7 episódios

BIU 2032 Group L UPSI

MCO EP3 WEEK 6 Muhammad Fierdaus Bin Nizan

    • Ensino

BIU 2032 Group L UPSI



    Hello sir and hye everyone.. How are you guys today? I hope you are in a good of health. Today’s topic is a bit special because this would be my last podcast for this semester. I will share about MY Online EP3 Classes & Lecturer - What's my opinion and thoughts about it? Here my honest comments about it.  

    For me, online classes are fun and sometimes a bit stressful because this is my first time having online classes for a long period. We don’t expected this would happen but yah its already happen now and we are almost finish this semester successfully. Okay here I want to share with you guys about my EP3 class. This is the first time for me to take the English classes in Universities and I expect it would be so stressful and boring. But luckily it is not as I imagine. In this class, I can play games eventhough it is a test for example during the listening. Then I can do a podcast every week to share with my lecturer and classmates about various topic and I enjoyed it so much. I think that I  already improved my English by doing this podcast because before this I don’t have any confidence to talk in English but after those 12 podcast, I feel more confidence with myself now. 

    Then, I am so grateful that I get a very good, understanding and kind hearted lecturer like Mr Pooveneswaran. I really appreciate your patience when you allow us to question without judging and for having growth mindset with us. As we know, having online classes for the entire semester are not easy. There are many challenges that we as a student have to encounter. Sometimes, we don’t have a good coverage of internet that will makes us difficult to finish our assignment but you as a lecturer are very understanding. You give us a long time to submit our assignment, test and so on. You also provide us with enough notes and very clear instruction that is very helpful for me. I still remember when we have to do a game for our listening task by posting a song and the lyrics in our social media. It was my first time doing such things and I like it because I can share with my friends about my favourite song and they can play the games together with me. In this EP3 class, I can learn many new things with various types of learning technics. Thanks to you sir! It was a pleasure being in your class and getting to know you. I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your class and I hope to see you in EP4 for the next semester.

    Words are powerless to express my gratitude to you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. That’s all from me. See you when I see you. Takecare and stay safe sir.

    Sorry my English sirr.. See you again sirr. Byeee!! .

    • 5 min
    EP3 WEEK 11 UPSI

    EP3 WEEK 11 UPSI

    Hai Sir and Hello everyone.. Welcome back to my podcast. I hope that you guys are in the pink of health. Okay so for this week task, I want to share about a topic of ‘The Good and the Bad of being home all the time’. Okay let’s get started. 

    After more than 3 month being home all the time, I can proudly said that there have been many changes in my life whether in a good or bad. During this COVID-19 crisis, we have to stay at home and are unable to meet our friends and family. Maybe being alone during this time is particularly painful but actually being alone is not necessarily a bad thing. 

    For me, it is good staying at home all the time because I don’t have to worry about impressing anyone, or plastering a fake smile to others. When I am at home, I can be 100% myself without having to worry about what people think. I can wear what I want, eat anything that I like, do and act how I want. As you know, when you go out, you are subject to conforming to what society considers “normal” which is not always very enjoyable. When you stay at home you have the freedom to just be yourself without fear of judgement. Everyone needs a little alone time to reset, recharge and rethink their priorities.  Besides, staying at home benefits not only our wellness, but also our wallet. Since we can't spend at restaurants, our favorite retail stores, hangout with friends, buy tickets to concerts or travel, our monthly expenses have drop and it benefits us. Are you agree with me sir?

    However, being home all the time is fun, but there needs to be a balance in our life. Sometimes staying in, is the best option but at the same time it also affects us in many ways. Why I say like that? Okay for example when we are inside all day, we becomes more likely to be sedentary and less social, and this tends to have a negative impact on our mood. Although the need for social interaction varies in extent for each person depending upon their personality, there is always a level of need for connection with others. As for me, I prefer to hangout with my friends more than staying at home because we have our own activities like playing futsal, chatting and travelling. I miss my normal life a lot. 

    Thus, I think of course there are many advantages of being home all the time but there are also some disadvantages. We have to manage our time well and balance our needs. So that’s all from me for today. See you next episode. Thank you for watching my podcast. Stay safe and byeeee.

    • 5 min
    EP3 WEEK 10 UPSI

    EP3 WEEK 10 UPSI

    Hello everyone. Hye sir. Welcome back to my channel. Today I will continue my story and I hope you enjoy it. Before this I already share with you guys about why I miss UPSI so much right? Okay now, lets continue with the next topic which is about My Online Learning Journey and how is it going so far for me… 

    As you know, the government’s plans to completely do away with physical classes and go fully digital for lessons until the end of this year seems ideal as the risk to exposure and spreading of Covid-19 can be reduced with the avoidance of crowds forming and with students learning from the comfort of their homes. So this is my fifth week of online learning and I am currently in week 10 now and  have another 4 weeks to go for this semester. I think it is quite though for me. At first I thought that online learning is easy but it is not as easy as you can see!

    Why I say like that? This is because I have poor internet access in my hometown. Sometimes it is difficult for me to reach out for such online assessment and also lectures. Since I have no wifi at my house, I have to depend on my own data and it is limited and costly. Besides, my home is not a learning environment like at UPSI, where there are lecturers, other students, a library, lots of space, and those who you can get support from. At home is like a sleeping or resting environment. In UPSI, I can focus more on my assignments and get engaged in the subject. Whenever I'm in a class, I feel prepared to learn and get my brain pumped but at home, I feel like it's very hard to be prepared because I'm always getting distracted. Whenever I need help, my lecturers or classmates are there for me and I can get the answer on the spot but when I have a question at home, I have to wait for their response.

    Then, it is  hard for me to understand the assignments and having to not be able to check with my lecturers face to face if I am doing it correct or not. It doesn't make me confident because I want to make sure that I am actually doing the assignment correctly in order to deserve the credit for it. Believe it or not, we will spend more time studying and completing assignments in the online environment than we will in universities. The online environment is text-based. To communicate with lecturers and other students, we must type messages and have to read the lecture materials that can take more time than listening to the lecturer in class. We will likely learn more in an online environment, but we will have to make a greater effort to accomplish that learning. Thus, if I were to choose online learning or learning face to face, I would rather choose learning face to face. I really hope that everything will be back to normal.

    I think that’s all from me. I hope you enjoy my podcast and see you next episode. Stay safe and take care sir. Byee

    • 5 min


    Hello and hai everyone. How are you? I hope you guys are in a good condition. Okay I will continue with the new episode today.  I will share with you guys a topic of “oh my UPSI! Do I miss going back there and why?”  This topic is quite interesting because of course I miss UPSI so much. Do you know why? Okay2 let me tell you why I miss UPSI a lot yaa…

    After about 3 month I was at my hometown, I feel very sad when I think about UPSI. I miss everything about UPSI. First of all, I miss to see my classmates and lecturer. As you know, we will have online classes until December and it’s mean that we will not see each other for a long time. Usually, we will meet at class and now I can only meet them during online class. Even we can still talk like usual but it is still not the same.  I am so excited to meet them next year but deep down in my heart I still hope that Universities will open like usual soon.

    Besides, I also miss to eat at college café with my friends. I miss those delicious food at the café that I used to eat everyday. Usually, I like to eat at Café KZ. This is because there are various food and more merrier than the other café. I love to eat ikan bakar and the famous burger. For your information sir, there are a famous burger stall at kz café. Sometimes, we have to line up to buy the burger and I miss those time so much. 

    Then, I miss going to college carnival. Every semester college will carried out their own carnival for about a week. There are a lot of fun things such as concert, various food stalls and other stalls like clothes, smartphones and so on. Until now, I never missed even a single carnival with my friends. We will enjoy ourself there with concert and window shopping. Sometimes, we went there just to get Mycat for free. Hehe

    Besides, I miss college wifi. This is because in my village, the line is a bit slow and sometimes there is no line. This affected my study because I have to use a lot of internet during my classes. Usually, when I am at Upsi there are free wifi and I can use it whenever I want. But if I am at my house, I have to buy internet using my own money and it is costly for me. 

    I also miss my student life at UPSI. Even though people said that life as a student is very busy but I enjoyed it. This is because it is once in a lifetime and we cannot repeat it again in the future. I miss to do group discussion with my teammate, play futsal with my team, attend clubs meeting and so on. I wish that I could go through it again. Okay sir, I think that’s all from me for this episode. Thank you for lending me your ears. See you next episode. Stay safe and takecare sir. Byeee

    • 5 min
    The world's battle against caronavirus. How is it going, in my opinion? EP3 WEEK 8

    The world's battle against caronavirus. How is it going, in my opinion? EP3 WEEK 8

    Hye sir and hello everyone. Welcome back to my channel. This week’s  topic is the world’s battle against corona virus. How is it going?  I believe all of us are working hard right now to handle this situation. At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. As the number of cases escalates, a large number of countries are infected with the virus, announcing the declaration of a restraining order or lockdown as a drastic effort to curb the spread. 

    Generally, the quarantine method is used to limit the contact or contact between people suspected of having COVID-19 with others, to determine the transmission of infection. This virus is easily transmitted by touch. In addition, if a person is suspected to be infected or coughing, the virus can spread and attack the nearby respiratory organs. Countries around the world are implementing measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, from national quarantines to school closures.

    We can take China as the best example in control, containment and mitigation of Covid 19 in the short term when they announce lockdown. Residents of Wuhan, where COVID-19 was located, strictly obeyed the order. This situation is different in Italy where the transmission of COVID-19 is so rapid and widespread that thousands of people have been killed so far. The number of cases was so high that it was a result of a lazy attitude and did not comply with the lockdown order by the Italians. 

    Besides, more than three-quarters of the world's nations and territories have suspended travel from at least one other place. Egypt, China and India are just a few of the dozens of countries that have imposed strict travel restrictions to stop Coronavirus. Malaysia citizens also barred from leaving the country during this time, and all foreign tourist and visitor entries will be banned. Countries have also shuttered museums, tourist attractions and sporting events as a precaution.

    Thus, I believe Malaysia is the best role model in handling Covid 19 until an American-born man has produced a video explaining how Malaysia has successfully prevented the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak compared to other countries in Southeast Asia.

    Dustin Pfundheller in his video said the video was made to inform the world of the power of Malaysia in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic that is not widely reported by the media. He expressed admiration as Malaysia acted swiftly by implementing the MCO which not only involved roadblocks but also organized events that were banned in addition to the schools and business sector that did not need to be closed immediately. He also praised Malaysian citizen who cooperated with the government and follow all the instructions that has been given in order to stop this virus. Malaysia is recognized as one of the five best countries in the world to control the Covid-19 pandemic and I am proud to be a Malaysian. 

    Okay sir, I think that’s all from me. I hope you enjoy my podcast and see you next episode .stay safe and take care sir. Don’t forget to wash your hand frequently. Bye sir…

    Doneeee by,

    Nana comel ;)

    • 6 min
    Take a walk outside EP3 WEEK 7

    Take a walk outside EP3 WEEK 7

    Hello everyone. Hye sir. Welcome back to my channel. Today I will continue my story and I hope you enjoy it. Before this I already share with you guys my life during MCO right? Okay  now, I will continue with the next episode.  Malaysia is currently entering the recovery phase which is being called the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). We can go outside but there are some changes happen as we are in a normalization phase. I feel very happy because it is almost 3 month that I stay at home. For sure everyone will feel the same as me. Finally I can breathe fresh air and meet many people.

    As I walked around, I can see there are many things that has changes. The Prime Minister reminded everyone to wear a face mask, ensure social distancing and frequently wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitisers. For me it is okay because it is for our own benefit. When I go outside, I see that everyone are wearing their mask and following the social distancing. I feel very awkward but at the same time I enjoy it because it is my new experience. 

    There are also some SOP that I have to follow when I go to the store. As example, I have to write my name and check my body temperature before entering the store. This is to help with contact tracing in case a customer is tested positive for COVID-19. Restaurant owners also must rearrange their tables with a minimum distance of 2 metres between tables to ensure a safe distance between dine-in customers. They also provide hand sanitiser at the counters and sufficient hand soap at the washroom for the customer. This is totally a new environment for me.

    Besides, I took this opportunity to walk around my village. After so long, finally I can relaxing my eyes by looking at the yellow paddy fields. I feel very calm and happy because it is my favourite view. Nothing has change but the environment becomes more healthier and cleaner because of the slowdown of industry and human activities throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. People said that the earth are recovering and I totally agree with them. Are you agree with me sir???

    Then, I also see that there are changes in Sports and recreational activities. For your information sir, I am very active in my village with sports like football, volleyball and futsal. I have my own team in the village and we are actively involved in many inter-village tournaments. But it is so sad that we cannot play together after this until MCO over and Covid 19 disappeared. This is because close contact sports are still prohibited as well as activities that involve a large gathering of spectators. Nevermind, as long as it can stop the virus from spreading. 

    I think that’s all from me. I hope that you enjoy my podcast sir! See you in the next episode. Thank you sir! Take care and stay safe. Sorry for my English broken sir. Byee ……..

    • 6 min

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