67 episódios

The Parallel Mike Podcast lifts the veil on 5000 plus years of monetary alchemy and hidden esoteric knowledge. Along the way we attempt to decode the past, by exploring the spirituality & symbolism that surrounds us all.

Parallel Mike Podcast Parallel Mike

    • Religião e espiritualidades

The Parallel Mike Podcast lifts the veil on 5000 plus years of monetary alchemy and hidden esoteric knowledge. Along the way we attempt to decode the past, by exploring the spirituality & symbolism that surrounds us all.

    #67- Stealth Nano Tech & Escaping FEMA with Celeste Solum

    #67- Stealth Nano Tech & Escaping FEMA with Celeste Solum

    In episode number 67 we speak with Celeste Solum. Celeste is the daughter of a Naval Intelligence Operative who went on to work for FEMA, before becoming a whistleblower and researcher who devotes her time to studying hidden tech, man made pathogens and the history of cataclysms (to name but a few!).
    So naturally Celeste has plenty to talk to listeners about given our own interest in the aforementioned topics. Interestingly many of the things Celeste believes are occurring line up with past guests and episodes, albeit with her own unique spin. This is why I thought it would be great to chat to Celeste now, and in this episode we get into her past at FEMA, the weaponization of Nano technology and in part two we even discuss pole reversals and cataclysms.
    So lots in this one, and certainly one to get listeners thinking about the many bizarre agendas that seem to now be coalescing before our very eyes. To find out more about Celeste and her content check out the links below!
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
    Guest Links

    Website one: https://celestialreport.com/
    Website two: https://shepherdsheart.life/pages/celeste-bio

    • 1h 3 min
    #66- Controlled Op Red Flags! with Monica Perez

    #66- Controlled Op Red Flags! with Monica Perez

    In what we are dubbing 'The Lost Episode' on account of it mysteriously disappearing and then reappearing months after recording Mike is joined by podcaster Monica Perez to discuss controlled opposition. Consider this a workshop and conversation about the intricacies of spotting the red flags that indicate somebody purporting to be working on the side of good, is actually seeking to mislead and deceive the masses.
    As part of the discussion and making sense of the many characters being pitched as white hat saviors Mike and Monica discuss Trump, the 2024 election, Edward Snowdon and Julian Assange, Elon Musk and Bitcoin. Hopefully this is one that will give listeners the chance to reflect on the nature of truth and improve their own ability to understand how controlled opposition works, and how they might recognize it better, when confronted by it.
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
    Group Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc
    Guest Links


    Website & Podcast: https://monicaperezshow.com/
    Twitter: https://x.com/MonicaPerezShow

    • 1h 2 min
    #65- Saturn's Bankers Pt 1: Russia, Rothschild's & The Kazarians Revenge

    #65- Saturn's Bankers Pt 1: Russia, Rothschild's & The Kazarians Revenge

    Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 Tsar Nicholas II and his family were captured, tortured and then brutally killed. Whilst at the time they may not have known it, understood in its greater context, they were caught in a feud stemming from almost 2000 years hence. Indeed, it origins go all the way to the great Emperor Constantine and his eventual conversion to Christianity.
    In this story we explore how two diametrically opposed factions with competing financial practices and spiritual beliefs, would begin battle for supremacy in the ashes of the Western Roman empire. One group decided to build it’s structures on a genuine desire to bring about human salvation, in service of the biblical Christ. And wealth in this context was understood as a tool for spiritual progression. The opposing faction would consist of an elitist sect who refused Christianity and chose instead, to worship the darkest elements of the pantheon of old. Possessed as it were, by evil–epistemological warfare, human traficking and slavery–became not only permissible, but a way of life. In episode one we chart this battle through Europe and explore some seminal events in relation to Russia, that occurred along the way.
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    • 51 min
    #64- Preparing For The End of The Yuga Cycle with Bibhu Dev Misra

    #64- Preparing For The End of The Yuga Cycle with Bibhu Dev Misra

    Previous Episode With Bibhu: #54- Yuga Shift & The Coming Cataclysms - https://parallelmike.com/episode-54/
    We are joined once more by Bibhu Dev Misra accomplished researcher of ancient civilizations and author of Yuga Shift to continue where we left off in episode 54 discussing the world shaking transformation Bibhu believes is now before us. If correct, this will be the culmination of a 25,000 year cycle which results in a series of destructive cataclysms. Whilst this may sound fantastical and more science fiction than science fact, Bibhu evdiences in his book why the Yuga Cycle is not only legtimate, but that all ancient civilizations knew about it and did their utmost to pass on this vital knowledge.
    Where the speculation lies for many is when the cycle actually culminates and importantly, when the cataclysms spoke of in relgious texts the world over will reoccur. Based on his own research Bibhu believes this period of great turmult begins in 2025. As such Bibhu joins use once more to answer some of the questions that arose from his first interview on the PMP so that listeners may better prepare themselves for the difficult times ahead.
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
    Group Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc
    Guest Links


    Website: https://www.bibhudevmisra.com/
    Buy Bibhu's Book: Yuga Shift by Bibhu Dev Misra

    • 52 min
    #63- Confessions Of An Ex-Investment Banker with Mads Palsvig

    #63- Confessions Of An Ex-Investment Banker with Mads Palsvig

    For a time Mads Palsvig was one of the most successful bond traders in the world. Working for the investment bank Morgan Stanley Mads excelled at turning money into more money, but after the 2008 Great Financial Crisis he became increasingly concerned that the banking system he represented might not actually be working in the best interests of the public. He began to ask some tough questions, like ‘why do the central banks always seem to make the wrong decisions?’.
    This didn’t go down to well with the banking insiders he worked with, eventually resulting in Mads being fired from his role and becoming a pariah in the investment banking industry. Unrelenting, Mads continued going down the rabbit hole, becoming an outspoken critic of the ponzi banking system and the generational families who enact it.
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
    Group Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc
    Guest Links

    Mads Twitter Page: https://x.com/Palsvig
    Mads Political Party Website: velstandspartiet.dk

    • 58 min
    #62- Building Your Ark To Survive The Coming Flood with Julian Rose

    #62- Building Your Ark To Survive The Coming Flood with Julian Rose

    In episode 62 we are joined by Sir Julian Rose, a pioneer of organic farming and all-round renaissance man who has spent his entire life opposing the dark forces who seek to rape the planet and poison our food supply in the pursuit of profit (and control). Having being instrumental in getting GMO banned in Poland, Julian has never backed down from a fight, no matter how large or determined the opponent, but he joins us in this one to sound the alarm. That the hour is late and many of the things Julian has sought to warn the world about over the past 20 years are now coming to pass. As such, Julian is here to discuss why it is imperative that freedom loving people everywhere build their metaphorical ark, by going back to the land, becoming independent from the state and joining communities that are going to fight on the side of light against the dark entities that have run amok here on Earth. But where to begin and how might one go about overcoming the many obstacles that seem to forever stand in their way, and hold them back from making real radical changes? Well, Julian is just the man to talk to about that, given his entire life could be defined by that one single world—radical.
    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.com
    Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystems
    Consult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
    Group Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwcA


    Guest Links

    Julian’s Website and Articles: https://julianrose.info/


    • 1h 4 min

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