79 episódios

The GO-to Podcast for busy women who want to elevate their energy, improve productivity, have a clear mind, a healthy gut, clear skin, and create happy hormones!

Are you exhausted, bloated, moody, or anxious? Do you know deep down that something is off but keep getting told that "everything looks normal" on your lab results? Are you tired of feeling bloated and uncomfortable after eating? Are you sick of not knowing which "you" will show up because your mood shifts like the wind? Are you ready to have great energy again so you can stop relying on caffeine to get through your day?

Don't worry; there are simple steps you can do every day to feel better and still have balance in your life. It doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming!

Hi, I'm Dr. Meg Mil, a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Doctor of Pharmacy. I will bring you simple, actionable tips that will EMPOWER you to feel your best! I know it can feel overwhelming with all of the information out there, but even small changes can have a HUGE impact on how you feel. Life-changing health transformations begin with small, consistent steps, so let's get started!

A Little Bit Healthier | Exhaustion, IBS, Brain Fog, Hormone Balance, Inflammation, Detox, Histamine Intolerance, MCAS Dr. Meg Mill

    • Saúde e fitness

The GO-to Podcast for busy women who want to elevate their energy, improve productivity, have a clear mind, a healthy gut, clear skin, and create happy hormones!

Are you exhausted, bloated, moody, or anxious? Do you know deep down that something is off but keep getting told that "everything looks normal" on your lab results? Are you tired of feeling bloated and uncomfortable after eating? Are you sick of not knowing which "you" will show up because your mood shifts like the wind? Are you ready to have great energy again so you can stop relying on caffeine to get through your day?

Don't worry; there are simple steps you can do every day to feel better and still have balance in your life. It doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming!

Hi, I'm Dr. Meg Mil, a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Doctor of Pharmacy. I will bring you simple, actionable tips that will EMPOWER you to feel your best! I know it can feel overwhelming with all of the information out there, but even small changes can have a HUGE impact on how you feel. Life-changing health transformations begin with small, consistent steps, so let's get started!

    Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Understanding This Overlooked Immune Disorder

    Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Understanding This Overlooked Immune Disorder

    Have you been grappling with unexplained health issues that baffle even healthcare professionals? MCAS could be the underlying cause. This complex immune disorder, marked by hyper-responsive mast cells, can trigger a diverse range of symptoms often mistaken for other conditions.
    Key Points:
    Understanding Mast Cells and Their Function: We dive into what mast cells are and their crucial role in your immune system. 
    Identifying Triggers and Root Causes of MCAS: Discover the various factors that can trigger MCAS, from environmental elements to specific foods. 
    The Wide Range of MCAS Symptoms: Learn about the myriad symptoms caused by MCAS, highlighting why it's often misdiagnosed. 
    Challenges in Diagnosing MCAS: Understand the complexities and the overlap of symptoms with other conditions that make diagnosing MCAS challenging. 
    Strategies for Managing MCAS: We discuss approaches to manage MCAS, including identifying individual triggers and root cause analysis. 
    Understanding and managing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is key to improving health and quality of life for those affected. This episode is an essential listen for anyone seeking clarity on this often-overlooked condition. Tune in to gain valuable insights and strategies for dealing with MCAS.
    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding Mast Cell Activation Syndrome for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com
     This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 21 min
    77. Histamine Intolerance: Connecting The Root Cause of Your Mystery Symptoms

    77. Histamine Intolerance: Connecting The Root Cause of Your Mystery Symptoms

    Have you ever wondered why certain foods trigger unexplained symptoms in your body? Do you experience frequent headaches, unexplained fatigue, or bouts of dizziness?
     Maybe you suffer from digestive issues like bloating, stomach cramps, or diarrhea after eating certain foods. Have you noticed skin reactions such as itching, hives, or flushing that seem to appear out of nowhere? These could all be signs of histamine intolerance.
    Many people live with these mysterious symptoms, often misdiagnosing them or attributing them to other conditions. The frustration of dealing with chronic nasal congestion, sinus problems, or asthma-like symptoms without a clear cause can be overwhelming.
    In this episode, we explore how histamine affects your health and discover strategies to manage it effectively.
    Key Points:
    Understanding Histamine and Its Role: Histamine is more than just a factor in allergies. It plays multiple roles in your body, and its imbalance can cause a range of symptoms.
    Identifying Histamine Intolerance Symptoms: Learn about the myriad of symptoms that histamine intolerance can cause. From digestive issues to skin reactions, the effects are widespread. 
    The Gut-Histamine Connection: Discover how gut health directly impacts histamine levels in your body and the importance of a healthy gut microbiome.
    Genetic Factors in Histamine Intolerance: Genetics can influence your susceptibility to histamine intolerance. Find out how your genes might be playing a role. 
    Dietary Influences on Histamine Levels: Learn which foods can aggravate histamine intolerance and tips on managing your diet for better health. 
    Strategies for Managing Histamine Intolerance: Explore various approaches like dietary changes, gut healing, and lifestyle modifications to keep histamine levels in check. 
    As we uncover the mysteries of histamine intolerance, remember, that while challenging, it can be managed with the right knowledge and strategies. Recognizing its symptoms and understanding its root causes are crucial steps toward improving your overall health and well-being. Let's embark on this enlightening path together!
    Join us for the Reversing MCAS and Histamine Intolerance Summit: CLICK HERE. You don’t want to miss this event it is packed with 40 hours of insightful education from top experts in the field.
    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: Essential Guide to Histamine Intolerance for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com
    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 26 min
    5 Shocking Sources of Toxins in Your Daily Life

    5 Shocking Sources of Toxins in Your Daily Life

    Do you often feel inexplicably tired, or find yourself struggling with unexplained health issues like allergies, digestive problems, or skin conditions? If so, you might be surprised to learn that the culprit could be closer than you think. In today's episode, we delve into the often-overlooked sources of toxins we encounter daily. These hidden hazards lurk in our homes, our diets, and even in the very air we breathe, undermining our health in ways we might never have imagined.
    Key Points: The Air Inside Your Home 
    Surprisingly, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. From cleaning products and air fresheners to off-gassing from furniture and building materials, our homes might not be the safe havens we believe them to be. 
    Personal Care Products 
    Shampoos, lotions, and makeup often contain phthalates, parabens, and other chemicals that can disrupt our hormonal balance and contribute to health issues over time. 
    Plastic Containers and Bottles 
    Bisphenol A (BPA), a common component in plastic products, can leach into food and beverages, posing risks to our endocrine system and overall health. 
    Non-Organic Foods 
    Pesticides and herbicides used in conventional farming can accumulate in our bodies, leading to an array of health problems. Organic foods, while not entirely free of toxins, present a safer alternative. 
    Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
    In our digitally connected world, EMFs from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices are constant companions. While the full impact of EMFs on health is still being studied, reducing exposure might be prudent.  
    Recognizing and minimizing our exposure to these sources of toxins can significantly enhance our health and well-being. Whether it's opting for natural cleaning products, choosing organic foods, or simply ventilating our homes more effectively, small changes can make a big difference. Remember, it's not just about avoiding harm; it's about creating an environment where our health can thrive.
    By being informed and proactive, we can take meaningful steps toward detoxifying our lives and safeguarding our health for years to come.
    About our Guest: Julie Michelson
    Julie Michelson is a National Board-Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, best-selling author, international speaker, and the host of the Inspired Living with Autoimmunity Podcast. She is the founder of Julie Michelson Coaching and the co-founder of Navigate Wellness. Through her journey of overcoming more than a decade of decline with Rheumatoid Arthritis, she became passionate about Functional Medicine and using lifestyle to create healing. Julie is an expert in supporting others achieve the changes necessary to experience true wellness.
    How to contact Julie Michelson
    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: 6 Essential Steps for an Effective Detox 
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 30 min
    75. Mastering Detox: How to Open Your Body's Drainage Pathways

    75. Mastering Detox: How to Open Your Body's Drainage Pathways

    Are you struggling with fatigue, brain fog, or other health issues despite trying numerous remedies? Your body’s drainage pathways might be the key you’ve been overlooking. Let's explore how you can unlock your body's full detox potential, ensuring you’re addressing not just the symptoms but the root cause of your health concerns.
    Key Points: Understanding Toxins and Detoxification 
    We live in a world riddled with toxins—from heavy metals and pesticides to plastics and environmental pollutants. These toxins can overload our systems, leading to a variety of health issues. However, detoxification is more than just eliminating toxins; it's about ensuring our internal pathways are primed for efficient toxin removal.
    The Importance of Opening Drainage Pathways Before Detox 
    Before initiating any detox regimen, it's crucial to ensure our body's drainage pathways are open. These include our liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and more. If these pathways are blocked, toxins can re-circulate in the body, exacerbating health issues rather than alleviating them.
    Lifestyle Changes to Support Detoxification 
    Simple lifestyle adjustments can significantly impact our detoxification efforts. Hydration, fiber-rich foods, regular exercise, and supporting liver health through optimal nutrients are foundational steps. Additionally, reducing toxin exposure by choosing organic foods and natural products can lighten our toxic load.
    The Role of the Gut and Liver in Detox 
    The health of our gut and liver is paramount in the detox process. Ensuring optimal gut health and liver function can facilitate the removal of toxins more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of them causing harm. Incorporating foods that support liver health and gut function is a step toward better detoxification.
    Mental and Emotional Aspects of Detox 
    Detox isn’t just physical; it's a holistic process that involves our mental and emotional health. Engaging in practices that support our limbic system and reduce stress can enhance our body's detox capabilities, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to detoxification.
    Detoxification is a complex but crucial aspect of maintaining optimal health. By focusing on opening our body's drainage pathways before pushing toxins out, we can ensure a more effective and beneficial detox process. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate health concerns but also lays the foundation for sustained well-being. Remember, detoxification is a journey, not a destination. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’re taking proactive steps toward a healthier, more vibrant you.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com
     This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 15 min
    Your Acne Answers: 5 MUST Do Tips for Radiant Skin

    Your Acne Answers: 5 MUST Do Tips for Radiant Skin

    Acne is not just a teenage dilemma but a skin challenge that many of us face. In today’s episode, I'll be unraveling the mysteries of acne and sharing five essential tips that promise not just a temporary fix, but a journey towards truly radiant skin. Whether you’re battling persistent breakouts or just looking for ways to maintain healthy skin, this episode is your guide to understanding and overcoming acne from a functional medicine perspective.
    Key Topics:
    Understanding the Root Causes of Acne: An in-depth look into why acne occurs and how it's more than just a surface-level issue.
    The Gut-Skin Connection: Explore the critical link between a healthy gut and clear skin, and how simple changes in your diet can make a big difference.
    Balancing Hormones for Clearer Skin: Uncover the role of hormones in skin health and learn strategies to balance them for better skin.
    Stress and Your Skin: Discover the surprising impact of stress on your skin and learn effective, manageable ways to reduce its effects.
    Effective Skincare Practices: Get practical advice on skincare routines and products that support your skin’s health.

    Join us in this enlightening discussion to combat acne and embrace the path to radiant, healthier skin. It's time to transform your skincare routine with these functional medicine insights!

    How to Connect with Maria Marlowe:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mariamarlowe
    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@glowbymarlowe
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlowbyMarlowe/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/glowbymarlowe

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com
    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 33 min
    What is Biohacking? The Key to Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential

    What is Biohacking? The Key to Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential

    Have you ever felt like your health is out of your hands, that despite your efforts, you're not achieving the vitality and energy you desire? Imagine if you could unlock your body's full potential, turning the tide in your favor. Welcome to "What is Biohacking? The Key to Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential," where we dive deep into the art and science of biohacking – your blueprint to optimize health and well-being.
    Key Points:
    Biohacking is about taking control of your biology. Rooted in the concept of creating an optimal environment both around and within you, it empowers you to make precise, informed, and conscious choices towards a healthier life.
    Intermittent fasting isn't just a trend; it's a science-backed approach to enhance autophagy, your body's natural renewal process. It's about timing your meals to give your body the break it needs to heal and rejuvenate at the cellular level.
    Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of sleep. It's during these crucial hours that our body repairs itself, releases growth hormones, and resets for the day ahead. Optimize your sleep environment for a deeper, more restorative slumber.
    Personalize your nutrition based on your genetics. Focus on foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and nutrients that support mitochondrial health – the powerhouse of your cells.
    Physical activity, especially high-intensity interval training (HIIT), signals your body to produce more mitochondria, boosting your energy and endurance. Incorporate bursts of activity throughout your day to revitalize your energy levels.
    Cold showers or plunges can significantly improve your mental and physical resilience, enhance circulation, boost immune function, and even aid in weight loss through thermogenesis.
    Understand how your body responds to food in real-time. Adjusting your diet based on glucose monitoring can lead to better blood sugar regulation and overall health optimization.
    Embrace red light therapy for its skin and tissue repair benefits and prioritize stress reduction through mindfulness and gratitude practices to keep your body in a state of balance and healing.
    Biohacking isn't just a passing trend; it's a comprehensive approach to take charge of your health journey. By understanding and applying these strategies, you're not just surviving; you're thriving. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring how we can harness our body's innate capabilities to live fuller, healthier lives. Remember, it's not just about adding years to your life but life to your years.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:
    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE
    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.
    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!
    Website: www.megmill.com
    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

    • 15 min

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