100 episódios

The Lifestyle Entrepreneur podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, global speaker & upcoming author Sue Parker. A show that offers a fresh perspective on creating a business that works for your dream life and escaping the 9-5. 

Layered with deep and powerful personal development. Join me to challenge old beliefs, and share fresh perspectives on business, designed to improve the quality of your life. 

We’re in an entrepreneurial age and following the great resignation the topics are very relevant. With occasional emotionally charged rants.

Bringing together inspiring real life success stories and intense short trainings, revealing how you can start your lifestyle business. 

I’m on a mission to expose opportunities beyond the outdated traditional career. And believe that you have unleashed potential to create a business that works for your dream lifestyle, with more freedom, more time and more money.

Join me to talk about mindset, entrepreneurship, escaping the 9-5, business & more. 

Hit Subscribe. 


Sue Parker, is a passionate Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Global Speaker and Author. 

Opener of the WIT Global conference and empowering others in over 50 countries. 

She became a trapped corporate tech career mum. Sacrificing her freedom and family life. Frustrated at hitting the glass ceiling in a traditional male corporate.

Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Becoming an unleashed lifestyle entrepreneur, as a transformed woman.

Sue is on a mission to empower more people to create a lifestyle business beyond the outdated traditional career. So you can have more freedom, more time and more money.

Join her to talk about mindset, entrepreneurship, escaping the 9-5, online business, passive income & more.

Website: https://sueparker.io/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iamsueparker

Lifestyle Entrepreneur Sue Parker

    • Negócios

The Lifestyle Entrepreneur podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, global speaker & upcoming author Sue Parker. A show that offers a fresh perspective on creating a business that works for your dream life and escaping the 9-5. 

Layered with deep and powerful personal development. Join me to challenge old beliefs, and share fresh perspectives on business, designed to improve the quality of your life. 

We’re in an entrepreneurial age and following the great resignation the topics are very relevant. With occasional emotionally charged rants.

Bringing together inspiring real life success stories and intense short trainings, revealing how you can start your lifestyle business. 

I’m on a mission to expose opportunities beyond the outdated traditional career. And believe that you have unleashed potential to create a business that works for your dream lifestyle, with more freedom, more time and more money.

Join me to talk about mindset, entrepreneurship, escaping the 9-5, business & more. 

Hit Subscribe. 


Sue Parker, is a passionate Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Global Speaker and Author. 

Opener of the WIT Global conference and empowering others in over 50 countries. 

She became a trapped corporate tech career mum. Sacrificing her freedom and family life. Frustrated at hitting the glass ceiling in a traditional male corporate.

Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Becoming an unleashed lifestyle entrepreneur, as a transformed woman.

Sue is on a mission to empower more people to create a lifestyle business beyond the outdated traditional career. So you can have more freedom, more time and more money.

Join her to talk about mindset, entrepreneurship, escaping the 9-5, online business, passive income & more.

Website: https://sueparker.io/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iamsueparker

    Can't think Clearly? Time to understand Brain Fog

    Can't think Clearly? Time to understand Brain Fog

    Sue explores the topic of brain fog - its causes, symptoms, and potential solutions. Drawing from personal experiences and research, she discusses how cognitive impairment can impact daily life and offers practical tips for managing brain fog. From the effects of stress, sleep, and diet to the benefits of exercise and relaxation, the episode provides a holistic approach to improving cognitive function. 


    Brain fog can be caused by various factors such as hormones, stress, poor sleep, and medication.

    To combat brain fog, it is essential to prioritize getting 8-9 hours of sleep, managing stress levels, and engaging in regular exercise.

    Leisure activities like relaxation and walking in green spaces have been found to help lift brain fog.

    If lifestyle changes do not improve brain fog, seeking medical advice may be necessary to address underlying issues like perimenopause or depressive disorders.

    Holistic health plays a crucial role in high performance and overall fulfillment in life, emphasising the importance of taking care of both physical and mental well-being.


    "I wanted to get to the bottom of what is it that causes brain fog and what can we do about it so that you can manage it and still show up productive and effective."

    "I really want you to reflect on you, your situation for brain fog. And this is all just about reducing your stress levels, reducing your alcohol and your caffeine intake, getting good sleep."

    "Boosting cognitive function can also be done by volunteering or solving brain puzzles."


    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 13 min
    The Secrets to High Performance lie in Marginal Gains: Here's how you can apply this to your health goals, mindset and business

    The Secrets to High Performance lie in Marginal Gains: Here's how you can apply this to your health goals, mindset and business

    Sue looks at the secrets of high performance, mindset, and lifestyle, drawing inspiration from the book "Black Box Thinking" by Matthew Syed. She discusses the concept of marginal gains and how making small incremental changes can lead to significant improvements in achieving goals. Through personal anecdotes and examples, the episode explores how implementing marginal gains in various aspects of life, such as health, career, and mindset, can enhance overall well-being and performance. 


    Focus on making small incremental changes, known as marginal gains, to achieve significant improvements in various aspects of life such as health, mindset, and lifestyle.

    Implementing marginal gains can lead to better overall wellness, improved performance, and a higher quality of life.

    Prioritise taking care of all aspects of your well-being, including physical, mental, and spiritual health, rather than focusing solely on one area.

    Incorporate daily practices that bring joy and happiness, such as mindful appreciation of small moments or activities that bring you joy.

    Utilise simple strategies, like incorporating journaling or gratitude practices into daily routines, to enhance mindset and overall well-being.


    "Nothing will change until you do."

    "It's not all or nothing in one area. You don't just focus on one thing to the detriment of everything else."

    "Marginal gains will just help you to do it."

    "Mindset is everything. Your mindset right now could be saying none of this is going to work."

    "Find something every single day that you love, that you enjoy, that makes you happy."


    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 29 min
    The Real Reason You Procrastinate & Self Sabotage: One Way to Stop the Cycle

    The Real Reason You Procrastinate & Self Sabotage: One Way to Stop the Cycle

    Sue explores procrastination and self-sabotage, sharing personal experiences and insights, and looking at the impact of self-criticism on self-esteem and how it can lead to procrastination.

    Sue reflects on moments of self-doubt and the struggle to put oneself out there, highlighting the importance of overcoming negative self-talk. The episode also touches on the significance of building high self-esteem by acknowledging strengths and embracing flaws. 


    Procrastination may be a form of self-sabotage stemming from low self-esteem and self-criticism.
    Combat self-doubt by identifying and addressing negative thoughts that hinder progress.
    Mobilise yourself into action, even when you don't feel like it, to create the life you desire.
    Journal about your strengths, skills, and unique qualities to boost self-esteem and confidence.
    Treat yourself with the same kindness and encouragement you would offer to a loved one facing self-doubt.


    "There has been a lot of self-criticism and self-loathing going on in my head over the last probably two months now."

    "I've been procrastinating because I've taken a knock thinking I have no self-belief, I have no self-worth, you can't do this."

    "I had a really big, like high self-esteem day of, I can do hard things."

    "That person is not taking your dream away you're not going to self-sabotage anymore you are overcoming procrastination and you're showing up anyway."


    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 14 min
    The One Hundredth Episode! A Special Compilation of the Best Bits

    The One Hundredth Episode! A Special Compilation of the Best Bits

    The 100th episode of the podcast celebrates a milestone with a compilation of the best moments from previous episodes. Sue reflects on the journey of personal growth and empowerment, and presents a personal highlight reel featuring discussions on manifesting dreams, overcoming imposter syndrome, building self-belief, and understanding the default mode network in the brain. Guests share insights on mindset, resilience, and the power of self-awareness. 


    The importance of manifesting what you want, self-belief, and taking motivated action are highlighted as key factors in creating the life you desire.

    Expert advice on understanding and leveraging imposter syndrome to propel personal growth and success is shared, emphasising the importance of self-awareness and belief in oneself.

    The significance of burning bridges, going all in, and believing in oneself as the key to living one's best life and achieving success is discussed.

    Insights into the default mode network of the brain, its impact on mental health, and strategies to train it for positive outcomes are explored, offering tools for personal development and well-being.


    "I'm not stuck, I learn. You learn how to drive, you learn how to walk, you learn how to do whatever it was in your job, in just the same way you can learn how to create your business."

    "Anxiety in itself, which is part of the imposter syndrome side of things. This is why I love anxiety now. It wasn't the enemy, even though it didn't really finish me off."

    "I'm designing my best life and my best self. Therefore, there is no need to create, oh, what if this doesn't happen? Because by design, I'm creating what I want for my life."

    "So part of this, again, is coming to recognise that your brain does this. And for negativity, there's something very important to cultivate. It has a fancy term, it's called equanimity."


    GET Access to my personal Vault of resources: 

    My Dream Life Visualisation Meditation 

    My Goal Setting Workbook baked by Science

    The Dream Life Planner 



    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 49 min


    Sue explores the concept of hyperfocus and its importance in boosting productivity and achieving goals. She shares seven key steps to help listeners get into a hyperfocused state, emphasising the need for an optimal environment free of distractions, and discusses the significance of gathering all necessary tools, setting the mood, turning off distractions, deciding on a timeframe, setting alarms, taking breaks, and ensuring intentionality in the hyperfocused work. 


    Regardless of having ADHD or not, anyone can achieve a hyperfocus state with the right environment and mindset.
    Turn off all distractions such as phones, smartwatches, and desktop notifications to maintain focus on the task at hand.
    Gather all necessary tools and equipment beforehand to avoid interruptions and maintain focus during the activity.
    Decide on a specific timeframe for hyperfocus sessions and stick to it consistently to build a productive habit.
    After a hyperfocus session, take a break before repeating the process to maintain productivity and avoid burnout.


    "Hyper-focus is where you are all consumed, mind, body, and soul in the activity that you're doing." 

    "Anyone can get into a hyperfocus state on command, provided they have an optimal environment." 

    "That is the end of your focus. That is the end of you focusing on one thing because you're just constantly interrupted by noise and people vying for your attention." 

    "Hyper-focus is you producing something, you producing content, you producing something towards your goal, you working on whatever your program is." 


    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 13 min
    The Secret To Manifest Everything You Want - Backed by Science Visualisation for Brain Priming

    The Secret To Manifest Everything You Want - Backed by Science Visualisation for Brain Priming

    Sue discusses the power of visualisation and how it can be used to manifest one's dream life. She covers the importance of getting clarity on what one truly desires in life, the science behind visualisation, and the surprising fact that humans cannot differentiate between reality and imagination.


    Utilise the power of visualisation to manifest your dream life by getting clarity on what that dream life looks like.
    Start by deciding who you want to be, then take actions like that person, and eventually, you will have what you desire.
    The brain cannot differentiate between reality and imagination, allowing visualisation exercises to prime your brain to respond to stimuli in the real world.
    The reticular activating system filters and selects information, focusing on what is deemed important, similar to noticing more of a certain car after purchasing one.
    Engage all five senses in visualisation exercises to create a vivid image of your desired future, embodying the new you by first being, then doing the work, and finally having what you want.


    "Most likely for you, tick boxes. The one that says, get this college qualification, get this job, get this car, get this house, check, check, check, check, check, check." 

    "The results showed that whether it was imagined or perceived stimulation or actually real on the screen, they couldn't tell the difference." 

    "The most significant piece of visualisation that you can do has got to be around you taking action." 

    "So you can't skip straight to the visualisation that says, I have everything I want, but I didn't, I wasn't it, I wasn't being it, and I certainly wasn't doing any of the work." 


    Grab my very own secret weapon the Visualisation Meditation I use now daily for FREE to manifest your dream life: 



    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, topics you’d like to discuss and guests you recommend.

    DM / follow me:

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-parker-msc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamsueparker/

    Website: https://sueparker.net


    Sue Parker is a mum of 3, entrepreneur, podcaster and global speaker. As a former tech leader and equality & diversity champion, Sue went from burnout to breakthrough. Her journey of becoming an entrepreneur has seen her take the highs and lows life has to offer. From her unspoken post natal depression to opening the WIT global conference speaking to 100k women in 50 countries.

    She’s hit imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and had to unlearn and relearn to start creating a life with more financial freedom and aligned to her values. Still working on her mindset today and supporting other freedom seekers, including side hustlers, career women and business owners. Sue shares her personal challenges, the key lessons and wisdom we can all use to manifesting our life by design.

    • 18 min

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