2 min

#211 Cat Litter ねこのトイ‪レ‬ NIHONGOBLOG - Easy Japanese Blog from UK - かんたんな日本語でブログを書いています

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I have a cat in my house. It is very cute. Last week it was not well.

My cat is a very good girl. It is quiet. She doesn't misbehave at all. She is always relaxed. But last week she peed on the bed. I washed the bedding and sheets. The next day she peed on the bed again. I had to wash them again. It's a lot of work. And this is a bit strange.

The cat's toilet is in front of the washing machine. It is noisy when I am washing. Then there is a big window next to the toilet, which has a view of the garden. The neighbour's cats often come to the garden. The cat probably didn't want to go to the toilet. I put the cat's toilet in a quiet room.

After peeing on the bedding, she pooped in the room. It seems she was ill. Then she stopped eating. She didn't go to the toilet. I changed her food. Whatever I tried, she was low in energy. On the evening of the third day, the cat was walking for the first time in a long time, so I gave her some treats and she ate them all. Then she suddenly got better. She quickly learnt where the new litter box was, and she didn't make any more litter box mistakes. She's still a good girl after all. I'm very happy.





I have a cat in my house. It is very cute. Last week it was not well.

My cat is a very good girl. It is quiet. She doesn't misbehave at all. She is always relaxed. But last week she peed on the bed. I washed the bedding and sheets. The next day she peed on the bed again. I had to wash them again. It's a lot of work. And this is a bit strange.

The cat's toilet is in front of the washing machine. It is noisy when I am washing. Then there is a big window next to the toilet, which has a view of the garden. The neighbour's cats often come to the garden. The cat probably didn't want to go to the toilet. I put the cat's toilet in a quiet room.

After peeing on the bedding, she pooped in the room. It seems she was ill. Then she stopped eating. She didn't go to the toilet. I changed her food. Whatever I tried, she was low in energy. On the evening of the third day, the cat was walking for the first time in a long time, so I gave her some treats and she ate them all. Then she suddenly got better. She quickly learnt where the new litter box was, and she didn't make any more litter box mistakes. She's still a good girl after all. I'm very happy.

2 min