64 episódios

Conversations with change agents, outliers, superheros, and truly conscious leaders modeling what it is to be an unstoppable force for good and truth in this world. Exploring what it takes to catalyze change and at scale. Subscribe on Youtube @ catalysttalkspodcast.com

Catalyst Talks Stephanie Trager

    • Sociedade e cultura

Conversations with change agents, outliers, superheros, and truly conscious leaders modeling what it is to be an unstoppable force for good and truth in this world. Exploring what it takes to catalyze change and at scale. Subscribe on Youtube @ catalysttalkspodcast.com

    Spirit in Business with Stephanie Trager

    Spirit in Business with Stephanie Trager

    Donate to our Kogi Land fundraiser through Dream Change at https://www.dreamchange.org/kogi-project 

    In this episode I share what’s happening with Catalyst Talks Podcast, what the future holds, why It’s critical we bring Spirit into Business and institutions for the evolution of humanity and how to transcend old identities in order to do this.

    Connect with Stephanie: 

    ▶︎ Website         |  https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks 

    ▶︎ Instagram      |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager ▶︎ Linkedin        |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 39 min
    Spirit Initiations, Plants & Guides with Katharina Mohr de Yaycate

    Spirit Initiations, Plants & Guides with Katharina Mohr de Yaycate


    ✨ Join the COLOMBIA QUEST ~Learn about the EXPANSION QUEST in COLOMBIA -December 13-21, 2023 ⁠https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023⁠

    Plant wisdom flows through this conversation with Stephanie and Katharina, as both hold space in the sacred and are mystics who’ve been initiated with plant spirit medicine for many decades.

    In this conversation we touch on:

    🍃 Why entheogenic plants differ from synthetic forms of psychedelic medicines

    🍃 Why master plants are not always the answer when we are called to our edge

    🍃 The initiations plants offer and how to hold the before, during and after for true integration

    🍃 The power of ‘weeds’

    🍃 Bypassing the work with one ceremony won’t do it

    🍃 How plants are the most holistic guides to accompany our transformation

    🍃 Shamanic plant medicine and intention

    🍃 Creating the right containers to meet our edges, before, during and after

    🍃 Mainstreaming of psychedelics

    🍃 Consciousness and vessels for the Divine

    🍃 The detox, initiation, and letting go of control

    🍃 The master guides of trust

    🍃 The power of place and wisdom of Spirit

    🍃 The great surrender to self

    🍃 Why local is always best and why we need to be mindful of scaling the sacred

    🍃 The power of true presence

    About Katharina Mohr de Yaycate:

    The soul of a mystic, the gift of a seer and the mind of a free spirit, led by a heart wide open for the love and joy of truly living. Katharina is a seeress, wise woman and transformation catalyst. She naturally blends an entrepreneurial upbringing and 20 years of management consulting experience with a life-long quest for conscious expansion and personal transformation. An extrasensory since birth, Katharina turned to shamanism and energy medicine in her teenage years and now embodies 25 years of hands-on experience in shamanic craft and wisdom traditions. She teaches shamanism since 2013 and continues to hone her skills in navigating consciousness through shamanic trance mediumship and plant medicine. Going beyond preconceived ideas, beliefs and life choices into conscious expansion, natural flow and thrive Katharina is an absolutely free spirit and conceptual visionary thinker who is as comfortable in board rooms as she is in wild nature. A workshop facilitator, executive coach, soul guide and trail blazer she has the ability to get to the heart of any matter with incredible speed and clarity.

    Connect with Katharina:


    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | ⁠https://www.stephanietrager.com⁠

    ▶︎ Youtube | ⁠https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks⁠

    ▶︎ Instagram | ⁠https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager⁠

    ▶︎ Linkedin | ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 1h 6 min
    A Forest Journey with John Perlin

    A Forest Journey with John Perlin

    This episode with John Perlin explores the value, importance and role of trees in civilization from time immemorial. For our nature lovers out there, this one is interesting, rich and informative.


    John Perlin began his career at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2002 tasked by Nobel Laureate Dr. Walter Kohn to develop a colloquium on global warming for the university’s science departments. The following year John was hired by the physics department at UCSB to collaborate with Dr. Kohn and fellow Nobel Laureate Dr. Alan Heeger on the film, The Power of the Sun: The History of the Evolution of the Science of Light and Photovoltaics- https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.2216954. The film inspired the University of California, Santa Barbara to embrace the solarization of the campus in which John oversaw the placement of photovoltaics on several of its structures. He led a symposium at UCSB on May 17, 2018 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHc5Ike2GIA) introducing the scientific work of Eunice Foote, the women who in 1856 discovered that carbon dioxide is the principal cause of Global Warming and that more of that gas in the atmosphere would lead to a hotter Earth. He was also the lead curator of an exhibit for the University of California, Santa Barbara based on the symposium which opened on October 28, 2019. 

    John currently is a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara. John is the author of four highly acclaimed books on solar energy and forestry: A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology; A Forest Journey: The Role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization; From Space to Earth: The Story of Solar Electricity; and Let It Shine: The 6000 Year Story of Solar Energy - Harvard University Press has chosen A Forest Journey as one of “One Hundred Books for Every Bookshelf” ever published by the press which includes such scientific luminaries as Stephen Jay Gould and E.O. Wilson. He has also finished a manuscript on the scientific and feminist work of Eunice Foote and is currently searching for a publisher.

    Connect with John:


    *Join us in COLOMBIA for the QUEST in KOGI LAND December, 2023. Learn more here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/ 

    Connect with Stephanie: 

    ▶︎ Website         |  https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks 

    ▶︎ Instagram      |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager ▶︎ Linkedin        |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 56 min
    Meaning Making, Truth, and Trust with Stephanie Trager

    Meaning Making, Truth, and Trust with Stephanie Trager

    ✨ Join us in COLOMBIA for the QUEST in KOGI LAND December, 2023. Learn more here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    In this episode Stephanie covers:

    ◾️ The iterative process of meaning making, truth and trust

    ◾️ Four Meaning Making Lenses for Changing Times

    ◾️ Why trust, influence, and discernment are superpowers and how to master them

    ◾️ How to use the four agreements to work with these meaning making lenses

    ◾️ How intuition and discernment require self trust

    ◾️ A process for tapping into trust to arrive at the truth

    ◾️ A process for meaning making in these times when trust is low

    ◾️ Why inner work builds trust not only with others yet helps them trust you

    ◾️ Trust and leadership for a new earth

    ◾️ Multidimensional leadership, trust and so much more!

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Inner Work of Impact episode | https://www.stephanietrager.com/32-the-inner-work-of-impact/


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 38 min
    Mercury Free Mining: Gold Standards with Toby Pomeroy

    Mercury Free Mining: Gold Standards with Toby Pomeroy

    Join the COLOMBIA QUEST ▶︎ Lear about the EXPANSION QUEST in KOGI LAND, COLOMBIA December 13-21, 2023 here ~ https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023

    In this episode we cover:

    ✨ The dirty side of gold most people don’t know about
    ✨ How mercury is poisoning watersheds and communities so that they can eat and we can have the gold
    ✨ How passion and purpose ignite action
    ✨ Toby’s journey as an artist and jewelry designer led him to create the Mercury Free Mining mission to end the use of mercury by artisanal gold miners
    ✨ The movement unfolding in the jewelry industry and the technology available to produce clean healthy gold that aligns with human rights and clean environmental standards
    ✨ The need to scale the technology available and a vision for making that happen
    ✨ When the calling calls and you can’t go back to sleep


    Toby Pomeroy, Founder, Executive Director, Mercury Free Mining
    A designer-goldsmith for over 50 years, Toby became passionate about responsible gold mining after encountering Earthworks’ “No Dirty Gold” campaign in 2004. Since then, Toby has been dedicated to cultivating industry-wide support for a socially and environmentally responsible gold supply chain and a purpose-driven jewelry industry. He founded Mercury Free Mining (MFM) in 2017, a nonprofit organization committed to the discovery and deployment of mercury-free processes for the health of 20 million artisanal and small-scale gold miners and the environment upon which we all depend.

    MFM is fostering and implementing safe, efficient, mercury-free gold mining methods, and focusing on establishing a certified mercury-free gold supply chain to match industry demand. With a mission to eradicate the use of mercury in gold mining, MFM stands for the jewelry industry’s interdependence and solidarity with artisanal and small-scale gold miners around the world.

    ▶︎ https://mercuryfreemining.org

    ▶︎ Learn more about Mercury Free Mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ezY_fy1Xw&t=634s

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 46 min
    Indigenous Wisdom with Daniel Koupermann

    Indigenous Wisdom with Daniel Koupermann

    ▶︎ Learn about our EXPANSION QUEST in KOGI LAND, COLOMBIA here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023

    What does it feel like to be completely satisfied in a mission and life well lived? Daniel shares is decades journeying to the lands of indigenous people who share their cosmovision of a world where we are one, we are one with nature, we are nature. We explore:

    ☑️ Why it’s important not to romanticize indigenous people

    ☑️ What honor, reciprocity and right relationship look like in building bridges with indigenous communities

    ☑️ How Daniel helped found Pachamama Alliance and Fundacion Pachamama

    ☑️ Ways to journey with us to Colombia in December 2023

    ☑️ The spirit and focus of the Kogi People in Colombia

    ☑️ And so much more!


    Andean Paths welcomes you to the heart and soul of Central and South America. We are a travel service that's committed to offer our clients the “journey of a lifetime”. Through the experience and knowledge of the staff at Andean Paths, you will be immersed in the wonder, beauty and mystery of Central and South American culture.​

    Andean Paths is owned by Daniel Koupermann, one of the first developers of ecotourism in Ecuador. The designer and builder of Kapawi Eco-Lodge (www.kapawi.com) in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin.

    Daniel has over 30 years of experience with the Achuar people of that region. He has developed strong relationships with many of the leaders and the powerful shamans in the territory. In addition, he has been involved with yacht operations in the Galapagos Islands, the development of a community-based tourism program on Isabela Island and the implementation of a condor-viewing program in Cajas National Park. He is the former president of Fundacion Pachamama, the Ecuadorian arm of The Pachamama Alliance in the United States, (www.pachamama.org) a well-known non-profit organization which works with the indigenous groups in the Amazonian Region of Ecuador and Peru.

    Daniel strongly believes that the knowledge of our ancestral cultures and the natural history of every place we visit are amazing sources of inspiration for the savvy traveler. The Achuar and Sápara people in the Amazon forest, the Kogi in the Sierra Nevada in Colombia, the Quero in the Sacred Valley in Perú and the Mayan in Guatemala all can share with us a space to make our journeys very personal and inspirational, and teach us new ways to live our lives and view the world around us.

    *Join Stephanie and Daniel in COLOMBIA in December of 2023 for the QUEST in KOGI LAND

    Learn more here:

    ▶︎ https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    Connect with Daniel: https://www.andeanpathsjourneys.com

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    • 40 min

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