100 episódios

Bringing short. positive episodes to the Low Carb community highlighting success stories from individuals and practitioners as well as tips and tricks and some great recipes.

LowCarbUSA Podcast Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine: Low Carb Podcasters

    • Saúde e fitness

Bringing short. positive episodes to the Low Carb community highlighting success stories from individuals and practitioners as well as tips and tricks and some great recipes.

    Shaking Things Up with Sugar-Free Cocktails & Low-Sugar Liqueurs

    Shaking Things Up with Sugar-Free Cocktails & Low-Sugar Liqueurs

    An engaging conversation with Jeff Roslund and Ryan Boudreau, the innovative minds behind Dapper Barons, a company at the forefront of crafting near sugar-free liqueurs and zero-sugar ready-to-drink cocktails. In a culture where sugar consumption is a growing concern, especially among those following ketogenic and low-carb diets, Jeff and Ryan shared their journey and passion for revolutionizing the cocktail industry.
    Jeff explained the genesis of their idea, "We're the first company to create near sugar-free liqueurs, as well as zero-sugar ready-to-drink cocktails. We knew if we could pull the sugar out of these liqueurs, you could go back to making cocktails the way they're meant to taste."
    Their conversation covered the nuances of alcohol's impact on the body, particularly in relation to a ketogenic lifestyle.  Jeff clarified a common misconception about the sugar content in spirits. He noted, "All of these products like vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey, are sugar and carbohydrate-free. When you start to get into the flavored spirits, that's where brands are starting to reintroduce sugars." This distinction is crucial for those striving to make healthier choices without giving up on enjoying a drink occasionally.
    The conversation touched on the often overlooked aspect of calorie content in alcohol which Ryan stated was normally around 80 to 90 calories per ounce, depending on the base spirit.  It emphasizes the point that even if a product is sugar free there are often still calories associated with it which we need to be aware of.
    One of the most striking moments of the discussion came when Jeff presented a visual comparison to illustrate the sugar content found in typical liqueurs, comparing it to the sugar in a Hershey's candy bar. "So, you know, you're looking at about 300 grams [of sugar in a bottle of Kahlua]. That's the level that we're talking about." This vivid imagery serves as a stark reminder of the hidden sugars in many popular beverages and the necessity of transparency in labeling, a challenge the alcohol industry continues to face.
    You can find out more about getting some to try out on their website and click on the 'Where To Buy' menu option.

    • 36 min
    Charting a New Course in Type 1 Diabetes

    Charting a New Course in Type 1 Diabetes

    In this episode we talk with Pascal Lemieux, a passionate advocate for health and wellness, with a specific focus on type 1 diabetes management and endurance sports.  His blend of personal experience and professional dedication makes him an invaluable voice in the dialogue on type 1 diabetes care. His involvement in the planning and organization of the special workshop and presentations devoted to type 1 diabetes management at the upcoming Symposium for Metabolic Health January 11-14, 2024 in Boca Raton is a testament to his experience and passion for making a difference in the lives of those affected by this disease. Use the code TYPE1BOCA to get a 20% discount
    Pascal was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 11 and has navigated through various complications associated with the condition, including proliferative retinopathy, gastroparesis, and severe hypoglycemia. These challenges have deeply shaped his understanding and approach to diabetes management.  In 2020, he took a significant step in his career by pursuing nursing, aiming to leverage his personal insights to assist others dealing with type 1 diabetes. This professional shift underscores his commitment to making a tangible impact in the diabetes community. A turning point in his journey was the discovery of the benefits of a low-carb diet in 2014. Inspired by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution," Pascal adopted a very low-carb diet that remarkably controlled his diabetes, reversed many of his complications, and significantly reduced his insulin dosage. This approach not only transformed his health but also fueled his passion to educate and support others in managing type 1 diabetes.
    "I was shocked because no one ever told me about this way of managing type 1 diabetes," he said. Despite skepticism from his endocrinologist, Pascal persisted, and the results were remarkable: "My A1C went down to 6.7, then 6.4, then 6.2. Now it is 5.4 (normal, non-diabetic range). My retinopathy reversed, my frozen shoulder went away, my trigger fingers are now perfect, and I lost 60 pounds."  His transformation extended to his passion for marathons, where he proved that a low-carb diet could sustain intense physical activity. "In 2017, I ran a marathon, requiring only 25 grams of carbohydrate... I still had energy to go even further," he said. He subsequently ran 60 kilometers in one day and required only 40 grams of carbohydrate. “That convinced me that I don't need 300 grams of carbohydrate a day to live. I do fine with eating between 30 and 50 grams of carbohydrate a day.”
    Recognizing the lack of support and guidance for many with type 1 diabetes, Pascal became a fervent advocate for education and community support. "There's at least 40 plus factors that affect blood glucose in type 1 diabetics... we're trying to cover most topics that are important for someone who wants to try low-carb," he explains. His involvement in organizing workshops and events is driven by a desire to bridge the information gap for both physicians and patients.  His motivation is fueled by the diabetes community's solidarity and success stories. "It's all about the community holding together to change the world," he said, looking forward to the focus on type 1 diabetes at the upcoming Symposium. “It's about empowering patients and physicians with knowledge and practical tips."
    You can see all the topics to be covered at the Symposium here.
    His story is a testament to the power of personal transformation and the impact of community-driven support. His journey from battling the complications of type 1 diabetes to becoming a leading advocate for dietary management and patient empowerment is truly inspirational. His experience, shared in this podcast, is not just informative but a call to action for better understanding and management of type 1 diabetes.
    Register for the 2024 Boca Symposium for Metabolic Health here.

    • 30 min
    Dr. Eric Berg's Insights on Low Carb Lifestyle -Global Keto Education & Impact

    Dr. Eric Berg's Insights on Low Carb Lifestyle -Global Keto Education & Impact

    In the latest episode of the LowCarbUSA® Podcast, host Doug Reynolds sits down with renowned health influencer Dr. Eric Berg, an authoritative figure in the ketogenic diet and therapeutic carbohydrate reduction community. This engaging interview explores Dr. Berg's personal health journey, his professional insights, and the global impact of his work. He candidly shares his transformation from a junk food enthusiast to a keto diet advocate. His personal health struggles in his late 20s led him to discover the life-changing benefits of the keto diet. This revelation not only alleviated his own health issues but also sparked a deep interest in nutrition and low-carb diets. He has a massive online presence, with over 28 million subscribers across his YouTube channels. He emphasizes the importance of making complex medical information accessible to the general public. He has successfully done this through his simple, easy-to-understand explanations of nutritional concepts and is the author of the popular book The Healthy Keto Plan.
    Doug talks with Dr. Berg about his enormous reach in non-English speaking countries. His channels in Arabic, Russian, and Taiwanese, among others, show the universal appeal of the keto message. Dr. Berg's efforts in providing translated content demonstrate his commitment to spreading health awareness globally.  He shares his unique approach to content creation, focusing on topics that resonate with his audience and exploring new, sometimes unconventional, aspects of nutrition and health. His dedication to continuous learning and providing fresh, research-based information has helped build a robust, engaged community.
    Listeners will be excited to hear about Dr. Berg's upcoming participation in the upcoming LowCarbUSA Symposium for Metabolic Health conferences in Boca Raton and San Diego. Learn more about the Symposium and register here.
    Connect with Dr. Eric Berg:

    • 21 min
    “Rewrite Your Story” with Mumbai-based Low Carb Nutritionist

    “Rewrite Your Story” with Mumbai-based Low Carb Nutritionist

    Sangeetha Aiyer, a certified Low carb Nutritionist focusing on Metabolic Health based in Mumbai, recently joined host Doug Reynolds on the LowCarbUSA® Podcast, sharing her inspiring journey and profound insights about metabolic health, sustainable fat loss, fitness and more.  In her 40s and a mother to a teenager, Sangeetha embodies the everyday struggles and triumphs of a working woman balancing family life. Her quest for health began with a common goal: weight loss. However, this objective soon evolved into a pursuit of optimal health and fitness, transcending the superficialities of mere physical appearance.  Her approach, 'Rewrite Your Story,' is a testament to her belief in the power of personal transformation through informed choices in diet and fitness.
    In the podcast, she discusses her personal health challenges, including battling PCOS and pre-diabetes. She candidly discusses the limitations of conventional advice and her transformative journey through the adoption of a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle.   "I went from being pre-diabetic and overweight to reversing my PCOS and achieving my high school weight,” said Sangeetha. “It was not just about vanity but understanding that something deeper was happening with my health."  She explained to Doug that finding a path to good health required her to challenge much of what she had been taught about health and nutrition.  "The ketogenic lifestyle was a complete overturn of what mainstream advice had told me. Embracing animal protein and saturated fat was crucial in my journey towards health,” she said.
    She talked with Doug about the intricacies of tailoring nutrition plans for diverse dietary preferences, particularly focusing on Indian vegetarian diets. She emphasized the importance of restructuring the traditional food pyramid to suit individual needs. For pure vegetarians, she advocates a diet rich in dairy products, supplemented by whey protein, and a balanced intake of lentils, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, and low-carb fruits.  A significant challenge she addresses is catering to vegetarians who are also lactose intolerant. In such cases, she resorts to soy-based products like tofu and tempeh, despite her reservations about soy. She acknowledges the challenges in managing diets for individuals with specific health issues like gluten intolerance and advocates for personalized approaches based on one’s tolerance and metabolic markers.
    Sangeetha stressed the importance of sharing transformative health stories and success cases, especially relating to Indian cuisine adapted to low-carb diets. "Sharing success stories and adaptations of Indian cuisine to low-carb diets is crucial. It's not about eliminating carbs but changing your plate proportion to prioritize protein and healthy options."  Her insights reflect a deep understanding of the complexities of dietary preferences and the importance of customizing nutrition plans. Her focus on education, adaptation, and gradual changes offers a realistic and inclusive approach to healthier eating habits.
    Connect with Sangeetha Aiyer:

    • 31 min
    Revolutionizing Elder Care with Carb Reduction & Exercise - Hal Cranmer

    Revolutionizing Elder Care with Carb Reduction & Exercise - Hal Cranmer

    In the latest episode of the LowCarbUSA® podcast, host Doug Reynolds engages in a fascinating conversation with Hal Cranmer, the visionary behind A Paradise for Parents Senior Living, based in Arizona.  Hal's career journey, which began in the Air Force and traversed through the realms of corporate operations and real estate, took a life-changing turn when he stepped into the world of assisted living. Inspired by his personal experiences of caring for his aging relatives, including an uncle who battled Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Hal transformed his real estate acumen into a mission to revolutionize elder care.
    He discuses with Doug his commitment to providing exceptional care, regardless of the complexity of residents' needs. From basic assistance to advanced memory care, his facility pledges the same level of compassionate care that his uncle received, treating each resident as a valued member of their extended family.  He goes on to describe his unique approach to enhancing metabolic health and fitness in the older population. He shares enlightening perspectives on therapeutic carbohydrate reduction, a method he passionately advocates for in improving the quality of life for the elderly. 
    Hal's approach to senior care goes beyond traditional methods, focusing on a model that integrates diet and exercise as key components of health. His observations about the detrimental effects of sedentary lifestyles and poor diets among the elderly have led to revolutionary changes in his facilities. By reducing sugary desserts and unhealthy foods, and incorporating regular physical activities, he has seen a significant improvement in the overall health of his residents. This includes a remarkable reduction in the need for medications.
    His own personal journey with dietary changes adds an authentic layer to his advocacy. Adopting a predominantly animal-based, low-carb diet himself, he experienced firsthand the benefits of this lifestyle change, which he describes as rejuvenating. This personal transformation not only strengthens his belief in the diet's efficacy but also provides a relatable example for others to follow. Perhaps most striking are the improvements he has observed in residents with chronic conditions, particularly diabetes and dementia. By managing blood sugar levels through diet, he has witnessed a decrease in insulin dependency among diabetic residents. Moreover, his concerns about the rising rates of Alzheimer's and dementia underscore his commitment to preventative health measures. He emphasizes the potential of dietary intervention in slowing down, or even preventing, the onset of these conditions.
    "It's not just about adding years to life, but adding life to years,” says Hal, whose dedication to combating chronic illnesses in the elderly through diet is particularly evident when he discusses the potential of therapeutic diets to manage conditions like type 2 diabetes.  He notes the significance of early intervention, stating, "Alzheimer's begins developing long before symptoms appear, often starting in the 30s and 40s." His proactive approach is exemplified in his success story of a resident whose dementia improved dramatically after six months on a ketogenic diet, underscoring the importance of nutrition in managing cognitive decline.
    Physical activity is another cornerstone of Hal's philosophy. He challenges the conventional wisdom of restricting movement to prevent falls among the elderly. Instead, he advocates for strengthening exercises and outdoor activities, understanding that physical and mental health are deeply interconnected.  "I tell people, the way I want people to not fall is we make them strong enough that they don't fall," Cranmer explains, highlighting the empowering aspect of his approach. This combination of diet and exercise has led to significant improvements in the residents' motivation and overall health.
    Implementing these lifestyle changes has not been without challenges, particu

    • 37 min
    Wow, An Endocrinologist Who Get's It - Roshani Sanghani

    Wow, An Endocrinologist Who Get's It - Roshani Sanghani

    In a compelling LowCarbUSA® podcast interview with host Doug Reynolds, Dr. Roshani Sanghani shares her multifaceted approach to managing a wide range of health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, thyroid issues, hormone imbalances, weight management, and other metabolic health conditions.
    An American board-certified endocrinologist, Dr. Sanghani brings 15 years of clinical experience to the table, alongside her own personal journey as a patient of hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes. This personal touch allows her a deep understanding of the struggles many patients face, including medication's side effects and escalating doses. Her philosophy? The true "magic pill" is lifestyle change.  Her medical journey is as layered as her approach to healthcare. She grew up between Chicago and Mumbai, completing her medical training in both cities. Her career took a transformative turn when she encountered a type 2 diabetes patient with a dangerously high HbA1c level who refused insulin.
    "In a patient compliance model, the doctor holds the power and tells the patient what to do,” she told Doug. “I've worked to flip that to a patient empowerment model, where my knowledge as a doctor can empower the patient to decide what they want to do for themselves."  To bolster her approach, Dr. Sanghani became a certified diabetes educator in the U.S., subsequently launching culturally relevant diabetes education classes in Mumbai. "I want to help you make lifestyle changes to reduce your medication,” she emphasized.
    One of her key strategies is addressing the nutritional imbalances many patients face, particularly in India, where vegetarianism is culturally prevalent. "One of the biggest challenges we have is protein deficiency," she noted. To tackle this and other chronic conditions more effectively, she shifted from "one-off" doctor visits to a model of ongoing, three-to-six-month coaching programs.
    She also calls attention to broader challenges in healthcare, particularly in India, criticizing a traditional, reactive model that is ill-suited for lifestyle-induced chronic diseases.  While discussing the evolving attitudes toward a lifestyle-based approach to healthcare, she admitted her own evolving perspective. "I've sat across from patients probably until 2014, till my eyes opened. I used to convince patients they needed insulin therapy for progressive type 2 diabetes because I just didn't know better."  She is forthright about the complexities of behavior change, calling it a piece that's often missing in healthcare. "Behavior change is extremely complex.  So I took The SMHP™ training to be part of this community and am also working aggressively on coaching techniques."
    In summary, this interview provides a captivating look at a patient-centered, lifestyle-focused approach to healthcare. It presents a compelling case for a paradigm shift—one that empowers patients rather than merely prescribing to them. This podcast is a must-listen for those interested in sustainable healthcare solutions that tackle root causes instead of solely treating symptoms.
    You can find her on Instagram @roshanisanghani and through her website.

    • 29 min

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