to severe depression (alkaline) or from impatience to anxiety (acidic). He emphasizes the need for appropriate mineral intake, particularly magnesium, to maintain this balance and support muscle function.

    The conversation touches on practical tips, such as using magnesium oil for muscle relaxation and performance enhancement, and underscores the necessity of individualized dietary plans based on metabolic type for effective weight management and overall health improvement.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 22 min
    496: Brad Williams - How To Keep Your Weight Loss Results From Slowing Down

    496: Brad Williams - How To Keep Your Weight Loss Results From Slowing Down

    How To Keep Your Weight Loss Results From Slowing Down

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    Step By Step Podcasting Link!

    Descript Editing Software Link!

    In this episode of "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," host Brad Williams delves into strategies for sustaining weight loss momentum as you near the single-digit body fat range. Drawing on his extensive experience as a personal trainer for over 14 years, Brad emphasizes the significance of building and maintaining sustainable habits. He highlights the importance of finding diets, supplements, and workout patterns that resonate with your body. Rather than blindly following advice from social media or even trusted health and wellness sources, Brad advises listeners to listen to their bodies, noting reactions, and journaling progress to pinpoint what works best.

    Brad underscores the complexity of losing the last five to ten pounds, which can be more challenging than initial weight loss. He stresses the necessity of fine-tuning calorie intake and paying close attention to how your body responds to ensure you are not dipping into starvation mode, which can hinder progress and lead to muscle loss. By readjusting calorie calculators and using fitness trackers like the WHOOP tracker, individuals can better manage their energy expenditure and make necessary dietary adjustments.

    Incorporating a variety of exercises is crucial, and Brad discusses the benefits of different types of movement, such as walking on flat surfaces, using a trampoline for cardio, and staying hydrated with beverages that feel right for your body. He shares his personal experience of discovering Trader Joe's probiotic drinks, which he finds more enjoyable than plain water, demonstrating the importance of flexibility in dietary choices while adhering to caloric goals.

    Sleep and stress management are also pivotal. Brad highlights the role of adequate sleep, monitored through tools like the WHOOP tracker, in maintaining energy levels and overall health during a caloric deficit. He also touches on the potential drawbacks of long fasting periods when body fat levels are already low, advocating for shorter fasts that align better with lower body fat percentages to avoid detrimental effects on the body.

    Managing insulin levels is another key aspect Brad discusses. He explains that constant eating, even within a caloric limit, can inhibit fat burning due to insulin response. By avoiding snacks between meals and extending fasting periods overnight, individuals can enhance their fat-burning potential.

    Ultimately, Brad advocates for a balanced approach to weight loss that prioritizes long-term health and well-being. He advises against overtraining and extreme measures that can lead to injuries, especially for those over 40. Instead, he promotes a method focused on mastering diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management for sustainable results. Brad concludes by inviting listeners to take advantage of his free 15-minute consultation offer for personalized fitness guidance, encouraging them to continue following his journey and insights.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 10 min
    495: Brad Williams - Planning Your Cheat Days With Weight Loss Still In Your Mind

    495: Brad Williams - Planning Your Cheat Days With Weight Loss Still In Your Mind

    Planning Your Cheat Days With Weight Loss Still In Your Mind

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks discusses how to plan cheat days while still aiming for weight loss. He emphasizes maintaining a strict diet from Monday to Friday, with the possibility of relaxing a bit on weekends. His approach includes consuming high-protein, low-calorie meals early in the day and fasting until social activities begin to manage calorie intake. He suggests prioritizing protein shakes and avoiding high-calorie meals like eggs and bacon.

    Brad explains the importance of balancing alcohol consumption by focusing on meat and vegetables to reduce carb intake. For those indulging in sweets, he advises consuming them earlier in the day to allow the body to burn off the calories before bedtime. He also discusses using products like CBD-infused drinks to reduce alcohol intake and recommends staying hydrated.

    To avoid overeating, Brad suggests drinking plenty of water, chewing gum, and using apple cider vinegar as appetite suppressants. Staying busy and incorporating physical activities like walking can help burn off extra calories consumed during cheat days. Brad also promotes his new Facebook group for over 40 fitness enthusiasts, offering a space for motivation, questions, and community support.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 11 min
    494: Brad Williams - How Bodily Functions Impact Calorie Burn and Fitness Goals Over 40

    494: Brad Williams - How Bodily Functions Impact Calorie Burn and Fitness Goals Over 40

    How Bodily Functions Impact Calorie Burn and Fitness Goals Over 40

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    In this episode of Over 40 Fitness Hacks, Brad Williams discusses how our body might down-regulate its metabolism when certain bodily functions are impaired. He explains the breakdown of total calorie expenditure, emphasizing that basal metabolic rate (BMR) constitutes 60% of it, which is the energy our body uses at rest. Brad underscores the importance of building lean muscle through weightlifting and protein intake to boost BMR.

    He also talks about other components like non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), diet-induced thermogenesis, and exercise. He warns against over-relying on strenuous exercises, particularly for those over 40, advocating for a balanced approach that protects the body and prioritizes building muscle and proper nutrition.

    Brad further explains that factors like poor sleep, stress, and inflammation can negatively impact metabolism by causing the body to enter a survival mode, thus reducing BMR. This down-regulation can render calorie counting and fitness trackers inaccurate. He suggests focusing on overall health and wellness, including sleep, stress management, diet, and reducing inflammation, to ensure a properly functioning metabolism.

    In conclusion, Brad advises listeners to use fitness technologies and calculators as guides but emphasizes the importance of biohacking and regular adjustments based on personal health observations. He encourages listeners to reach out with questions and offers a free Zoom consultation to help them achieve their fitness goals efficiently.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 10 min
    493: Allan Misner - Tailoring Fitness For Life Over 40 Knowing That Everyone Is Different

    493: Allan Misner - Tailoring Fitness For Life Over 40 Knowing That Everyone Is Different

    Tailoring Fitness For Life Over 40 Knowing That Everyone Is Different

    Click Here for a FREE 15 min Zoom Consultation With Brad:

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks Facebook Group

    Check Out The Rebounder From JumpSport:⁠

    Allan Misner - Over 40+ Fitness Podcast


    In this podcast episode, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks interviews Allan Misner from the 40+ Fitness Podcast. They discuss the evolution of fitness training for people over 40 and the importance of personalized approaches. Allan shares his journey, highlighting how his personal transformation led him to become a personal trainer to understand his own fitness needs. He recounts losing 66 pounds through a combination of paleo, keto, and intermittent fasting, and realizing that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in fitness.

    Allan explains how he initially believed in heavy lifting and low-carb diets for everyone but learned the importance of tailoring fitness plans to individual needs, using the example of his first online client who struggled with simple activities. They discuss the importance of starting small and progressing gradually, emphasizing that everyone’s fitness journey is unique.

    The conversation shifts to the concept of using different "vehicles" (sports car, pickup truck, minivan) as metaphors for the pace and style of one’s fitness journey, depending on life circumstances. They stress that progress, regardless of speed, is valuable and that life itself is the journey, not an obstacle.

    Brad and Allan also touch on the importance of journaling to track progress, recognizing and celebrating small victories, and maintaining a positive mindset. They highlight that maintaining fitness sometimes means adapting to new realities and that it’s okay to set new, realistic goals based on current capabilities.

    In conclusion, Allan shares how listeners can connect with him through his podcast, book, and website, emphasizing continuous learning and adaptation in fitness. Brad appreciates Allan’s insights and looks forward to sharing more fitness tips for the over-40 community.

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


    Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    • 20 min

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