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08 上善若水 Shàng shàn ruò shuǐ | 老子 Lao zi |《道德經》Dao de jing Taiwan Accent - Chinese Classical Literature▪台灣腔 中國古典文學 ▪ 台湾腔 中国古典文学 ▪ Learn Manda

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Dì bā zhāng: Shàngshànruòshuǐ, shuǐ shànlì wànwù ér bùzhēng. Chù zhòngrén zhī suǒ è, gù jī yú dào. Jū shàn de, xīn shàn yuān, yǔ shànrén, yán shànxìn, zhèng shànzhì, shì shàn néng, dòng shàn shí. Fū wéi bùzhēng, gù wú yóu. Dì qī zhāng: Tiānchángdìjiǔ, tiāndì suǒyǐ néng zhǎng qiě jiǔ zhě, yǐ qí bù zìshēng, gù néng chángshēng. Shì yǐ shèngrén hòu qí shēn ér shēn xiān, wài qí shēn ér shēn cún. Fēi yǐ qí wúsī xié? Gù néngchéng qí sī.
8. Water
The best of man is like water,
Which benefits all things, and does not contend with them,
Which flows in places that others disdain,
Where it is in harmony with the Way.

So the sage:
Lives within nature,
Thinks within the deep,
Gives within impartiality,
Speaks within trust,
Governs within order,
Crafts within ability,
Acts within opportunity.

He does not contend, and none contend against him.

居身,安于卑下;存心,宁静深沉;交往,有诚有爱;言语,信实可靠;为政,天下归 顺;做事,大有能力;行动,合乎时宜。唯有不争不竞,方能无过无失。

居身,安於卑下;存心,寧靜深沉;交往,有誠有愛;言語,信實可靠;為政,天下歸 順;做事,大有能力;行動,合乎時宜。唯有不爭不競,方能無過無失。

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Dì bā zhāng: Shàngshànruòshuǐ, shuǐ shànlì wànwù ér bùzhēng. Chù zhòngrén zhī suǒ è, gù jī yú dào. Jū shàn de, xīn shàn yuān, yǔ shànrén, yán shànxìn, zhèng shànzhì, shì shàn néng, dòng shàn shí. Fū wéi bùzhēng, gù wú yóu. Dì qī zhāng: Tiānchángdìjiǔ, tiāndì suǒyǐ néng zhǎng qiě jiǔ zhě, yǐ qí bù zìshēng, gù néng chángshēng. Shì yǐ shèngrén hòu qí shēn ér shēn xiān, wài qí shēn ér shēn cún. Fēi yǐ qí wúsī xié? Gù néngchéng qí sī.
8. Water
The best of man is like water,
Which benefits all things, and does not contend with them,
Which flows in places that others disdain,
Where it is in harmony with the Way.

So the sage:
Lives within nature,
Thinks within the deep,
Gives within impartiality,
Speaks within trust,
Governs within order,
Crafts within ability,
Acts within opportunity.

He does not contend, and none contend against him.

居身,安于卑下;存心,宁静深沉;交往,有诚有爱;言语,信实可靠;为政,天下归 顺;做事,大有能力;行动,合乎时宜。唯有不争不竞,方能无过无失。

居身,安於卑下;存心,寧靜深沉;交往,有誠有愛;言語,信實可靠;為政,天下歸 順;做事,大有能力;行動,合乎時宜。唯有不爭不競,方能無過無失。

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