46 episódios

The Design Thinking Roundtable is a collaboration between the DESIS Lab and the ERA Chair in Social Innovation at NOVA SBE with the Design Lab @ NYU MakerSpace. Originally conceived by Harshita Nedunuri and Anne-Laure Fayard, then co-created with Priyanka Vora. Since Fall 20219, it is conceived and produced by AL Fayard. Audio production and sound design (in various episodes): Guilhem Tamisier; Blake Rook; John Klima; Claudio Silva. Covert Art: Guilhem Tamisier

Design Thinking Roundtable ERA Chair in Social Innovation @ Nova SBE

    • Arte

The Design Thinking Roundtable is a collaboration between the DESIS Lab and the ERA Chair in Social Innovation at NOVA SBE with the Design Lab @ NYU MakerSpace. Originally conceived by Harshita Nedunuri and Anne-Laure Fayard, then co-created with Priyanka Vora. Since Fall 20219, it is conceived and produced by AL Fayard. Audio production and sound design (in various episodes): Guilhem Tamisier; Blake Rook; John Klima; Claudio Silva. Covert Art: Guilhem Tamisier

    Radical participatory design

    Radical participatory design

    Victor Udoewa is Service Design Lead  for the CDC (centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Prior to this role, Victor was Chief Technology Officer, Chief experience Officer and Service Design Lead at NASA. Prior to NASA, Victor served as the Director of Strategy at 18F, a civic consultancy for the federal government inside the federal government. Previously, as a Global Education Instructional Designer and Training Development Specialist at Google, he designed
    learning experiences and learning software for people in low-to-middle-income countries around the world.

    In this episode, Victor shared with us his "non-linear" journey to being a service designer: from being a teacher to working with USAID and then Google and NASA while being a health crisis and trauma counsellor. He shares the different definitions of service design and contrasts them with his perspective and practice in the public sector. He then explains why he talks about radical participatory design (rather than participatory design) and introduces us to relational design and pluriversal design.

    To learn more about Victor's work, follow him on LinkedIn:


    You can also read some of his academic papers:

    Introduction to Radical Participatory Design: Decolonizing Participatory Design Processes
     Radical Participatory Design: The Awareness of Participation
    Relational Design 


    Conception, host and production: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design & Post-production: Claudio Silva

    Music & Art Work: Guilhem Tamisier

    • 34 min
    Social Workers Who Design: trauma-responsive design and design of care

    Social Workers Who Design: trauma-responsive design and design of care

    Rachael Dietkus is a social worker-designer. Her practice, research, and writing at the intersections of social work values, trauma-responsive principles, and care-focused design research methods. Rachael is the founder of Social Workers Who Design and an active member of the Design
    Justice Network and the Social Work Futures Lab. Since September 2022, she has served as a Digital Services
    Expert in Design and Social Work and a Trauma-Informed Practice Subject Matter Expert with the United States Digital Service, a design and tech unit under the White House. 

    In this episode, Rachael reflects on the different civic and public interest roles she has had over the last twenty years to explore how social work and design are intrinsically connected in her practice. She explains how she encountered trauma-informed design and more recently trauma-responsive design. She stresses the importance of language, of care, of intentionality and relationality.

    To learn more about Rachael's work, follow her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachaeldietkuslcsw/

    and check the Social Workers Who Design website: ⁠https://www.socialworkerswho.design⁠

    To learn more about the topics we discussed:

    'Trauma-Informed Care: A Sociocultural Perspective' / ⁠⁠https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207195/⁠⁠

    Social Work Futures Lab / ⁠⁠https://www.socialworkfutureslab.org⁠⁠

    Racism Untaught / ⁠https://racismuntaught.com⁠

    Some of the references Rachael's made in the podcast:

    Desmond Patton's / 'Applying Reflexivity to Artificial Intelligence for Researching Marginalized Communities and Real-World Problems' / ⁠https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/items/7607e8e6-db3b-45c6-87c5-516e8e67ba08/full⁠

    Resmaa Menakem / ⁠https://resmaa.com⁠ + ⁠https://onbeing.org/programs/resmaa-menakem-notice-the-rage-notice-the-silence⁠
    Karen Treisman's 'Trauma River' / ⁠https://media.churchillfellowship.org/documents/Treisman_K_Report_2018_Final.pdf⁠

    AJ Singh's 'Justice Sensitivity is the Cure, Not the Sickness' / ⁠https://ajs4dlg.substack.com/p/justice-sensitivity-is-the-cure-not⁠


    Conception, host and production: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design & Post-production: Claudio Silva

    Music & Art Work: Guilhem Tamisier

    • 32 min
    Social Innovator in Residence: João Brites

    Social Innovator in Residence: João Brites

    João Brites is an entrepreneur, breakdancer, and agroforester who has lived in Portugal, Mexico, United States, Brazil and Spain (his current home). Currently, João is Director of Growth & Innovation at HowGood, a SaaS platform that helps companies measure, improve, and communicate their social and environmental impact. Prior to HowGood, João worked as Global Director of Sustainable Development at AB InBev and co-founded initiatives like Movimento Transformers, the Amazon Summer School, and Carbono Biodiverso. João is the recipient of Nova’s Impactful Alumni Award, the Do Something Ambassador Award, and was at age 19 one of the world’s youngest participants at the WEF in Davos through the Global Changemakers Program. João holds a M.S. in Economics and a CEMS Masters in International Management from Nova SBE

    João was the Spring 2024 Social Innovator in Residence with the ERA Chair in Social Innovation and the DESIS Lab at NOVA SBE.

    Follow João on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jrbrites/

    Conception, host and production: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design & Post-production: Claudio Silva

    Music: Guilhem Tamisier

    Art work: Guilhem Tamisier

    The Podcast was recorded and produced in the Fidelidade Creative Studio @ Nova SBE

    • 28 min
    Tales of the Field: Amplio Talking Books in Ghana

    Tales of the Field: Amplio Talking Books in Ghana

    Tales of the Field is a podcast series which gives voice to social activists and social innovators who work in and with their communities to create social impact and sustainable change. They share with us their work in the field - where they  tackle complex social issues and aim to create sustainable change and social impact. At its core, their work is human-centered, systemic and always informed by a deep understanding of the context and people’s lives.

    In this episode, we talked with Gilbert Nkpeniyeng, who after working as a program officer with Amplio Network, is currently doing his MPhil in Development Studies at Cambridge University (UK). Gilbert passionately believes that access to knowledge can change people's lives. He shares his personal experience with the Amplio Talking Book, an audio device designed for users with low literacy, he encountered while in primary school. He also tells about a project he implemented with women producing shea butter in Northern Ghana highlighting how all community members were involved.

    To read more about Amplio Network: https://www.amplio.org/

    Follow Gilbert Nkpeniyeng: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilbert-nkpeniyeng-1648a017a/

    Co-conception and Voice: Melchior Tamisier-Fayard

    Co-conception: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design, Music and Post-production: Guilhem Tamisier

    Artwork: Jyoti Tamisier-Fayard

    Recording done at Fidelidade Creative Studio at Nova SBE

    Thanks to Amplio Network Ghana team for sharing some of the audio sources used for the sound design of this episode.

    • 18 min
    Tales of the Field: Street Lab, reinventing the street through pop-ups

    Tales of the Field: Street Lab, reinventing the street through pop-ups

    Tales of the Field is a podcast series which gives voice to social activists and social innovators who work in and with their communities to create social impact and sustainable change. They share with us their work in the field - where they  tackle complex social issues and aim to create sustainable change and social impact. At its core, their work is human-centered, systemic and always informed by a deep understanding of the context and people’s lives.

    In this episode, we talked with Leslie Davol, co-founder and executive director of Street Lab, a nonprofit that creates and shares programs for public space across New York City, and with Hannah Berkin-Harper, Street Lab's design lead. We talked about the pop-ups they create to improve the urban environment, connect New Yorkers and create communities. They highlighted the value of developing quick and nimble ways to provide resources to residents and develop a street-level environment that can evolve while also testing ideas for longer term changes.

    To read more about Street Lab: https://www.streetlab.org/

    Co-conception and Voice: Melchior Tamisier-Fayard

    Co-conception: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design, Music and Post-production: Guilhem Tamisier

    Artwork: Jyoti Tamisier-Fayard

    • 17 min
    Co-design for social impact

    Co-design for social impact

    Tanya Bhandari is a communication designer from India who has been working in the social impact space for over a decade. Currently she is the Design Director at ⁠YLabs⁠ in Kigali, Rwanda. She was previously Design Lead at ⁠UNICEF’s Office of Innovation⁠ (New York), Design Fellow at ⁠Center for Urban Pedagogy⁠ (New York), and Designer at ⁠Teach for India⁠ (Mumbai.)

    In this episode, reflecting on the projects she has been involved, Tanya stressed the power of co-design, where young people lead the process and participate from beginning to end. Tanya talked about prototyping as a form of research and how to prototype in resource-constrained environments. As we discussed how her work involved complex collaborations, she stressed the importance of always having part of the team embedded in the local context. Last, Tanya suggested that design for social impact required designers to step back from a position of expertise, to become sense makers and facilitators.

    To learn more about Tanya's work, check her website: https://tanyabhandari.in/about

    Follow her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanyabhndri/


    Conception, host and production: Anne-Laure Fayard

    Sound design & Post-production: Claudio Silva

    Music & Art Work: Guilhem Tamisier

    • 31 min

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