181 episódios

Are you ready to take the leap and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and finally create your online course? Course Creation Boutique's Gina Onativia has helped hundreds of course creators cross the finish line to get their digital programs DONE and out to market. With each episode she’s sharing the steps, strategies, tips, and tricks that will help you create and launch a successful online course! Tune in and get your course done!

Course Creation Boutique's podcast Gina Onativia

    • Negócios

Are you ready to take the leap and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and finally create your online course? Course Creation Boutique's Gina Onativia has helped hundreds of course creators cross the finish line to get their digital programs DONE and out to market. With each episode she’s sharing the steps, strategies, tips, and tricks that will help you create and launch a successful online course! Tune in and get your course done!

    # 180: 3 Big Questions to Prioritize What's Next in Your Business

    # 180: 3 Big Questions to Prioritize What's Next in Your Business

    If you are reading this right now you are likely a prolific creator.
    However just because you can create volumes of juicy content before your morning coffee doesn’t mean you should. I gotta ask - are you intentional around choosing your next big thing? 
    In this episode, I’m cutting through the noise with three questions to get you laser-focused on what matters to you, your business, and your audience. 
    You’ll learn: 
    ✔️ How to gain clarity and what’s driving your need to create; 
    ✔️ Why shiny object syndrome is toxic for your bottom line and how to stop it; and
    ✔️ What you can do if you’re stuck in indecision or frustrated with a lack of growth.
    Not making money yet? I know the one thing you need to do!
    Want my eyes on your content? 
    Apply for an Audit at http://coursecreationboutique.com/audit, and walk away with a clear, CUSTOMIZED plan for your course creation and marketing in 60 days!
    Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    • 14 min
    #179: How to Make Sure Your People Are Ready to Buy

    #179: How to Make Sure Your People Are Ready to Buy

    The podcast is back, and I think — better than ever! 
    I’m so excited to be back! I had to honor the recovery season in my personal and business lives, but I’m so thankful to be here, pouring all this goodness into you and your businesses again!
    You can count on me every other week to deliver inspiring, dialed-in, and essential content to help you grow the business of your dreams. 
    Now to today’s episode…
    Are your sales slowing? Have you launched in a new market segment, but aren’t seeing the anticipated results? Or, maybe you get lead magnet downloads but few conversions to your paid offer. There may be an often overlooked objection you need to know about…I’ll share all in today’s episode.
    Listen in to the return episode of the Course Creation Incubator Podcast to:
    ✔️ Step back and analyze your student path to ensure you have this missing piece.
    ✔️ Build a specific trust with your students so it’s always a no-brainer to continue working with you no matter what it costs.
    ✔️ Ready your students to make the most of every experience with you. 
    You don’t want to miss the simple reason your students may be backing down from the next leap with you.
    Want my eyes on your content?  
    Apply for an Audit at http://coursecreationboutique.com/audit, and walk away with a clear, CUSTOMIZED plan for your course creation and marketing in 60 days!

    • 15 min
    #178: Why I Decided to Press “Pause” on This Podcast

    #178: Why I Decided to Press “Pause” on This Podcast

    Just three episodes ago we talked about re-evaluating how we’re spending our time and energy and whether it’s right for us, our business, and our audience. 
    2024 started with a surprise emergency eye surgery for me; the required downtime gave me plenty of time to think about what was best for my own business and me personally. As a result, I’ve decided to press pause on this podcast—for now.
    I’ve loved pouring myself into each episode, inspiring you, workshopping key activities, interviewing some pretty amazing people and experts, and teaching you how to market and build the business of your dreams. I don’t want to give any of it up. So I won’t. Our community will go on a bit differently is all, and I’m still your course and marketing coach! 
    Check out my Done for You Packages here. 
    Be sure you’re staying connected to the CCB community by emailing hello@coursecreationboutique.com. It’d mean a lot to me to hear from you, especially if this podcast made a difference in bringing your course inspirations to life!

    • 6 min
    #177: LinkedIn: A Hidden Gem

    #177: LinkedIn: A Hidden Gem

    Making the Most of Your Social Media Real Estate
    Occasionally, I have expert guests on the podcast because I want to learn some things myself. I like to see where I may need to button things up, post more frequently, or optimize the tools available. 
    That’s why I was so excited to chat with LinkedIn go-to advisor, Kate Merryweather on this week’s episode. Kate guides us on all things LinkedIn whether you’re holding your place with a profile or all in like she is. 
    You’ll learn:
    ✔️ All the reasons LinkedIn is an undiscovered gem for course creators and why it’s easy to stand out;
    ✔️ How you can mostly easily become a reliable advisor, especially if you’re asking your audience to trust you with personal details; and 
    ✔️ The one thing you can do on LinkedIn that makes a huge difference for your business.
    We are all busy but trust me, you don’t want to miss the golden opportunity of LinkedIn.
    Check out my Done for You Packages here. 

    • 20 min
    #176: How We Sold Out Our First Launch in 48 Hours with Wingspan Performance

    #176: How We Sold Out Our First Launch in 48 Hours with Wingspan Performance

    How Two Leadership Experts Expanded Their Consulting with a Wildly Successful Online Course
    Friends, I’m always telling you your digital course can be a long-term asset for your business. One course can become a flagship, a way to reach a larger, more diversified audience, and your ticket to changing the world with your expertise and growing a long-term, profitable business.
    This week, it’s my pleasure to sit down with Cathy Maday and Ivan Konermann of Wingspan Performance® as they walk through their course creation process from vision to money-making expansion asset. Their leadership clients frequently requested a digital offering, and they knew they needed to diversify their services and client base to continue to grow. 
    After a couple of years of trying to DIY it and feeling frustrated, they decided to go with Done for You with my team. 
    As Cathy points out, we don’t know what we don’t know. Join me in this episode as they show you, instead of me telling you, what’s possible and what makes it happen. You’ll hear:
    ✔️ When it makes business sense to do done for you versus DIY in course creation;
    ✔️ How the right attitude and implementation can make all the difference in course reception, brand alignment, and continued growth; 
    ✔️ Which leadership qualities and awareness are critical as you make decisions and create course content; and
    ✔️ All the exciting opportunities that can appear after the launch.
    I hope this episode gives you a peek into how your course vision can play out over several years when you have all the ingredients in place and prioritize your course as a key business asset.
    How will you make your 2024 business dreams a reality? Here are some options. I meet you where you are!
    Are you tired of course creation DIY and know a digital offering is that asset your business needs? Apply for Done for You with the CCB team!

    • 29 min
    #175: How to Package Your Expertise

    #175: How to Package Your Expertise

    Maximizing Your Go-To-Market Strategy So Everyone Wins   
    Are you preparing to pivot in 2024?
    It’s the ideal time of year to strategize for your business and all areas of your life. 
    After last week’s episode on 15-minute annual planning, I want to dig a bit deeper. I found myself looking at my own business more closely. What’s working, what about that piece of my business or life is making it work, and what isn’t working well enough when measured against the resources I put in?
    It’s time to look at a few things with a constructive but critical eye. Several clients are considering pivoting, especially from one-on-one work to something more expansive, lucrative, and aligned for everyone involved. 
    The latest episode covers the four things you need to understand when you’re ready to make structural changes in your business so you can package yourself most advantageously, including:
    ✔️ How to ensure you’re giving your audience what they need when they need it most when you switch it up; 
    ✔️ The sweet spot you need to be aware of so you can fulfill all your income and personal goals; and 
    ✔️ Recognizing the winning combination that hits the right notes at every level.
    You can maximize your expertise in a way that benefits you, your audience, and your business. Let’s find it! 
    Are you ready to start 2024 off with a punch of efficiency and insight? Work with me to experience massive momentum. Check out my Done for You Packages here. 
    Thank you for listening! Please leave a review and let me know what you’d like to learn in an upcoming episode.

    • 13 min

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